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TempLirs, with the church of Njss:i Si'iihorn dos Olivacs at 'I'homar
the latter lias a ile-
tichcd ronaiusque tower and windows, filled with pierced slabs of stone.
601. Works wliic.'i positively belong to tiie l.'^th century are the church of Pedro
at Celorico, about 12:50
the parallel triapsal churcli of San Francisco, 1258-SO, at Oporto,
with its choir-gallery occupying the two western bays of the nave
the walls and towers
with castle and church at Freixo d'Espada a Cinta, 1-279-1.^2.5; the castle at Beja, 1279-
1328, wliieh has tliree (two being vaulted) octagonal stories in a square tower, J20 ft. in
height ; and the remarkable choir of the cluirch at Tliomar. with its .iltar under an
octagonal c:inopy, and an aisle of sixteen sides, erected before 1279. But above all these
is the well known church of the monastery at Alcoba9;i, which, aftt-r its neighbour at Batalha,
is usually regarded as the most interesting building in Portugal.
602. The original churcli built at Alcoba^a, in memory of the capture of Santarem, was
erected 114751, and rebuilt 1.578-80; but the celebrated church of the cistereian
tery dates 1 H8-1222, and is said to resemble so much the church of the abbey at Pontigny
as to be manifestly the work of a Frencli architect. In this church, which is SCO ft. long,
and at least 64 ft. higli, there is neither trifjrium nor clearstory; the pier-arches are re-
inarkable, therefore, for their heiglit, as also are the aisles, wliich are as lofty as the nave.
The transepts are also aisled
and the ])resbytery or apse, the Portuguese charnla. is
semicircular, with nine chapels, but was modernised about 1770 by W. Elsden, an Eng-
lishman. To tile east of this is tlie sacristy, 1495-1521, whicli is about 80 ft. long and
:58 ft. wide. The western front with two towers was altered in tie loth century
but the
original doorway of seven orders remains. 'I'he bonfires placed by tlie French in 1810,
round the of the church, caused the bases to be reduced to lime for a depth of 6 or
8 ins. The manner in which the restoration of this structure was directed, since 1850, ha.s
been commended. In a chapel attached to the smith side of the western transi pt are the
tombs of AfFonso II. (ob. 122.^), and Artonso III. (ob. 1279), with their queens; but
tliose of Pedro I. (ob. 1367) and Ignez de Castro, witli straight sided arches, are among
tlie finest specimens of thit jieriod. Tlie monastery, almost de.stroyed 1810, and now
principally used as a barmck, was 620 ft. in width, by 750 ft. i.i depth, and contained five
cloisters ; the guest-liouse was at
tlie north-west end
there were seven dormitories. The
kitchen was 100 ft long, by 22 ft. wide, and 63 ft. in heiglit to tlie vaulting
; the fire|)lace,
wliich stood in the centre, was 28 ft. long and 11 ft. wide, with a jiyramidal chimney sup-
jjorted by eight cast-iron columns.
603. The list of works executed during the J 4th century is even shorter. It includes,
besides the cloisters of the dominican monastery at Guimanens, the f.9ade of the modern
cathedral at Lainego, the magnificent ruins of the castle at Ourem, and (for they m;iy be
added here) the triangular castle at Obidos, 127.9-1325, the c.istle at Almeida, 1279-1521,
the cistereian nunnery at Odivellas, 1305, the castles at .Arrayolos and Estremos. 1306-8,
the remarkable fortified tower and church of the formerly doulile benedictine monastery at
Le9a do Biilio, 1336 ;
the restorations to the cathedral at Lisbon, including the capella mor or
choir, n built 1344-57, and the western front 1367-83; the church of San Francisco (styled
the beautiful in Portugal) at Abrantes; and the church of Nossa Senhora di Oliveira
at Guimaraens, commenced 1387 by Joao Oare, having a detached tower with a low spire.
207. SOUTH IKO.NT or Tlir M.VlSOLl.l'i! OK Kl XO JOIIS.
604. To these may be added the work that is usually taken as a type of Portuguese
pointed architecture, the dominican
monastery at I5atalha, founded in memory of the battle
of Aljubarrota, 1383. It was commenced
1388, and continued till 1515. The original
(fi,j. 266.),
finished before
HIG bv U. Ilaeket. or Oiiffuet. must be aseiihc'd tc

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