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Chap. IV.

1 tjT^ptRjTfcj^tas^wn^
611. If tlieie be no discrepancy between their dates and tbeir details, tlie Irolt/o at
Como, l'21.'i,andthe monastic buildings of San Andrea, with the hospital at Vercelli, founded
1219-24, by Cardinal Guala Jacopo Bicchieri, must be considered to commence the Gothic
buildings in Italy. At Como, however, round
arches are set-n over pointtd ones. At Vercelli, the
exterior of the church is romanesque brickwork with ^
s one dressings, while the interior is decidedly a spe-
cimen of early pointed art. Some writers assume
that th3 design was furnisiied by the firstabbot, Tom-
maso Gallo, and suppose that he was a Frenchman
((/alius), taken to Veicelli by the Cardinal, who,
having been legale in England, 1216-18, and leaving
that country with 12,000 marks, is supposed to have
ol)tained the design there brfore he negotiated at the
German court in the course of his return to Italy
others say that he sent a model Irom England.
612. Tiie church of San Francesco at Assist was
erected 1228-:?0. by a German arcliitect named Ja-
cobus: the aisles being added soon afterwards by
F. da Campellb. This structure has attaintd the
character of being the most j)ei feet specimen of Gothic
art in Italy, and therefore far suptrior to Sta. Chiara,
erectid 1253 by Campello in the same citj'. It is
one of the most singular cliurclies in Europe, as, in
possessing a crypt discovered in 1818, and enlarged,
1820 by Hrizi, it forms a soit of three-storied church.
The middle church was built 122S-:52; the upper
church, a magnificent work, iiuilt 1232-53, is now
only used on a few capitular and ferial occasions The
low-pitchtd roof was placed 14-17-70, and the massive
buttresses were added 1480 by Pintelli, to prevent
the threatened fall of this valuable examide of eaily
art. lH
613. Much uncertainty exists in the early dates
pig 2G9. house at vt.sicE.
given to the broUtto at Monza, 1152-92; the broletto
at Brescia, the end of the 12th century; the church to San Francesco, 1225, at Ccni
(or C(ineo); the fair example of pointed art, San Francesco at Terni, begun 1218, but
not completed until 1265: and the yellow brick church of San Antonio at Padua,
1231, with its attempts at domes by N. Pisano. But in the middle of the IStti cen-
tury were commenced, by himself or by his school, the brick cluirclus of Santi Giovanni e
Paolo, of the Madonna del Orto, and of Sta. INIaria Glo-
riosa de' Frari (the finest of its class) at Venice. The
churches of Sta. Caterina, finished 1272, by G. Agnelli;
and of San Francesco at Pisa; the imposing specimen of
Italian Gothic furnislud by the cathedral at Arezzo, con-
tained in the design, 1256, of Jacopo or I-apo, 1275-90,
by Margaritone (not Marchione)
the western front of
tlie church of San Salvatore at Pistoia, 1270; the churches
of San Domenico, 1250-94, by Maglione, and of San
Francesco (apparently called by Ptofessor Willis the
Servi), 1286-94, at Arezzo
; the transepts, 1288-1342, by
B. Bragerio and G de Camperio to the cathedral at
Cremona, with the upper part, 1284, of" its campanile; the
foro de' Mercanti, 1294, at Bologna; the churches of San
Domenico, 1^^84-1380, and of San Francesco, 1294, at
Pistoia; the church of San Francesco, 1295, and the
fa<jade, 1284-90, as well as portions of the cathedral at
Siena(which is remarkable for having the baptistery under
the choir), date between 1270 and 1300.
614. The style of domestic architecture of the 13th
century is s^en in many houses at Bracciano, at Corneto,
at Frascati, at Galera, and at Lucca ; also the building
called La Quartjuouia at Pistoia, with two houses of
similar date, nearly opposite ; and in the tliird cloister of
fi^k- 270.
the monastery of Sta. Scolastica at Subiaco. The house in
270, known at Viterho as
the "
palazzetto," belongs to the 12tli century, and is here given for compari^on with
later examples. The sketch of a house belonging to the 13ih, or perhaps even to the I2th

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