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Pre File Phonetics and Intonation

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Sequence 1 : Phonetic symbols

Sequence 2: Vowels

Sequence 3: Diphthongs

Sequence 4: Consonant clusters

Phonetic symbols

1- Consonants

What is a consonant?
- It is a speech sound produced by a stoppage or partial
stoppage of the breath.

- It is a letter of the alphabet which cannot be sounded
by itself.

- It is a sound that is combined with a vowel sound in
order to make a syllable.

What are the consonants?
- They are letters of the alphabet other than a , e , i , o, u.
The consonants are:
b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y and z.

2- Vowels

3- Diphthongs

4- Consonant clusters

A consonant cluster occurs when 2 or more consonant sounds come together.
Consonant clusters may appear:

- at the beginning of a word.
eg: steal
- in the middle of a word.
eg: ticket
- at the end of a word.
eg: word

Activity 1:
Underline the part of the words where there are two or
more consonant letters together. Then complete the
columns with the number of consonant letters and the
number of consonant sounds.

Number of consonant
Number of consonant
eg: blood
eg: ticket
1. next
2. walk
3. dollar
4. throat
5. knee
6. bought


A word can be divided into syllables (one, two, three)

cat big word 1 syllable
answer repeat question 2 syllables
another personal computer 3 syllables
intonation conversation underlining 4 syllables
possibility punctuality perpendicular 5 syllables

Activity 1:
How many syllables are there in the following words? Classify them in
the table.
. "syllables "

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 4 syllables 5 syllables 6 syllables

together - weather - note - banana - sentence -
bread - personality- capitalization - examination -
enthusiastic - physical - computerization.

Activity 1:
Do the same

husband - personality - complete - appointment - diary - deportment - conflict-
paragraph - immigration - present - connect - examination - poverty - recompense -

Here are the subjects taught at school.
A- How many syllables are there in each?
B- Show which syllable is stressed in words

that have more than one syllable.
. "syllable " . "syllables"

mathematics biology English

physics history geography

Arabic French philosophy


Stress in compound nouns

A compound noun is a combination of 2 words that come together to form a
new noun. The new noun can be written as one word and sometimes as 2 words,
but it is pronounced as a single word, with one main stress, usually on the 1

word in the compound.

Activity 1 :
A- Mark the box with a cross if the word
is a compound noun.


B- Can you complete these sentences with words from the list
in A ?
A -

1. I hate doing the washing-up. You should buy a .. .

2. She went to the ... to buy some stamps.

3. What would you like to have for dessert? Ill have some .

4. Our . Won the finals in the last World Cup.

5. In order not to forget it, write it down in your ... .

6. A little girl was screaming at one of the windows of the building on fire
and a .. climbed the ladder to rescue her.

Change in the position of stress.

1. In some English words the syllable which must be stressed is not the same
whether the word is a noun or a verb.


2. The stressed syllable is not the same if we add a suffix to a word.


Silent letters

Some letters are not pronounced

- final b after m lamb comb

- b followed by t doubt debt
- k followed by n knife knock
- l followed by k chalk walk
- r followed by k dark park
- initial h hour honest
- n after m autumn column
- p followed by s psychology psychiatry
- g followed by n design sign

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