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Alaa Yahia Faid

Home: +20238190445 Egypt. Saqqara. Elkhwas st, !"a

#o$!le: +2012%30&3384 'ate o( )!rth: 25*05*1992
e+,er: #ale Ema!l:
Research Areas of Interest
#y pass!o+ !+ s/!e+/e $elo+gs to the sy+thes!s a+, /hara/ter!"at!o+ o( +o0el a+, a,0a+/e,
12+/t!o+al +a+omater!als (or e+ergy storage a+, /o+0ers!o+.
Academic Record and Education
September 2009-July 20!: )a/helor o( E+g!+eer!+g, 3a!ro 4+!0ers!ty, Egypt.
#a5or: #etall2rg!/al a+, #ater!als E+g!+eer!+g.
ra,e: "#Sc# $ith %onors &e'ree ()*A + !#0,!#0- senior t$o years. /0erall Ran1 is the First#
ra,2at!o+ 6ro5e/t: Sy+thes!s a+, 3hara/ter!"at!o+ o( +a+oporo2s a+o,!/ al2m!+a mem$ra+es7
ra,e: &istinction.
2or1 E3perience
September 20!-till no$4
*lace of 2or14 3a!ro 4+!0ers!ty, 1a/2lty o( E+g!+eer!+g, #!+!+g, 6etrole2m a+, #etall2rg!/al
'epartme+t, Egypt.
Job &escription4 8ork!+g as a 9ea/h!+g :ss!sta+t !+ #etall2rg!/al E+g!+eer!+g 'epartme+t.
6art!/!pat!+g !+ g!0!+g /lasses !+ the (ollow!+g /o2rses:
5rainin' E3perience and Internships
-;ro+ a+, Steel 3ompa+y !+ Helwa+ < 3a!ro =2ly 2012
-Hall!$2rto+, o!l Ser0!/e 3ompa+y :2g2st 2012
-3e+tral #etall2rg!/al >esear/h ;+st!t2te ?3#>';@ =2ly 2013
-3la2sthal 4+!0ers!ty o( 9e/h+ology, erma+y :2g2st to A/to$er 2013
;+st!t2te o( 6olymer #ater!als a+, 6last!/s E+g!+eer!+g
-E"" 1lat Steel (!el, tr!p. :pr!l 2014
6an'ua'e s1ills and Related 7ertificates
Arabic ?#other to+g2e@: eB/elle+t En'lish: 0ery goo, French: goo,
International 7onferences Attended
C3ompos!tes E2rope 2013, St2ttgart, erma+y. Septem$er 2013
CDa+ote/h 3halle+ges 2014, 3a!ro, Egypt.
1 | P a g e
-1!rst :++2al 4+,ergra,2ate S/!e+t!(!/ 3o+(ere+/e, Eewa!l 3!ty o( S/!e+/e a+, 9e/h+ology
7onference *resentations and *osters
Alaa Faid, :lyaa :l!, Ha,eer :$,el Hamee,: 6reparat!o+ a+, 3hara/ter!"at!o+ o( Da+oporo2s
:l2m!+a #em$ra+es. ).S/. pro5e/ts (a!r, :2g2st 2014 ?poster@.
A#Faid- :.:l!, H.:$,el Hamee,, >.:$,elCkar!m, S.ElC>aghy: 6reparat!o+ a+, 3hara/ter!"at!o+
o( Da+oporo2s :l2m!+a #em$ra+es. 9#S 2015 144th :DD4:F #EE9;D G EHH;);9;AD.
:$stra/t s2$m!tte,.
*rofessional and 5echnical 7ourses
3orros!o+ o( metals /o2rse $y #!/hael 6(e!(er, 6h'., 6.E., ;+,2str!al #etall2rg!sts.
6r!+/!ples o( #etall2rgy /o2rse $y #!/hael 6(e!(er, 6h'., 6.E., #etall2rg!sts
;+tro,2/t!o+ to wel,!+g /o2rse !+ so/!ety o( petrole2m e+g!+eers ?Spe 34@
#ater!als S/!e+/e (or ;+,2stry, :3erSC:S# A+l!+e 3o2rse
12el 3ells, the 12t2re o( :2tomot!0e 9e/h+ology workshop at :mer!/a+ 2+!0ers!ty !+ 3a!ro
6ro(. 8al!, 1ar!s, 3ollege o( E+g!+eer!+g, ;+ter+at!o+al ;slam!/ 4+!0ers!ty #alays!a.
St2,e+t ?st2,y!+g Da+ote/h+ology: 9he )as!/s@
St2,e+t ?st2,y!+g sol!, state /hem!stry@ E,B ?#;9@
*ro8ect e3perience and 5echnical S1ills
- &etermination 9iscoelastic properties of )FR* materials used in *etrochemical industry#
6repar!+g /ompos!te mater!als w!th I:>; a+, >9# te/h+!q2es
9est!+g /ompos!tes (or te+s!le a+, /reep tests
6repar!+g samples ?gr!+,!+g, pol!sh!+g, et/h!+g@ a+, #!/rostr2/t2ral a+alys!s
2- Synthesis and characteri:ation of nanoporous alumina membranes
6repar!+g +a+oporo2s a+o,!/ al2m!+a ?6::@ samples
3hara/ter!"at!o+ 6:: $y SE#, E'H a+alys!s, HCray ,!((ra/t!o+ a+, !mage a+alys!s.
7omputer S1ills
#S A((!/e 6ro(ess!o+al ?eB/el < wor,C 6ower6o!+t@ a+, ;3'F /ert!(!/ate
3am$r!,ge mater!als sele/t!o+ so(tware ?3ES 2011@
3omsol m2lt!phys!/s
J2a+t2mw!se.:tom!st!B.9oolk!t ?0!rt2al Da+o la$@
a//elrys mater!als st2,!o
2 | P a g e
*rofessional and Scientific Societies ;embership
-#em$er o( E+g!+eer!+g Sy+,!/ate !+ Egypt
-#em$er !+ :mer!/a+ So/!ety o( #e/ha+!/al E+g!+eers? :S#E @
-#em$er !+ So/!ety o( 6etrole2m E+g!+eers ?S6E@.
%onors < A$ards
EB/elle+/e (!+a+/!al awar, ?1999C2003@
9he top ra+k (or last three years a+, (or o0erall ra+k o+ my /lass a+, Ho+ors ).S/. ,egree, , 3a!ro
Sele/te, as the !,eal st2,e+t (or my /lass
9olunteer and E3tracurricular Acti0ities
-E+a/t2s 3a!ro 4+!0ers!ty 2011 to 6rese+t
-;:ES9E St2,e+t Iol2+teer 2012 to prese+t
-Fog!st!/s mem$er S6E 3a!ro 4+!0ers!ty 2010 to 2011
References :0a!la$le 2po+ req2est.
3 | P a g e

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