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DATE: 25
September 2009.

LOCATION : California, U.S.A.
DIVISION : Searl Magnetic Ltd.
SUBJECT : Gyro - Flywheel - High Energy Density Mechanical Magnetic Device.
CHAIRMAN : Prof. John Roy Robert Searl.
STATUS : R&D Human Studies.
I, Prof. John Roy Robert Searl, hereby confirm that the details within this document copied from his 1968
newsletter, and wherever possible he will update the details as he now knows therefore his old newsletter
is now obsolete.
The Gyro-flywheel-high density-mechanical-magnetic device: which the Japanese investors requested it to
be change to Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
Since that date this clean energy device has remain and still known by that title, and now it will remain as
Since December 2008 the work on its redevelopment for mass production purpose has been stop due to lack
of funds, today I received news from Thailand that there is a backer now who is prepared to fund the cost of
its completion in Thailand.
At this time the paper work is being drawn up which has to be sign by all parties so it will be some days
before this is completed and re-start can commence in earnest to get it developed and pass tests for go ahead
in to mass production phase.
Searl expect all concern to arrive at his place for the final signing in early part of October.
Page 1
Within this division of the company materials which will be presented here relates to options available to
Searl in 1968; therefore today they might even be more option unknown to him at this stage of writing.
In the last update Searl, show what options there were in 1968 for him to use as an emitter of the Searl effect
Generator (S.E.G).
In this document, Searl will look at another element he could use as an emitter of the Searl Effect Generator
(S.E.G) options that were available to him in 1968.
EMITTER is a material that can give up electrons to another which is positive in respect to that emitter, but
in the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) the emitter does far more work than being a dispatch department of
negative ions to a positive ion state.
The emitter within the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) is the acting reflection force that generators the lift
action of the roller set as it floats and rotates around the plate upon which it is attach.
The flying height remains constant regardless of its velocity around its plate, and different elements will set
different flight heights as if it is a fingerprint of that element.
Searl often term them as its footprint, like you the atom has a number of footprints by which is can be
identified by.
To those who have heard that term and more so for those who have not heard that term this is what that
implies to Searl:
It is the smallest quantity of any element: that can take part in a chemical reaction; and one could accept that
this entity as a source of nuclear energy: thus the power of the atom.
And surely that is also true with the Searl Effect generator (S.E.G) the power of the atom as it is powered by
the atom reactions; the hypothetical indivisible particle of matter postulated by certain ancient philosophers.
In the last update, Searl presented the element Copper Cu 29.
As being a good emitter which is clearly demonstrated here
At our laboratory in Thailand where a bulb of 25W lights up,
Which proves without doubt that copper Cu 29 has much to
Offer in the design of the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
But amongst the elements it is not alone as others with similar
Properties are available to perform similar tasks of an emitter.
Element Aluminium symbol Al atomic number 13 a light malleable silvery white metallic element that
resists corrosion and to Searl knowledge it is the third most abundant element in the earths crust,
occurring as a compound, principally in bauxite.
Bauxite is an amorphous claylike substance consisting to Searl knowledge of hydrated alumina with iron
and other impurities: the chief source of alumina and aluminium and also used as an abrasive and
catalyst, which was found in southern France in a place name Baux.
When you compare Aluminium Al 13 with that of Copper Cu 29 the figure prints already stated here are
quite different: but one thing Searl is certain about is that both are metals in character regardless.
Page 2


Right away, we spot the difference; Copper Cu got four shells, where Aluminium has only three shells. Let
us assume, as scientists love doing, why should we be different to them, that Searl dream one says that
element with three shells will work as an emitter but go for a four shells.
We see quite plainly that there is a difference in weight, which converts too much smaller copper layer
compared to aluminium layer.
The crystal structure: claimed to be similar in design, from the scientific evidence shown here it takes less
effort to take electronics off copper then from aluminium, but electrons still be taken off aluminium.
We have a reasonable understanding upon these two elements their figure prints how they are different in
structure but it might be wrong to say that we know everything that we can do with them, but Searl doubt
that; we have yet much to learn.
Searl understand from experimenting: that each of these elements generates eddy currents when their
internal frequency is interfere with such as with a magnetic field.
When such interference occurs the element moves away from it even though it is not magnetised it floats.
It is this function, which Searl employs within the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) thereby reducing the noise
footprint to almost zero-rate.
It reduces wear and tear, thereby increase its operational live span over other generators on the market
thereby increases its value to the customer.
By the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G), functions its maintenance cost are much lower than other generators
on the market, which adds value for the customer.
As the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) does no burn conventional fuel, it does not pollute the atmosphere,
which adds to customer value.
The Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) is therefore kind to you but not only you but to the environment as a
whole, another customer value.
If the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) does cost more to manufacture its life cycle pays that cost back as a
gain as it will outlast all other conventional generators at almost zero-rate to the customer. Not only finance
gain but also health gain as well.
Searl will now show key differences between these two elements in which he hopes will interest you in how
he conceive the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) which is under re-development today in Thailand to meet the
requirements of a mass production product.
Progress success relates to funding success that is the law of the squares definition.
Page 3
Aluminium Atomic Diameter 10
Copper Atomic Diameter 1O
m =3.64
Aluminium First I onisation Potential V = 5.986
m =3.14
Copper First I onisation Potential V =7.726
Aluminium Chemical Valence 3
Copper Chemical Valence 2, 1
Aluminium Configuration Valence Electrons 3s
Copper Configuration Valence Electrons (3d
) 4s
Aluminium Spectral Term of Ground State

Copper Spectral Term of Ground State

Aluminium Wavelength of most I ntense Spectral line 10
Copper Wavelength of most I ntense Spectral line 10
Here are just a few footprints of these two elements to take into account and we shall see the results of
Aluminium Al 13: when another element added by their equilibrium diagrams as Searl did with Copper Cu
29 when other elements were added.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 with Arsenic As 33.
There is much to cover and knowing is not good enough for Searl, understanding is vital policy of Searl.
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To the future a better world of energy.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 with Gold Au.
Searl accepts that this subject also falls in the realm of CRYSTALLOGRAPHY:
Metals and alloys, like most solid matter, are aggregates of crystals; they are built up as you are of units,
consisting of small groups of atoms regularly and indefinitely repeated throughout the body by parallel
The Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) is no different as it is a natural law of nature as it is likewise structure in
the same manner.
If the co-ordinates of the atoms within such a group are given, the three independent translations represented
by vectors a, b, c, which are not all parallel to the same plane, suffice to specify the position of any other
atom in the crystal which Searl states is an important issue within the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
Let the vector from an arbitrary origin to an atom be:
r =xa +yb +zc.
Page 5

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 with Boron B 5.
Then atoms of the same kind will be found at all points:
n =
+x) a +(n
+y) b +(n
Where n
+z) c
, n
, n
The lattice may be regarded either as a system of translations relating identical points in a structure, or as a
system of points arranged in parallel and equidistant nets, each net consisting of series of parallel and
equidistant rows in which the points are spaced at equal distances.
, may be any positive or negative integers such as a succession of regularly arranged points
in space constitutes a space lattice.
Searl see the points of such an array can be arbitrarily arranged in an infinite number of ways in parallel
equidistant linear rows or planar nets; they can, in other words, be referred to an infinite number of systems
of three primitive vectors.
Searl investigation has shown that any structure possessing the symmetry observed in crystals can be
referred to one of 14 lattices, defined by its primitive vectors and by the character of its unit cell, the latter
being the parallelepiped formed by the three translations selected as units.
To Searl knowledge, that in general, unit translations are selected so as to give the simplest cell having edges
as short as possible, but there are several cases in which a more complex cell is chosen so as to display the
symmetry of the lattice, or its relation to other lattices, to greater advantage.
Page 6

Tomorrow technology being developed
today for a better world tomorrow, by Searl
Magnetic Limited.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Barium Ba 56.
Searl understand that the system of three vectors a, b, c, is describe by the lengths a, b, c, and by the angles
between them: (bc) =, (ca) =, (ab) =.
Searl accepts as fact that the face of the unit cell which is parallel to the plane of the (a) and (b) axes, and
which therefore intersects the (c) axis at distance c from the origin is termed the c face.
Searl also accepts that similarly, the face parallel to the b-c axial plane is the a face, and that parallel to the
a-c axial plane the b face.
The simplest cell, having points only at its corners, is term primitive and is given the symbol
Schoenflies or P Hermann -.
Other cells, Searl understands are termed face centred -; have points at the corners and at centres of two or
more of their faces, and are given symbols indicating the faces carrying these additional points.
Thus, A. B. C. F represents centring on the: a, b, c and all faces respectively.
Finally, there is the - body centred cell, having points at its corners and one additional point at the
intersection of the body diagonals.
This is given the symbol - Hermann -. Centred cells are indicated by Schoenflies by dashes.
The 14 lattices will be listed later.
So far, Searl has shown his knowledge from 1946 to 1968 and will continue to inform you upon this issue,
as experts have no idea what they are talking about when they knock Searl.
Page 7

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 with Beryllium Be 4.
Symmetry elements may be classified as axes, planes, and centres which Searl understands from the time of
1956 and that a body has an axis of symmetry when rotation through a definite angle about some line
through it the axis of rotation causes it to assume its original aspect.
Crystals have been observed to have axes of 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-fold reflection, involving coincidence after
rotation through 180
, 120
, 90
and 60
If a plane can be passed through a body such that every point on one side of the plane stands in mirror image
relationship to a corresponding point on the other side as you do, the plane is said to be a reflecting plane
or plane of symmetry.
Searl understanding is that a point within a body is a centre of symmetry or centre of inversion if a line from
any point of the body to the centre and extended to an equal distance beyond it encounters a corresponding
SEARL STATES: other symmetry operations are:
ROTARY REFLECTION, involving rotation through a definite angle, combined with reflection in a plane
normal to the axis as observed within the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
SCREW AXES OF ROTATION, combining rotation about an n-fold axis with a translation of a specified
length in the direction of the axis; as observed within the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
GLIDE PLANES, combining reflection with translation parallel to the plane of the mirror as observed
within the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
So far, Searl has not given much away, but rest assure he will give you much more than you have known.
Page 8

Tomorrows technology created
today by Searl Magnetics Limited.

*By choosing a and b axes the c-centred monoclinic cell will be seen to be equivalent to a primitive cell in
which a =b c, = =90
By suitable change of axes it is possible to convert the orthorhombic C and F cells into primitive and body
centred cells respectively having a =b c, = =90
, . Even if these axes are selected, the symbol C is retained for this cell.
This is a special form of the alternative setting described in the preceding note for the orthorhombic C cell;
it is therefore given the symbol C.
, obtuse. The symbols for these alternative setting
remain C and F.
Exactly as Searl dream one states; no it is not the end of the equilibrium diagrams just popped it in here
before I forget to include it, otherwise our experts will make a mountain out of it, and there is already
enough mountains around without artificial ones being made by experts.
In the case of screw axes, the amount of the shift must be a rational fraction of the translation along the same
axis, the denominator of the fraction being the multiplicity of the rotation; as Searl states that for a 6-fold
axis, the shift may be 1/6, 2/6, 3/6of the translation.
In the case of the glide plane, the shift must be one-half of some translation in that plane. To Searl it means
that it may be a/2 or b/2 parallel to the a and b axes, or of half the face diagonal in the direction parallel to
that diagonal.
If the cell is centred on that particular face, the shift may be one-half of the distance to the centre, i,e, of the
face diagonal.
Page 9

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 with Bismuth Bi 83.
The point group as Searl states may be define as a group of symmetry elements distributed about a point in
space, and may be conveniently visualised as an assembly of points generated by the operation of the
symmetry elements in question upon a single point having co-ordinate xyz referred to specified axes, the
symmetry elements passing through the origin.
Thus a symmetry plan, passing through the origin and containing the x and y axes, will generate, from the
point xyz, an equivalent point of which the co-ordinates are xy; these two points serve to characterise the
point group.
Searl understands that the 32 -point groups define all the ways in which axes, planes and centres of
symmetry can be distributed so as to intersect in a point in space, and correspond to the 32 classes of
morphological crystallography.
The Searl Effect is not a joke, it is reality of the ATOM and its energy, which it contains, and how the Atom
By the selection of the atoms, whose functions best meet those required of such a concept as the Searl Effect
makes it reality that will create tomorrows technology, not just as a power source but also as an integral
module units for all power requirements.
For tomorrows world to be given birth, we all must play a part in its conception that is now developing.
Page 10

Inventing tomorrows
technology today by Searl
Magnetic Limited the
future looks bright.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al and Calcium Ca 20.
The space group may be define as an extended network of symmetry elements distributed about the points of
a space lattice, and may be visualised as an assembly of points generated by the operation of symmetry
elements on a series of points situated identically in each cell of the lattice.
Whereas in the point group the repeated operation of any symmetry element must ultimately bring each
point back to its original position, in the space group an operation need only bring the point to an analogous
position in the same or in another cell of the lattice.
Thus in the space group the more complex symmetry operation of screw axis and glide planes are possible,
combining translation with reflection and rotation.
Point groups, placed at the points of space lattices belonging to the same system of symmetry, give rise to
the simplest of the 230 space groups; the remainder are generated by replacing the simple planes and axes of
the point group by glide planes and screw axes.
This may appear rather complicated for our viewers, unfortunate that is not the case for Searl, he
understands it and appreciate what is actually involved in nature through which Searl creates his concepts
not only that he can construct them.
Searl is rather like Charles Darwin, he seeks the truth in nature, how, and why this is what we observe
around us and as to how important, each component is to the whole system.
The Homo sapiens during Searl life cycle has achieved beyond all expections in science and technology
successes that no other animal has achieved during that time.
Page 11

Tomorrows technology being
developed today by Searl Magnetic

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Cadmium Cd 48.
As Searl been explaining his knowledge upon the atom, he like to recap the end part of document one and
continue upon that part of his knowledge base.
He was explaining about the periodicity and atomic structure, and quoted names of those who paved the way
for Searl future and this theory was particularly successful in relating the radiation frequencies of spectral
lines proportional to the energies of the corresponding photons to differences between discrete energy
levels of the atoms and molecules.
An earlier supposition by Niels Bohr in 1913, was thereby confirmed, and atomic spectra became a rich
source of detailed information about atomic properties.
Strange that all these people Searl name played a part in the design of the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G)
without any knowledge what they had done, such applies to all inventions regardless it takes a number of
inventors to create one new invention.
The discoveries of electron spin by S. Goudsmit and G. E. Uhlenbeck in 1925 and W, Paulis exclusion
principle in 1925 that no two electrons of a given atomic system can be identical with respect to all quantum
numbers, provided the necessary clue to the remarkable structure of the periodic table that plays a critical
part of the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
These findings, co-ordinated with spectroscopic studies, accounted for the progression in the lengths of the
successive periods 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32 for elements 1 through86 and the fact that each period ends with a
noble gas followed at the beginning of the next period by an alkali metal.
Further details relevant to the periodic law will be out lines in other documents when they are update.
Searl appreciates that many forms of the periodic table have been propose some even in three dimensions;
the periodic chart of the atoms to which Searl will discuss mainly in his documents today refers to a
modernised version of one designed originally by Henry D. Hubbard in 1924.
Searl appreciates the wealth of significant chemical and physical information pertaining to the elements the
heart of the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) is ingeniously incorporated in the blocks that make up the chart.
Page 12

Tomorrows technology being
created today by Searl Magnetic
Limited for the benefits of planet
Earth and all its life forms that
includes you.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Cerium Ce 58.
Searl in his documents explains the data presented in the chart from which it is responsible for giving birth
to the Searl effect Generator (S.E.G) concept and no other person who have not been name were involved.
In this reprint of his 1968 documents, his update knowledge is included with drawings or photos, which
were not available to be, included in the originals prints, as he never had the tools available to undertake that
issue, which is now being corrected by modern technology.
Searl also presented tables in his originals, which will re-appear in these updates that contain additional data
and greater detail; Searl presents a selected bibliography as a matter of interest.
Searl states that the chart may be imagine as folded on itself at the middle of the longer periods 4, 5, 6, and
7-, to save excessive width, which he sincerely hope that you as the reader will appreciate.
Searl understands that each of these periods contains a sequence of transition elements; with electrons,
beginning to occupy the d orbitals belonging respectively to principal quantum numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6.
The sequence starts in the third column of the upper row the A sub-group and continues on to the second
column in the lower row the B sub-group -, where the set of d orbitals has reached its full complement of
10 electrons consistent with the exclusion principle.
If you are unable to understand, this data do not worry one day you will understand it and the S.E.G.
Page 13

Tomorrows Technology.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al and Cobalt Co 27.
Searl states that the lanthanides elements 58 71 and actinides elements 90 103 are sequences of
elements in which in the atomic ground states electrons begin to occupy the f orbitals belonging to
principal quantum numbers 4 and 5.
These elements are segregate in two sub-periods located for convenience at the bottom of the chart Searl
points out that for a fully expanded chart would call for fourteen columns between columns IIIA and IVA,
where these sub-periods of the sixth and seventh periods would properly be inserted.
Searl not just have an ugly face but also actually has a brain that function strangely in the domain of reality
not brainwashed by formal or religious education but free to see with open mind all things in the domain of
reality the truth that actually exists.
What he sees saddens him, as he watches the world dying and the Homo sapiens heading straight for the
cesspit with their eyes wide open yet blind as a bat to what lies ahead of them thanks to the greed of man.
Page 14

Tomorrows Technology.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Chromium Cr 24.
1946, in the month of July a day he will never forget of the 9
So far, the homes representatives had down him that he would be nothing of worth, as he had no formal
education stop and think what a boy that young would feel like being severely handicap and no one has
even notice that problem well more precise did not care to know.
- what a year for this boy of 14 years 2
months old, starting work in a world he really knows nothing much about; what would be his job, how
would he be accepted by the other workers would he succeed?
What did he really know about electricity before going to the naval school certainly not much to speak of
in the terms of electrical knowledge, his foster mother Helen Hart had a radio and Searl knew that a HT
battery was and a grid bias battery was and what a wet cell was.
Without any formal education he understood that 45 hr whatever that meant was better than 25 hr, he
understood that the HT battery was 120V whatever that meant and the grid bias battery was a negative 9V,
but it was not his radio so he was not concern what these items were.
Any case he would not dare to ask his foster mother such questions: children should be seen and not heard.
Page 15

Tomorrow technology.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Copper Cu 29.
Strange that Helen Hart took him to a shop as she need a new wet cell, and actually asked him to select one
for her, clearly she had no idea what to select herself; which he did for her and she brought it to his surprise.
It worked ok even if he had no idea what it did other it helped to make the radio work, guess this applies to
all children of days who existed in the wild country side.
Completely cut off from the technology growth that was taking place in the UK around that time with a war
blossoming in Europe that brought the UK into it.
Open a door for Searl to progress from the wild countryside to reality of life and its meaning of how to
survive the future by ceasing being a human being but a machine for war a domain absolute different to
what Searl had known before.
This document is not about Searl naval training but about his knowledge upon the day, he commenced work
as a human being and not a machine number. What knowledge did he have which these so-call experts down
him on as not being capable of such designs, which he claims?
First thing he had that was important was lack of formal education not being brainwashed into stupid ideas
of those who think that they knew everything, Secondly he had dreams that educated him way pass what
formal education could had ever taught him.
It taught him to observe, to reason what he saw and to judge its reality to that of the world he sees around
himself. accepting as fact that your brain will present you a world of images in a strange manner of queer
upside dots linked up to create an image in colour of what might be there and we all accept that is the reality
around us, never doubting that what we see may not be true.
Page 16

Tomorrow technology under
development by Searl
Magnetic Limited a future
that is bright for all people.


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al and Caesium Cs 55.
Searl may appear strange to modern age people who have been brought up with electric power, gas and
communications not forgetting transportation systems which none of these products Searl had in his
childhood days.
Searl knows that somewhere out there still are remains of those who have lived in similar manner,
understand what it was like, understand that the earth has change in how we communicate, travel and work
and our pleasure has changed, our attitudes to one another has also changed, which may not be for the best.
Searl has been attacked by evil minds on the websites, by those who have never experienced such times that
Searl has experienced would find it hard in the future to survive when natures hits the area of their existence,
where Searl would survive without much problem.
He has and not only that he has outlived many top names who failed to live that long and he is still learning
about the atom and its use.
However, here we speak of a boy that had no help with learning, was handicap and blocked from asking
questions, and a war that changed his circumstances completely for better or worst only time will prove
which way it would go.
Page 17

Tomorrow Technology developed today by
Searl Magnetic Limited for the benefit of planet
Earth and you for a brighter future.
Planet Earth needs your help today

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Dysprosium Dy 66
His days in his apprenticeship as an electrical engineer would be his opening door to his future, unknown
then to him was his future would soon change, that he was just pawn in the game that the gods were playing.
He would cross the divine of one field of science into completely different domain of science to which he
had no knowledge of at that time that would be one-step nearer to the truth of reality and you and point to
the task, which he had to undertake.
Strange that a boy with no formal education was experiencing life in fields of science normally for those
with formal education, succeeded, and loved by those who employed him, even in his own world of love he
was neglected.
Strange also that a young boy with no formal educated could truly enjoy his training no matter what the
subject was such that those who employed him moved him up to higher ranks of employment in short spaces
of time, he was taking charge and responsible for the functions involved in the work.
Yet, such moves never made him vain or different to those around him: in charge for a department; he was
one of the team regardless of his position within that team; today he is no different in charge; he is just one
of the team that is his function structure in life to be a part thereof and not an individual.
Page 18


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Erbium Er 68.
It is clear that Searl would find the atom very interesting, as he understood that all were made of atoms;
therefore, to Searl it was strange how everyone looks different, Searl assumed that the atom had the function
to change itself:

If we are all made of atoms then surely everyone should look the same but Searl accept the opinion that
like him you see these images different, may not be precise as he see them, but near enough.
We are either saying that their appearances to our perception is the effects of different atoms arranging
themselves in a different order or we are saying that atoms have the ability to change their structure
function just to confuse us.
If virus: can change their structure concept, which suggest the ability to alter their functions due to some
outside effects acting upon them. Then does that account for what we observe in human appearances.
Page 19


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Iron Fe 26.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Iron Fe 26.
If humans and virus prove that atoms can change their structure then Searl say why he cannot change the
atoms structure or function to create the Searl effect generator (S.E.G); that is what happens.
Page 20

All major inventions demand
equipment, tools and test equipment
all add cost to research and
development that has to add to the
product cost to the consumer.
Each year that cost increases, nothing
is free: workers have to be paid.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Gallium Ga 31.
Searl will be dealing with atoms in everything he does and the fault of him doing so: lies with a chap called
Mendelef in 1869; unfortunate for Searl he was unable to meet him to have a chat.
The modern Periodic Chart of the Atoms is an outgrowth of the Periodic Table conceived by Mendelef in
1869; which Searl understand and remarkably, forty elements discovered since then have been fitted into
place without need for radical revision of the tables structure.
Searl is aware that time changes our views and opinions and he appreciates that many versions differing in
detail have been proposed, based upon a fact that if you stand on a corner of a street and watch the girls go
by you see different versions of the atom, but they are still atoms.

Each image that is impressed upon your mind here all contain a common key term atoms, which makes them
all equal in concept yet create by impression upon your mind that they are different.
We accept without question what is impressed upon our mind is reality of what is there and think we know it
all; where the opposite is true we do not know it all, we assume we know it all.
Searl is precise about the reality of science and technology, until we change from assumption to facts man
Page 21


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Gadolinium G d 64.
Will not be going to Mars and not beyond that point until we accept reality cut out assumptions and seek the
facts Mendelef made the first step towards the creation of the Searl Effect generator (S.E.G), without his
help, it would have been impossible to conceive such a concept.
Searl understands that the chief items of information conveyed on the chart are listed by name on the typical
rectangle figure 2.22.1.

Page 22

Tomorrow Technology in concept.
Figure 2.22.1 typical rectangle.
For some elements, symbols and atomic
numbers have been reversed.
This is to identify the proper sub-group to
which they belong.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Germanium Ge 32.
Searl wish to remind you as he has previously mentioned, it should be remembered that many of the
common chemical and physical properties of the elementary chemical substances are not immediately
attributable to the individual atoms but depend on group interactions.
As in, the liquid or solid state including the Searl Effect generator (S.E.G) or even on the presence of
discrete molecules consisting of two or more chemically bonded atoms, stable at ordinary temperatures,
Searl gives his accepted knowledge upon the elements in a brief explanatory comments follow, if possible in
alphabetical order of subject, for the sake of these so-call experts.
The name and symbol for each element is quoted in all Searl newsletters, books and documents.
The symbol is not of Searl design but one, which are that recommended by the Commission on
Nomenclature of inorganic Chemistry of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC) which Searl guess these experts know that to be true and not an assumption.
Searl understands that the vertical alignment of symbols is designed to place atoms belonging to the
same family or subgroup A or B in the same vertical line; being similar to your own family tree
layout your mums line or your dads line.
Explanation of the data use by Searl in his Newsletters, Books or Documents:
Searl makes his understanding clear that the atomic number, the distinguishing property that
characterises the atoms belonging to a given element, is normally indicated by the large black integer
in each rectangle on the chart.
Searl ask you know why they went to all that trouble and effort including expense.
The answer is elementary dear Watson.
To assists, Prof. Searl in his design of the Searl Effect generator (S.E.G) concept to which he thanks
them for their input to his work; without that help the Searl Effect generator (S.E.G) would been
impossible to conceive.
Page 23

Tomorrow technology being
developed today by Searl
Technology Limited.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Hafnium Hf 72.
As Searl understands it that it is equal to the number of positive elementary charges borne by the atomic
nucleus - which Searl knows is the same as the number of protons in the nucleus and equal in turn to the
number of electrons in the neutral atom.
Read precisely what Searl says not assume what Searl says, which clearly display itself on YouTube web as
assume where that is not what Searl said.
Searl understands that it is represented in general by the symbol Z.
Searl trust that clears up that point, as re-printed from his 1968 newsletter updated with the colour diagrams.
We need to understand that Searl approached this concept from two types of dreams he had during his
school days and relied upon the atomic table obtained from Mullard Limited education section.
Which, he appears to have in his possession: when he can put his hands on it; that it be scan into this PC for
use as proof.
Page 24

Tomorrow Technology being
invented today by Searl
Magnetic Limited and to be
manufactured by New Space
Technology Limited Thailand
under contract at a figure of

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Mercury Hg 80.
Searl has no option but to accept the experts claims upon the weight issue of the atom, as he has no
real way to disprove it. Which Searl understanding is based upon relative atomic mass of an
element is the ratio of the average mass per atom of element to of the mass of an atom
The choice as Searl understands it was of carbon 12 as the reference atom, international accepted
since 1960, is base on historic circumstances.
Natural carbon contains to Searl knowledge 1.11% of carbon-13, which he understands is readily
distinguished from carbon 12 in mass spectrometry.

This is what Searl is referring to, equipment, which could prove useful in our research studies.
Page 25

The world of tomorrow under
development today, Searl Technology
Limited and Searl Magnetic Limited,
New Space Technology Limited; united
in the drive for cleaner energy systems.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Holmium Ho 67.

This completes what Searl means about a mass spectrometry; it has a vital role in research and development.
The atomic weights recommended in the 1977 biennial report of IUPACS Commission on Atomic Weights
are presented in red figures on the chart.
Searl understands that for the elements Technetium Tc 43, Promethium Pm 61, Polonium Po 84, Astatine St
85, Radon Rn 86, Francium Fr 87, and those with atomic numbers exceeding 93, the atomic weight, in the
chemical sense, is meaningless since it cannot be quoted precisely without knowledge of origin.
Searl understands that many of their isotopes are manmade.
All are radioactive, and the atomic mass number of the isotope of longest known half-life is given in
This document of 1968 being reproduced and update with graphs and photos where possible of Searl world.
Page 26

Morris appointed as chief engineer at
Searl Magnetic Limited Thailand. Who
is part of the research and development
of the accelerator of the Searl Effect
generator (S.E.G) contract now being
sign for the green light to proceed.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Indium In 49.
Searl has never stated that he invented the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G); his statement has always been
that he invented the concept from which a team of people brought that into reality. There are two different
domains there.
Searl has always stated that his success are based upon many other experts discoveries from which he has
just extended their horizon thanks to hundreds of other experts who invented the tools, equipment and
materials from which Searl could create such a concept of the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G).
The key of that success goes back beyond five thousand years ago to a time long forgotten by modern man,
how a tribe use a precise kind of mathematics to design their lives.
The same, which Searl employs in all his knowledge the Law of the Squares that say, that death gave you
life and remains your partner from which you shall return: life and death are partners but opposites. As long
as you can beat death, you have the right to live; when you fail death wins: just a game you have to play.
Page 27


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Potassium K 19.
Searl understand materials from his experiments such that some elements oxidise in air like some of his test

Some elements oxidise in air even in an airtight container that has a small amount of air in it as seen shown
here; under normal condition, it would be stored in Argon Ar 18 or oil to isolate it from the atmosphere so
oxidisation would not become active.
Searl has work at finding a solution to this problem and today he appears to have won on that issue. As
Searl, states to all problems there are answers unfortunate some needs more time to solve, because man is in
a hurry based on greed he dumps the option to find the answer as it is quicker to say IMPOSSIBLE then to
make it possible.
That is where Searl differs like others before him and those who will follow him the impossible are a
challenge that only a few are fit to undertake they are special in many ways they are not brainwashed.
Page 28

Tomorrow Technology.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Lanthanum La 57.
Yes, Searl is strange in relation to you, he actually is free to think, to act, to create technology that will
benefit the planet which includes you why he does this he has no idea he just do it because he is human
so you can have a better world to live in at his expense.
His knowledge that you are so keen to down, was achieve by his own efforts alone, he never was given
encouragement or help in learning.
As a boy he was alone today in reality he is still alone struggling from his own pension money which is hit
heavy by taxation to recover from the evil sick minds that robbed him of his property and pension money to
stop his progress for their greed.
They have failed to achieve their objectives as those before them have, he struggles on because this planet
badly needs his help and so do you when this planet dies, so do you Searl is aware that you have been
brainwashed into believing that this planet has still millions of years to go nothing to worry.
The last two years millions have died believing there was no problem to worry about, too late, to discover
there were big problems they should had worried about.
This document does not cover the problems that has and will be a problem for a long time to come, but
about materials that Searl Magnetic Limited will employ in its research and development program for you
see the massive task that lays ahead for the staff to define what is best for the S.E.G mass production phase.
Page 29

Tomorrow Technology created by people
like you and me, without people like me
there would be no tomorrows, just todays
with season changes only as it is for the rest
of the animal kingdom.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Lithium Li 3.
Searl is aware that the Commission on atomic Weights has noted that an increasing number of commercially
available materials contain elements whose isotopic composition has been altered, either intentionally; as
Searl is doing with the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) or in advertently, from that of the element in nature.
Searl points out that furthermore, some elements show significantly greater variation than others in the
isotopic composition found in natural sources.
Searl is aware from his experiments that there are such limitations on the precision of the atomic weights
and accept the appending appropriate footnotes to recommended values.
Which, he will give later, and has even gone so far as to question whether atomic weight is a truly
reproducible property of an element rather than of specific, well characterised samples of the element.
The major problem with Searl is that he actually thinks where others dont they accept without question
and then down Searl that he do not process a license to think WHY is it because they do not have a
license to think?
Whether or not Searl has a license to think he says that for individual nuclides, the relative atomic masses
can be determined with high precision of the order of a part per million by mass spectrometry.
Nevertheless, the most important part of the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) is the density.
Page 30

Those who have looked at tomorrows
technology and those who are trying to
bring it into today technology needs your
help to speed it up as a matter of urgency.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Magnesium Mg 12.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Manganese Mn 25.
The world you create your life you generate your heaven you must work for or remain in hell the choice
is yours and yours alone wake up before it is too late to act.
Page 31

The future awaits you but
someone must first open the gate
to let you in, and there are so few
each century capable to open that
gate, when there is one support
him for he is what meant to be
your future to be. You have the
power to make it happen.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Molybdenum Mo 42.
To Searl this refers to the boiling point of a liquid is, in general, the temperature at which the liquid is in
equilibrium with its vapour phase at a specified pressure Searl wish to point out that to his understanding
this so-called normal boiling point occurs at pressures equal to one standard atmosphere that being
101,325 Newtons per square meter.
Let Searl explain his understanding of the chart, which has the normal boiling point is indicated graphically
in the right margin of the white area of the rectangle by the height of the top of the blue band above the buff
base representing absolute zero =0 K.
The scale is 1 mm =100 K; Searl points out as an example, Copper Cu 29 shows the top of the blue at 28.36
mmabove the buff, therefore indicating a normal boiling point of 2836 K, which is for the benefits of our
so-called experts 2563
Searl understands that the blue band itself represents the temperature range of the liquid state at pressure of
one atmosphere, that any uncertain boiling points are indicated by a diagonal contact between the blue and
orange bands. Searl in all his newsletters over the years and books attempts to make all point clear to the
reader that they wish to understand what Searl knows and how he achieved what experts have failed to do.
Within these reprints being updated for your interest with photos, drawings and graphs Searl hides nothing
from view as to what actually happen to him in this research development of his concept which was termed
know as the Searl effect Generator (S.E.G); agree much more easy for you to remember.
Searl is not worry if you believe him or not as you never believe the bicycle was possible, but in the Western
world there are not many people who have never ridden one so expert are not always worth their value.
Page 32

Tomorrow Technology being
develops today by Searl
Technology Limited and Searl
Magnetic Limited with New
Space Technology Limited.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Sodium Na 11.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Niobium Nb 41.
Searl world is one of reality, things that are and not assumed to be; failures are a step towards success.
Page 33

Tomorrow Technology.


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al and neodymium Nd 60

May 2
Page 34
1932 in one of these sections, Searl arrived on Earth.

November 1981 Pastor Bennewitz took
this photo I trust he is still kicking.


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Lead Pb 82.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Palladium Pd 46.
Page 36

Tomorrow Energy and transportation
system under research and development by
Searl Technology Limited, Searl Magnetic
Limited and New Space Technology
Limited for the requirements of
Tomorrow Technology under study.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Praseodymium Pr 59.
Searl has explained his concept of the term boiling point in reference to the atom, and here he continues to
explain his understanding of that term.
The boiling point does not generally reflect a property of individual atoms: but depends rather on the
strength of group interactions among neighbouring atoms at close range in the liquid state in relation to the
kinetic energy of their thermal motions.
Some of the elements actually consist of chemically bonded molecules containing two or more atoms, stable
at temperatures around their boiling points.
For each element, the boiling points reflect the strength of interactions between molecules, as distinguished
from the interactions between individual atoms of the element.
That is what Searl understood which gave him the all clear for his Searl effect Generator (S.E.G) to proceed.
Another issue in that old newsletter you see he used the terms ORBITALS and SYMMETRY, which might
confuse some viewers as to what he means, which is important that you understand what Searl means when
he applies a term in his documents, that may differ to your interpretation of that term.
Remember Searl was not lucky like you to get a formal education but he sure feels happy that he was not
that lucky.
Page 37

Searl Magnetic Limited.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Platinum Pt 78.
Searl accept that quantum mechanical calculations and symmetry concepts are of increasing importance in
chemistry and will affect the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) calculations being of a chemical structure.
Searl agrees that such topics will occur in the Searl Effect generator (S.E.G); a rigorous mathematical
treatment of quantum chemistry or a less rigorous approach in which approximations are often made without
adequate justification and many concepts are used that are not fully explained.
Searl accepts that the latter approach may be justified for the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) as they
claiming that results of chemical interests are more quickly and more easily obtained.
The danger Searl sees is that the results will be reduce in value because of the approximations they contain,
Searl agrees while the first course holds out the hope of completely a priori calculations, the latter more
approximate approach must make frequent recourse to experiment for comparison; Searl orders more
experiments to create formulas for future designs of the Searl Effect Generators (S.E.G).
Searl requires these tests to be undertaken as soon as possible so final calculations are obtained.
Page 38

Tomorrow Technology with
planet earth and you will benefit
by Searl Technology, Searl
Magnetic and New Space
Technology limited.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Plutonium Pu 94.
As Searl states that simple and approximate calculations can often be of great value in understanding many
chemical phenomena, and in suggesting new lines for research; the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) is a
chemical phenomena in the true sense of the term.
Page 39

This is that boy who created
this concept of the Searl
Effect no other was involved.
J ohn Roy Robert Searl.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Rhenium Re 75.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Ruthenium Ru 44.
Page 40

This is the world Searl needs for future
progress there are so much to learn about you
and the universe by which Tomorrow
Technology can be given birth.

We are the people who can make it happen,
and we shall the speed of rate to which
progress depends on you.
We are the Tomorrow World.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Antimony Sb 51.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Scandium Sc 21.
Page 41

Tomorrow Technology: under
development today by Searl
Technology Limited, Searl
Magnetic Limited and New
Space Technology Limited.


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Selenium Se 34.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Silicon Si 14.
This newsletter in which Searl released is non-rigorous he did not attempt to deal in mathematical depth
either with quantum mechanics or with group theory, which he dealt with in other newsletters.

The public are talking about tomorrow
technology called the Searl Effect.
Page 42

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Samarium Sm 62.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Strontium Sr 38.
Page 43


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Tin Sn 50.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Tantalum Ta 73.
Page 44

Tomorrows worlds in the
planning stage of development by
you know whom.


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Tellurium Te 52.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Thorium Th 90.
Searl however made attempt to describe the limitations imposed by approximate methods, so that the reader
may have a critical appreciation of the worth of the calculations and also to prepare for more sophisticated
types of calculation.
Searl hope in a way that the reader will acquire, for example, the ability to do simple calculations and to
realise their limitations.
Searl newsletters were developed from his lectures given up to 1968; which he stated that mathematics
would be involved and that he would try to keep it simple.
Page 45

Tomorrow Technology being
develops today by Searl
Technology Limited and Searl
Magnetic Limited and NST

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Titanium Ti 22.

Equilibrium diagrams: Aluminium Al 13 and Thallium Ti 81.
Searl accepts that nature is atomic and that atoms are the building bricks of matter, which unfortunate for
you experts is precisely what the Searl Effect Generator (S.E.G) constructed from and to Searl
understanding, there are at the present time 104 chemically distinct types of atoms known.
Searl agrees that under normal conditions it is not possible to change one atom into another.
Page 46

Tomorrow world in the making by
those who care about planet earth and
its future to be.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Uranium U 92.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Vanadium V 23.
Searl agrees that the atom could be converted by a process that can be achieved by nuclear reactions, which
also give us insight into the structure of atoms.
Searl understanding that most of the mass and all the positive charge resides in the nucleus, which is
composed of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons; protons and neutrons have approximately the
same mass, about 1.66 x 10
For our readers who want to know what that means 1.66 x 0.000000000000000000000001g, now you
know and you so-call experts take note, as you need to be educated.
Page 47

We are the tomorrow people
creating the future, which is meant
to be by Searl Technology, Searl
Magnetic Limited and New Space
Technology, we are the servants to
planet Earth.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Tungsten W 74.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Yttrium Y 39.
Searl today are involved in business contracts for speeding up the research and development which are
confidentially information at this date; just to confirm that progress is aimed at speeding up the work, and
that Searl is still kicking as he says, so please dont bend before him to see if he is alive.
In this reprint of 1968 which has now been update with colour and pictures for your pleasure.
Page 48

Energy and transportation are
critical issues on planet Earth; these
are the issues, which Searl
Technology Limited, Searl
Magnetic Limited and New Space
Technology are aiming to solve but
there is a cost involved.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Ytterbium Yb 70.

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Zinc Zn 30.
Searl understands that in a neutral atom the number of negatively charged electrons around the nucleus will
equal the number of protons in the nucleus; this is the atomic number, Z.
Searl accepts what the real experts claim, and trust that they are correct for once, if not we are in trouble.
Page 49

Tomorrow Technology.


Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Zinc Zn 30,

Equilibrium diagram: Aluminium Al 13 and Zirconium Zr 40.
Searl agrees that chemistry is concerned with inter atomic interactions and therefore with inter electronic
interactions, so the particular number of electrons the same as Z will define the chemical character of an
Searl wish to make it clear that all atoms with the same value of Z will be atoms of the same element; for
the benefit of our so call experts.
Searl hopes that this newsletter was of interest and that it is now an update document making it even better.
Page 50

Promises are sometimes like water,
flowing under a bridge, which Searl
understands all too well; lots of talk
but no do.
Searl points out that a particular number of protons may be associated with different numbers of neutrons to
yield nuclei of varying masses; such nuclei are isotopes.
The number, energy and spatial distribution of the electrons will be of paramount importance to the Searl
Effect Generator (S.E.G) and its chemistry; sometimes electrons may be lost or gained, giving rise to
positively or negatively charged ions respectively.
Searl understands that such ions then attract each other by electrostatic forces, forming ionic structures;
atoms can also share electrons; these electrons then move under the attraction of two nuclei rather than one
and covalent bond has been formed.
That unfortunate completes the reprint and update of that newsletter.
This has been given the authority to release it by:

Prof. J ohn Roy Robert Searl head of R&D.
Searl Magnetic Limited

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