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Chap. I. GKOAIHTllY.

9. If the prtint of a pair of compasses he applied to the jioiiit G
{Jig. 225.), and a cir-
cumference NUB be described, the arc NR contained witliin the two lines GL, GiM
will measure the magnitude of the angle LGM. If the arc Nil, for example, be an
arc of 40 degrees, the angle LGM is an angle of 40 degrees.
10. 'niere are three kinds of angles
226.): a riglit angle (I), which is an angle of 90
degrees ; an obtuse angle (II), which contains
more than 90 degrees ; and an acute angle
(III), wliich contains less than 90 degrees.
11. One line is perpendicular to another when
the two angles it makes with that other
line are equal : thus, the line CD
227.) is perpendicular to the line AB,"if
the angles CDA, CDB contain an equal number of degrees.
12. Two lines are parallel when all perpendiculars drawn from one to the other are equal
thus, the lines FG, AB
228.) are pa-
rallel, if all the perpendiculars cd, cd, &c.
are equal.
1 3. A triangle is a surface enclosed by three
right lines, called sides
229.). An
equilateral triangle (I) is that which has
three sides e(]ual ; an isosceles triangle has
only two of its sides equal (II) ; a scalene
triangle (III) has its three sides unequal.
14. A quadrilateral figure is a surface enclosed by four right lines, which are called its
15. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral figure, which has its opposite sides parallel; thus.
F d d dd d d d d G
c c c c
Fig. 431. FiR. 232.
FiK. '^'i9.
Fig. 230.
if the side BC
230.) is parallel to the side AD, and the side AB to the side
DC, the quadrilateral figure A BCD is called a parallelogram.
A rectangle is a quadrilateral figure all the angles
whereof are right angles, as ABCD
17. A square is a quadrilateral figure whose sides are
all equal and its angles right angles
18. A trapezium is any quadrilateial figure not a
1 9. Those figures are eqtcal which enclose an equal space ; thus, a circle and a triangle are
equal, if the space included within the circumference of the
circle be equal to that contained in the triangle.
20. Those figures are identical which are equal in all their parts
that is, which have all their angles equal and their sides equal,
and enclose equal spaces, as BAC, EDG
(_/7^. 233. ). It is
manifest that two figures are identical which, being placed
one upon the other, perfectly coincide, for in that case
they must be e(]ual in all tiieir parts. It must be ob-
served, that a line merely so expressed always denotes a right
line. Two right lines cannot enclose a space ; that category requires at least three
876. Proposition I. The radii
the same circle are all equal.
The revolution of the line AB about the point A
being necessary (Defin.
5.) to form the circle BCDFGLi5, when
in revolving the point B is upon the point C, the whole line
AB must be upon the line AC; otherwise two right lines would
enclose a space, which is impossible: wherefore the radius AC is
equal to the radius AB. In like manner it may be proved that
the radii AB, AF, AG, &c. are all equal to AB, and are there-
fore equal among themselves.
877. Prop. II. On a given line to describe an equilateral tri-

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