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* Title

Desperate Boy

* Your Names and Student Numbers
Jordan Hsieh | 301117882 |
Jimmy Chen | 301139224 |
Eunice Lee | 301179758 |

* One or two paragraph description of your final project
The interactor controls a desperate single male character in our story who is searching for a
date. Throughout the story, he is given a series of events that will alter the plot and the
ending. In the beginning, a short video will be played out to introduce the user the plot of
the story. The user is then given an option to create a real profile or a fake profile. Based on
the option the user chooses, the user will be given a list of girls to choose from. Upon
choosing a girl, the user will be linked to their profile and presented with a link and the girl
will either reject or accept their chat invite based on the real or fake profile event.

If the girl rejects the user, the user will have to pick another girl to continue the story.
When the girl accepts the chat invite, the user will be presented with a picture-text based
chat room. These dialogue options will be preset by the designers, but each option will yield
a different result. Based on the chat results, the girl will agree or disagree to a first meetup.
During the meetup, the user will be given another series of dialogue options. Each negative
option will result in the user being rejected. If all goes right, the user will go on a date with
the girl. At the end of the video, the user is given a phone number if they want to continue
chatting with the girl.

* Any instructions on how to run it (if needed)
After opening the website, there is an intro video that the interactor can watch before
continue his process in finding a girlfriend. The interactor can hover over the computer
mouse to the names and see the profile informations of himself and select fake or real
profile. After that, he can select the girl he wants to chat with. He can also hover over the
mouse on the names of the girls to see more information about them.

And then, there are chat conversations where the interactor is given chat responses to
select. If the chat conversation goes well, Weesley, the character who plays the Desperate
Boy, meets the girl and have conversations. After their date, whether or not Weesley
successfully made a girlfriend is shown to the interactor.

On the left bottom screen, there is always a button that leads the interactor back to the
page they were previously in. Also, clicking the title of the interactive piece leads the
interactor back to the home page. When using the video, the interactor can select responses
during conversations through hovering over and then clicking the white boxes on the video.

* description of interactive design
As the user rolls over to the profile boxes, it reveals the information about the person. Also,
by clicking on the profile boxes, they can get into the conversation chat. The interactor can
build his/her own interactive experience through building the story on how Weesley finds his

The aesthetics of the structure of this interactive piece is the system-based/emergent
structure as there are sets of rules to follow which result in unexpected experiences and
content. The final result of the interactive piece emerges as the participants follow the rules
of it. Although there are clues and hints given to the interactors through the girls profile
informations, it is unknown to the user whether or not Weesley will be able to find his

Interpretive interactivity can occur when the interactor is chatting with one of the girls as it
requires cognitive participation with the text. The chat dialogues are psychological, and

Utilitarian interactivity occurs when the user makes decision on his responses during chat
conversations with the girls through clicking on the option he chooses.

We tried to build a digital environment that is immersive and one that can build agency. The
interactor is given the power to make his/her own meaningful choices as he/she interacts
with the environment and co-author with the artist. Navigation using computer mouse,
clicking on the options,and hovering over for more informations give the game-like qualities
of the experience. It also bridges real world with the digital world as it reflects the reality of
the singles.

It is immersive because the interactor can be submerged into the story world. This narrative
is especially built to give the user is Weesley in the digital world as he/she can make
decisions for Weesley, and build Weesleys character.

It is also transformative because the experience of interacting with this piece can transform
the interactor him/herself. The experience can make them feel satisfied, happy, and sad.
As well as that, the interactor can take pleasure in choosing the girl, and dialog selections.

This interactive piece uses procedural affordance as it allows the interaction with a virtual
character. All the responses are preprogrammed but picked based on the users choice. It
provides the user with the illusion of speaking to a real life human being.

* graphic (flowchart or sketch) showing the overall interactive design
Included as pdf files in the same folder.

* screen shot and description of interface look-and-feel
We wanted to create simple design that does not distract the user away from the narrative
experiences and guide them through. So, we used black and white color scheme and simple

Home page

Home page (mouse hover over profile)

Girl selection page

Girl selection page(mouse hover over profile)

Meetup video

Dialog Option
* representative screen shots from the interactive piece
Home page


* technical details on software used to produce and to run this
We used Adobe Premiere to edit videos and audio. Also, used HTML and Youtube to post
and link the videos on a website.

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