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Table of Contents

Cover Page..1
Table of Contents2
Part I. Physical Classroom Organization3
Classroom Layout and Rationale
Operational Classroom Organization.5
Attendance and Lunch Procedures
Record Keeping
New Student Procedures
Keeping the Classroom Orderly...6
Student Helpers
Displaying Student Work
Part II. Disciplinary Policies.7
Positive Consequences (Rewards)
Negative Consequences (Penalties) and Handling Infractions
Playground Conflicts
Lack of Motivation
Administration/Principal Involvement
Professional Behavior
Part III. Classroom Routines9
Established Expectations
Getting Students Attention
Beginning of the School Day...10
Asking for Help
Homework and Paper Collecting/Returning 11
Free Time
Dismissals 12
Room Helpers
Restroom and Drinks..13
Meeting the Needs of All Learners
Parent Communication and Involvement.14

Classroom Layout



Becoming a teacher is a very exciting goal that I cannot wait to accomplish. I have
visions of my ideal job, great students, and how my classroom will look. My classroom design t
is something I have put much thought into. I have a reading endorsement and a unified
endorsement, which is why I created a design of how I would layout my Kindergarten classroom.

Right as students walk in I have placed their cubbies and mailboxes near the door, this
way students can put their items away and get settled in the classroom. I also have a wastebasket
by the front door so students can easily find it. Right by the classroom door I have also placed a
display board to showcase students work ands also place announcements, if necessary. By the
North wall of my classroom I have placed my teacher storage area, this storage unit I plan to
have locked and only for my access. I thought by having it in an area that does not get too much
traffic throughout the day would work best for my classroom. Next to my storage unit I have
placed a sink and a bathroom for my Kindergartens to use. Along with a sink comes an art area! I
have placed my art center in the back North wall. I have a big table for students to work at along
with two art easels.










Reading Area







In the back of my Kindergarten classroom against the East wall I have placed my teacher
desk, which is equipped with a phone, computer, filing system, and pencil sharpener for student
use. As a teacher I do not plan on spending much time at my desk while students are present. I
put the pencil sharpener at my desk to encourage students to feel comfortable with my
approaching the teacher desk and also at my access during my work period to sharpen dull
pencils to avoid students wasting time during an assignment. Next to my desk I have placed a
student desk, this desk is intended for a few reasons; if I am working one on one with a student
or if a student needs to be more focused they can gather themselves at their own private desk
ands get work done, or if a student wishes to use sitting next to the teacher as a individualized
reward system that could be arranged. In the back corner of my classroom I have a kidney table.
This table is intended for small group readings or other small group assignments with teacher
Against the center of the south wall in my classroom I have placed a reading center. This
reading center is equipped with many selves of books. I have placed a rug on the floor for
comfortable reading. I also placed comfy seating in the reading area to make reading for students
enjoyable and special. The way I have set up this center is in a closed off area so students can
escape with a book. Right behind the reading center I have placed two computer stations for
student use. Computer use will be monitored and only allowed at designated times. In the center
of my classroom is where I have placed the student seating. I have six tables that seat four
students a table. I figured the tables are big enough where independent work should not be an
issue, but also group work is easy to assemble. There is space in the middle of the six tables for
me to sit, and or walk around and monitor student work.
The west corner of the room is where I have placed my meeting center. This area has tons
of carpeted floor space for students. This allows for students to sit spaced out and also allows for
group work and independent work to be done as well, whether it is with white boards or
clipboard work. I have a long area of white board space in the meeting center. I have also placed
a map in this area as well. Maps are great for exploring and also if a place gets brought up in a
story, show and tell, or in a question it can be used as a great reference tool. In our carpet
meeting center I have a chair where stories and class discussions will be lead by me. Near the
carpet area I also have a portable projector, which can be seen by all six tables in the center of
the classroom. I plan to have the projector be displayed on the whiteboard.

Operational Classroom Organization

Attendance and Lunch Count:
I have combined my attendance and lunch count into one swift morning duty. I will have
a table right by the door of the classroom. On the table will be three tins one for hot lunch one for
cold/home lunch, and another for salad. All of the students in my classroom will have a
clothespin with their name on them. As they enter the classroom they will record whether they
will be having hot, cold, or salad for lunch. This will also serve as attendance if I see a student
has not put a lunch preference I can easily check to see if they are present and just forgot to
check in.
Record Keeping:
For record keeping I will keep a record book. My record book will contain sections of:
homework, assessments, behavior, attendance, and participation. Within the homework section
of my record keeping I will have subsections for each content area. I will also provide periodic
progress reports, which will include positive and negative behaviors, an overall representation of
the students performance, additional notes, and areas for growth. Along with my record keeping
each student will be assigned a number, which will be alphabetically by last name. Students
numbers will be indicated on my record book and their portfolio to make filing easier and less
time consuming. New students will be given a number at the bottom of the list so current
students assigned number does not change.

New Student Procedures:
Before the school year even begins I will mail a parent newsletter, welcoming parents to my
classroom. This newsletter will also include: my contact information, a little overview on me, a
list of classroom procedures, and my expectations for both the students and the parents. I will
also send postcards to all of my upcoming students before the school year begins to great them
with a warm welcome!

If a student is added during the school year their name will be added to the lunch count, the
classroom birthday list, they will have a popsicle stick with their name on it, they will have a
locker labeled for them, and will have a labeled seat. All of this will occur before the student
even arrives.

I will meet with the student ahead of time and welcome them into the class and show them where
they will be seated, where supplies are kept, where their locker is, and go over routines and
expectations. If the transition into my classroom is a sudden or short notice, I will quickly
introduce myself, learn a little about the student, and then pair the student up with a buddy for
the day someone who would be compatible and helpful to this new student.
Keeping the Classroom Orderly:
Along with the expectations sent home in the parent-welcoming newsletter, on the first day of
school I will go over my expectations for my students. I will ensure that students fully
understand what is expected of them and how this will help our classroom run smoothly.
My expectations for classroom maintenance are as follows:
Chairs will be stacked at the end of the day, and none will be left at the desks- if a
student is absent their neighbor will stack their chair
When leaving the classroom chairs will be pushed in
Borrowed books will be neatly returned to their correct shelves
Classroom supplies will be returned when borrowed
Desks will be kept clean and organized, both inside and out
Pencils will be sharpened only during free time so as to prevent the disturbance of
class. I will have my own jar of sharpened pencils that students can borrow if they
need one, but must be returned.
The floor will be kept clean throughout the day

Along with keeping the classroom organized and tidy students will be assigned weekly
classroom jobs. At the start of a new week students will be reassigned to a new job. Job duties
with the students name will be located at the front door on a bulletin board above the lunch check
in. The bulletin board will have pouches with the job labeled on each pouch. Students will have
their name written on a cute crayon label. This will allow for jobs to easily be switched around
each week.
The jobs will include:
Board cleaner
Door holder
Line manager
Plant/Animal Caretaker
Door holder/Caboose
Attendance/Lunch Count Manager
Recycling Monitor
Chair Monitor
Desk Inspector
Homework Monitor
Floor Inspector

Displaying Student Work:
My goal is for all of my students to feel a sense of pride and ownership in their work. Therefore I
think it is extremely important to ensure that their work is proudly displayed within the
classroom and outside the classroom. My students will have their own portfolio, which will be
broken down by content: reading, math, language arts, artwork, and science. I will continually
update students displays of work in the classroom, this way their new work will be displayed
and older work can be added to their portfolio or sent home to enjoy
Disciplinary Policies

Positive Consequences (Rewards):
In my classroom I will have two systems for rewards. One will be an all class reward system the
other will be an individual reward system. For the whole class I will institute a token economy. I

will have two jars on my desk one will be labeled the Party Jar. The jars will have marbles in
them when a student does something exemplary or something that benefits the whole classroom I
will move a marble into the party jar. Once all the marbles are in the party jar students will be
able to vote on a theme for a class party. The individual reward system will be a sticker chart.
Students will receive a sticker for turning in homework (only some days), for staying on task all
day, showing great in line behavior, or setting a good example. One the student fills up their
sticker chart they can cash in for a prize- prizes will include small toy items from the dollar
store, extra reading time, a job shadow, or 10 minutes of computer time.

"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you
made them feel." - Carol Buchner
Negative Consequences (Penalties):
On the back of every students chair will be a pouch that hangs over. This pouch will contain a
weekly behavior guide. The students behavior sheet will be protected by a plastic paper sleeve,
the behavior sheet will record negative and occasional positive behaviors by the break down of
the daily schedule. By having both positive and negative comments written on the sheet a student
will not feel singled out if their weekly log has a lot of writing on it. Negative behaviors will be
recorded with a letter to symbolize the behavior (refer to example). At the end of each week I
will photo copy the behavior sheets so a copy may be sent home to parents and I will keep a copy
for my records

Playground Conflicts:
If a conflict occurs outside on the playground I will encourage my Kindergartners to be
responsible and try to workout the problem together. If this does not seem to be productive I will
have students fill out a conflict report. When they are done with the report I will mediate a
discussion during students free time the students can talk about why the conflict occurred,
resolve the issue, and talk about how to avoid this issue in the future. If the students dont want
to go through this process they have the option to try to workout the problem on their own during
classroom free time. Other consequences may be given depending on the severity of the
conflictthese will be at my discretion.
At this stage in school, students are not always responsible for
their tardiness or absence. I will keep that in mind when addressing
tardiness. I will address tardiness on an individual student basis and
also follow my schools individual tardiness policy. If a student is coming
to class continually late each day I will send a note home to the students guardians and require a
signature to make sure that they are aware of the occurring tardiness. I will keep signed notes in
my records. If the issue persists I will ask to meet with the parents in hopes of resolving the

Cheating will be clearly defined and understood by all my kindergartner students. I define
cheating in the classroom as: looking onto another students paper during a test, quiz, or
homework time, giving or receiving answers from another students or a test, quiz, or homework,
or claiming someone elses work as your own. If I see or suspect of any of these behavior
occurring I will talk to the student individually and then call home to the guardian. The student
will be asked to redo the assignment and I will keep record of this indecent.

Lack of Motivation:
With my kindergartner students it is my job and hope that all my students will enjoy and succeed
in my classroom. It is my duty to ensure that all students are actively involved in the classroom
and that they are continually making progress- no matter how small. I will give each day and
lesson 110% of my effort with being enthusiastic and prepared. I expect the same from my
students. If a student is clearly lacking motivation and struggling I will ask for a meeting with the
parents and the student to advise a plan to help increase student motivation and enthusiasm.

"Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right"-Henry

Principal/Administration Involvement:
With high and clearly stated classroom expectations I hope to only involve my principle and
administration when absolutely necessary. I will meet with my principle prior to the school year
starting and go over my management plan so they are aware and familiar with my management
plan and classroom expectations. I will also meet with the other Kindergarten teachers in my
wing to ensure we are all familiar with one anothers management plans. With my classroom
management plan in act and with my students being trained in my classroom expectations this
will help eliminate the opportunity for issues to arise.

Professional Behavior:
I will conduct myself in a professional manner at all times. My professionalism will be shown in
regards to my dress, refraining from gossip, being on time, and being prepared in the event that I
require a substitute for any period of time. I will dress professionally so that my students and
colleagues treat me with the respect. I will keep gossip, whether about students or fellow
teachers, out of my prep time and out of the teachers lounge. Gossip and talking poorly about
those I work with will do nothing but foster a negative working environment. Gossip brings
nothing but trouble to a work environment and I will remove myself from any situation that
involves talking poorly of students or my colleagues. I will do my best to be on time, but when I
know that I will be tardy or absent due to an emergency or sickness, I will have a prepared plan
ready for a substitute or colleague to refer to.
Classroom Routines

Routines will be practiced and reinforced. The most effective way to enforce
rules is to be consistent when disciplining and rewarding students for their
-Harry Wong

Established Expectations
During the first week of school I will introduce and practice routines and expectations with the
students. For example we will practice getting quite when I shut the lights off, or when I clap a
pattern. We will practice these so frequently that they become automatic. We will also practice
our morning routines the first week or so and how we line up. Every small detail of how the class
is run will be modeled, scaffolded, and practiced as a class. The first day of class my students
and I will also create a list of classroom expectations as a group. This will allow for my students
to feel like they have a say and in what they expectations and rules are. These rules will then be
posted in clear spot in the classroom so students will be able to refer to them. In the next parent
letter sent home I would include our classrooms class expectations for parents to see and refer to.

Getting Students Attention
I plan to implement a few different techniques to get my Kindergartners attention. I will use the
lights off method to get students voice level to a zero. I will also use clapping patters and have
students repeat the pattern back to me to gain their attention. I will also use the saying: hands on
top- and the students say: that means stop. My last method will be the give me five method,
this method encompasses five components- eyes on speaker, ears listening, hands free, body still,
and body still. This may seem like many strategies but with Kindergartners I will need to be
getting there attention many times throughout the day and I want to keep this methods fun and

Beginning of the School Day
Starting out the day I plan to stand outside of my classroom every morning to greet my students
as they come into the classroom. I plan to acknowledge all of my students and make them feel
important as they start the day. I will do this every single day of the school year to keep it
consistent. If I will plan on being gone a day I will put in my notes for the sub to stand outside of
the classroom as students file in. Once the school day is complete I will tidy up my classroom
and prepare for the next day. I will write my morning message on the board and make sure the
classroom is tidy. As a teacher it is my responsibility to be prepared each morning! The first
weeks of school I will make sure I am guiding and assisting students through the morning routine
so it becomes a natural procedure.

Asking for Help
Asking for help will be a practiced procedure in my classroom until my students have mastered
this task. I will expect my students to know that they have to wait their turn and not interrupt me
as I am talking to or working with another student, unless it is an emergency. The signal of
needing assistance or help will be singled by students quietly raising their hand but also I want
my students to feel like they can come up to my desk to ask a question but I will rarely be at my
desk during school hours. If students need help with spelling a word or solving a problem I will
not give them the answer but I will assist them to the answer. In my classroom I plan to have
many resources for my students, such as word walls, many visuals, and I will encourage them to
ask a friend first. If a student is continually requesting assistance I will implement a three-step
procedure. The first step is did I try to figure out the answer on my own? Did I ask a friend, and
if they still need help then they can ask the teacher.

Chaos breeds life while order breeds
-Henry Adams


Homework and Paper Collecting/Returning
As a part of my morning routine students will turn in signed slips and homework assignments as
they enter the classroom each morning. Every student will have a take home folder. The folder
will consist of two sides: Return to School and Keep at home. I will guide my students through
how to organize this. They will know that homework and permission slips will be put in the
return to school. When I return assignments back to students they will always have a comment,
sticker, star, or stamp at the top of the page to acknowledge their hard work and know that their
assignment is graded. To avoid chaos and soaking up time during my prep time or before the
school day starts I will put graded papers in students individual cubbies so they can take them
home a the end of the school day.

Free Time
When free time arises Students will be given the following free time activities to choose from:
o Sensory centers
o Independent reading
o Art center- this center will incorporate aspects of different units and subjects, this
center will be structured
o Plethora of literacy centers
o Writing Center
o Math center
o Science center
All of my centers will be well throughout and planned. I want centers to be fun, enjoyable,
and exploratory for my all students.


When dismissing my students I will call those who are on task and ready first. I will give clear
instruction of what is to be done once students are dismissed then I will look and see who is
ready to go and on tasks. I will say something like Julian looks ready to go! Thank you Julian
you may leave the carpet to go. When dismissing for the end of the school day I will again
dismiss students who are on task to go get their take home folders and go get their backpacks and
jackets. I will be standing by the door to have a goodbye greeting students can choose a hug,
high-five, to pound it, or whatever they would like that is appropriate. This will allow me to
have a quick moment to appreciate each student and let him or her know how much I care before
they head home. Once everyone has been dismissed to gather their belongings we will quietly
line up in the hall and then I will walk my students out to their busses or rides home.

Room Helpers
I will welcome any and all assistance offered by parents, relatives, volunteers, older students, or
practicum students in my classroom. However, I do not feel that it is fair to allow parents to
know other students grades, so I will ask that they help out in different ways. Help may be in the
form of reading or math, hanging up/taking down student work, bulletin boards, cutting out
laminate, doing a read aloud, talking about art, or making copies.

My students will be expected to behave in their specials with the same expectations I have for
them in my classroom. I will also talk to them the first week about specials, what to expect, and
that some other teachers might have different expectations for them. When going to specials we
will have the same routine as leaving the classroom, we will line up silently and my class jobs of
line starter, door holder, and chair monitor will conduct their jobs. This will help the class run
smoothly and we will be able to use are time efficiently so no time is wasted at their special for
the day.

Restroom and Drinks
Because I am tailoring my management plan to a Kindergarten classroom I am hoping that in my
classroom, as I included in my classroom design that my classroom will come with a bathroom,
sink, and drinking fountain in the sink. For using the bathroom I will have a pass that students
will grab and put on their desk while they are in the restroom. This will allow me to know where
students are at all times. Before lunch we will use the hallway bathrooms as a class and then all
wash our hands to prepare for lunch. During independent work time students can freely go grab a
drink of water as long as they do so without disrupting their other classmates. When I am doing a
read aloud or instructing students in a lesson my students will be asked to use the sign for Water
in sign language. This sign will be taught throughout the first week of school and will also be
posted as a visual above the sink. Students will sign to me the sign for water and I will be able to
give them a nod yes or no. This will cause no interruption to the class and will allow the student
a quick answer.

Meeting the Needs of All Learners
I plan to meet the needs of all of my students through differentiation. I see this as a key
component to my students success in my classroom. I know that not all students learn the same
way and not all at the same pace. I plan for all of my students to be successful. With meeting the
needs of all of my students I plan to use differentiation in many ways such as:
Using Flexible Grouping: Students can be grouped by learning preferences,
performance, readiness, and interest to cater to each students needs
Assessment: I will find the most appropriate and effective way for students to
demonstrate for me what they have learned I will also assess my students in
many different ways throughout the year.
I plan to focus my instructional strategies with the understanding that my
students learn in many different ways and through the multiple forms of
Time: Some students may need more or less time to learn, practice, or
demonstrate a skill.
Compacting: I will use this three-stage process where I assess students prior
knowledge before teaching a unit or skill to determine what the students
know, dont know, and what alternate experiences will replace those activities
that they have already mastered.
Interest: Allowing students to choose their own topics and interest areas in
various assignments gives them the opportunity to differentiate for themselves
and make the content relevant to them.
For students who may need more time on an assignment for instance an
assignment I would assist them by possible pre selecting websites to research
or helping them pre cutting items for an art project
Portfolios: as I have mentioned in my management plan before I plan to use
portfolios in my classroom I see this a tool for differentiation because
portfolios show case and track students individual growth
Of task: if a student is having difficulty staying on task or continually needing
extra assistance during independent work I will make sure they understand all
directions by repeating them to the student at eye level and I will also allow
them the option to work at the desk by my teacher desk so they are removed
form distractions at their table.

Parent Communication and Involvement
I pride myself on my communication skills as an educator devoted to working with her students
and their parents I plan to keep in commination as often as I can. I would like to send a weekly
E-mail to parents filling them in on progress their child has made and how the week went. I
understand that this is time consuming but I think it beneficial and will allow the parents to
praise their child on their success and be up to date on how their child is performing in school. I
also plan to send a newsletters home every two weeks to keep parents informed but also not have
them feel like I am constantly bombarding them with information.
My newsletters will generally consist of:
Announcement of upcoming events
Invitations to class activities or open house
Thank you notes to families who help out
Descriptions of study units and suggestions of ways to work on the units at
Explanations of grading policies, standardized testing, and other means for
assessing and evaluating performance
Highlights of community resources such as a museum exhibit, play,
concert, or television show
News about classroom pets, trips, celebrations
Lastly before the year even starts if the school permits it I would like to host an open house for
parents and my new students to stop by. I can show parents and their students where their locker
is how we will check in and how I will be assessing their child. This will allow for the family to
ask questions and hopefully feel more relaxed when entering Kindergarten!

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