Mrs. Georgopoulos' Kindergarten Classroom Management Plan

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C h r i s t i n a G e o r g o p o u l o s

Mrs. Georgopoulos
Kindergarten Classroom
Management Plan

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Table of Contents

Part I : Classroom Organizationpage 3
A. Physical
1. Desk Arrangement
2. Teacher Desk
3. Learning Centers (including computers)
4. Instructional Equipment
5. Bulletin Boards
6. Reading Area
7. Teacher Area
8. Mailboxes/Check-In
B. Operational
1. Teacher record-keeping procedures
2. New Student
3. Classroom Orderliness
4. Student Work
5. Classroom Library
6. Ending the Day
7. Morning Routine/Attendance/Lunch Count

Part I I : Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethicspage 7
1. Class Rules
2. Classroom Tickets
Whole Class
3. Student Routines/Procedures
Student Relations
Behavior Management
Student Conflict on the Playground
Student Inattentiveness or Lack of Motivation
Handing in Papers
4. Energizers
5. Parent Involvement
6. Professional Ethics

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Part I I I : Classroom Routines & 11
1. Classroom Helpers
Line Leader
Door Holder
Calendar Helper
Pencil Monitor
2. Field Trips
3. Dismissal (recess, lunch, specials, end of day)
4. Passing Out Papers/Announcements
5. Free Time/Finished Work
6. Bathroom Procedure
7. Getting a Drink
8. Speaking in Class
9. Getting Teachers Attention
10. Group Work
11. Pencils
12. Student Sharing
13. Going to Specials
14. Differentiation Policy
Issues with directions or tasks
Challenge for gifted or high ability students
15. Parents
Regular communication with parents
Preparing for and conducting parent conferences

Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct
them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better
able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of
each. -Plato
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Part I : Classroom Organization
A. Physical: My classroom was designed around a kindergarten classroom. I would
like to teach kindergarten when I begin teaching, but I would be happy with any
grade. In designing my classroom I wanted to give students different areas in the
classroom where they can engage in centers and have plenty of bulletin
boards/wall space where they can admire their work along with their classmates
work. Also, when designing the classroom I wanted to make sure that there was
plenty of space that was clutter free where it allows movement for the students.

1. Desk Arrangement: The students desks are placed in the middle of the classroom in
clusters of four. I want the students to be able to work in small groups and grouping the
desks will allow a place for the students in like or differing abilities to be grouped. With
the placements of the chairs I made sure that they are all able to see the front of the

2. Teachers Desk: For the teachers desk I positioned it in the corner of the classroom
facing the class. By facing the entire classroom I will be able to see all areas of the room
and will know what is going. However, I plan on not sitting at my desk when I have
students in the classroom because I want to constantly be engaged with my students and
their learning.

3. Learning Centers (including computers): In the front of the classroom is the
computer area. This area will be monitored by the teacher and will have a rotation of
students being able to use the computers so all students have access. Students will be able
to use the computers for math games, creating art, and using other content area tools on
the computer. The back of the room is mostly set up for a reading area. The reading area
has bean bags for the students to sit on while enjoying a book. Books will be put in
different bins that are labeled by genres and reading levels for students to pick an
appropriate book that interests them. On the side of the room with the windows is where
the class pet will live. The teacher will monitor the pet area. Students will be able to
observe our class pet and help feed and take care of it.

4. Instructional Equipment: The front of the classroom has a whiteboard for
instructional equipment that can be used by the teacher and the students. The whiteboard
will be used in all content areas to show demonstrations, student work, student ideas, bell
time activities, and any other item that may come up with during teaching different
content areas. Also in the front of the room there is a white screen for projector/Elmo use.
The screen and Elmo will also be used in all content areas for showing student work,
modeling activities, and any other items that may be used or displayed during teaching of
different content areas. Along with the screen rolled up in the front of the classroom is
also a roll of different maps that will be used in all content areas. A globe is also placed
by the class pet for instructional use in all content areas but left out for students to
explore on their own.

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5. Bulletin Boards: A bulletin board is placed by the door in the back of the classroom
and by the front of the classroom by the whiteboard. In my classroom I find it to be very
important to display student work and will display their work beyond just using the
bulletin boards. However each bulletin board will display student work in the classroom.
Student work will be changed on each bulletin board every 3-4 weeks by the teacher.

6. Reading Area/Classroom Library: The classroom library is part of the reading area
in the back of the room. There are three bookshelves placed in this area to allow plenty of
books of different genres and reading levels for students to explore. Students can also use
this area for free reading time.

7. Teacher Area: This area is located in the front of the classroom next to the teachers
desk. There is a cabinet and a file cabinet for storage. The file cabinet will consist of
student files alphabetized by students last name. The storage cabinet will hold extra
paper, pencils, markers, crayons, whiteboard markers, erasers, staples, and tape. Also the
cabinet will store all iPads and headphones.

8. Mailboxes/Check-In: Underneath the bulletin board in the back of the classroom by
the door is a shelf where students have their popsicle check in area. Every morning when
students arrive they will find their popsicle stick that has their name, which they designed
at the beginning of the year, in the purple tin and place their popsicle stick in blue tin
stating they are in class. This is used for attendance each day. The mailboxes are located
by the trash bin and student coat closet. Each student will have their own mailbox and
will be able to pick up their item from their box at the end of the day to take home.
Reference: Mrs. Beaver, 4
grade, Maple Grove: Waukee

B. Operational
1. Teacher Record-Keeping Procedures: I will have a clipboard with two copies of a
class list (just in case one is lost). On the clip board I will have a sheet with a box of each
students name on it. These sheets will be used throughout the day to write down
observations of students in all aspects of learning; behaviors, group work, individual
work, assessment, engagement, focus, or anything else that I notice through observation.
I will also have a three-ring binder in my cabinet next to my desk. In the three-ring binder
will contain an information sheet of each student that the parent filled out in the
beginning of the year. The information sheet will have parent contact information,
allergies, and any other information noted by the parent. Also in this binder will be any
contact emails, phone call records, etc. of every time I have talked with the parents to
reference and revisit concerns and questions parents had. This will allow me to also
reflect on if the concerns and issues have been addressed for each child. Also I will
record students work on an excel spread sheet that I will have created before school
started on how they did on their assignments. I will color code the records with green
meaning doing well and orange meaning improvement or did poorly. This will allow me
to compare and easily see what I need to reflect on as a teacher.
Reference: Sue Jones, Guest Speaker- Pedagogy class at Drake University

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2. New Student: When a new student arrives to our classroom I will assign them a
classroom buddy. I will pick a student who will be able to inform the new student of
classroom rules/routines/procedures. The new student will have their desk next to their
classroom buddy, so the buddy can help the new student as needed throughout the day.
Each student will be given a new student Ziploc bag that I will create at the beginning of
the school year. The Ziploc bag will consist of: a welcome letter, about the teacher sheet,
student information sheet, student fun fact sheet, desk name tag, clothespin, take home
folder, and any additional information sheets that are based on schools policies and
procedures. During the students first day I will block time out to meet with the student to
introduce myself further to the student, build rapport, and go over the items in the Ziploc
bag with the new student. Example of a new student Ziploc.

Reference: Barbie Roper Blog:

3. Classroom Orderliness: During the first week of school I will go over with the class
on why we need to keep our classroom and desks clean and organized and how a clean
and organized class and desk should look. I will hold the same expectations for all
students to maintain a clean and organized desk area and classroom. During the first
week of school I will demonstrate and reteach multiple times where items in the room
belong and where centers and items are located in the room (library, recycle, trash bin,
pencils, mailboxes, etc.). At the end of each day we will take five to ten minutes to clean
and organize our classroom and desk. During this five to ten minute clean/organize time
students will be able to perform some of their classroom jobs like: recycler, librarian, and
pencil monitor. Classroom jobs can be found in the section classroom helpers.

4. Student Work: I find it very important to display students work in the classroom.
There will be two bulletin boards dedicated to student work. I will also use wall space
around the room to fill with students work. Students will put their name and date on their
piece of work that will be hung up on the bulletin board or around the classroom. The
work will be of individual, group, or class work. I will rotate most work on a monthly
basis, so this allows enough time for students to admire their work and their peers work. I
will leave some work hanging that students can use as references throughout the semester
or year.
Reference: Mrs. Beaver, 4
grade, Maple Grove: Waukee

5. Classroom Library: There will be an area in the classroom dedicated to the classroom
library with multiple bookshelves. On the bookshelves I will have books organized in
containers that are labeled by genres and reading levels. The genres will be identified by
stickers for students to be able to identify easily and the reading levels will be identified
by color. I will go over the genres and reading colors multiple times throughout the first
few weeks of school so students will be prepared when using the classroom library.
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Students will be able to check out books from the classroom library. The student will
locate the bookmark that is in the front page of the book and put it in the checkout bin.
Once they bring the book back they will place the book in the return bin located next to
the checkout bin. There will be an envelope attached to a bookshelf that will have big
Ziploc bags and students will place the book in the Ziploc bag to take home. I will also
have a container full of books that have an audio tape that goes with the book if students
choose to take that book/tape home. The checkout procedure will be reviewed during the
first few weeks of school and will be an ongoing process for students as they are learning
to write and identify letters. I will help as needed for checking out books during the end
of the day. The classroom library will also have a couple bean bags for the students to
relax on while reading.
Example of containers books would be in:

Examples of labels:

Reference: Ms. Nobles blog:
and Google Images

6. Ending the Day: Students will be given 7-10 minutes at the end of the day to tidy-up
their desk and desk area. Students will be dismissed by tables to get their coats, bags, and
anything else to go home.

7. Morning Routine/Attendance/Lunch Count: When the students arrive every
morning they will place their popsicle stick, that has their name on it, in the tin that says
hot lunch or cold lunch. Having the students place their popsicle stick in the tins will
also be used for attendance; the popsicle sticks not put in a hot or cold lunch tin will
be the absent students. These tins will be located by the classroom door. After the
students have checked into the classroom they will then put all their belongings away in
their lockers and head to their desk. On each students desk will be a bell ring activity
set up for students to accomplish before the start of the day.

Part II : Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics
1. Class Rules: The classroom rules will be created on the first day of school. Students
will create rules as a class. A list will be generated by the classroom and during that time
I will encourage students by asking questions to think about and/or add a rule if they have
not yet come up with some I feel would be important to have in the class. After the list
has been generated I will shorten the list up to 3-4 rules and introduce those rules to the
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class on the second day of school. During that second day of school I will demonstrate
what our rules mean by showing them examples and non-examples of each rule. I will
have the students make their mark by putting a stamp of their hand print as a border on
the rule sheet, to show they agree and will follow the rules, and then post the rule sheet
with all the rules and the students hand prints on them at students eye level for them to
see. We will revisit the rules throughout the first few weeks of school. A letter will be
sent to each parent/guardian regarding the rules the students came up with and how they
agreed to the rules by making their mark. I will have the parents sign the sheet stating
they understand and have spoken to their child about the classroom rules and send back
with their students to be filed in students folders. During the first few days of school,
school-wide policies will be discussed. A letter will be sent home with the parents (along
with the classroom rules) of school policies for parents to sign and send back with their

2. Classroom Tickets: A ticket system will be put in place in the classroom. Students
will be able to earn WOW tickets as a positive reinforcement that they can use toward
purchasing different items at the WOW Shop. Positive behaviors can be helping a
friend, encouraging a friend, being respectful, listening, having a clean desk/desk area,
staying on task, good line behavior, staying in body basics, and any other positive
behavior noticed in the classroom. Students will be able to purchase different items every
other Friday. Below is a list of items the students can purchase with their WOW
Reference: Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary: Des Moines and Mrs. Jen
Huegel, 3
grade, Perkins Academy: Des Moines

WOW Items
Eraser 3 tickets
Stickers 3 tickets
2 Cool pencils 5 tickets
Mystery item from the WOW box 5 tickets
Wear a funny hat for a day 7 tickets
10 minute iPad time 7 tickets
Sit by a friend for a day 10 tickets
Eat Lunch with Mrs. Georgopoulos 15 tickets

Whole Class: The whole class will have a jar that they can fill up by doing positive
actions like staying on task, getting a compliment from another teacher, doing a good job
lining up, etc. The class can fill up the jar with marbles and when the jar is full the class
will be able to decide on a reward based off a list of options. Option list includes: extra
recess, movie day, favorite pj day or costume day, or get out of homework pass.

3. Student Routines/Procedures:
Student Relations: There will be a class tattle-turtle (stuffed animal) that the
students can sit down with and tell his/her story about what another student did. If
the students still are arguing, I will sit down with the students individually and
talk about what the issue is and how the issue can be fixed. After I have spoken
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with each student I will have them try to resolve the issue by the solution we came
up with while talking to fix the problem. Example of class tattle-turtle.

Reference: Inspired by Dr. Beisser, professor Drake University (lecture) &
Google Images

Behavior Management: There will be a behavior management chart set up in the
classroom at eye level of the students. Students will start each day at ready to
learn level. If students are misbehaving, not listening, being disrespectful, etc.
they will be instructed to move their clip down. If students are listening, being
respectful, helping others, etc. they will have an opportunity to move their clips
up. Each student will have a clip with their name on it. This will be discussed and
modeled during the first few weeks of school. Example of chart.

Reference: Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary, Des Moines &

Bullying: There will be no tolerance for bullying. If a student is bullying a peer
they will be removed from the situation and will need to move their clip down on
the behavior management chart. I will speak with the student that is bullying and
talk about their behavior away from the rest of the class. I will notify the parent
the same day of the incident and inform them of the students behavior and the
schools policy for bullying. Will implement any school polices/procedures for

Cheating: Students will all be held at the same expectations in the classroom and
if found cheating will have to move their clip down on the behavior management
chart and have to redo the assignment. I will also talk with the student on why
they felt it was necessary to cheat and how they could correct the behavior for the
next time.

Respect: Every student will be expected to be respectful to all peers, teachers,
property, and self at all times. Students will also be expected to maintain a
positive attitude, stay on task, and follow all classroom rules, procedures, and
school policies. If students are disrespectful I will talk to them privately about
how we can be respectful in the classroom and to all teachers and they will have
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to move their clip down on the behavior management chart. If the students
continue to be disrespectful they will get a WOW ticket taken away, and if the
problem worsens the parents will be called.
Reference: Mrs. Beaver, 4
grade, Maple Grove: Waukee

Homework: Students will be given one pass for not completing their
homework assignment. After the pass has been used, I will talk to the student
on why the homework was not completed and will send a note home to the parent
explaining what happened. The student will have to return the letter with parent
signature and if not there will be a follow up call to the parents. If the student
continues the habit of not completing their homework the parents will be called to
set-up a team meeting with their child to discuss the issue and how the issue can
be corrected.

Student Conflict on the Playground: When there is conflict on the playground I
will address the students on what the conflict was and how we can come to a
solution to fix the conflict. If the issue is being repeated by the students they will
have to move their clip down on the behavior management chart and the parent
will be notified with a letter for them to sign and the student to bring back to

Student Inattentiveness or Lack of Motivation: If there is any time
inattentiveness or a lack of motivation becomes apparent, I will re-evaluate
myself as a teacher and try to change my lessons to be more engaging and
meaningful for the students. Once I have made a change and I still notice
inattentiveness or a lack of motivation I will sit down with the student and ask
them what the issue is. I will make any accommodations if needed for the student.
If the student is not getting their work done they will need to stay in during recess
to complete all unfinished work.

Handing in Papers: Once students have completed their work they will turn their
assignment in at the basket that is labeled complete. If students do not finish their
work they will place it in their to do folder at their desk to finish at free time
during class.

Tardiness: If a student does not have an excuse from a parent/guardian for their
tardiness I will ask the student to explain why they were late. Once the student has
been tardy more than twice I will have the students stay in from recess and a call
to the parents will be made to address the issue.

4. Energizers: Energizers will be used throughout every day. Students need a break to
get focused and release energy throughout the day. Examples of some energizers that will
be used are: shake it out, wiggle and giggle, freeze, head, shoulders, knees, and toes, hug
yourself, etc.
Reference: Cornett, C. E. (2011). Creating meaning through literature and the arts. (4th
ed., pp. 179-180). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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5. Parent Involvement: A Welcome to Kindergarten letter will be sent to the student
and their family before the first day of school and will be addressed again during parent
night. I will be sending and reinforcing this letter to show I am interested in their child
succeeding in school and I believe in the success and high expectations of every student. I
will notify parents of students bad behavior or being disrespectful when the problem has
not been able to be resolved in the classroom. I will notify the parents by telephone. I will
notify the parents randomly throughout the year by letter or phone letting them know
positive things their student has done in school throughout the year.

6. Professional Ethics: I will try my very hardest to be the best role model for my
students every day. I will not fall into the gossip with my colleagues or in the teachers
lounge and treat everyone with respect as I would want to be treated. I will also have a
positive relationship with my colleagues. If I disagree with a principal/colleague I will
work with that principal/colleague individually to resolve or come to a mutual solution. I
will try my hardest to solve all classroom issues within my classroom instead of taking it
all to the office.
Reference: Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009). The first days of school: how to be an
effective teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.

Part II I : Classroom Routines & Procedures
1. Classroom Helpers: Classroom helpers will hold different jobs that they will be
responsible for doing for a week. Students names will be on a list posted at the
whiteboard and will have a label of what helper they will be next to their name. Helpers
will be rotated every Monday morning (helper label will move down one student each
Monday), by having a list of student names and rotating the labels will ensure I will not
miss a student to be a classroom helper and every student will be able to do every job. I
will have 6 different classroom helpers each week; line leader, door holder, recycler,
calendar helper, librarian, and pencil monitor. Below is a list of the jobs and a
Reference: Inspired by Jen Huegel, 3rd grade, Perkins Academy, Des Moines

Line Leader: The line leader will stand at the front of the line and help make sure
everyone is ready to go.

Door Holder: The door holder will hold the classroom door open and any other
doors that the class may come across throughout the day.

Recycler: The recycler will make sure the recycling area is kept neat and tidy and
will place anything in the recycling that was put in the trash or found on the floor.

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Calendar Helper: The calendar helper will assist the teacher and class with
changing the number, month (if needed), and year (if needed) on the class
calendar each morning.

Librarian: The librarian will keep the library area neat and tidy. The librarian will
also help carry back books to the library when needed.

Pencil Monitor: The pencil monitor will make sure that the broken pencils are
placed in the sad face cup and the sharpened pencils are placed in the happy
face cup. The pencil monitor will also inform the teacher when the happy face
cup is getting low.

2. Field Trips: When the class goes on a field trip I will send out letters to all parents a
few weeks before to see if any parents want to volunteer to help during the field trip.
Each student will be buddied up before leaving for the field trip and will have to stick
with their buddy all day. If I have any parents volunteer I will assign them a group of
buddies to be responsible for throughout the day.

3. Dismissal (recess, lunch, specials, and end of the day): I will dismiss groups of
students to line up at the door that are ready, by showing listening ears, zipped lips, and
hands to themselves, to be dismissed first. Examples of groups are: individual students I
name at once, all girls, all boys, by tables, or by carpet lines. During the first few weeks
of school I will go over with students about being respectful in the hallways to other
classrooms, having zipped lips, and hands to themselves at all times. Also I will let
students know this is a way to earn WOW tickets. We will practice this throughout the
first few weeks of school. I will remind students about how to be respectful in line if
needed. If a student is not being respectful in line while lining up in class or in the
hallway I will ask them to move to the end of the line.
Reference: Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary, Des Moines

4. Passing Out Papers/Announcements: I will pass out all papers to students and will
ask for helpers when needed by picking a student that is showing they are listening. I will
put all announcements in students mailboxes to put in their bag at the end of the day to
take home.

5. Free Time/Finished Work: Whenever a student gets done with his/her work early
they will get a book from the classroom library, get out a math bucket, draw or color, or
help others. A visual aid will be put on the wall of the classroom for students to reference
if they forget. This will be discussed and practiced during the first few weeks of school.
Example of visual aid is below.
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Reference: Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary, Des Moines &

6. Bathroom Procedure: Students will be able to use the bathroom before and after each
recess. If the student needs to go to the bathroom during class time and they are at their
desk they may use the bathroom if no one else is using it and if someone is using the
bathroom they will need to wait patiently. When students need to use the bathroom
during carpet time students will need to raise their hand to ask me. If I notice students
abusing bathroom use during their desk time the student will need to ask me before using
the bathroom each time they need to go.

7. Getting a Drink: Students will be able and will be encouraged to have a water bottle
kept at their desk. If students cannot handle having a water bottle at their desk it will be
taken away and students will have to use the drinking fountain before and after recess.

8. Speaking in Class: Students will be expected to raise their hand to speak during class.
Students will be respectful to their peers while they are speaking. If the class is getting
out of control with everyone speaking at once I will clap in a rhythm and the students will
have to repeat the clapped rhythm backed. All of this will be modeled and practiced
during the first few weeks of school so students know what is expected of them.

9. Getting Teachers Attention: When students need to get my attention they will raise
their hand during group time and will wait until I call on them and not blurt out. When
students are working at their desk they will also raise their hand. If I am working with a
group and do not see them raising their hand at their desk they can come find me and get
my attention. This will be discussed and modeled throughout the first few weeks of
Reference: Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary, Des Moines

10. Group Work: Whenever there is group work I will let the class know how groups
will be split up and where the groups will be located in the room. During group work
students will be expected to be respectful to one another, listen, and contribute to the

11. Pencils: Every student will keep no more than 3 pencils in their individual boxes at
their desk. If a student breaks a pencil they will put their broken pencil in the sad face
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cup. If a student needs to get a sharpened pencil they will get it from the happy face
cup. The pencil monitor will be responsible for making sure broken pencils are in the
sad face cup and sharpened pencils are in the happy face cup and to let me know
when the happy face cup is getting low.
Reference: Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary, Des Moines & Jen Huegel, 3

grade, Perkins Academy, Des Moines

12. Student Sharing: One day out of the week will be reserved for sharing day. During
sharing time the student of the week will be able to bring an item from home to share
with their classmates. The student of the week will be picked by me and I will go in
rotation of the class list to ensure no one is left out.

13. Going to Specials: A schedule will be posted in the room by the door and they will
include a visual to help the students read the schedule. Specials will be included on the
schedule posted and will be changed as the specials change for students. All students will
be expected to treat their specials teacher and classmates with respect as they would in
my classroom. This will be discussed and modeled during the first few weeks of school
and students will be reminded as needed.

14. Differentiation Policy: Differentiation is a key part to every lesson every day and
will be merged into every part of my classroom.

Materials: The students will have a wide variety of materials in the classroom to
use. Materials included, but not limited to are as follows: alphabet cards, number
cards, glue sticks, crayons, unifex cubes, identification cards (labeling items in the
classroom with students L1 language), individual whiteboards, etc. With the
choice to use a variety of materials children will be able to use these items to
complete their assignments. Giving students choice of materials allows the
students to be responsible for their learning.

Issues with directions or tasks: If a student does not understand a direction or
task I will first try to rephrase and explain what the student needs to be doing. If
the student still does not understand the direction or tasks I will use another
approach by using pictures or another method to help explain the direction or task.
If a student does not understand the direction or task by using another method I
will reconstruct the assignment centered on the students ability.

Challenge for gifted or high ability students: For students that need more of a
challenge I will create an extension for students with high ability before the lesson
is given to the students. I want the extension to be meaningful and not feel that it
is more work for the student and that is why it will be designed before the lesson
is given. If the lesson needs to be modified once the extension has been given it
will be done at that time.

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15. Parents: Parents involved in their students learning, when teamed with the school,
enhances the students road to success. I will try my best to keep parents informed on a
regular basis.

Regular communication with parents: I will create a blog that I will update on a
monthly basis for the parents to see what their student has been doing in class. I
will send out a paper copy of the blog for those parents that do not have access to
the internet and will gather that information at the beginning of the year through
the Welcome to Kindergarten letter and parents night. I will also call parents
randomly throughout the year to let them know what positive things their student
has done in the classroom. I want to keep positive communication open to the
parents so they know that I am invested in their students learning and want the
student to succeed. And in turn hope it will build a good relationship between the
school and the parent.

Preparing for and conducting parent conferences: Parents will be sent an
email or letter 3 weeks before conferences stating the times available for
conferences and to respond back on a time and day that works for them. If there is
not a time that works for the parent on the list then we will arrange an appropriate
time that works for the team. I will send out a reminder email or letter to the
parents a week before conferences of the date and time they signed up for
conferences. Also included in the email or letter will be what will be discussed
during conferences and to come with any questions or concerns. In preparing for
conferences I will go through each students binder (that is created at the
beginning of the school year and updated throughout the year) to make sure the
necessary materials are included.
Reference: (binder) Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary, Des Moines

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world. Nelson Mandela

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Cornett, C. E. (2011). Creating meaning through literature and the arts. (4th ed., pp.
179-180). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009). The first days of school: how to be an effective
teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.

Mrs. Beaver, 4th grade, Maple Grove: Waukee

Dr. Beisser, professor Drake University

Mrs. Jen Huegel, 3rd grade, Perkins: Des Moines

Ms. Oliver, Kindergarten, Garton Elementary: Des Moines

Barbie Roper Blog:

Ms. Nobles blog:

Google Images

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