Bank Alfalah

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Introduction of Bank Alfalah Branches

As stated earlier there are two types of branches working in Pakistan. There
are total of 336 branches of this bank in the country. Among them there are
26 con!entional branches and "# Islamic branches. The bank has its
network of AT$ machines in e!ery branch across Pakistan. %ollowing is the
complete list of its working branches according to the Bank Alfalah Audited
&eport of the year 2#'#.

Introduction of Bank Alfalah (ead)uarters
The head )uarter of Bank Alfalah is located in B.A Building on I.I *handrighar
road in +arachi. This road is like the wall street of Pakistan. The o,ces of
ma-or .nancial and non .nancial companies are located here.

&ead more/ I0T1&02(IP &1P3&T 30 BA0+ A4%A4A(5 6 7irtual 8ni!ersity of
&ead more at
Branches of Bank Alfalah in PA+I2TA0
%ollowing is the list of cities with operational branches of Bank Alfalah in

*on!entional Branches Hnon6islamicI/


Jah *antt
&L +han
*hak '''2B
MI +han
Pir $ahal
Mepal Pur
4ora 4ai
$andi %Nbad
2aidan 2hah
Tala Cang
MC +han
4ala $usa
+otle AK+
Ahmed Pur

Islamic Branches/

+ot Addu
2hah +ot
Pindi Chaip

2angla (ill
&L +han
MI +han

0umber of 1mployees of Bank Alfalah
The staO strength of Bank Alfalah is presented below. These .gures are
o,cial as they are taken from the Bank Alfalah Annual Audited &eport of

0umber of 1mployees
Temporary9 3n *ontractual Basis
BankNs own staO at the end of the year
Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3=pm
Business 7olume of Bank Alfalah
The members of 8A1Ns ruling family in addition to the leading businessmen of
8A1 own ma-ority shareholding of Bank Alfalah. It is note able that the bank
has its in!estments in the communication sector and some segments of the
.nancial sectorP asset management and insurance.

0ow some important data from Bank Alfalah Audited &eport of Mec 3'st 2#'#
is presented as under/

Mescription In Pak &upees N###
Total Assets of the Bank
Total 4iabilities of the Bank
0et Pro.t HAfter TaA MeductionI

%ollowing is gi!en a comprehensi!e list which highlights the in!estments
made by Bank Alfalah in the year 2#'#.

Mescription In!estment in Pak &upees
%ederal Co!ernment 2ecurities

$arket Treasury Bills
Pakistan In!estment Bonds
3!erseas Co!ernment Bonds
2ukuk Bonds
Pakistan Mollar Bond
Pakistan 1uro Bond
%ully paid 8p 3rdinary 2hares9 Preference 2hares9 8nits9 *erti.cates

4isted *ompanies9 $utual %unds
8n64isted *ompanies
Preference 2hares68nlisted
Term %inance *erti.catesHT%*IP MebenturesP BondsP 0otes @ Participation
Term *erti.cates

4isted T%*s
8nlisted T%*s
2ukuk Bonds
3!erseas Bonds
*redit 4inked 0ote
In!estments in Associate *ompanies

Jarid Telecom HPri!ateI 4imited
Jateen Telcom 4imited
Alfalah Insurance 4imited
Alfalah C(P !alue %und
Alfalah C(P Income $ultiplier %und
Alfalah C(P Islamic %und
Alfalah C(P In!estment 4imited
Alfalah 2ecurities Pri!ate 4imited

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3=pm
Product 4ine of Bank Alfalah
H'I6 4ist of Products
Bank Alfalah pro!ides !arious deposit accounts to ful.ll the needs of its
customers. The accounts are designed according to the re)uirements @
needs of the customers. At present the bank is oOering se!en diOerent types
of accounts to the customers and these are brieRy de.ned below/

HiI 6 2imple *urrent Account
! It is a non interest bearing checking account.
! The minimum account opening re)uirement is of &s. P### only.
! If gi!es you the facility of %ree 3nline Banking.
! The 7I2A Mebit9AT$ card can be used at o!er 3# million outlets and at
'. million AT$s across the world.
! There is no restriction on number of withdrawals and on number of
HiiI 6 P42 2a!ings Account
! It is a Pro.t @ 4oss sharing sa!ing bank account.
! The minimum account opening re)uirement is of &s. '## only.
! Pro.t on sa!ing accounts is credited to the customer account on half6
yearly basis.
! The Mebit card can be used to withdraw cash and make purchases at
thousands of outlets across Pakistan which pro!ides access to funds 2> hours
a day.
! There is no restriction on number of withdrawals and number of deposits.
HiiiI 6 &oyal Pro.t Account H&PI
! The minimum deposit re)uirement is of &s. #P### only.
! (igher returns on higher balances.
! There is no restriction on number of withdrawals and on number of
deposits. Mebit card can be used to withdraw cash and make purchases at
thousands of outlets across Pakistan which pro!ides access to funds 2>
hours a day.
! Pro.t is credited to the customer account on monthly basis.
Hi!I 6 Basic Banking Account HBBAI
! The initial deposit for account opening is of &s. 'P### with no minimum
balance re)uirement.
! It is a non interest bearing checking account.
! $aAimum 2 deposits @ 2 withdrawals through che)ues are allowed.
! Mebit card can be used to withdraw cash and make purchases at
thousands of outlets across Pakistan which pro!ides access to funds 2> hours
a day.
! There is no restriction on AT$ withdrawal.
H!I 6 Alfalah +ifayat Account
! Any Pakistani resident can open this account. This account is for
indi!idual9-oint customers only. 3ther customers like companiesP corporate
etc are not eligible for opening of this account.
! *he)ue booksP 7I2AP Mebit *ards are issued to the customers.
! There is no restriction on deposits or withdrawals.
! $inimum account opening balance of &s. '#P### only is re)uired.
! 3nline banking facility is also a!ailable.
H!iI 6 Alfalah $ahana Amdan Account
! This account is signed with a contract of 3 years with the bank.
! $inimum placement limit is &s. '##P###96 and maAimum placement
limit is &s.'P###P###96.
! 1Apected &ate of pro.t is '#? Per annum.
! Pro.t will be automatically credited on the 'st working day of each
month into customers *urrent9P429&P9BBA account.
! %ree Personal Accident Insurance co!erage up to the deposit amount or
&s. 'P##P###96 whiche!er is lower.
! *ustomer can a!ail .nancing facility up to :#? of the depositHas per
banks policyI
! Any Pakistani resident o!er the age of '" can open this account.
H!iiI 6 Alfalah +amyab +arobar
! This account is designed for the businessmen.
! The minimum account opening balance of &s. 2P### only is re)uired.
! This account is strategically di!ided into three tiers which are 2il!erP
Cold and Platinum. The uni)ue tier based structure ensures that the
customers can a!ail smooth @ cost e,cient facilities based on their current
le!el of deposits i.e. (igher the depositP higher the number of free ser!ices.
2ome of the ser!ices are
%ree 3nline Transactions
%ree Pay order 9Memand Mrafts
%ree cash deposit across Pakistan
2$2 alerts on 7I2A Mebit9AT$ *ard
Cold 7I2A Mebit9AT$ *ard with e!ery account.

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3=pm
H2I6 4ist of Bank Alfalah 2er!ices
HiI 6 *urrency 1Achange
Bank Alfalah oOers the facility of foreign currency being eAchanged to local
HPakistaniI currency. This comes under the foreign eAchange department of
the bank.
HiiI 6 4ockers
Bank Alfalah pro!ides safe deposit locker facility to its customers for safe
keeping of their !aluables like documentsP securities and -ewellery etc.
4ockers are present in !arious siEes. They range from smallP medium to large.
Annual locker rent ranges from &s.2P###96 to &s.>P###96. 4ocker rent is wai!ed
for customers maintaining a minimum deposit of &s.2 million in current
account or abo!e 82 S2P###96 in a current account or 82 S#P###96 in a
sa!ings account.
&ead more/ I0T1&02(IP &1P3&T 30 BA0+ A4%A4A(5 6 7irtual 8ni!ersity of
&ead more at
iiiI 6 &emittance
Through Bank AlfalahNs international correspondent banking relationships it
pro!ides direct and indirect foreign currency remittance facility around the
Hi!I 6 (ilal9Mebit *ards
Bank Alfalah oOers it customers with (ilal 7I2A cards that are accepted at all
AT$ machines around the world. These cards are
based on Islamic and not on the con!entional credit card rules.

H!I 6 *redit *ards
Bank Alfalah oOers its customer with four types of
con!entional 7I2A *redit cards. These are namely/
! Platinum *ard
! Titanium *ard
! Cold9 *lassic *ard
! 2upplementary *ards
H!iI 6 (ome 4oans
8nder this category Bank Alfalah at present is oOering the
H'I6 Buy Lour (ome
Bank .nances from # to =#? of the !alue of the
&epayment period ranges from 3 to 2 years.
H2I6 Build Lour (ome
Bank pro!ides you '##? of the construction cost
in addition to 6#? !alue of the plot.
&epayment period ranges from 3 to 2 years.
H3I6 &eno!ate Lour (ome
%inancing of &s. 3.# million or >#? !alue of the
to be reno!ated.
H>I6 2tart It Together
%inancing for buying a constructed house
designed to assist
professionals who wish to buy a home early in
HI6 1asy Transfer
'##? .nance on the eAisting .nance. &epayment
may be stretched to 2 years.
H!iiI 6 Auto97ehicle 4oans
Any one can apply for auto loan at bank Alfalah if he is ha!ing income from
following sources/
! 1mployment HPermanent9*ontractualI
! Business HPartnership9ProprietorshipI
! *o6BorrowerTs Income H*lubbing of IncomeI
%eatures of the Auto 4oan Plans/
! Fuickest processing @ Turn Around time in the $arket
! $inimum Mocumentation &e)uirements
! 7ariable @ %iAed rates to cater to e!ery Budget
! 0o Termination *harges on car &eplacement
! Miscounted Insurance &ate with %ree Tracking Me!ice
! Balloon payment 3ptions
! Meferred Insurance @ &egistration *harges
! '# *ities 1Aistence
H!iiiI 6 Alfalah Agri %inance
Bank Alfalah 4imited acknowledging the !ital role of agriculture in the
economic de!elopment of Pakistan has designed &ural %inance Program
named as UBA0+ A4%A4A( VA&I1 2A(84ATU. The product is designed to cater
for multiple .nancing re)uirements of our farming sector. %ollowing are the
products of this scheme.

Alfalah Poultry Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah Mairy @ 4i!estock Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah %isheries Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah 2ilos9 2torage Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah $arketing Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah Agri Industrial Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah 4ease Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah Bills 9Cuarantee Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah $usalsal Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah Tractor and Transport Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah $achinery @ 1)uipment Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah Aabpaash Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah Islah6e6AraaEi Varie 2ahulat
Alfalah Paidawari Varie 2ahulat
HiAI 6 2$1
Alfalah +arobar %inace HA+AI. A &unning %inance facility is a!ailable between
&s #.#$ to &s 2#.#$. The purpose of the A+% is .nancing procurement of
raw materialP .nished goods and recei!ables of 2$1 businesses.
Alfalah $ilkiat %inance HA$%I. It is a uni)ue long term .nancing facility oOered
to 2$1s to purchaseP reno!ate or eApand their business premises. It is being
oOered keeping in mind re)uirements of the small business owner who needs
to take his9her business to the neAt le!el.

HAI 6 4easing %inance
The leasing .nancing facilities are a!ailable for a !ariety of assetsP both
local or
imported con.rming but not limited to the following.

! 7ehicles H Pri!ate @ *ommercialI
! PlantP machinery @ e)uipment
! *0C e)uipment
! Cenerators H Industrial @ commercialI
Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3=pm
*ompetitors of Bank Alfalah
2ince 2### there has been a mushroom growth of the banks. A lot of well
reputed foreign banks ha!e opened their branches in Pakistan as well. 3ne
way to look at the competitors of Bank Alfalah is to consult the Banking
2tatistics of Pakistan report by the 2tate Bank of Pakistan. %ollowing statistics
are taken from the latest report of year 2#'# published by the 2tate Bank.

Total Assets in Thousands
Pro.t After TaAes in Thousands
0ational Bank
(abib Bank 4td.
Allied Bank 4td.
Bank Alfalah 4td.
2tandard *harted
Askari Bank 4td.
Bank Al (abib
(abib $etropolitan
%aysal Bank 4td.
$eeEan Bank
2oneri Bank

According to this latest a!ailable information from the 2tate BankNs report it is
clear that 0ational Bank leads the market both in terms of assets and net
pro.t for the year 2#'# with (abib Bank following closely behind. Bank
Alfalah holds 6th position as far as the assets are concerned. It has passed
2tandard *harted and has close competition with Allied Bank. (owe!er it is
note able that its pro.ts are less as compared to other banks and there is a
reason that why they are less. Abu Mhabi group has hea!ily in!ested in the
Telecommunication sector of Pakistan. Jarid Telecom and Jateen telecom
are the owned by the Abu Mhabi Croup. 0ow these two sister companies are
not making the eApected pro.ts. Thus money is taken from the pro.t of Bank
Alfalah. If measures are taken in the sister companies to reduce the losses
then the pro.ts of Alfalah will de.nitely rise. Also note able that 0IB bank was
the only one to face .nancial loses in the year 2#'#.

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3"pm
Brief Introduction of All Mepartments
Bank Alfalah has a number of departments in a branch howe!er it is possible
that a speci.c department may not be present9 oOering its ser!icing in a
branch. %or eAample credit card department may not be present in a branch.
%ollowing is the brief introduction of the departments of Bank Alfalah at its
2hadbagh branch.

Account 3pening Mepartment
This Mepartment is responsible for the opening and closing of all sorts of bank
accounts. This department mainly comes under the general banking facilities
being pro!ided by the bank. The process of opening an account starts by
.lling out a form and submitting your *0I*. The form demands to input
information like the personNs nameP M3BP address etc. A person can .ll the
form according to the type of account he wishes to open at the bank. Alfalah
generally oOers three types of accounts which are/
'6 Accounts for Indi!iduals
26 Accounts for Partnerships
36 Accounts for *ompanies

&emittances Mepartment
&emittance means the transfer of funds from one account to another or from
one city to another city. All banks charge a fee on such transfers and so it is a
source of income for the banks. The instruments which are used for
transferring money are/
'6 Pay 3rder
26 Memand Mraft
36 &upee Tra!ellerNs *he)ues
>6 *all Meposit &eceipt

*learing Mepartment
In the clearing department the transferring of funds is done. The transfer of
money9 funds may take between the same banks or between diOerent banks.
*learing is done for cross che)ues in the following two ways/
'6 Inward *learing
The inward clearing takes place when Bank AlfalahNs account holder draws a
che)ue in fa!our of a non AlfalahNs customer. The che)ue is sent to the
che)ue issuerNs branch for clearing.
26 3utward *learing
These are the che)ues from other banks Hother than AlfalahI that are in
fa!our of Bank AlfalahNs customer.

It is note able that Usame day clearingU takes place for local che)ues. The
che)ues presented belonging to the banks located in the same city are
cleared on daily basis. Jhere as the Uinter city clearingU takes place between
two branches of banks located in diOerent cities. At bank Alfalah the
customer is charged the courier fee when he presents che)ues that fall in the
inter city clearing category.

*redit Mepartment
The core acti!ity in commercial banking is pro!iding loans to people who
ha!e a legitimate running business. The reason that this acti!ity is considered
to be !ital is its potential to generate re!enue for the bank. 3nce all the
in!estigation and back ground checks are done at the branch le!el then the
loans is sanctioned from the head o,ce of Bank Alfalah in +arachi. The two
types of credit facilities oOered at bank Alfalah are/
'6 %unded *redit 4ine
In this facility the loan which is appro!ed is physically gi!en to the customer.
(e obtains the funds which can be used thence forth. The products in this
category are/
! Alfalah +arobar %inance HA%+I
! Alfalah $alkiat %inance HA$%I

26 0on %unded *redit 4ine
In this form the funds are not gi!en to the borrower. This form of credit has
two types which are/
HaI 4etter 3f *redit
4etter of credits or more commonly known as 4*Ns are used for the
international trade. The 4* is a written undertaking by the issuing bank gi!en
at the re)uest of a buyer to the seller that the payment of the stated money
would be done in a speci.c duration of time as long as the terms @ conditions
are followed.
HbI 4etter of Cuarantee
The letter of guarantee is the bankNs guarantee gi!en to an organiEation on
behalf of its customer. This type of guarantee letters are generally used in the
bidding and tender .ling processes. %ollowing are the types of these
Big Bond. This bond is .lled when the tenders are being .lled. Thus this bond
states that if the company Hgi!ing the bondI is gi!en the contract then it
would de.nitely start the work on the pro-ect.
Performance Bonds. These bonds are only issued if the applicant is gi!en the
tender. If the tender gets appro!ed in the applicants fa!our then these bonds
are gi!en as a guarantee to the bene.ciary that the applicant would perform
his work on the contract according to the speci.ed time limit9 period.

Trade %inance Mepartment
This department controls tradingP the sort of trading that takes place across
the borders of the country. All the trade i.e. import and eAport trades are
facilitated with the help of this department. 0ow in order to buy things from
another country the 4* is used. 4*s are a safe mean for making payments to
a person li!ing in another country. Important to note that the 4*s are issued
against securities HpropertiesP pledgeP stocks etcI. After the !eri.cation of
these securities the credit is appro!ed to the applicant and the 4* are gi!en
by this department.

Accounts Mepartment
This particular department is at the back end of the organiEation but it
performs a list of !ital functions. These functions include generating the
following types of reports/

! 2tatement of Account Acti!ity. &eport of the acti!ity of all the accounts at
the branch.
! 2tatement of Pro.t @ 4oss. Income9 1Apenditure report of the branch.
! 2tatement of AOairs. &eport of Assets @ 4iabilities of the branch.

! $aking Budgets of the branch.
! *alculations of &e!enues @ 1Apenditures of the branch.
! 2torage of All the recordsP reports @ all the data of the branch.

Payments of branch liabilities like the utility bills and other eApenses incurred
is also done by this department once the manager appro!es a transaction.
This department does acti!ity checking as well which includes the following
four stages/
'6 *ollecting all the !ouchers from all departments
26 2orting 7ouchers on the basis of their types9 categories
36 *hecking Acti!ity with respect to 2tatement of Account Acti!ity
>6 Packing of all documents is done .nally.
Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3"pm
*omments on the 3rganiEationTs 2tructure
This particular organiEation has a hierarchal structure. The head who leads
bank Alfalah is 2heikh (ammad. (e is the chairman of Bank Alfalah. The
board of directors include business men from the 8A1. As we know all the
planning is done by the board of directors of any organiEationP similar is the
case with Alfalah. All the policies are made at this le!el. Then comes the Utop
managementU of Bank Alfalah. The person who leads this le!el is referred to
as the *13. This le!el of managers is responsible for super!ising all the staO
of the branches according to the bankNs strategies for diOerent departments.
%ollowing is the list of people and their departments that form the top
management of bank Alfalah.

$r. Atif Ba-wa *13
$r 2hakil 2adi) *hief 3perating 3,cer
$r. $uhammad Lusuf *hief &isk 3,cer
$r. I-aE %aroo) Croup (ead Islamic Banking
$r. Adnan Anwar +han Croup (ead &etail @ $iddle $arketP *entral
$r. 2.$. Talib &iE!i Croup (ead &etail @ $iddle $arketP 0orth
$r. 2hahab Bin 2hahid Croup (ead &etail @ $iddle $arketP 2outh
$r. Arfa Jaheed $alik Croup (ead *orporate @ In!estment Banking
$r. Adil &ashid Croup (ead *onsumer %inance
$r. Lasar &ashid Croup (ead Audit @ Inspection
$r. 0adeem 8l (a) Croup (ead AdminP TechnologyP 2ystem @ 3perations
$r. A. Jahid Mada Croup (ead 3perations
$r. Vahid Ali (. Kamall *hief %inancial 3,cer
$r. ImtiaE Ahmad 2heikh *hief Information 3,cer
$r. Ather 2hehab Ceneral $anager $anagement 2er!ices Mi!ision
$r. (amid Ashraf Ceneral $anager 4egal AOairs Mi!isionP*ompany 2ecretary
$r. 2a-an (amid $alik Ceneral $anager *redit Mi!ision
$r. 2hahid (. +aEi Ceneral $anager International BusinessP $arketingP
Product Me!elopment @ Business Initiati!es
$r. (aroon +halid Ceneral $anager &isk $anagement
$r. &iaE (ussain (amdani *hief *ompliance 3,cer

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3"pm
Plan of Internship Program

Brief introduction of the Internship Branch
This particular branch of Bank Alfalah is located at WWW 4ahore. The branch lies
in the &etail @ $iddle $arket *entral Area according to Bank AlfalahNs
strategic di!ision of Pakistan. This branch was opened about = years back in
order to capture the market share of the huge customer base of the UWWWU
located in WWW 4ahore. A lot of commercial banks were already present in that
area so AlfalahNs management decided to open its branch immediately. This
branch started its operations with a minimum number of departments. The
idea was to penetrate in the marketP create a good will and capture the
market share. 2o far according to the bankNs internal sources the branch has
reached its targets successfully and there are plans to increase the number of
departments and branch employees. This upon the inspection of the branch
looks true as there are reno!ations going on at a rapid rate. 0ew o,ces and
customer booths are made to accommodate customers @ their re)uirements
for the future.

2tarting and ending dates of the internship
I started my internship program on 22nd of 0o!ember 2#''. 2aturdayNs were
not oO at this branch of Alfalah so I had to participate 6 days of the week
from :/## A$ to /## P$ in order to complete my siA weeks internship
program. The internship program ended on the 2nd of Kanuary 2#'2. (owe!er
I spent an additional =th week in the (& department of the bank.

0ame of the departments where internship was done

Metail of MepartmentHsI Attended by the Internee during the Internship

2r D

0ame of the Mepartment
%rom HMatesI
To HMatesI
Account 3pening Mepartment
*learing Mepartment
&emittances Mepartment
Trade Mepartment

*redits Mepartment
Accounts Mepartment

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3"pm
Training Program

I started my internship in the account opening department at the bank. This
particular department comes under the general banking facilities pro!ided by
the bank. I was introduced to the se!en diOerent types of accounts which
could be opened at Bank Alfalah 2hadbagh Branch. The accounts namely are/

2imple *urrent Account
P42 2a!ings Account
&oyal Pro.t Account
Basic Banking Account
Alfalah +ifayat Account
Alfalah $ahana Amdan Account
Alfalah +amyab +arobar

The features of all of these diOerent accounts are listed under the Product
4ine of Bank Alfalah of this report. 0ow the basic re)uirements for opening an
account are as follow.
The basic re)uirements for opening an indi!idual account are/
262ource of Income
360ational TaA 0umber HoptionalI
>64etter from personNs employer

The basic re)uirements for opening partnership account are/
'6*0I* of the Partners
26Partnership Meed
360ational TaA 0umber *erti.cate HoptionalI
>6*ompanyNs 4etterhead

The basic re)uirements for opening a companyNs account are/
'6*0I* of MirectorHsI
26Article of Association
36$emorandum of Association
>60ational TaA 0umber *erti.cate HoptionalI
6*ompanyNs 4etterhead

This department is responsible for generating the Bank 2tatements which
re!eal the account acti!ity of any account. In order to obtain the bank
statement the account holder has to come and .ll a form. 2ome people call
the bank and in)uire their account balances. 0ormally such )ueries are not
entertained o!er the phone unless the bankNs representati!e knows the
person calling is the account holder and not some one else. 2uch information
is not disclosed to any one else eAcept for the account holder. The bank
o,cer may ask )uestions like the personNs date of birthP his contact numbersP
current residential address and the address mentioned in the account
information to make sure that the person calling is genuine and not some one
else trying to gain the .nancial information.
If an account holder wants the payments on the che)ue he has issued to be
stopped then he has to contact this particular department of the bank. The
person can inform the bank about a particular che)ue number on which he
desires to stop the payment. In such way no payment is done against the
che)ue as soon as the department is informed. Additionally suppose a person
has lost his che)ue book then he can inform the bank to stop the payments
on all the che)ue numbers from the che)ue book that was issued to him. This
also stops the payments on those che)ues as soon as the department is

$y Acti!ities in the Account 3pening Mepartment
After obtaining all the necessary information I was told to adopt the role of an
account opening o,cer and deal with another bank o,cial who was playing
the role of a customer. I tried my best to answer all the )uestions asked by
the customer and guide him in the best way I could regarding the account
opening process in the bank. $y performance was rated as reasonable by the
account opening o,cer.
At a later stage I helped a customer organiEe the re)uired documents for
account opening and e!en helped him .ll out the form as it was to be .lled in
1nglish language.
I also ga!e information about the bene.ts of UAlfalah +amyab +arobarU
account to some eAisting customers of the branch as well.

The neAt was the clearing department. I was informed about the clearing
process of che)ues which the bank recei!es on daily basis. Important to note
is that the process of clearing takes place through the clearing house of the
2tate Bank Pakistan. 0ational Institute of %acilitator Technologies H0I%TI is
used for the process of clearing by the 2tate Bank. The inward clearing takes
place when Bank AlfalahNs account holder draws a che)ue in fa!our of a non
Alfalah customer. The che)ue is sent to the che)ue issuerNs branch for

The e!ents in the inward clearing takes place as follow/
' X Bank recei!es the che)ue through 0I%T
26 *learing Mepartment ! the che)ueP if e!ery thing is found to be true
then the che)ue is posted in the bank system @ customerNs account is
debited. 3therwise if some thing is found wrong then the che)ues are
36 The details of the che)ue are registered in the out ward return of inward
clearing register and the che)ues are deli!ered to 0I%T.

In case of outward clearing the che)ues presented are from other banks
Hother than AlfalahI that are in fa!our of Bank Alfalah customer. The e!ents in
the outward clearing are/
'6 *he)ues are recei!ed by the Bank.
26 The customer to whom the che)ue was drawn is credited.
36 The che)ue is stamped and sent to the issuerNs bank through 0I%T.

In case of the online clearing the che)ue is collected by the bank. The che)ue
is drawn in fa!our of a bank Alfalah customer. The che)ue is then sent
through 0I%T for outward clearing. Jhen the che)ue gets cleared then the
money is transferred !ia the online system of computers.

$y Acti!ities in the *learing Mepartment
I got a chance to call a few customers of the branch o!er the phone to let
them know that the che)ue which they had deposited a few days back has
been cleared i.e. the funds according to that che)ue ha!e been transferred to
their accounts. This acti!ity was fairly easy. I asked a few )uestions regarding
the identity of the customerP upon recei!ing positi!e response I simply
deli!ered the information to the customer that money is transferred to his
account and it is a!ailable for him to use.

In the remittances department I was introduced to the !arious instruments
that were being used to transfer funds from the branch to other banks. Pay
order is an instrument which is used to transfer money with in the same city.
The customer has to .ll a form gi!ing all the necessary information about the
place where the money has to be transferredP his nameP contact details etc.
The payment for the pay order can be done both through cash or by che)ue.
Memand Mraft is an instrument through which money can be sent outside the
city. 3utward MM is used to transfer money outside of the city where as
inward MM are presented by customers to collect money from a branch. 0ow
when the money is sent from outside the country it comes under the foreign
eAchange department of remittances. This department of remittances is not
operational at the 2hadbagh branch of Alfalah. (owe!er the ser!ices of
sending money outside the country through money gram are a!ailable. *all
deposit receipts H*M&NsI are used by people to submit money in fa!our of a
bene.ciary when they are bidding for tenders. If the tenders are appro!ed in
the fa!our of a person then the money is used by the bene.ciary otherwise
the *M&Ns are returned to the issuer who later deposits them in the bank to
get their money. The rupee tra!ellers che)ues H&T*I is another form to carry
money safely. &ather than carrying cash people can carry these &T* which
are issued in the form of certi.cates by Bank Alfalah. These certi.cates are
accepted at ma-or storesP hotelsP tra!el agents all across Pakistan.

$y Acti!ities in the &emittances Mepartment
This department at Bank Alfalah 2hadbagh Branch is responsible for issuing
new che)ue books to the account holders. 8pon recei!ing the new che)ue
books the customer has to either sign or put his stamp on the new che)ue
book. The stamps are used if the account is opened in the name of a
company. I guided a few people who wanted to collect the new che)ue book
on the original account holderNs behalf. I eAplained that the original account
holder has to come in person and collect the che)ue book himself and it is
not possible to collect the che)ue book on his or her behalf. I also got a few
che)ue books stamped by the customers and handed them o!er their new
che)ue books. 3nce I helped the customer regarding the information of
che)ue book charges. (e wanted to know the price of a single che)ue which
Alfalah charges from its customers. Jhile con!eying the information he
desired additionally I eAplained to him the diOerent che)ue books according
to the lea!es Hche)uesI @ their charges which Alfalah charges from its

The trade .nance department acts as a bridge between the importer and the
eAporter in a practical world. The type of .nancial instrument it issues is
helpful in settling the payment between the two parties. The main acti!ities
which this department handles are the imports and eAports. The letter of
credit Hissued by this departmentI facilitates the payment between the
importer @ eAporter and the bank charges its fee on it. Bank Alfalah has
added more than "' banks around its network since 2##' and thatTs the
reason the 4* issued by Alfalah is acceptable to approAimately '## countries
around the world. The records of all the transactions taking place through the
letter of credit are kept at the 2tate Bank of Pakistan.

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3"pm
$y Acti!ities in the Trade %inance Mepartment
I was able to go through some old 4*Ns that were shown to me. I was
eAplained about the format of 4* that is used in the organiEation. I e!en
prepared a 4* according to that format while gi!en with hypothetical !alues
assuming a real life situation.

The credit department of Bank Alfalah deals with the small and medium scale
businesses. I was informed that the bank has adopted a !ery aggressi!e
strategy in this department. They are working closely with the business men
that own either small or medium scale companies. It is discussed in the
Introduction of Mepartments section of this report about the types of credit
facilities Bank Alfalah is pro!iding to its customer. In the funded credit facility
the money is physically gi!en to the borrower with him signing a contract
with the bank according to which he will repay the money to the bank.
$alkiat %iance @ +arobar %iance come under this category.
'6 Alfalah $ilkiat %inance HA$%I
A$% is a uni)ue long term .nancing facility oOered to 2$1s to purchaseP
reno!ate or eApand their business premises. It is being oOered keeping in
mind re)uirements of the small business owner who needs to take his9her
business to the neAt le!el. The mandatory re)uirement is that your business
must be 3 years old. The amount of loan obtained ranges from #. $illion to
3. $illion Pakistani rupees. $oney obtained up to 3 $illion can be repaid
from 26' years but money obtained beyond 3 million must be repaid
between 26> years.
26 Alfalah +arobar %inance HA%+I
A%+ is a .nancing facility between &s #.#$ to &s 2#.#$. The purpose of the
A+% is .nancing procurement of raw materialP .nished goods and recei!ables
of 2$1 businesses.
0ow there are other two types of .nancing facilities a!ailable but that are not
for 2$1. These two facilities are/
'6 Alfalah Fuick %inance HAF%I
It is a personal loan against 0ational 2a!ing *erti.catesP PriEe BondsP Alfalah
C(P Principal Protected %und @ P+&9%*L deposit for meeting personalP family
and household needs. It is one year re!ol!ing limit with )uarterly mark6up
payments. The amount of .nancing under AF% ranges from &s. #P### to 2.
26 Alfalah 11V11 %inance
A &unning %inance %acility for indi!iduals for meeting their personalP family or
house hold needs. The amount ranges from &s. 34ac to &s. '#4ac. In order to
get the loan a residential property or plot which is acceptable to bank is

$y Acti!ities in the *redit Mepartment
In this particular department I got a chance to talk with some customers and
eAplain to them the features of the funded credit facility that was being
oOered at the branch of the bank. I was able to eAplain the features @
bene.ts of a!ailing the facilities of Alfalah +arobar %inance @ Alfalah $alkiat
%inance. The typical )uestions which the customers used to ask was how
much credit would be a!ailable to them and what was the maAimum amount
of time which they can a!ail to repay the money to the bank. According to my
eAperience @ obser!ations almost no one was interested or bothered about
the interest rate on the credit.

$y Acti!ities in the Accounts Mepartment
I assisted the o,cer of this department while sorting all the utility bills of the
branch in a .le. Acti!ity of sorting all the !ouchers from all the departments
of the branch was also carried out by me with the help9 guidance of the
o,cer. I regularly used to carry documents that were to be appro!ed by the
branch managerP once he signed them I brought them back to the o,cer of
the accounts department.

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3:pm
*ritical Analysis

&isk framework of Bank Alfalah
Almost all of the banks eAplain their risk management framework in their
annual reports. $anagement of risk is a core function of banking business.
The reason is that it performs !ital acti!ities of measuringP monitoringP
controlling and reporting creditP marketP li)uidity and operational risks.
According to the Annual &eport 2#'# of Bank Alfalah the economic and
security situation witnessed by Pakistan during 2#'# demanded further
strengthening of the BankNs internal risk and management controls through a
renewed focus on special asset and portfolio management. In order to be in a
better position to respond to all the challenges faced by the bank and to
eOecti!ely monitor and control the resulting shocks the &isk $anagement
%ramework was re!italiEed through integrated risk management approach for
managing credit riskP market riskP li)uidity risk and operational risk. A
dedicated &isk $anagement Mi!ision H&$MI is in place with the Ceneral
$anager of &$M department reporting directly to the *hief 1Aecuti!e 3,cer.
&isk $anagement Mi!ision has been structured to address creditP marketP IT
and operational risk. This di!ision consists of highly capable people.
Additionally the Board of Mirectors through its sub6committee called UBoard
&isk $anagement *ommittee HB&$*IU o!ersees the o!erall risks faced by the

&isks faced by Bank Alfalah
The banks face a number of risk during their operations howe!er there are a
certain number of risks that are considered to be the main types of risks.
Bank Alfalah is no eAception to that as it also faces the same types of risk
faced by other commercial banks in the market. These main risks are/
'6 *redit &isk. &isk from the borrower as he fails to repay the money to the
26 4i)uidity &isk. &isk than a security9asset cannot be traded in a )uick time
frame in the market.
36 $arket &isk. &isk of the reduction in !alue of a portfolio due to market
>6 3perational &isk. &isk due to the transactions of the business.
6 &eputation &isk. &isk of the bank loosing its repute among the customers.

Branch &isk of Bank Alfalah
The management of the bank ha!e made their best eOorts in terms of
planning and constructing all of their branches safe and secure from all sorts
of threats. All of the branches ha!e a single entry9 eAit system which is
supported by walk through gates that scan a person for any weapons.

2ecurity system in the Branches
Alfalah has an agreement with PhoeniA 2ecurity 2ystems who pro!ide the
bank with armed guards who protect the staO9 customers and all the
!aluables of the bank. In addition to that **T7 cameras are installed at all
possible points which record the footage of the acti!ities in the bank. Jalk
through gates are installed at the entry points for metal detections. In
addition to that the security guards also check the people coming in the bank
with their metal detector scanners. 0o parking of !ehicle is allowed in front of
the bank for security purpose. The cash department is gi!en special
importance as they ha!e li)uidity at all times. The cash department is always
behind a glass wall which protects the staO and the li)uidity. Cenerally a
master alarm is also installed in the bank which is connected to the local law
enforcement agencies and it can be used in case of emergency. PhoeniA also
pro!ides the ser!ices of an armored car to all the branches of the bank. This
!ehicle is used to transport cash to the head o,ces in an area. The AT$
$achines are specially installed in a room which is well protected. The
customers only ha!e access to the user interface of the machines. Breaking
into the AT$ machine re)uired breaking the wall which is not possible at any
time since e!ery AT$ machine is assigned a security person who guards the
machine at all times. All the branches are well guarded by the security
personal at nights as well.

$anagement Information 2ystem
Bank Alfalah uses its $I2 to generate large !olume of reports and data on
daily basis. It utiliEes the total branch computeriEation software packages to
carry its transactions. These softwares donTt accept any data packets from
outside the network of Bank Alfalah. All the transfers of data packets takes
place with in the bank Alfalah network e!en the e6mail system is such that it
works only on the domain of Bank AlfalahP no bank employee can send an
email to any other domain neither he can recei!e any message from another
domain. Thus it is a !ery safe system. 1!ery branch has its own IT
department which pro!ides technical support to the branch computer
network. Jith the help of this system all the data is updated on daily basis
and is sent to the area head )uarters. This $I2 contains all the necessary
functions which are re)uired for modern day banking business. 8ser friendly
interface makes it easy for bank employees to use it in the most e,cient way.

1mployees Integrity
If the employees in the bank are not working according to the code of
conduct speci.ed by the management then the organiEation will fail to
achie!e its goals. The management of bank Alfalah understands this
important concept. The competition and the competitors are tough so it is
eAtremely important that the bank employees adhere to good moral and
ethical principles and perform their roles with honesty. Bank Alfalah
promotes and practices transparent and honest work beha!iour for all its
employees. The sense of responsibility inculcated in e!ery member of the
organiEation demands impeccable and intact work ethic system.

2ystematic &isk
As stated earlier that management of Bank Alfalah has made its risk control
framework e!en stronger because of the .nancial conditions in Pakistan
during the year 2#''. It is true that the systematic risk is often beyond the
control due to the macroeconomic factors such as inRationP interest ratesP taA
changes etc which change for the entire market. (owe!er at Bank Alfalah
now there is a &isk $anagement Mi!ision H&$MI in place with the Ceneral
$anager of &$M department reporting directly to the *13. Additionally the
Board of Mirectors through its sub6committee called UBoard &isk $anagement
*ommittee HB&$*IU o!ersees the o!erall risks faced by the bank. As this risk
is largely beyond control so the management has to adopt the reacti!e
approach in order to deal with the situation when the changes will occur. The
conditions will change for e!ery one in the banking business so the
appropriate department after analyEing the situation will make necessary
changes in the bank polices and practices.

8n6systematic &isk
Muring my internship program and my eAperience of talking to the employees
I was not able to spot any risks that were uni)ue to that particular branch of
the bank or to the whole organiEation. The employees looked satis.ed and
happy with the working en!ironment and all the facilities which the bank had
pro!ided them. 2o there is no such risk of a strike or any thing similar. The
bankNs management makes rules that suit their employees. +eeping them
happy is one way of boosting their producti!ity and thus the organiEation as a
whole will prosper.

4oaning system at Bank Alfalah
The types of loans or credit facilities which Bank Alfalah is currently oOering
are described earlier. Cenerally a client goes to the branch which oOers these
ser!ices and .lls out the appropriate forms. These forms are submitted along
with the supporting documents. Then the client is e!aluated by the credit
o,cer of the branch. 1!aluation is done in many ways. People from the credit
department might !isit his business and see how things are going on. They
can check his past .nancial records at the bank etc. Then the credit rating of
the client is obtained from the credit information bureau. If the credit rating is
good then the credit o,cer sends all the info to the head o,ce of the credit
di!ision along with his comments and referral. The appropriate people at the
head o,ce after checking all the documents sanction the loan. It is in their
authority either to sanction the loan or make a negati!e decision.

&isk $itigation Approaches
Bank Alfalah has a strong risk control framework. There is a fully operational
&isk $anagement Mi!ision working under the *13 of Bank Alfalah. The Board
of Mirectors with the sub6committee of UBoard &isk $anagement *ommittee
HB&$*IU also o!ersees the o!erall risks faced by the bank.

%uture Prospects of the 3rganiEation
The $anagement of Bank Alfalah intends to widen its network of branches
with in Pakistan in the future. This intent has been shown by the senior
management and the stress is on maintaining its )uality of ser!ice and its
standards for its customers. The senior management has made a clear
statement that they will go aggressi!ely in the .elds of micro.nance and 2$1
lending. Alfalah intends to oOer more inno!ati!e products in the department
of 2$1.
In addition to that the bankNs management has realiEed the potential of
Islamic banking in Pakistan. A lot of people are taking interests in the
products currently oOered by the Islamic banking system of Bank Alfalah.
Thus we would see more Islamic Branches of Bank Alfalah being established
inside Pakistan. Their strategy looks to be aggressi!e here too as the intent is
to grab most of the market share by oOering new products to its customer
and take an early lead in the competition.

Permalink &eply by Q $.Tari) $alik on 2eptember '>P 2#'2 at =/3:pm
I would like to conclude by doing the 2J3T analysis of Bank Alfalah. Muring
my internship program at the branch and doing some obser!ations I found
the following strengths of Bank Alfalah.

Bank Alfalah pro!ides its customers with con!entional baking facilities and
the Islamic banking option. Products like the (ilal 7I2A cardP loans according
to Islamic laws are gaining popularity among the people. (ence bank is
gaining more of the market share.
2ince it is a new bank thus the work force is )uite young @ energetic. The
bank has placed its branches at strategic locations. That has helped the bank
attract more customers. The branches in Pakistan are located !ery close to
the areas where the .nancial acti!ity takes place.
The (& Mepartment is !ery acti!e @ I was told that it pro!ides eAcellent
training programs for its newly inducted employees. In addition to that
refresher courses are also conducted for the employees.

As the work force is young so there is less banking eAperience among the
But the ma-or weakness of Bank Alfalah in my opinion is that the employees
complain about their salary salaries. Bank Alfalah sits on number 6 in terms
of most assets according to the report of 2tate bank for the year 2#'#. But its
pro.ts are !ery low. The reason is not that Alfalah failed to make any pro.ts
in 2#'#P it certainly made lots of pro.t. But most of the money from the
pro.ts was used by the management to co!er the losses incurred but the
sister companies of Bank Alfalah. 2o the bene.ts were not gi!en to Alfalah

2eeing the current trend Bank Alfalah can rely on its Islamic Banking system
to increase its market share. The management has realiEed this and so they
ha!e plans to open new Islamic branches in the year 2#'2. BankNs
management has always used an aggressi!e marketing strategy to market its
productsP with its young work force it can really eAcel in the market if all the
resources are used eOecti!ely and e,ciently. The competition is tough thus
the top management has to make sure that they make the right decisions at
the right time in the best interest of the bank.

Political situation in Pakistan is not good. In!estors and businessmen are
shifting their assets outside Pakistan. $ost important of all is that the policies
of Pakistani Co!ernment are not consistent. BankNs work force is relati!ely
ineAperienced. As stated earlier in order to a!oid any undesired
circumstances the bankNs management has to make the right decisions.

Y Pre!ious
BA0+ A4%A4A( H BA4 I under the leadership of 2heikh 0ahayan $abarak Al6
0ahayan has made signi.cant in building of strengthening both the corporate
and retail banking sectors in Pakistan.
BA0+ A4%A4A( !iews specialiEation and ser!ice eAcellence as the cornerstone
of its strategy. The people of bank inno!ationP creati!ityP reliabilityP
customiEed ser!ices and their eAecution are the key ingredients for their
future growth. Based on this approachP their Treasury Mi!ision and the
2tructured %inance 8nit ha!e been geared to pro!ide specialiEed ser!ices to
the *orporate customers. &e!enues from these acti!ities ha!e started
yielding di!idends and they eApect signi.cant growth in these areas in the
coming years. Jhile building on their in6depth familiarity with their
customersT needs and anticipated de!elopments in the banking industryP the
&etail and *orporate areas of their operations will continue to pro!ide a
strong and stable base to the business of the Bank.
They are aware that they ha!e stepped into the 2'st century and they must
meet its challenges by ac)uiring the highest le!els of Technology. They will
thus be accelerating their enable them distribute their products and ser!ices
through most e,cient and high6tech means. They say that they will in!est in
the modern tools and substantial allocation of resources will be made to
achie!e this ob-ecti!e during the current year. Their programme to launch
real time X on line Banking 2er!ices and introduction of AT$s at strategic
locations ha!e been .rmed up and it will be fully operational during the year
Their focus would be to constantly seek out growth opportunities through
increased )uality assets and by oOering a wider range of products and
ser!ices to their esteemed customers. There are signi.cant growth
opportunities for BA0+ A4%A4A( and they are con.dent in their ability to
grasp them. They are committed to enhancing the shareholderTs !alue and
look forward with greater optimism to a prosperous future for BA0+ A4%A4A(
Based on the pro.t of &s.3> millionP the Board has proposed that a cash
di!idend at a rate of &s. 2.## per share i.e. 2#? of share capital be
distributed among the shareholders.

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