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1. Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers

2. Organizational Structure of Colegio de Kidapawan
Appendix 1
Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers
n order to set the proper conduct for teachers and school officials in their !anifold relationships"
ele#ate the standards of the teaching profession" and !a$e education secure for the indi#iduals
and the %ation" the highest and fullest !easure of efficienc&" self direction" and happiness" this
here'& pro!ulgated.
Article I
Scope and imitations
Section 1. Since the Constitution pro#ides that all educational institutions shall 'e under
the super#ision of and su'(ect to the regulation '& the State" the pro#isions of this code appl&
with e)ual force to all school teachers and school officials in the Philippines whether pu'lic or
Section 2. School official refers to an& person directl& engaged in educational wor$ other
than classroo! teaching" in super#isor&" ad!inistrati#e or directi#e capacit&. t includes
principals" super#isors" superintendents" college deans" uni#ersit& presidents or rectors" !e!'ers
and the go#erning 'oards of a school" and other super#isor& and ad!inistrati#e officials.
Article II
The Teacher and the State
Section 1. The !ain purpose of a school is to help the indi#idual cope with life*s
situations" accept responsi'ilities and contri'ute effecti#el& to societ&" through the ac)uisition of
cu!ulati#e $nowledge" !eanings and #alues" go#erned '& the passion for ser#ice to his
fellow!en. Teachers and school officials are under a strict o'ligation to see to it that this !ain
purpose is achie#ed '& the school the& ser#e.
Section 2. School officials and teachers are trustees of the cultural and educational
heritage of the nation. The& are under o'ligation to uphold !oral principles" to pro!ote sense of
nationhood" deepen lo#e of countr&" instill respect for instituted authorit& and foster o'edience to
the law of the land.
Section +. E#er& teacher and school official should earnestl& endea#or to help carr& out
the declared policies of the state in accordance with the Philippine Constitution.
Section 4. The interest" of the State de!and that e#er& school official or teacher 'e
!orall&" !entall&" and ph&sicall& fit for the ser#ice he has to render. ,e#otion for dut&" honest&"
punctualit&" and efficienc& are e-pected of hi!.
Section /. %o school official or teacher in his capacit& as such should directl& or
indirectl& solicit" re)uire" collect" or recei#e an& !one& or ser#ice or an&thing of #alue fro! an&
person or entit& for an& political" religious and partisan interests.
Section 6. School officials and teachers should #ote and e-ercise other constitutional
rights. 0owe#er" no school official or teacher !a& use his position or official authorit& or
influence to coerce the political action of an& person.
Section .. School officials and teachers !a& attend church and worship as the& please 'ut
are not per!itted to use their position and influence as such to prosel&te.
Section 1. 2 school official or teacher has the pri#ilege to share" the findings of his
researches and studies.
Article III
The Teacher and the St"dent
Section 1. The responsi'ilit& of for!ing students is a delicate tas$ which de!ands the
first and fore!ost concern of the teacher.
Section 2. The teacher !ust !a$e learning e-periences of the students en(o&a'le" fruitful
and !eaningful.
Section +. The teacher !ust 'e fir! and gentle in !atters of discipline and gentle 'ut fir!
in all other cases.
Section 4. %o teacher or school official should allow hi!self to 'e influenced '& an&
other consideration other than !erit in the e#aluation of the student wor$.
Section /. 2 teacher should alwa&s !aintain his dignit& and self3respect when dealing
with students and should refrain fro! recei#ing fa#ors directl& or indirectl& fro! an& of his
students or their parents.
Article I#
The Teacher and the Parents
Section 1. n the spirit of 4loco parentis4" the teachers act as parents to the students and
therefore should esta'lish har!onious relationship with the parents.
Section 2. Teachers should esta'lish friendl& and cooperati#e relationship with parents
'ut should !aintain a dignified and professional attitude towards the!.
Section +. Teachers should 'e prudent and tactful in their relationship with parents.
Section 4. Teachers should $eep in confidence all infor!ation gathered during #isits and
inter#iews with parents5 guardians unless the co!!on good calls for its disclosure.
Article #
The Teacher and the Comm"nit$
Section 1. E#er& teacher should acti#el& participate in as well as initiate co!!unit&
!o#e!ents for !oral" social" educational" econo!ic" ci#ic" and cultural 'etter!ent.
Section 2. The teacher should 'e willing to share his $nowledge" training" and e-perience
with the co!!unit& as an intellectual leader.
Section +. The teacher should so conduct hi!self as to !erit the confidence and respect
of the co!!unit& and outside the acade!e.
Article #I
The Teacher and the Profession
Section 1. 2ll school officials and teachers should 'e con#inced that teaching is a!ong
the no'lest of professions. The& should ha#e a sense of !ission and !anifest genuine enthusias!
and pride in the calling. The& should possess an 4esprit de corps.*
Section 2. Ser#ice in education calls for the highest standards of integrit& and !oralit&.
The teacher should conduct hi!self properl& at all ti!es.
Section +. Propriet& and good taste in language" groo!ing and 'eha#ior and a#oidance of
#ulgarit& at all ti!es !ust 'e o'ser#ed.
Section 4. The teacher should 'e ph&sicall&" !entall&" and !orall& fit for the ser#ice he
has to render.
Section /. The teacher should continuall& grow in his profession and uphold the highest
possi'le standards that will earn hi! social recognition as well as !aterial co!pensations for
ser#ices rendered.
Article #II
The Teacher and !is Associates
Section 1. E#er& teacher shares with his associates the responsi'ilit& of helping students
'eco!e 'etter citizens and as such !ust ha#e faith in the others* capa'ilities.
Section 2. The teacher should 'e a co3partner with his associates rather than a co!petitor
in the field of education.
Section +. The teacher !ust e-ercise discretion in !atters concerning confidential
infor!ation a'out his associates.
Section 4. The teacher should ac$nowledge assistance recei#ed fro! his associates and
should not appropriate the wor$ of others to clai! credit for hi!self.
Section /. The teacher should willingl& share his professional $nowledge and e-perience
with fellow !e!'ers of the profession.
Article #III
The Teacher and the Administrators
Section 1. Teacher3ad!inistrators relationship should 'e a partnership characterized '&
!utual cooperation and sharing" i!'ued with fran$ness" honest&" lo&alt&" and professionalis!.
Section 2. The teacher should $now the policies" rules and regulations of the school so
that he !a& co!pl& faithfull& with the! and wor$ with dedication for what the school stands.
Section +. The teacher should de#elop openness regarding the professional aspect of his
wor$" confident that the ad!inistration is tr&ing to do its 'est for the co!!on good.
Section 4. The teacher !ust de#ote ti!e full&" faithfull& and honestl& in the
acco!plish!ent of official functions and responsi'ilities. 0e should li$ewise offer constructi#e
suggestions towards the i!pro#e!ent of school progra!s.
Section /. Onl& after thorough discussion with proper authorities should the teacher
decide on the !atter affecting his depart!ent and the whole acade!e.
Article I%
The Teacher and the Non&teachin' Personnel
Section 1. The non3teaching personnel pla& an i!portant role in achie#ing the co!!on
goals of education7 therefore" teachers should accept the! as partners and co3wor$ers.
Section 2. The teachers should treat the non3teaching personnel with courtes& and
Article %
Section 1. 2n& consistent disregard of the foregoing pro#isions !a& 'e considered
conduct un'eco!ing of a teacher and shall 'e sufficient ground for suspension or cancellation of
a teacher*s license or pri#ilege to 'elong to the profession.
Colegio de Kidapawan
9acult& :anual
281+ Edition
So!e contents of this :anual were adapted fro! the;
1. 9acult& :anual. 2882 Edition. %otre ,a!e of Kidapawan College" ,atu ng$al
St." Kidapawan Cit&
2. 9acult& :anual. 2881 <e#ised Edition. Colegio ,e Kidapawan" =uezon >l#d."
Kidapawan Cit&
+. 9acult& :anual" 2888 ? 288+" ,ela Salle @ni#ersit& ? ,as!arinas" Ca#ite
4. The @ni#ersit& of Southern :indanao Code. 288/ Edition. Ka'acan" %orth

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