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English: Beginners 2 MID TERM TEST

Students name: ___________________ Date:

Teachers name: ___________________ Grade:
I) Listening. Listen to the report on cofee shops in Seattle and
circle the correct answer. [ points!
1) Where is the reporter?
a) In Seattle
b) In Columbus
) In Ma!ison
!) In Washington
2) Where is Bob"s Co#ee Shop?
a) $n the orner o% State an! Ma!ison
b) $n Columbus &'e
) $n (r! Street
!) In South &meria
() What an"t )ou *n! at Bob"s Co#ee Shop?
a) & ar
b) Smoothies
) Co#ee
!) Col! !rin+s
,) What"s speial about the seon! o#ee shop?
a) -ree internet
b) Smoothies
) Cheesea+e
!) -ree re*lls
.) Seattle Ca%/
a) has reasonable pries0
b) is lose! on 1ee+en!s0
) is !o1nto1n0
!) is the best o#ee shop o% the three0
II) "ircle the correct answers [# points!
1) Whih item is the more e2pensi'e?
a) Mil+sha+e
b) B3T san!1ih
) Water
!) Double burger
2) What si!e or!ers are inlu!e! in eah meal?
a) -renh %ries or a pi+le
b) Water
) 3ettue
!) Co+e
() 4o1 muh is a up o% o#ee an! a hi+en san!1ih?
a) 1055
b) 10.5
) 106.
!) 2055
,) Whih is the most e2pensi'e burger?
a) B3T
b) Chi+en san!1ih
) Double burger
!) 7one o% the abo'e
III) Decide i$ the $ollowing statements are True %T) or &alse %&) [#
1) 888888 & hi+en san!1ih is heaper than the heeseburger9 an! o#ee is
more e2pensi'e than ie! tea0
2) 888888 The mil+sha+es ome 1ith a pi+le0
() 888888 Seattle Ca%/ al1a)s opens at 11 am0
,) 888888 The menu has 'er) goo! %oo!0
I') (se the ideas in column ) to complete the statements. [# points!
') *ou are the waiter+waitress. "omplete the ,uestions. [-. points!
1) Waiter: &re 88888888888888888888888888888?
:ou: :es9 I"! li+e a heeseburger
2) Waiter: 4o1 8888888888888888888888888888?
:ou: Well !one9 please0
() Waiter: What 8888888888888888888888888888?
:ou: I"ll ha'e a mil+sha+e0
,) Waiter: 888888888888888888888888888888888?
:ou: Stra1berr)9 please0
.) Waiter: 888888888888888888888888888888888?
:ou: :es9 that 1ill be all0 Than+s0
'I) "omplete the con/ersations. [-. points!
1) &: I li+e %ruit0 What an I ha'e?
B: :ou shoul! ha'e a 88888888880
2) &: What time !o )ou lose on Satur!a)s?
B: 8888888888888880
() &: Is it open on Sun!a)s?
B: 8888888888888880
,) &: What is the heapest !rin+?
B: 8888888888888880
.) &: 4o1 !o )ou li+e Seattle Ca%e?
B: 8888888888888880
;II) 0riting. When )ou le%t Seattle Ca%/9 )ou %oun! postar!s b) the !oor0
Complete one o% the postar!s to sen! to )our %rien!0 Tell him 1here )ou are9
1hat )ou ate an! !ran+9 an! ho1 )ou li+e! the plae0 <1( points=
Scoring 1e2
Script $or Listening test:
>oo! morning0 We are reporting %rom Seattle9 Washington0 I"m rea!) to tell
)ou about the three best o#ee shops in to1n0 I% )ou are going to be in to1n
%or a %e1 !a)s9 )ou ha'e to *n! time to 'isit eah o% them0
The *rst one 1e 1ant to reommen! is Bob"s Co#ee Shop0 It"s loate! on the
orner o% State an! Ma!ison streets0 It ser'es !i#erent +in!s o% o#ee9 hot
an! ol! !rin+s9 but 1hat )ou ha'e to tr) here is their smoothies0 M) %a'orite
one is mango an! pineapple0 It"s great on a 1arm summer a%ternoon0 &n!
the) are not e2pensi'e at all0 :ou an ha'e a large smoothie 1ith a mu?n
%or @(0
The seon! speial o#ee shop in Seattle is Chat A Co#ee0 :ou ha'e %ree
internet aess i% )ou bring )our laptop9 an! )ou get %ree re*lls %or as long as
)ou 1ant to sta)0 Their heesea+e is out o% this 1orl!0 I personall)
reommen! ha'ing the o#eeBo%BtheB!a)0 I"m al1a)s surprise! to see ho1
man) +in!s o% o#ee the) o#er0 Chat A Co#ee is on (r! Street bet1een Main
an! Broa!1a)0
The thir! one is Seattle Ca%/0 It"s on the orner o% Columbus an! ,th &'e0 :ou
an get san!1ihes an! hamburgers at a reasonable prie0 During the 1ee+
)ou an get %ree oo+ies 1ith )our o#ee0 It"s a great plae to spen! some
time tal+ing 1ith )our %rien!s o'er o#ee0 We"ll gi'e )ou more in%ormation
on Seattle"s a%/ 1hen 1e ome ba+ a%ter this ommerial0
034: - sts.5 mi2e! le'els9 15B12 )ears ol!
03*: 6chie/ement test B Dnits 1 an! 2
036T: "ourse content5 o78ecti/es
>rammar an! 'oabular):
;erb tense re'ie1: S0 Cresent9 S0 Cast9 Cres0 Cer%et E%orm an! meaning)
Comparati'es an! superlati'es
;oabular): %oo! E+e) 1or!s)9 eating out
Rea!ing omprehension: menu
3istening omprehension: eating out
Writing: !esribe things )ou !i! in the past
036T 9 340: Tas:s and scoring
1) 3istening omprehension: MC . pts
2) Rea!ing omprehension: MC , pts0
() Rea!ing omprehension: T- , pts
,) >rammar: Mathing , pts
.) Short ans1ers: Fuestions 15 pts
G) Short ans1ers: -untions 15 pts
6) Writing 1( pts
Total ,5 pts
Total time: ,.BG5 minutes

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