Pointkd.: Now The

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CllAl'. IV.

nave and eastern chanctl were begun in I'iG'i, and tinislied in 1317. Tlie \vesti.rn chr.ncel,
now a ruin, was consecrated I 4:>9. The total length of the church, including the two
chiincels, is 268 ft.
wliereof the western
ciiancLl, whose breadth is 46 ft, occupies
92 ft. The nave is 102 ft. in lenj^th, and its
breadth 86, tliat breadih comprising the two
side aisKs which are separated from the nave
by clustered columns; the aisles have small
chapels. The transept is 102 ft. long, a. d 31
ft. broad. In the viestern front, at the ex-
tremity of the nave, are two towers, standing
oa square bases, each of four storys, a. d
crowned by an octagonal spire. Over the in-
tersection of the transepts with the nave
stands an octagonal tower. This building
was erected (or Richard of Ccrnwall, em-
peror of Germany, and has 1 itely been re-
stored. The church at Wimiifen-im-l hal,
1262-78, is reioidedas built by a Parisian
opere francigeno ;
the choir of IMeissen
catliedral 1274 ;
the simple cliurclj of the Do-
minicans at Katisbon l'J74-77 ; and tlie c'noir
of tiie cathedral in the same city, 127j->-;0.
570. The western portal of Strasburg
cathedral was begun 1277 by Erwin von
Steinbach, an architect before mentionedCpar.
32'i'/) who died 1318, leaving tinfinislud part of the second story, which was compKted
his son Johann, who died 1339 ; the third story is an addition. The cathedral was carried
on under other architects till 1439, since which nothing has bein done towards its com-
pletion. Among tiie examples of pianted architecture, this is the most stu))endous. There
is a similarity of st>le bttween it and the cathedrals of Paris and Reims, except that the
ornaments are more minute. Tiie plan is a Latin cross, whose eastern end terminates in-
teriorly in a semicircle, but on the exterior in a straiglit line. Thehngth of the church
is 324 ft., that of the transept 150 ft. ; the height of the vault of tiie nave is 98 ft. The
nave lias one aisle on each side of it. On the nortli-west angle of the edifice, rises the
spire, whose lieight has l>een very variously represented; the correct heigiit is 466 ft., being
greater tlian tliat of any church in Europe except that of St. >Jicho!as at Ilaniluirgh,
which is 4T2 ft. To a certain heigiit the tower Ai
is square and tolid, being formed by one of the
vertical divisions of the western fa(,ade. Above the
solid part, the tower rises to a certain height octangu-
laily, open on all sides, and flanked by four sets of
open S[)iral staircases, which are continued to the
line whence the prinoipal tower rises conically in seven
stories or steps, crowned at the summit wiih a species
of lantern. John Hiiltz, sen.. Heckler, and Joim
Iliiltz, jun. continued tliis tine tower, wliicli was only
finished in 1439. In tlie interior of the church, near
one of the large piers of the tiansejit, is a statue of tiie
arcliitect Erwin, in the attitude of leaning over the
balustrades of the upper corridor, and looking at
the opposite piers. 'J'he ndiister at l"reiburg-im-
Breisgau, is remarkable as being almost tlie only
large Gothic cliurcli in Germany which is finished,
and has escaped destruction. It was begun 1152, as
appears in the roinanesque transepts witii their exter-
nal turrets ;
the nave, west frcnt, the tower 380 (t. high,
skilfully changed from scpiare to ociagon, with open
spire, and rich jiorch below it, date 1236-72
clioir (see ./;.(/. 255.)
belongs to the year 1513.
transiti in, whicii in France dales 1250, is seen m
llie west front, 1287, of the catliedral at Agrain, where
tiie choir dates 1305-19, with a later na\e.
571. In ihe second period elegance and richness
were sought; the latter was obtained, but tiie i'ormer
was lost in a manner whicii may easiest be expressed in tlie statement tiiat everylliiii;^
s'ems to I.e an adtlilion as an al'.er tliougiit Decoration is spread on tiic work: witness tlie
'i ni.rtnw*'>.wK>jgaiH

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