Geometry.: BA CD

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Corolla RV. Hence, the diagonal bisects the paraUelogram
; for the triangles BAD,
BCD, having the three sides equal, are identical.
903. Prop. XXVIII. Parallelograms which are between (he same paraUels, and have tli
same base, are equal.
Let the two parallelograms ABCD, AFGD
{Jig. 261.), be between the same parallels
BG, AM, and upon the same base AD; the space enclosed
b C f (i
within the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the space en-
closed within the parallelogram AFGD.
In the two triangles BAF, CDG the side BA of the former
triangle is equal to the side CD of the latter, because they are
opposite sides of the same parallelogram. For the same reason,
the side F A is equal to the side G D. Moreover, BC is equal to
AD, because they are opposite sides of the same parallelogram.
^ '"*
For the same reason, AD is e(jual to FG. BC is therefore
'*^' *"
equal to FG. If to both these CF be added, BF will be equal to CG. Whence the
two triangles BAF, CDG, having the three sides equal, are (Prop.
5.) identical, and con-
sequently have equal surfaces.
If from these two equal surfaces be taken the small triangle CLF, which is common,
there will remain the trapezium ABCL, equal to the trapezium LFGD. To these two
trapezia add the triangle ALD, and the parallelogram ABCD will be equal to the paral-
lelogram AFGD.
904. PiiOP. XXIX.
a triangle and a parallelogram are upon the same base, and
betweeyi the same parallels, the triangle is equal to half the parul-
I<et the parallelogram ABCD
262.) and the triangle
AFD l)e upon the same base AD, and between the same pa-
rallels BG, AL; the triangle AFD is half the parallelogram
ABCD. Draw DG parallel to AF.
Because the parallelogram A FG D is bisected by the diagonal
FD (Prop. 27. Corol.), the triangle AFD is half the paral- '*, "
lelogram AFGD. But the parallelogram AFGD is ccjual to
the parallelogram ABCD, hi^cause these two parallelograms are upon the same base, and
between the same parallels; therefore the triangle AFD is equal to half the parallelotrram
905. Prop. XXX. Parallelograms which are between the same paraUels, and hare equal
bases, are equal.
Let the two parallelograms ABCD, LFGM
263.) be
between the same parallels BG, AM, and have the equal b^ses
; these two paiallelograms are equal.
Draw the lines AF, DG.
Because AD is equal to LM, and LM to FG, AD is equal
to FG; and they are parallel by construction. Also AF and
DG are parallel ; for if DG be not ])arallel to AF, another
line may be drawn parallel to it ; wlience FG will become
greater or less than AD. AF and DG are therefore parallel, and AFGD a parallelo-
Now the parallelogram ABCD is (Prop. 28.) equal to the parallelogram AF"GD,
because these two parallelograms are between the same parallels, and have the same base
AD. And the parallelogram AFGD is equal to the parallelogram LFGM, because these
two parallelograms are between the same parallels, and have the same base FG. The
parallelogram ABCD is therefore equal to the parallelogram LFGM.
906. Prop. XXXI. Triangles which are between the same parallels, a7id have equal bases,
are equal.
Let the two triangles ABD, LFM (seefg. to preceding Pro))osition) be between the same
parallels BG, AM, and upon the ecpial bases AD, LM ; these two triangles are equal.
Draw DC parallel to AB, and MG parallel to LF.
The two parallelograms ABCD, LFGM are equal (Piop. 30.), because they are between
the same parallels, and have equal bases. But the triangle ABD is (Pro]). 29.) one half of
the parallelogram ABCD, and the triangle LFM is one half of the parallelogram LFGIVI
these two triangles are therefore equal.
907. Prop. XXXII. In a right-angled trianc/le, the square
the hypntemise, or side
subtending the right angle, is equal to the squares
the sides which contain the riiiht
In the triangle BAC
264.), let the angle A be a right angle. Upon the hyjio-
tenuse BC describe the square BDFC; upon the side AB describe the square ALJ\IB,
and upon the side AC the square ARNC; the square BDFC is equal to the two squares
ALMB. ARNC taken together.
Fig. 263.

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