Leave Rules (1) Ammended1111

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Leave Rules

Regular/Contract/ Ad-hoc/ Probation Employees
S.o !inds o" Leaves #n Regular
$asis %&ays'
#n Ad-hoc $asis
#n Contract $asis
#n Probation Period
1. Casual Leave 07 07 07 07
2. Half pay leave/
Leave/ medical
- -
3. Earned Leave 08 - - -
!aternity Leave "0#ays/ 3 !ont$s - - -
%e&ular ' ($o are approved from )un*a+i university, )atiala
-d$oc ' .$o are %e&ular employee of t$e colle&e.
Kinds Of Leaves
(' Casual Leaves)-%CL'
Casual Leave /$all +e applied one day in advance +efore it is to +e availed. - total of
7casual leaves are admissi+le to employees.
*' +al" pay leave/ Commuted Leave)- %+PL'/ ,edical Leave
0$ese leave is admissi+le only to re&ular employees only in respect of eac$ completed year
of service (ill +e 12 days.
H)L'12 per year or commuted'01 or medical '01 .0$e employee is admissi+le to ta2e
eit$er of one from H)L/ C3!!/ !edical leave. 4f $e/s$e ta2e one H)L t$en one leave is
deducted from t$e total of commuted and medical leave also.
-' Earned Leaves)-%EL'
Earned leaves are admissi+le only to re&ular employees after completion of pro+ation period
su+*ect to ma5imum of 08 earned leaves per year.
.' ,aternity Leave)- %,L'
!aternity Leave (ill +e admissi+le only to re&ular/-d-$oc employees su+*ect to ma5imum
of "0 days or 3 mont$s
/' #""icial &uty %#&'
3fficial duty (ill +e allo(ed to t$e employees for attendin& meetin& of university,
.or2s$ops, conferences, seminars, e5amination duties, 6out$ festival etc, if t$e /anctionin&
aut$ority is satisfied t$en only it must +e admissi+le to employees. 0$e prior permission of
mana&ement 7 principal is utmost for t$is. 0$e relevant document is to +e su+mitted to
avail 3# for conference, e5amination duty.
0' Compensatory Leaves
Compensatory leave (ill +e admissi+le only ($en detailed compensatory report is
su+mitted mentionin& t$e date to +e compensated a&ainst ($ic$ date, nature of
compensatory and reasons of compensatory and t$e Leave s$ould +e approved +y t$e
principal first.
Rules for Leaves
Rule-(84f t$e employee leave t$e *o+ in any mont$ of t$e year t$en t$e total leave admissible to the
employee will be calculated as below:
Leaves in A/C1 2otal o. #" Leaves%CL13/EL14/+PL1(*' 9 no. o" months 5or6ed
2otal ,onth%(*'

Rule-*-Eac$ employee (ill admissi+le for t$e any 2ind of a+ove stated leave only ($en a one day advance
notice (ill +e &iven.
Rule--- 4f t$ere is an :r&ent cases or E5ceptional Cases t$e Employees (ill ta2e an advanta&e of telep$onic
leave (it$out one day advance notice.
- For regular Employees- !a5imum 3CL(ill +e admissi+le (it$out one day advance notice out of
t$eir total leaves.
- For Contract/Ad-hoc/ Probation Employees- !a5imum2 CL for contract (ill +e admissi+le
(it$out one day advance notice out of t$eir total leaves.
Rule-.-Employee (ill +e admissi+le for any 2ind of leave only ($en t$e details of /u+stitution of lectures
(ill +e &iven and si&ned +y su+stitute Employees.
Rule-/-4n case ($en employee is ta2in& 3# $e/s$e (ill fill t$e 3# form one day advance +efore (it$
mentionin& t$e nature of leave. - report on prescri+ed form is essential to +e su+mitted for availin&
Rule-0-;o employees are allo(ed to ta2e more t$an 3 days continuous leaves +ut if feel necessary $e/s$e
(ould ta2e permission one day +efore from !ana&ement or 0$e )rincipal.
Rule-3-0$e employee s$all +e allo(ed to ta2e $oliday eit$er on startin& day of t$e (ee2 or last day of t$e
(ee2. 4f $e/s$e ta2es +ot$ day $olidays t$en salary of /aturday and /unday (ill +e deducted from
t$eir <ross /alary.
Rule-8-4n Continuin& (it$ t$e rule -7, same rule is applica+le in case of summer +rea2s or (inter +rea2. 0$e
employees s$all +e allo(ed to ta2e $oliday eit$er on last days of +rea2s or first day of t$e +rea2, if
$e /s$e do not do so t$e salary of entire days of +rea2 (ill +e deducted from t$eir <ross /alary.
Rules -7-4n case of medical leave, t$e employee $ave to su+mit t$e medical certificate from t$e $ospital
($ic$ (ould +e duly si&ned and stamped.
Rule -(8-0$e employees are supposed to su+mit t$eir leave on t$e very ne5t (or2in& day ot$er(ise a+sent
(ill +e mar2ed.
;ote= 4f t$e employee pro$i+it any a+ove stated rules $is/ $er $alf day salary (ill +e deducted.
=4n %espect to Rule-/t$e compliance 3# report s$all +e su+mitted on ne5t day.

#r. >inod !ittal
?0$e !ana&in& #irector@
Aor any clarification, please contact or coordinate to H% department Head
!s. 6u2ti 3$ri ?8272771@BEmail 4d-$rdolp$inlifesciencesCya$oo.com

Leave Rules
For #""icial Sta""
S.o !inds o" Leaves &ays% 9ear'
1. Casual Leave 07
Kinds Of Leaves
(' Casual Leaves)-%CL'
Casual Leave /$all +e applied in advance +efore it availed. - total of 7casual leaves are admissi+le to employees.
Rules for Leaves
Rule-(- Employees (ill admissi+le for CL leave only ($en a one day advance notice (ill +e &iven.
Rule-*-Employees (ill +e admissi+le for CL leave only ($en t$e details of /u+stitution of la+ (or2 (ill +e &iven and
si&ned +y H3# of concerned department.
Rule---;o Employees are allo(ed to ta2e more t$an 1 days continuous leaves +ut if feel necessary $e/s$e (ould ta2e
permission one day +efore from 0$e )rincipal.
Rule-.-Employees s$all +e allo(ed to ta2e $oliday eit$er on startin& day of t$e (ee2 or last day of t$e (ee2. 4f $e/s$e
ta2es +ot$ day $olidays t$en salary of /aturday and /unday (ill +e deducted from t$eir <ross /alary.
Rule-/-4n Continuin& (it$ t$e rule -, same rule is applica+le in case of summer +rea2s or (inter +rea2. 0$e Employee
s$all +e allo(ed to ta2e $oliday eit$er on last days of +rea2s or first day of t$e +rea2, if $e /s$e do not do so
t$e salary of entire days of +rea2 (ill +e deducted from t$eir <ross /alary.
Rule-0-;o Employee are allo(ed to su+mit $is colle&es leave on $is +e$alf. 4f $e does so t$en $is o(n leave (ill +e
Rule -3- ;o Employee are allo(ed to ta2e leave (it$out pre notice of one day. 4f ;ecessary ta2e 0elep$onic permission
from H3#D/ of concerned department.
Rule -8- 0$e employees are supposed to su+mit t$eir leave on t$e very ne5t (or2in& day ot$er(ise a+sent (ill +e
Rule-"- 4f t$e employee leave t$e *o+ in any mont$ of t$e year t$en t$e total leave admissible to the employee will be
calculated as below:
Leaves in A/C1 2otal o. #" Leaves%CL13/EL14/+PL1(*' 9 no. o" months 5or6ed
2otal ,onth%(*'
;ote= 4f t$e Employee pro$i+it any a+ove stated rules $is $alf day salary (ill +e deducted.

#r. >inod !ittal
?0$e !ana&in& #irector@
Aor any clarification, please contact or coordinate to H% department Head
!s. 6u2ti 3$ri ?8272771@BEmail 4d-$rdolp$inlifesciencesCya$oo.com
Leave Rules
For on- 2eaching Sta""
S.o !inds o" Leaves &ays% 9ear'
1. Casual Leave 0
Kinds Of Leaves
(' Casual Leaves)-%CL'
Casual Leave /$all +e applied in advance +efore it availed. - total of casual leaves are admissi+le to employees.
Rules for Leaves
Rule-(- Employees (ill admissi+le for CL leave only ($en a one day advance notice (ill +e &iven.
Rule-*-Employees (ill +e admissi+le for CL leave only ($en t$e details of /u+stitution of la+ (or2 (ill +e &iven and
si&ned +y H3# of concerned department.
Rule---;o Employees are allo(ed to ta2e more t$an 1 days continuous leaves +ut if feel necessary $e/s$e (ould ta2e
permission one day +efore from 0$e )rincipal.
Rule-.-Employees s$all +e allo(ed to ta2e $oliday eit$er on startin& day of t$e (ee2 or last day of t$e (ee2. 4f $e/s$e
ta2es +ot$ day $olidays t$en salary of /aturday and /unday (ill +e deducted from t$eir <ross /alary.
Rule-/-4n Continuin& (it$ t$e rule -, same rule is applica+le in case of summer +rea2s or (inter +rea2. 0$e Employee
s$all +e allo(ed to ta2e $oliday eit$er on last days of +rea2s or first day of t$e +rea2, if $e /s$e do not do so
t$e salary of entire days of +rea2 (ill +e deducted from t$eir <ross /alary.
Rule-0-;o Employee are allo(ed to su+mit $is colle&es leave on $is +e$alf. 4f $e does so t$en $is o(n leave (ill +e
Rule -3- ;o Employee are allo(ed to ta2e leave (it$out pre notice of one day. 4f ;ecessary ta2e 0elep$onic permission
from H3#D/ of concerned department.
Rule -8- 0$e employees are supposed to su+mit t$eir leave on t$e very ne5t (or2in& day ot$er(ise a+sent (ill +e
Rule-"- 4f t$e employee leave t$e *o+ in any mont$ of t$e year t$en t$e total leave admissible to the employee will be
calculated as below:
Leaves in A/C1 2otal o. #" Leaves%CL13/EL14/+PL1(*' 9 no. o" months 5or6ed
2otal ,onth%(*'
;ote= 4f t$e Employee pro$i+it any a+ove stated rules $is $alf day salary (ill +e deducted.

#r. >inod !ittal
?0$e !ana&in& #irector@
Aor any clarification, please contact or coordinate to H% department Head
!s. 6u2ti 3$ri ?8272771@BEmail 4d-$rdolp$inlifesciencesCya$oo.com

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