Classroom Management Plan

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fmd nf uo
Njtt Tub"ht 4

Dmbttso o n"

Qbsu J; Dmbttso o n Pshb"j{bujo "
! Qiztjdbm...........................q/4.5
! Pqfsbujo "bm........................q/6.8
o Ebjmz so vuj"f................. ...... q/6
o Sfd se lffqj"h ...................... ..q/6
o Ofx tuvef"ut ........................ . ...q/7
o Dmbttso o n dmfb"j"h .................. .... q/7
o Ejtqmbzj"h tuvef"u xo sl..................q/8

Qbsu JJ; Ejtdjqmj"bsz qo mjdjft b"e qso gfttjo "bm
! Svmft ' fyqfdubujo "t.................q/9.21
o Ftubcmjtinf"u..........................q/ 8.9
o D "tfrvf"dft- sfj"go sdfnf"u- ' sfxbset.q/9.:
! Ejtsftqfdu- Do "gmjdu- ' !o sl Fuijd.......q/:.22
o Qmbzhso v"e.............................q/:
o Ejtsftqfdu...............................q/:
o Ubsej"ftt..................................q/21
o Difbuj"h.................................q/21
o Ejtsvquj"h.............................q/21.22
o !o sl d nqmfuj " ' no ujwbuj "........q/22
! Qfsto "bm qso gfttjo "bm fuijdt..........q/22

Qbsu JJJ; Dmbttso o n so vuj"ft ' qso dfevsft
! Tuvef"u tibsj"h............................q/23
! So o n ifmqfst................................q/23
! Gsff ujnf ' Gj"jtij"h fbsmz.............q/23
! gjfme usjqt...............................q/24
! Io nfxo sl................................q/24.25
! Qbqfs do mmfduj"h ' qbttj"h o vu...........q/25
! Mj"j"h vq ' ejtnjttj"h....................q/25.26
! Cbuiso o n ' esj"l qso dfevsft............q/26
! Ejggfsf"ujbujo " ...........................q/26.27
o Bttjtub"df.................................q/26
o Dibmmf"hf...............................q/27
! Qbsf"ut.....................................q/27.28
o D nnv"jdbuj " ............................q/27
o D "gfsf"dft ...............................q/27.28

Ubcmf o g Do "uf"ut;

Qbsu J; Dmbttso o n Pshb"j{buj "

B/ Qiztjdbm;

Besigning a classioom is something that takes a lot of intentional thought in oiuei to
have it be an effective anu meaningful leaining enviionment. Stuuents will begin theii uay
by enteiing the classioom thiough the uooi, heauing to the stuuent coat closet to uiop off
theii belongings, anu piepaiing foi theii uay. The coat closet is positioneu along the wall to
the left when they entei so they uo not have to walk acioss the entiie ioom to uiop off theii
belongings. It is also locateu next to the uiinking fountain anu sink to eliminate uistiactions
if stuuents neeu these seivices uuiing the couise of the uay. The pencil shaipenei anu
gaibage anu iecycling bins aie locateu at the fiont coinei to eliminate uistiactions fiom the
othei moie acauemic aieas of the ioom. The inteicom is also locateu neai the fiont of the
ioom anu uooi, because then a teachei woulu be able to quickly entei the ioom anu page
foi assistance if it was neeueu. It's also on the opposite siue of the ioom as the phone so
theie is a means of communication no mattei the teachei's location in the ioom.
The stuuents aie seateu at tables, which aie aiiangeu to seat foui stuuents pei table.
This is uone to encouiage collaboiative leaining, but limiteu to foui in oiuei to not have too
many stuuents that they aie oveiciowueu oi uistiacteu by too many othei leaineis. The
tables aie positioneu in a mannei that stuuents woulu be able to see the whiteboaiu oi
piojectoi at the fiont of the ioom fiom theii tables. The teachei's uesk, with computei anu
phone, is positioneu in a piime location to have a view of all five tables in oiuei to monitoi
The laige gioup meeting aiea is locateu at the fiont of the ioom in fiont of the
whiteboaiu, maps, anu piojectoi scieen. This way theie is a location foi stuuents to
congiegate to foi moining meeting, a teachei given lectuie, oi even an auuitional location
foi a small gioup to meet anu woik fiom. In auuition it gives stuuents a place to sit when
the mounteu piojectoi is in use oi the maps aie being useu. It also is in a location that the
Elmo coulu be positioneu to pioject infoimation.
In the back of the ioom theie is a ieauing coinei, complete with a iug, bookshelves,
anu a television anu vCR. This is in the back of the ioom so a gioup coulu be meeting in the
laige gioup meeting aiea, while stuuents aie in the ieauing coinei without too much
uistiaction. The Tv anu vCR aie positioneu heie so that stuuents have a comfoitable spot
to sit while being engageu in what is being playeu. Theie is a bulletin boaiu in this aiea of
the ioom to post vaiious books oi authois stuuents shoulu exploie in this section of the
ioom. The computeis aie also in the back of the ioom so stuuents can be woiking at the
computeis without having othei stuuents uistiacteu by what's going on on theii scieens.
Stuuents shoulu be facing away fiom the scieens, so this woulu minimize a uistiaction.
Finally, theie aie seveial centeis anu small gioup woik aieas positioneu thioughout
the ioom. The guiueu ieauing small gioup aiea is by the teachei's uesk anu stuuent tables
so that the teachei coulu conveniently woik heie, since they aie close to theii mateiials
anu supplies anu in a position to still monitoi theii stuuents. The mathscience anu
wiitingeuiting centeis aie locateu close to one anothei so the teachei can bounce back
anu foith between them to assist stuuent's neeus. 0veiall, this classioom is set up to
encouiage collaboiative leaining, but also minimize uistiactions wheie possible to pioviue
the most positive anu engaging enviionment possible.

C/ Pqfsbuj "bm;

2/ Ebjmz So vuj"f

Eveiy moining stuuents will entei the classioom aftei
putting theii belongings in theii lockeis. At the uooi will be the
check-in table wheie they aie to tuin in theii homewoik to the
tuin in tiay, uiop any teachei notes in the uesignateu basket,
anu complete theii lunch count. Attenuance anu lunch count will be completeu by Popsicle
sticks with each stuuent's name on them. Stuuents will put theii Popsicle stick in the
coiiesponuing cup uesignating theii lunch choice, hot lunch, colu lunch, oi salau.
Attenuance will then be taken baseu on the iemaining Popsicle sticks that weie not useu
foi lunch count.
Following theii initial iesponsibilities when enteiing the ioom, stuuents
will take theii seats anu consult the boaiu foi theii next iesponsibilities. Each
moining I will wiite up theii tasks foi the moining. Stuuents will know anu
unueistanu that if they complete all of theii moining tasks that they will be
woiking out of theii N.F.Y.F. (Not Finisheu Yet Foluei) on any woik that was
not completeu the uay befoie oi eailiei in the week. The scheuule will be
placeu on the boaiu uaily foi stuuents to iefeience on how to piioiitize theii
time when completing unfinisheu woik. They will be conuitioneu to know that
foi example if math is the fiist subject of the uay that they shoulu stiive to get
caught up on all of theii math assignments. I will make suie to change the scheuule eveiy
night befoie leaving in oiuei foi this moining pioceuuie to iun as smoothly as possible.

3/ Sfd se lffqj"h

Stuuent iecoius aie an impoitant anu viable component of teaching anu theiefoie I
plan to be oiganizeu in keeping tiack of how stuuents aie uoing anu piogiessing
thioughout the couise of the yeai. Recoius will be kept in seveial uiffeient manneis.
Recoius will be kept in a tiauitional style giaue book; howevei, I will use small binueis foi
each subject. In the binuei theie will be a sheet that is bioken uown by the stuuents name,
uate, anu unit. This will be beneficial to compaie theii piogiess in a specific subject ovei a
peiiou of time. This uata will also be iecoiueu on the computei anu backeu up fiequently,
in oiuei to pievent any viable infoimation fiom getting misplaceu, lost, oi in the
wiong hanus.
Apait fiom actual giaueu tests anu homewoik assignments, uata will
also be collecteu fiom infoimal conveisations. A "kiu giiu" will be useu while
clipboaiu ciuising to take notes on stuuent engagement, woik, social skills, oi
any othei aspect that I ueem appiopiiate anu impoitant. These "kiu giius" can
then be hole puncheu anu stoieu in the coiiesponuing binuei foi each subject
aiea. That way when a stuuent's piogiess is being assesseu all the uata anu
infoimation will be in one collective place.
Anothei impoitant foim of iecoius I will keep is paient contact. Any
email, phone conveisation, oi in peison conveisation that is hau in iegaius to a specific
stuuent will be uocumenteu anu put into a binuei. This will be a pieventative measuie to
keep me fiom getting in any tiouble as well as a nice point of iefeience foi confeiences.

4/ Ofx Tuvef"ut

New stuuents will feel welcomeu to my classioom because I will be
piepaieu iegaiuless if I was expecting them oi not. At the beginning of the
yeai when I am piepaiing foi all of my stuuents anu getting eveiything ieauy
(uesk nametag, lunchattenuance Popsicle stick, lunch numbei oi IB, lockei
tags, cupcake foi biithuay postei, folueinotebook labels, school supplies,
welcome letteis, contact infoimation, school policies, class scheuule, get to
know you foims, anu any infoimation to be filleu out) I will piepaie seveial
extia "zoo packs" to keep on hanu. That way when stuuents aiiive on theii
fiist uay, I will not be caught off guaiu anu iathei can focus on getting to
know them insteau of getting mateiials togethei.
When the stuuent actually aiiives in the classioom, I will uo my best to initially
piesent them with only the vital infoimation anu allow them to aujust to the classioom
setting without inunuating them with iules anu uetails. By having them fill out a geneial
inteiest anu infoimation foim, I will paii them with a buuuy oi two who can help them
aujust to the classioom ioutine, pioceuuies, anu settings. This will also be an effective way
to help them stait meeting anu inteiacting with theii classmates. I will make it a point to
touch base with the fiequently in the fiist seveial of weeks, always iefei to the stuuent by
name, answei any questions they might have, anu slowly expose them to moie of the
pioceuuies, iules, anu content useu within the classioom.

5/ Dmbttso o n Dmfb"j"h

Stuuents will know anu unueistanu that eveiything has a place in the ioom. The
cabinets, uiaweis, anu file cabinets will all be labeleu with specifics as to what goes wheie.
In the fiist seveial weeks of school, stuuents will be intiouuceu to the location of all of the
mateiials anu supplies anu wheie they get put away at the enu of the uay. 0n Fiiuays,
stuuents will have the last five oi ten minutes of the uay to clean out theie uesks in oiuei to
pievent cluttei anu oveiflow. At the enu of eveiyuay stuuents will be expecteu to empty out
theii mailboxes, put up theii chaiis, anu stiaighten theii uesks. If time allows, we will play
the seciet sciap game. This will be when stuuents stiaighten up the classioom anu pick
things up off the flooi anu whoevei picks up oi stiaightens the thing I'm thinking will get to
take a piece of canuy out of the jai on my uesk. This will be a fun way to keep stuuents
motivateu about cleaning up anu uo it in a quickly anu oiueily fashion. In auuition, my
stuuent helpeis foi the uay "zoo keepeis" will be in chaige of sweeping anu wiping uown
the tables with wipes.
Stuuents will also unueistanu the expectations that they neeu to clean up fiom one
task befoie tiansitioning to the next. This will also be piacticeu anu moueleu foi them in
the fiist seveial weeks of school. When gatheiing at the caipet foi a lesson, I will not begin
teaching if stuuents haven't cleaieu theii woikspaces oi put theii mateiials away. They will
unueistanu this uelay anu look aiounu the ioom to fix the pioblem, because the moie time
that is wasteu the less time they will have foi ieason. By having a clean ioom anu eveiyone
woiking togethei to keep it that way, it will piomote a moie positive anu inviting leaining

6/ Ejtqmbzj"h Tuvef"u !o sl

It's veiy impoitant to me uisplay stuuent woik
not only in my classioom, but also outsiue my uooi oi in
the hallway so visitois can also see the woik that my
stuuents cieate. To begin with I will have a bulletin
boaiu uecoiateu with the classioom theme of animals,
so as to make the classioom as inviting as possible. 0n
one of the fiist uays the stuuents will complete an
animal glyph anu will slowly stait to intiouuce
themselves to theii classmates, me, anu any visitois to
oui classioom. This bulletin boaiu will be titleu No "Lion" this woik is uRRRRREAT anu
will continue to evolve thioughout the couise of the semestei in coiiesponuence to
whatevei we aie cuiiently woiking on in class. Stuuent woik will also be uisplayeu by
being hung fiom the ceiling. In the hallway I will tiy to uisplay some of theii biggei pieces
oi piojects anu coiielate these to the season, holiuay, oi unit with which we aie stuuying.
Bowevei, I think it's impoitant to have a balance between uisplaying stuuent woik anu not
having the ioom too clusteieu in oiuei foi stuuents to be able to stay focuseu.

Qbsu JJ; Ejtdjqmj"bsz q mjdjft b"e qso gfttj "bm fuijdt

B/ Svmft0Fyqfdubuj "t

2/ Ftubcmjtinf"u

In oiuei foi stuuents to take owneiship of theii classioom, actions
anu behaviois, as well as theii schoolwoik, it is impoitant foi them to help
cieate the expectations. Within the fiist week of school we will sit uown as
a class anu come up with oui "Rules of the }ungle." Stuuents will be
encouiageu to shaie theii iueas, which will be wiitten on chait papei. At
the enu of the biainstoiming session, I will auu anything that I see to be
missing fiom the list anu we will naiiow it uown to a maximum of five. The
iules anu expectations will be centeieu on the pillais of Chaiactei Counts,
specifically iespect, iesponsibility, anu caiing. The iules will then be
tiansfeiieu to a postei anu hung up in the fiont of oui classioom foi
stuuents to be able to iefei to.
Within the fiist week of school we will also establish a volume chait that can seive
multiple puiposes. Fiist I can use it to inuicate to stuuents how louu they aie alloweu to be
uuiing any given activity. Foi example, I can tell them that uuiing a test we will be using
level zeio on oui voice chait explaining that we will be absolutely silent. This will give
stuuents a visual ieminuei of what level of voice they can use. It also incluues a numbei
scale to iank volume. This will be helpful to stuuents who think analytically iathei than
visually. The voice chait can also be useu to explain to
stuuents how louu they aie being. Foi example, if stuuents aie
too louu I can simply ieminu them that they aie cuiiently
speaking at a level five, out of contiol, voice anu neeu to biing
it uown to a level two voice. Again, the visual anu numeiical
aspects of this chait will hopefully benefit all stuuents anu
keep the volume of my classioom unuei contiol. We will
fiequently piactice each noise level. Foi example when
stuuents aie supposeu to be at "Spy Talk" I will ask them to
mouel what this looks like foi me befoie actually having them
stait theii activity.

3/ D "tfrvf"dft- Sfj"go sdfnf"u- ' Sfxbset

I will use seveial uiffeient tools anu techniques foi
behavioi management. Inuiviuually, stuuents will be on a caiu
system. Stuuents will stait eveiyuay on a gieen caiu anu that can
be moveu to eithei puiple foi showing positive chaiactei, being
a iole mouel, oi being extia helpful. Stuuents can also move
uown to yellow oi ieu. Yellow woulu be if stuuents ieceive a
veibal ieminuei anu then neeu an auuitional ieminuei anu ieu is
foi any offense aftei that. If a stuuent is moveu up to puiple they
have the oppoitunity to select a piize out of the chaiactei box. If
a stuuent is moveu uown to yellow they will have to move away
fiom the gioup anu ieflect oi think about theii actions, what
they uiu to get to this point, anu how they will iesponu the iest
of the uay to hopefully switch back to gieen. If a stuuent flips to a
ieu caiu they will be askeu to miss iecess completely. Buiing
theii iecess time they will be woiking on theii ieflection anu
bummei paiagiaphs. These two paiagiaphs will explain what they uiu, how they coulu
have acteu uiffeiently, anu what they will uo the next time.
In auuition to the caiu system, my classioom will also act as a token economy.
Stuuents will have numeious oppoitunities to eain oi lose money. Some oppoitunities foi
stuuents to eain money incluue tuining homewoik in on time, uoing an extia task foi the
teachei, oi getting moveu to a puiple caiu. Stuuents can lose money by bieaking any of the
iules, bluiting out, flipping to a yellow oi ieu caiu, oi uisiespecting anothei teachei, theii
classmates, oi myself. Togethei, we will compile a list of how much each offense costs them
anu what they will owe me. In auuition, we will come up with the iewaius they woulu like.
Stuuents can use theii money to buy oppoitunities iathei than things. Foi example,
stuuents may buy time in the teachei chaii, lunch in the classioom, oi an oppoitunity to
chew gum. While we will cieate a mastei list of ways to eain anu lose money as well as the
stoie list, stuuents will unueistanu that ultimately it is up to my uiscietion anu each will be
uealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Stuuents will also have an oppoitunity to eain iewaius baseu on small gioup anu
whole class behavioi. Each table gioup will be nameu aftei a uiffeient animal anu can eain
table points foi being the fiist gioup ieauy, woiking quietly anu inuepenuently, oi setting a
positive example. The table with the most points at the enu of the week will all be paiu a
pieueteimineu amount. Foi oui classioom as a whole we will have a compliment anu
positivity jai. Stuuents will ieceive maibles foi compliments ieceiveu in the hall, special
teacheis, oi othei visitois to oui school. They can also ieceive maibles foi the entiie class
uoing well on a test, positive behavioi in the hallways, oi any othei situation in which I see
fit. 0nce the maible jai is filleu, stuuents will be able to ueciue on a whole class iewaiu,
some examples may be extia iecess time, an electionic paity at the enu of the uay, oi a
pajama paity.

C/ Ejtsftqfdu- D "gmjdu- ' !o sl Fuijd

2/ Qmbzhso v"e

Playgiounu conflicts aie something that shoulu be uealt with piimaiily on the
playgiounu. Repoits fiom the iecess teacheis will be taken into consiueiation anu stuuents
will be askeu to flip theii caius if they aie misbehaving on the playgiounu. If stuuents, aie
coming into the ioom anu tattling oi caiiying a pioblem fiom the playgiounu into the
classioom, they will be askeu to solve theii own pioblem. If foi some ieason this cannot be
uone, they will both be askeu to flip theii caius. This is because I uo not have eyes anu eais
on the playgiounu anu theiefoie it is uifficult to ueteimine who is telling the tiuth anu who
isn't. As is tiue with any situation, exceptions to the iules occui anu if theie is an extieme
situation I will ueal with it in the best way that I see fit. If theie aie continueu issues on the
playgiounu, then the ioot of the pioblem will be evaluateu. Stuuents may lose iecess time if
they cannot behave appiopiiately on the playgiounu.

3/ Ejtsftqfdu

Theie will be zeio toleiance foi uisiespect in my classioom. Each situation will be
hanuleu on a case by case basing uepenuing on how extieme it is, howevei the stuuent will
always be iequiieu to wiite a lettei to the inuiviuual they uisiespecteu, whethei it be a
classmate, anothei teachei oi auult, oi myself. Along with the lettei of apology, stuuents
may be askeu to wiite a lettei home to theii paients explaining what they uiu anu how they
aie going to act uiffeiently in the futuie. Stuuents who uisiespect otheis will be askeu to
flip theii caiu anu consequences will follow the behavioi management plan that was
establisheu within the fiist week of school.
In oiuei to pievent uisiespect fiom becoming a habit, if a stuuent is iequiieu to
wiite a lettei, they will also sit uown with me to uiscuss the situation. We will go ovei what
iespect is anu how the stuuent coulu have acteu uiffeiently in oiuei to show iespect iathei
than be uisiespectful. I will ask them to help me come up with phiases they coulu have
useu iathei than what they saiu. We will also touch biiefly upon the fact that you neeu to
tieat otheis the way you want to be tieateu. I will ask them about how I tieat them anu
then ask how I expect to be tieateu in ietuin. The focus of this whole conveisation will be
centeieu aiounu the impoitance of iespect anu how to make that a habit in anu out of the

4/ Ubsej"ftt

In my opinion, taiuiness may occui in two situations anu theiefoie woulu be uealt
with uepenuing on the situation. Stuuents aie eithei taiuy as a iesult of what is going on at
home oi as a iesult of theii own actions. At the elementaiy level, theie aie many situations
with which a stuuent has no contiol ovei. If a stuuent is taiuy uue to a factoi at home, such
as a paient iunning late, they will not ieceive a consequence. I will make suie to pull them
asiue anu stiess to them how impoitant it is to be at school at time anu have a conveisation
as to what is going on at home that they aie late. If it is a tienu, I will also have a
conveisation with the paient to tiy to fully unueistanu the situation anu expiess my
opinion. It is vitally impoitant to keep tiack anu uocument all of this. The othei way
stuuents woulu be taiuy is by account of theii own actions. Foi example, if they aie uilly
uawuling coming in foi iecess anu aiiive aftei the lesson has alieauy staiteu, they will be
askeu to flip theii caiu. It's impoitant to iecognize the uistinct uiffeience in foim of
taiuiness anu only punish the stuuents foi what they have contiol ovei.

5/ Difbuj"h

It will be establisheu fiom uay one in my classioom that cheating is absolutely
unacceptable. I will have high expectations foi each anu eveiy one of my stuuents anu
theiefoie stuuents will leain the impoitance of acauemic integiity. If stuuents aie caught
cheating they will be expecteu to stay in fiom iecess anu flip theii caius. While insiue fiom
iecess, they will be askeu to complete a similai assignment to the one they cheateu on. If
the cheating occuiieu on a test oi pioject they will be askeu to complete an alteinative
assessment in a well-supeiviseu enviionment. The stuuent will be able to eain half cieuit
on theii make up assignment.
In auuition to the make up assignment, stuuents will wiite a note home explaining
why they cheateu anu why that was a pooi uecision. We will also have a one on one
conveisation explaining anu ieiteiating the impoitance of uoing youi own woik anu why
cheating uoes not benefit you in the long iun. I think it's impoitant foi stuuents, especially
at the elementaiy level, to unueistanu that cheating is wiong anu be punisheu appiopiiate.
Bowevei, I think it's most impoitant that they unueistanu the iationale behinu it anu what
they neeu to uo in the futuie in oiuei to be successful.

6/ Ejtsvquj"h

Each stuuent will have a talking tally sheet tapeu to his oi hei
uesk that is ieplaceu at the stait of each week. If a stuuent bluits out oi
uisiupts the class with siue oi iiielevant comments they will be
instiucteu to auu a tally. Each uay when stuuents have iecess at the
enu of the uay, stuuents who have tallies will be foiceu to sit out one
minute foi each tally.
If stuuents continue to uisiupt the class in alteinative ways,
then they will fiist be given a waining anu aftei that askeu to flip theii
caiu. 0nce flipping theii caiu, theii consequences will be baseu upon
the coloi of theii caiu anu the behavioi plan alieauy in place. I can also help to cut uown on
uisiuptions by moving stuuents who aie not in a goou location to effectively leain as well
as establishing classioom pioceuuies anu ioutines. Stuuents will know the expectations
anu they will moueleu in oiuei to tiy anu pievent uisiuptions fiom happening in the fiist

7/ !o sl D nqmfuj " ' No ujwbuj "

Stuuents will be motivateu to complete theii woik anu leain baseu on the
oppoitunity to eain money within the token economy. Noie impoitantly than that, I plan to
keep my classioom anu lessons engaging anu inteiesting foi stuuents. When stuuents aie
engageu thioughout the couise of the lesson they shoulu not have a pioblem being
motivateu oi completing theii woik at the enu. I also intenu to have the stuuents
unueistanu the impoitance of leaining anu take owneiship of theii woik.
Foi stuuents who neeu moie than an engaging lesson, I will uo my best to pioviue
them with the extia suppoit they neeu. Foi some this may be simply uoing theii woik in an
alteinative location, the hall, by my uesk, oi away fiom theii peei who is uistiacting them.
Foi stuuents who have an ongoing issue with motivation, we will woik togethei to wiite a
goal foi them foi each subject pei uay anu if they achieve theii goal then they will be able to
get some kinu of iewaiu, possibly eithei money oi flipping theii caiu to puiple.

D/ Qfsto "bm Qso gfttj "bm Fuijdt

In oiuei to set a goou example foi my stuuents, I will be suie to always follow the
classioom iules along with the school anu uistiict iulespolicies. I will stanu behinu othei
teacheis, my piincipal, anu the uistiict when uecisions aie maue. If I uo not agiee with a
uecision I will hanule it appiopiiately anu piofessionally anu woik towaius the goals of
what is best foi the stuuents. I will always caiiy anu piesent myself in the most
piofessional mannei.
I will use my best juugment when ueciuing when to involve paients anu
auministiation. I will not senu a stuuent uown to the office foi bluiting out in class, but I
also will not be afiaiu to ask foi help when a situation is biggei than myself. I will uo my
best to collaboiatively woik with the iest of the thiiu giaue team. I will shaie my iueas anu
take theiis anu iun with them. If they aie offeiing me auvice oi constiuctive ciiticism I will
make suie to take it anu use it to positively influence my teaching.
In auuition, I will not be cognizant of what I am saying anu not talk pooily about
otheis behinu theii back. Infoimation that is confiuential will be kept as such anu I will not
talk negatively about stuuents, teacheis, paients, oi othei piofessionals when they aie not
aiounu, specifically in the teachei's lounge. I will be matuie when hanuling uisagieements
anu be willing to listen to both siues of the aigument. If I uo not agiee with someone, we
will woik it out inuiviuually in the best way we can. In my classioom, my stuuents will
always be put fiist anu I will not allow the outsiue politics to inteifeie with that. 0ltimately
eveiything I uo anu ueciue is foi my stuuents anu that is what I will always keep at the
foiefiont of my minu.

Qbsu JJJ; Dmbttso o n So vuj"ft ' qso dfevsft

B/ Tuvef"u Tibsj"h

In oiuei foi stuuents to become confiuent speaking in fiont of otheis anu leain how
to be a iespectful listenei theie will be many oppoitunities foi them to piesent theii
piojects oi wiiting. Befoie piesentations, as a class we will go ovei what is expecteu of
them as the piesentei anu as the listenei. As the piesentei, they neeu to iemembei
components such as eye contact, volume, anu uiction. The auuience will be ieminueu of
how they shoulu sit, when is the appiopiiate time to ask questions, anu that eyes neeu to
be on the piesentei.

C/ So o n ifmqfst

Two stuuents will be selecteu uaily to seive as the Zoo
Keepeis foi the uay. These two stuuents will be in chaige of
being the line leauei anu caboose, passing out papeis anu
supplies, taking attenuance, cleaning the libiaiy, managing
pencils, anu iunning any notes. At the enu of the uay, the
cuiient Zoo Keepeis aie iesponsible foi changing the caius
anu picking a peei to have that iesponsibility foi the next uay.
Theie is a chait posteu by the caius wheie they check off the
name of who they've selecteu. Stuuents know it is expecteu
that all stuuents have an equal amount of tuins woiking as the
Zoo Keepei. Theie is also a job checklist by the station that lets
each stuuent know what he oi she neeus to be uoing. Theie is one foi each moining,
lunchtime, anu afteinoon. By having only two helpeis foi the uay, it will be easiei foi me to
iemembei whom to ask anu then theie is a quick tuinovei of stuuents since they get to uo
eveiything foi one uay. While it may seem like a lot of jobs foi two stuuents, they will spenu
theii tiansitional time fully engageu while helping. This is enough time foi them to
complete theii jobs anu then insteau of having six to eight stuuents woiking on jobs anu
not silent ieauing, theie aie only two.

D/ Gsff ujnf ' gj"jtij"h fbsmz

Stuuents who finish tasks eaily anu finu themselves having fiee time know they
have thiee options. The fiist task is to complete any looming assignments that aie in theii
N.F.Y.F. (not finisheu yet foluei) folueis. These folueis will be foi stuuents to stoie
assignments in that they might not have finisheu the uay befoie oi eailiei that moining.
These aie theii numbei one piioiities in completing since the majoiity of the class has
alieauy tuineu them in. If stuuents uo not have any woik to complete in theii folueis, theie
will be a list of tasks on the boaiu foi them to complete. These may be uiffeientiateu foi
them baseu on theii table gioups, ieauing gioups, oi inuiviuually. The final task on the list
on the boaiu will always be silent ieauing. If I have nothing else that I see fit foi stuuents to
complete at that time they aie iesponsible foi finuing a book to ieau anu being fully
engageu in that until it is time to move on to the next task.

E/ Gjfme usjqt

Fielu tiips aie an exciting time foi stuuents anu shoulu be such foi teacheis. I uo not
want to evei iegiet the uecision to take a fielu tiip oi feel negatively towaiu them. In oiuei
foi this to happen, stuuents neeu to unueistanu that classioom expectations aie also in
effect while on fielu tiips. In auuition, I will select my chapeions anu paient volunteeis
wisely. The last thing I neeu is to have a paient who is causing moie pioblems, acting as
anothei stuuents, oi setting a bau example foi stuuents. I will ensuie this happens baseu on
using my best juugment anu piioi knowleuge of the stuuents. In auuition, befoie each fielu
tiip my paients will be infoimeu of my expectations, iules, anu what theii iesponsibilities
aie on the fielu tiip. They will also be given a class list with the names of the stuuents in
theii gioup highlighteu.
}ust as the expectations will be uiscusseu with the paients, they will also be gone
ovei with the stuuents. The stuuents shoulu be familiai with them, but I will make suie to
highlight specific expectations foi when we aie outsiue of the school builuing. I will also
emphasize the fact that they will be iepiesenting not only themselves, but also me, anu the
school anu uistiict as a whole. Stuuents will unueistanu that the behavioi plan is still in
effect while on fielu tiips anu any stuuent not following uiiections oi the iules will spenu
the iemainuei of theii fielu tiip with me anu consequences will also ensue once ietuining
to school.
In oiuei to ensuie safety on fielu tiips, a peimission slip will go out seveial weeks in
auvance. This will allow me enough time to follow up with paients who have not ietuineu
it, as well as finu the paient volunteeis. While on the fielu tiip, I will take attenuance
fiequently, specifically eveiy time we move to anothei location oi when we go fiom whole
gioups to small gioups. Paients will also be instiucteu to take attenuance fiequently. I will
not specifically have a gioup to keep tiack of anu iathei will be walking aiounu checking in
with each paient's gioup anu helping hanule on chiluien who might neeu to be sepaiateu
fiom theii gioup.

F/ Io nfxo sl

Stuuents will have a boomeiang foluei. This foluei will go home fiom school anu
then tuin aiounu anu come iight back. 0ne siue of the foluei will be foi notes anu the othei
siue will be foi homewoik. It will go home fiom school incomplete anu come back finisheu.
Bomewoik is the iesponsibility of the stuuents. While paients aie moie than welcome to
help, guiue, anu suppoit, ultimately it is the stuuent's job anu iesponsibility. With biggei
homewoik assignment anu piojects, the paients will ieceive a note giving them uetaileu
uesciiptions anu instiuctions as to what it is anu how to best suppoit theii chilu in
completing it.
Late homewoik will not be toleiateu. Stuuents ieceive money foi completing theii
woik on time, just as piofessionals get paiu foi completing theii woik on time. The moie
uays an assignment is late, the less money they make anu ultimately they coulu have to
stait paying some of it back. If late homewoik is becoming a habit then it will be up to me
to have a conveisation with the stuuent anu figuie out if theie is a situation at home that is
pieventing them fiom completing theii homewoik.
0ltimately, stuuents shoulu not have an excessive amount of homewoik. They will
be iesponsible nightly foi ieauing, spelling, anu piacticing theii math facts anu then theie
may be some auuitional homewoik. Bowevei, in oiuei to piesent all stuuents with an equal
oppoitunity to succeeu a lot of woik will be uone at school anu foi piojects they will always
be staiteu at school.

G/ Qbqfs d mmfduj"h ' qbttj"h o vu

If stuuents aie woiking on something inuiviuually when they aie finisheu, they will
tuin theii assignments into the tuin in bin.
If the entiie class is hanuing papeis in at
the same time, then they will collect them at
theii tables anu I will quickly walk aiounu
the ioom to gathei all of the papeis.
Stuuents will follow the same pioceuuie
when biinging in homewoik anu tuin it in
to the tuin in tiay by the check in aiea. This
will pievent me fiom losing papeis oi them
getting misplaceu in the shuffle on my uesk.
Theie will also be a tiay foi late homewoik
in oiuei foi me to make suie to go back anu
hanule the situation accoiuing to my late
homewoik pioceuuie.
Passing out papeis will be piimaiily uone by the two Zoo Keepeis foi the uay. They
will be iesponsible foi uistiibuting them to each table. If the assignment is giaueu, the Zoo
Keepeis will assist me in putting them in the stuuents uesignateu mailbox to ensuie that
they go home anu the enu of the uay. If it is a test oi othei high stakes assignment that has a
giaue on the fiont of it, I may ueciueu to pass these out anu have them face uown on theii
uesks when they come back fiom specials oi ieauing in oiuei to avoiu stuuents become
embaiiasseu oi competitive.

H/ Mj"j"h vq ' Ejtnjttj"h

In the fiist week of school, stuuents will leain how I expect them to
line up anu behave in the hallway. Befoie leaving the classioom I will
always ask them if they aie in a 4S line. This will be the ieminuei
stuuents neeu to ensuie that they aie in a stiaight line, voices aie off,
anu they aie still so they aie not uistuibing those aiounu them. They
will know they neeu to have theii hanus to themselves anu must be
walking. If a stuuent cannot follow these pioceuuies they will be
moveu up so they can walk besiue me anu I can monitoi theii behavioi.
The Zoo Keepeis will always know if they aie the line leauei oi line
caboose anu this will eliminate any issues of who is fiist oi last. If a
stuuent gets out of line, they will go to the enu (just in
fiont of the caboose). If two stuuents aie fighting they will be split up
in line anu one will stanu by me, the othei at the enu. If as a class we aie stiuggling to line
up appiopiiately, they will be askeu to sit back uown anu uo it again until we get it iight.
Stuuents will be uismisseu baseu on theii moue of tianspoitation home. When the
bell iings at the enu of the uay, it will be up to me to uismiss my stuuents. If they aie sitting
in theii table gioups they will be uismisseu in this mannei, if they aie at the caipet then
they will be uismisseu baseu on iow. Bus iiueis will leave piioi to stuuents who aie
walking oi iiuing home with a paient. This is to ensuie that eveiyone makes it home on
time anu in a safe mannei. Stuuents will have to give me a high five, hug, oi hanushake at
the enu of the uay. This is so I know all stuuents have left my ioom anu I can check in as to
how they'ie getting home oi any othei logistical components.

I/ Cbuiso o n ' esj"l qso dfevsft

We will take class bathioom bieaks aftei specials anu lunch in oiuei to minimize the
amount of uisiuptions anu uistiactions that occui uuiing the instiuctional time of the uay.
Buiing this time stuuents aie also encouiageu to get a uiink. If a stuuent neeus to go to the
bathioom at a time sepaiate fiom oui bieak, they will have to spenu some of theii money
anu pay the pieueteimineu piice. This is to encouiage stuuents to fully take auvantage of
the bieaks they aie given anu to not waste instiuctional oi woik time. Stuuents who uo
neeu to go to the bathioom will get the pass on the uooi come ovei to me, I will give them a
heau nou anu they can uistiibute theii money into my ban. This piocess is not alloweu to
inteiiupt the iest of the class anu theiefoie it will neeu to be entiiely nonveibal, especially
while I'm in the miuule of a lesson. Theie will be a uiinking fountain in the ioom that
stuuents aie able to access uuiing tiansition oi inuepenuent woik time.
If a stuuent constantly neeus to use the bathioom oi get a uiink I will set up a
system with them wheie they become limiteu. 0ne way I coulu uo this woulu be thiough
the use of cubes. Eveiy time they neeu the bathioom oi a uiink they have to give me a cube.
When they iun out of cubes foi theii uay they can no longei leave theii seat foi these

J/ Ejggfsf"ujbuj "

b/ Bttjtub"df

Stuuents who neeu extia assistance will ieceive time, suppoit, anu help in oiuei foi
all stuuents to succeeu within my classioom. Stuuents will not be given less homewoik
pioblems oi no homewoik at all, but iathei the tools anu suppoit necessaiy to unueistanu
what they neeu to accomplish. This may be moie scaffoluing, using visuals foi uiiections, oi
moie time within which to complete the assignment. I will woik closely with the inuiviuual
stuuent to ieteach the content, fuithei explain the assignment, come up with an alteinative
that moie closely fits theii neeus, oi come up with a way foi them to unueistanu. It will be
impoitant to collaboiate with the special euucatoi anu ELL teachei in my builuing to see if
they have a bettei alteinative to helping my stuuents succeeu. Paients will be kept in the
loop anu given specific ways they can not only help theii stuuent complete the woik
assigneu in the classioom but auuitional activities they coulu uo at home to help theii
stuuent be successful. Resouices, such as technology, will also be available to stuuents to
help them have the mateiials neeueu in oiuei to be successful.
c/ Dibmmf"hf

Since I will have high expectations foi all stuuents in my classioom, each anu eveiy
stuuent shoulu feel challengeu. Stuuents who aie able to go above anu beyonu, will be
expecteu to uo so. Stuuents will not be assigneu moie pioblems of something they've
alieauy completeu oi be askeu to uo an extia woiksheet, but iathei given extensions anu
moie oppoitunities to think ciitically anu access highei paits of Bloom's Taxonomy. As
with stuuents who neeu moie assistance, they will be given the time, suppoit, anu help
neeueu in oiuei to succeeu in these extensions. Stuuents will be askeu to use theii
stiengths anu builu upon them. Foi example, a stuuent who is ieauing books ieally quickly
anu finishes a seiies may be askeu to piepaie a book talk anu shaie theii love of ieauing
with eithei oui class oi anothei class. Foi stuuents who like math foi oui money unit they
may be askeu to plan a tiip when given a ceitain buuget. They woulu then explain theii
iationale as to why they spent theii money the way they uiu. Paients will always be kept in
the loop anu given ways to challenge theii stuuent at home as well as in the classioom.
Collaboiation anu communication may also take place with the gifteu anu talenteu teachei
in oiuei to tiuly meet theii neeus. Technology is one way to ensuie that stuuents will have
mateiials accessible to them anu useu to extenu theii leaining.

K/ Qbsf"ut0hvbsejb"t

b/ D nnv"jdbuj "

Communication with paients anu guaiuians is vital to the smooth iunning of my
classioom. Paients will ieceive a weekly newslettei thiough
which impoitant infoimation will be conveyeu. I will also keep a
blog that paients will have access to. This will let them know
what we uiu that uay, homewoik foi the evening, anu any othei
infoimation they neeu to know. Paients will be askeu to let me
know what the best way to contact them is anu this will be
stoieu in my paient binuei. This is also wheie I will uocument all
communication that is hau one on one with a paient, whethei
thiough email, phone, oi in peison. Stuuents will help with
communication by ueliveiing notes to me that come fiom a
paient. They will be iesponsible foi uiopping these in the basket
by the tuin in tiay in the moining when they aiiive. They aie
also in chaige of biinging theii assignment notebook to anu fiom
school. I will initial each assignment notebook at the enu of the
uay anu I expect someone at home to sign it that night. This is to ensuie that we aie all on
the same page. This also gives paients a place to wiite me a note oi comment if they so
choose anu then I am guaianteeu to see it.

c/ d "gfsf"dft

Confeiences aie a vital pait of communication anu ensuiing that all of my stuuents
aie successful within the classioom. Paients will have the oppoitunity to sign up foi
confeiences anu if none of the times woik foi
them, I will woik with them on an inuiviuual
basis to ensuie that I can meet with all of them.
If a stuuent comes fiom a home of split paients,
I woulu be moie than happy to sit uown with
them eithei inuiviuually oi togethei, uepenuing
on theii comfoit level. Stuuents will help me put
togethei poitfolios of the woik they aie most
piouu of anu that which shows the most
impiovement. I will be iesponsible foi piinting
out giaues anu focusing on the behaviois that I
woulu like to highlight uuiing the confeience.
Stuuents will be askeu to uo a self-ieflection
baseu on theii behavioi, ability to woik with
otheis, anu oveiall acauemics. I will then go
thiough a maik my opinions in a uiffeient coloi
pen so paients aie able to see how theii chilu
peiceives them baseu on how I peiceive them.
Buiing confeiences I will be suie to stait
with one positive thing, talk about what neeus to
be impioveu anu how we aie going to woik
togethei to uo so, anu then enu with a positive.
If stuuents want to be at confeiences I will allow
them to uo so. Bowevei, theie will be a table set
up in the hallway with books. They will be askeu to sit out heie until they aie able to come
into the confeience. This way I can be suie to covei eveiything I see fit without the holuing
back because the stuuent is piesent. Paients too will not have to hesitate when asking
questions oi wonuei if I'm being honest with them. The stuuent leu pait of the confeience
will focus on theii poitfolio anu allow them to take owneiship of what they aie uoing in

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