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... through Bertha Dudde

Trust in God .... The blessing of prayer ....
n a fe! days you !ill re"ei#e a pro"la$ation !hi"h !ill bring
pea"e to your heart% and in this hour you !ill on"e again
e&perien"e the Father's gra"e.
(ou !ill all be safe in )is heart if the suffering on earth $a*es
you ta*e refuge in )i$ .... )e !ill lead you e#er "loser to!ards
eternity if you engross yoursel#es in profound prayer and enter
into a heartfelt dialogue !ith the Father% Who is al!ays !illing to
"o$fort and lift up the !ea* and the disheartened% !ho faithfully
"onfide in )i$.
Dra! your strength fro$ the +a#iour's Words, -.s*% and it shall
be gi#en to you .... *no"*% and it shall be opened unto you ....'
.nd thus you "an al!ays lead a /oyful life% for One is !at"hing
o#er you% Who !ill safeguard you if you $erely entrust
yoursel#es to )is di#ine prote"tion.
0eople are la"*ing this faithful "ons"iousness of being prote"ted
by the 1ord .... 2onse3uently% you $ust suffer on earth% for with
this faith in God's e#er4ready !illingness to help you !ould
e&perien"e far less suffering and !orry in earthly life ....
.s long as you pray fro$ the botto$ of your heart you !ill not be
abandoned .... you "an entrust yoursel#es to the Father's guiding
hand !ithout !orry and need not be fainthearted .... (our soul
!ill only be granted pea"e !hen you ha#e $anaged to gain fir$
faith in God% for one "annot be !ithout the other.
The 1ord has so often pro#ided you !ith the e#iden"e of )is lo#e
and goodness .... ho! "an you doubt it ti$e after ti$e .... for
this is !hat you !ill be doing if you allo! yoursel#es to be"o$e
depressed by your daily !orries.
+i$ply lift your hands to the 1ord !ith faith .... and you !ill
al!ays gain relief fro$ your !orries. f you then loo* ba"* at the
end of your days% you !ill regret that you had not entrusted
yoursel#es enough to the 1ord ....
(ou "an a"hie#e far $ore if you only e#er unite !ith )i$% Whose
lo#e applies to you all .... )e "onstantly ad$onishes you and
!ould li*e to ta*e possession of your soul .... that it should
!holeheartedly turn to )i$ .... yet you hu$ans rarely listen to
this !a*e4up "all. Other!ise you !ould not go through life in
suffering and sorro!. (ou !ill bear e#erything /oyfully and !ith
ease% and the inner #oi"e !ill spea* Words of "o$fort to you
e#en in your ad#ersities if you al!ays loo* up to your +a#iour ....
Dear "hild% lo#e and trust for your +a#iour $ust be so fir$ly
an"hored in your heart that you !ill be able to gladly endure
e#erything the Father sends to you .... !hi"h !ill ser#e you for
i$pro#e$ent ....
f you re3uire being "o$forted% then appeal for it to the Father
and )e !ill grant your prayer .... yet do not turn your heart a!ay
fro$ )i$% !ho alone "an pro#ide help ....
0rote"t yourself through prayer fro$ thoughts !hi"h are blea*
and turned a!ay fro$ God .... a deep and heartfelt sigh to the
Father !ill gi#e )is gra"e to you% this "onta"t !ith )i$ alone !ill
already release you fro$ the po!ers of dar* for"es .... for e#ery
resentful thought .... e#ery un*ind feeling is their influen"e.
(et the strongest !eapon is al!ays prayer. (ou "annot re"ei#e
the blessing of prayer often enough .... and in order to parta*e in
all blessings it is enough to send an ardent plea to the Father%
Who !ill ne#er abandon )is "hildren.
Therefore% do not let any day pass you by !ithout sin"erely
"o$$ending yoursel#es to the Father .... then you !ill be
prote"ted against all e#il influen"es% and you !ill triu$ph o#er
e#erything and !or* for the glory of God.
0ublished by friends of ne! re#elations of God 5 nfor$ation%
do!nload of all translated re#elations% the$e4boo*lets at,


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