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Chap. I.

Tig. 89.'..
Fig. WG.
FG, cuts (Prop. CO.) the otlicr two sides proportionally; tliat is, AC is to CF as AB is
to BG, or its e(]ual CD.
940. 1'rop. LXII. Triamjhs the sidi'S
ichich are proportional are tquianjular.
In the two triangles U.\C, FDG
if the
side A 15 is to the side DF as the side BC is to the side
FG and as the side AC to tlie side DG, tliese two tri-
angles liave their angles equal.
Let the side AB be supposed tri])le of the side DF;
the side AC must be triple of the side DG, and the side
IJC triple of the side FG.
If the triangle FDG be not equiangular with the tri-
angle BAC, another triangle may be formed etjuiangular
with it; for example, FLG. ]?ut tliis is impossible;
for if the two triangles BAC, 1"LG were ecjuiangular, their sides would be (Prop. 61.)
])roportional ; and BC being triple of FG, AB would be trijjle of LF. But AB is triple
of DF; whence LF would be ecjual to DF. For the same reason, I..G would be equal
to DG. Thus, the two triangles FLG, F"DG, having their three sides equal, would be
(Prop. 5.) identical; which is absurd, since their angles are unequal.
941. Prop. LXllI. Triangles uhicli have an angle in one equal to an angle in the other,
and the sides about these angles proportinral, are equiangular.
If in tlie two triangles B.\C, NIVIP
(fig. 296.) the angle A be equal to the angle M.
and the side AB be to the side MN as the side AC is
to the side WP, the two triangles are equiangular.
If AB be triple of WN, AC must be triple of MP.
Now, if the angle MNP, for example, is not equal to
the angle .ABC, another angle may be made, as MNU,
which shall be equal to it. But this is impossible; for
the two triangles BAC, NINIli, having two angles e(|ual,
would be c(|uiangular, and consequently (Prop.
would have their sides proportional ; wherefore, A 15
being trijile of MN, AC would be triple of Mil, which
cannot be, since AC is trijile of MP.
942. Prop. LXIV. A right line which bisects any angle
a triangle divides the side
opposite to the bisected angle into two segments, u-hich are pro}:ortion(J to the tito other sides.
In the triangle B.AC, let the angle BAC be bisected by the right line AD, making the
angle r eijual to the angle s. 'I'he segment BD is to the segment
DC as the side B.A to the side AC.
Produce the side 15 A, and draw CF parallel to DA.
The lines Y)A, CF being parallel, the interior and exterior angles
-, Fare (Prop. 19.) equal, and the alternate angles s, Care (Prop. 17.)
also equal. And since the angle r is equal to the angle s, the angle F
will also be etjual to the angle C; and consequently the side AF is
equal to the side AC.
In the triangle BFC, the line AD being parallel to the side FC;
15 D (Prop. GO.) will be to DC as 15 A is to AF, or its equal AC.
943. Prop. LXV. ToJind a fonrtlt projwrtional to three given lines.
Let the three lines be A, 15, C
298.), it is required to find a fourth line D, such
that the line A shall be to the line B as the line C is to
^ "
Form any angle IIFG, make FM equal to the line
A, IMG equal to the line 15, and FN ecjual to the line
D L^^
C; draw the right line ]\1N, and through the point G
draw GL parallel to MN; NL will be the fourth pro-
portional required.
In the triangle I'LG the line NM, being parallel to i
the side LG, cuts the other two sides (Pro]). CO) propor-
tionally. Wherefore F'M is to MG as VH is to NL ; that is, A is to B as C is to D,
944. Prop. LXVI. To find a third projiortional to tao given lines.
Let the two lines be A, B
299.), it is required to
find a third line C, such that the line A shall be to the
line 15 as the line B is to the line C.
Form any angle LFG, make FM equal to the line A,
IMG equal to the line B, and F^N ecjual to the line 15
draw the right line MN, and through the point G draw
GL parallel to MN
NL will be the third proportional
g-^^ 299.
In the triangle FLG the line NM, being jjarallel to tiic side LC, cul.<; the (ither
Fi. 498.

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