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Fig. 4 1 6.
1071. Theorem VII. In the ellijisis, half the major axis is a mean prnpnrfinnal hettvien
the distance
the centre mid an ord'niate, and the distance hetweun
the centre ard the intersection
a tangent to the vertex
that or-
To the major axis draw the ordinates PM
416.) and HI,
and the minor axis CE. Draw IMN perpendicular to HI.
Through the two points I,M. draw MT, IT, meeting the major
axis produced in T; then will CT : CA::CA : CP. For,
By Cor. l.Theor.VI., CE2 :
:(IH + HN)IN : (PC+ CH)HP;
By Cor. 2. Th. II., CE^ : CASirPM'^ : CA^-CP'i;
Therefore, bv equality, PM2: CA"-- CP^:
(IH + HN)IN ; (PC + CH)HP.
By similar triangles, INxAI, MPT; IN : NM or PH:;PM : PT or CT-CP.
Therefore, taking the rectangles of the extremes and means of the two last ecjuations, and
throwing out the common factors, they will be converted to the equation
PM(CT- CP)(CP + CH) = (CA2- CP2)(IH + UN).
But when HI and P3I coincide, HI and HN will become equal to PjM, and CII will
become equal to CP ;
therefore, substituting in the equation 2CP for CP+ PH, and OPIVI
for IH+ HN, and throwing out the common factors and the common terms, we have
or CT : CA::CA : CP.
Coroll. 1. Since CT is always a third propoitiunal to CP and CA, if the points P, A, B
remain fixed, the point Twill be the same; and therefore the tangents which are drawn
from the point M, which is the intersection of PQ and the curve, will meet in the point T
in every eUi])sis described on the same axis .\ B.
Coroll. 2. When the outer ellipsis AQB, by enlarging, becomes a circle, draw
QT per-
pendicular to CQ, and joining TM, then TM will be a tangent to the ellipsis at ]\I.
Coroll. 3. Hence, if it were required to draw a tangent from a given point Tin the pro-
longation of the major axis to the ellipsis A EB, it will be found tlius ;

On A B describe
the semicircle AQB. Draw a tangent TQ to the circle, and draw the ordinate PQ, inter-
secting the curve AEB of the ellipsis in the point M; join TM
then TM is the tangent
required. This method of drawing a tangent is extremely useful in (iractice.
1072. Thkokem VHI. Four perpendiculars to the major a.vis intcrctjitcd bi/ it ami a tan-
gent will he proportionals when the first
and last have one
evtreniities in the vertices, the second in the point
contact, and the
third in the centre.
Let the four perpendiculars be AD, I'i\I, CE, BF, of which
AD and BF have their extremities in the vertices A and B, the
second in the point of contact M, and the third in the centre C ; .j.
then will
AD : PM::CE :
TC : AC::AC : CP;
tc-AC : CA-CP:
TA : AP::TC : CB.
TA : TA + AP::TC
TP::TC : TB.
For, by Theor. "\TI.,
Bv division,
That is,
By composition,
:TC : AC or CB;
5ut by the similar triangles TAD, TPM, TCE, and TBF, the sides TA, TP, TC, and
TB are proportion.ils to the four perpendiculars AD, PM, CE, and BF
Coroll. 1. If AM and CF be joined, the triangles TAINI and TCF will be similar.
For bv similar triangles, the sides TD, TM, TE, TF are in the same proportion as the
sides TA, TP, TC, TB.
Therefore TD : TM: : TE : TF;
Alternately, TD : TE::TM . TF: but TAD is similai to TCE;
Hence TD : TE::TA ;
Therefore, by equality, TA : TM::TC : TF.
Coroll. 2. The triangles APM and CBF are similar
For TA : TP::TC : TB.
By division, TP : TP-TA::TB
That is, TP : AP::TB : CB.
Alternately, TP : TB
: : AP : CB :
Consequentlv, TP :
TB:: I'M : BF:
Therefore, by equality, AP
PM::CB : BF.
Coroll. 3. If AFbe drawn cutting PM in I, then will PI be equal to the half of
but TPM is similar to TBF ;

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