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in 1553, not 1-153 as stated by Parccrisa. We may also notice at I'arcelona tlic clinreli of
Sta. IMaria cK'l Mar, l)i'giin 1328, and linislied 1;'8:5 according to I'arcerisa, but lis;}
acc.:rding to another authority; the two-storied cloister of the collegiiite
chinch of Sta.
Anna; and the cry|)t ov panteon of Sta. Eulalia, 1339, in the cathedral.
594. During the latter half of the 14th century, mention is made of the cliapter
1358, and nortli transept and cimliorio, 1:550-1400, to the cathedral, and the gate called
the piiciia <\ii Serianos, 1349-81, at Valencia; the casa CDn.sitnrin/, 13fi9-78,
a new
south fioU, 18:52, at Barcelona; tlie collegiate church of Sta Mari;'. de la Seo, l.'528-1416,
with a.iotlier church apparently of the same date, but ratlier later detiil,
dedicated to Sta.
Maria del Carmen, and 47 fc. wide, at jNIanresa
and the tower, called El Micalete, of the
cathedral at Valencia. The tower is iiere mentioned as having been designed, I3S1, and
carried up to some height, by Juan Eranc and N. Amoros before
1414, when Pedio
Balaguer was sent to Lerida, Narbonne, and other places to find the most suitable
mination that had yet been designed
it seems to have been completed
1428, and perhaps
should l)e considered as belonging to the next century
as well as the celebrated
mite monastery, dated 1389-1413, now a barnick and jiarish chuich at
Logrosan, by Juan .AIjuso; the cathedral, 1353-1462, but altered 1521, at Murcia;
the cathedral, commenced 1397 at Pamplona, wheie geometrical traceries occur
flamboyant ones, all having somewhat of late middle-pointed character, though
the date
and the detail class them with the third jiointtd style.
595. To the first half of the 15tli century may be ascril)ed the cloisters, 1390-1448, of
the cathedral at Barcelona; the university, or rather IfS tscuehis, 1415-33, at Salatnanca,
by Al. Rod.
the domii.ican cbur< li of San P:iblo, 14 15-35. at Buriros. by Juan
Rodriguez, now a cavalry barrack; the arcaded putio or couit-yard, 1436, three stories in
height, of the casa de la Biptitficitm at Baicelona. modernised 1597-1620; the nave,
1417-58, or later, of the cathedral at Gerona by Guillermo Bortiy (with details of late 14th
century character) ;
the /lala dels drops, 1444, afterwards Palacio de la lUina and the re-
.sidence of the
captains-general at Barcelona (the four fronts modernised,
1844); and the
towers and spires, 1442-56, by Juan de Colonia, to the cathedral at Burgos. To the
itself belong great parts of the cathedral at Seville,
265.), commenced 1401,
FiS. 2G5.
and attributed either to .\lfonso Martinez, architect to the chapter in 1386, or to Pedro
Garcia, who held that post 1421. In 1462, Juan Norman was directing the works; but in
1472, they had jirogressed so slowly that he was superannuated, aiui his jjhice was supplied
l)y three other artists. Their disputes were referred to an umpire, Jimoii, wlio l)ecame sole
architect till 1502. The cimhorio was coinpleted 1507, and fell 1511, but was replaced
by the jiresent termination, 1519. The works by Diego de Riafio, 1522, will l)e men-
tioned at the end of this notice. The capilla real was completed about 1560, and the
chapter-house about
596. To tlie latter half of the 15th century are due the erection of the ciisn de moneda,
1455, at Segovia; the Castillo de la Mota, 1440-79, at .Medina del Cain|)o, by Fernando de
the cluirch, 1442-88, attributed to Juan and Simon de Colonia, to the dominican
monastery of San Pablo at Valladolid ;
the cathedral, begun 1442, at I'lasencia, whose
ciipilla nidi/or, 1498, was designed by Juan de .\lava
the Carthusian nunnery, 1454-88, at
IMirtiflores, near Burgos, said to have been designed by Juan de Colonia
the cloisters.

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