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Temporary Resident Visas

These Visas are granted to people that want to visit, study or work in Canada. A professionally
prepared application may make a big difference when processing these types of visas

Visitor Visas

More than 35 million people visit Canada each year. Visitors from some countries will need to obtain a
visa before visiting Canada.
Consultant Fee: $400.00
Processing Time in Canada

Student Visas
More than 130,000 visas are issued every year for students from all over the world
Find out if you qualify for Student Visa
Please click here for more information
Consultant Fee: $400
Processing Time in Canada

Foreign Workers

Canada has thousands of foreign workers and more than 90,000 obtain this visa to work temporarily
in Canada every year
Please click here for more information

LMOs (Labour Market Opinion Applications), [ price $800 - $1200 ]

Work Permits and Visas, Extensions or change of conditions [ price $500 - $1200 ]

Package LMOs + Work Visas, [ price $1500 - $2000 ]

2. Permanent Resident Visas

There are a number of visa options for living permanently in Canada. The federal government has
different options. Most provinces in Canada have signed agreements with the federal government
to allow applicants to obtain permanent residency through provincial nominations. More than
250,000 permanent resident visas are issued every year to people from all over the world.

Federal Skilled Worker Class

Canada grants permanent resident visas to candidates under certain conditions: those who have
education, work experience and knowledge of English or French.
Find out if you qualify under the Federal Program
Consultant Fee: $1500-$2000
Processing Time at Canadian Visas Offices
In-Canada Applications Processing Times

Canadian Experience Class

If you have worked or studied in Canada or if you are currently working or studying in Canada, you
may qualify under this program.
Consultant Fee: $1000-$1500

Provincial Nominee Class

Most provinces have agreements with the Canadian government to select their own immigrants
based on employment opportunities and/or ties that the prospective immigrant may have with certain
Consultant Fee: $1600-$2200

Province of Quebec Class

Quebec is a province that has a different approach to immigration than the rest of the country. Some
people that will not qualify for other programs may be viable immigrants under the Quebec selection
Find out if you qualify under the Quebec Skilled worker Program
Consultant Fee: $1500-2000

Spouse Sponsorship

You as a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident may sponsor a spouse or common-law partner or
conjugal partner and his/her dependent children.
Find out if you qualify under the Federal Program
Consultant Fee: $1500
Processing Time in Canada

Family Sponsorship

If you are a Canadian citizen or a Permanent Resident. You can sponsor your loved ones to obtain a
Permanent Resident Visa.
Find out if you qualify under the Federal Program
Consultant Fee: $1500
Processing Time in Canada

Live-in Caregivers

Immigration Pros. will also process permanent residences and open work permits for live-in caregivers
that are already in Canada and comply with the requirements.
Consultant Fee: $790

Business and Investors Visa

Canada encourages the creation of new businesses and every year welcomes investors from all over
the world as "new Canadians". This category is designed for experienced business people and people
who can support the development of a strong Canadian economy.
Find out if you qualify under the Federal Program
Find out if you qualify under the Quebec Program
Please click here for more information
Consultant Fee: Federal $4000 | Quebec $5000 | PNP $5000

3. Other Immigration Services:

CAIPS/FOSS Reports & Interpretation:
Status of VISA applications for people whose applications are In-Process.

Whether you are our client or not, we can help you to obtain and decode a status report (CAIPS) of
your Canadian Visa application, with notes made by the officers processing your file, so that you
can find out the exact status of your application.

Consultant Fee:

CAIPS Basic (Raw file, no interpretation, emailed) CAN $ 40.00

CAIPS Premium ( Raw file, interpreted, emailed) CAN $ 100.00

eConsultation Service through Skype

Often people will not be able to find the information they are looking for, or may also need the
opinion of a professional in the field. People may not need to retain the full services provided but
just need a specific question answered about a problem they may have; a visa application to
Canada or the process in general. They may require interview tips or may have questions about a
Temporary Resident Visa such us the Student visa, Work permit or Tourist visa.

File Review Service:

For people who are preparing their cases by themselves, but that need a second opinion before
submitting their files to CIC, Nexus Canada offers to review their filled out forms and supportive
documents for accuracy and completeness.

Consultant Fee: $200.00

4. Express Entry or Expression of Interest

Express Entry, formerly known as Expression of Interest, will be "a swifter path to Canada that will
select immigrants based on the skills and attributes that Canada needs based on those identified by
government but also by employers.Under Canada's new immigration system, which would come
into effect on Jan. 1, 2015, prospective immigrants would apply to express their interest in coming
to Canada. In doing so, they would answer a series of questions about their professional skills, their
education, languages spoken, etc.

Those applicants would then see their skills matched with labour needs identified by the provinces
and territories, as well as employers.

Find out if you qualify under the Express Entry Program.

Initial Assessment & Filing of Expression of Interest
Consultant Fee: $1500

Rush Processing:
Consultant Fee: $ 3000

Processing Time in Canada

ur fees
As of January 1, 2011, our policy is to charge a flat rate fee for most immigration matters
we decide to take on.
Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, our immigration lawyers provide a full range of legal services regarding
immigration to Canada. The legal fees listed below are for immigration applications only and do not include the
necessary Citizenship and Immigration Canada application fees , taxes or disbursements (courier costs,
photocopies, etc). Please note that our fees are subject to change without notice.
Immigration Consultation 1 hour maximum $300.00 (refunded if we are retained in the matter)

Temporary Residence and Extension Applications*
Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) $2,500
Temporary Foreign Worker Unit (TFWU) Opinion $2,000
Initial Visitor or Study Permit $1,750
LMIA-based work permit $1,750
Intra-company transferee work permit includes TFWU process, if necessary $2,500
Significant Benefit work permit $2,500
Other work permit not otherwise specified$2,500
Business Visitor $1,500 - 2,000
Visitor, Work or Study Permit Renewal $1,500
Visa $2,000
Visa renewal $1,250

*Corporate rates available for bulk and repeat matters - contact for more

Fees for Permanent Residence Applications
Business Class Self-employed or Provincial business category (including Family Business Worker) $7,000
Investor Class Federal or provincial $8,500 (unless we are paid by the financial institution, in which case no
fee is charged to the client, and any retainer paid by the client will be refunded. Full disclosure is provided to
Skilled Worker Federal Skilled Workers, Canada Experience Class and Provincial Nominees (principal
applicant and immediate family members)$5,000
Nova Scotia Regional Labour Market Demand Stream $6,000
Family Class includes sponsorship, in-Canada or out-of Canada applications $5,000

Fees for Citizenship and Renewal of Permanent Residence Applications
Canadian citizenship, Confirmation of Canadian Citizenship,
renewal of Permanent Residence Cards $2,000 (we encourage clients to do these themselves as they are
straightforward for those who qualify)
Special Cases for those whose applications are not straightforward due to absences from Canada or
other circumstances varies
Residence Questionnaire for citizenship or permanent residence card renewal applications depends on
complexity, generally $2,500

Fees for Other Types of Immigration Matters
Note: these are often more complex and fees will vary. Before agreeing to be retained,
we will provide an estimate of the costs.
Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications in Canada only $5,000 (may vary)
Refugee Applications and Hearings $4,500 (may vary and we do some pro bono as there is no legal aid
for refugee cases in Nova Scotia)
Temporary Residence Permit (TRP) $3,000-$4,000
Application for Criminal Rehabilitation $3,000 (may vary)
Medical Inadmissibility (Research and Submission) $3,000 (may vary)
Section 44 Report Preparation and Interview $2,500
Ministers Delegates Review Preparation and Interview $2,500
Immigration Appeal Division Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)$2,500 (may vary)
Immigration Appeal Division Hearing $4,500 (may vary)
Federal Court fees varies usually done at hourly rate ($300/hour)

Generally, we require a retainer equal to half the legal fees being charged. This is held in our solicitors trust
account. Once the application is submitted, the client is billed for the full amount (legal fees, application fees,
taxes and disbursements) less the original retainer amount. Invoices must be paid within two weeks.

Please note the amount we charge is for the process, not the result. Results can never be guaranteed by
anyone (lawyer or immigration consultant). For more information about the results we set out to achieve for our
clients, please see our Testimonials page

Other Resources
Information about application fees (charged by Citizenship and Immigration Canada) for immigration matters
More information about fees charged by lawyers from the Nova Scotia Barristers Society

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