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For, since AP : PM::CB : BF, and, by the similar trionfrles API, ABF.
AP : PI::AB : BF;
Therefore PM : PI::CB : AB.
But CB is the half of AB
; therefore, also, PI is the half of P.M.
lOyS. Theorem IX.
two lines be drau-n from the foci
an ellipse to any point in tur:
curve, these two Urns will make equal angles ivith a tangentpassing through that point.
Let T]\I
418.) be a tangent touching the curve
at the point M, and let F,
be the two foci
FiM, /I\I. then will the angle FMT be equal to the
angle y'jMH. For draw the ordinate I'M, and draw
/R parallel to F^M, then will the triangles TFJM and
r/Tl be similar
; and by Cor. Theor. VII.,

Bv Cor. 2. Theor. V., CA : CP::CF : ca-f:\i
Therefore, by equality, CT : CF::CA : CA-FM.
By division and composition, CT- CF : CT+ CF: : FM : 2CA- FM
That is, TF : T/: : FM : /M.
By the similar triangles TFM, T/R; TF : T/: : FM :/R.
rt therefore appears that /jM is equal to _/"R, therefore the angle /jMR is equal to thr
angle /RI\I: but because FM and /"It are parallel lines, the angle FMT is equal to the
angle/RINI ; therefore che angle FMT is equal to the angle/ MR.
Coroll. 1. Hence a line drawn perpendicular to a tangent through the point of contact
will bisect the angle F^I/, or the opposite angle DMG. For let MN be perpendicular
to the tangent TR. Then, because the angle NIMT and NMR are right angles, they are
equal to one another ;
and since the angles FMT and /MR are also equal to one another,
the nemaining angles NMF and NM/are equal to one another. Again, because the oppo-
site angles FMN and IMG are equal to one another, and the opposite angle /I\IN and
IMD are equal to one another
; therefore the straight line INJI, which is the line MN pro-
duced, will also bisect the angle DMG.
Coroll. 2. The tangent will bisect the angle formed by one of the radius vectors, and the
prolongation of the other. For prolong FM to G. Then, because the angles RMN and
RiMI are right angles, they are equal to one another; and because the angles NM/" and
I.MD are equal to one another, the remaining angles RMG and RM/ are equal to one
Scholium. Hence we have an easy method of drawing a tangent to any given point ]\I in
the curve, or of drawing a perpendicular through a given point in the curve, which is the
usual mode of drawing the joints for masonic arches. Thus, in order to draw the line IJNI
lierpenditular to the curve : produce F3I to G, and /M to D, and draw MI bisecting the
angle 1)]MG ;
then I^NI will be perpendicular to the tangent TR, and consr juently to the
As in optics the angle of incidence is always found equal to the angle )f reflection, it
appears that the foundation of that law follows from this theorem
; for rays of light issuing
from one focus, and meeting the curve iii any point, will be reflected into lines drawn from
these points to the other focus : thus the ray /M is reflected intoMF: and this is the
reason why the points F/are called foci, or burning points. In like manner, a sound in
one focus is reflected in the other focus.
1074. TuFOKEM X. Every parallelogram which has its sides parallel to tivo conjugate
ilinnietcrs and circumscribes an ellipsis is equal to the rectangle
the two axes.
Let CM and CI
419.) be two semi conjugate diame-
ters. Complete the parallelogram CI DM. Produce CA
and INID to meet in T, and let AT meet DI in *. Draw
IH and P^VI ordinates to the axis, and draw half the minor
axis CE. Produce D]M to K, and draw CK perjiendicular
to DK . then will the parallelogram CIDM he ecjual to the
rectangle, whose sides are CA and CE ; or four times the
Fig. 4i9.
rectangle CIDM will be equal to the rectangle made of the two AB and G E.
By Cor. Theor. VII.,
:^CT : .^CP
Ct : CT: : CP : CH.
By the similar triangles Ctl, TCM, Ct : CT::CI : TM
By equality, therefore, CI : TM::CP : CH.
By the similar triangles CIII, T.AIP, CI : TM::CII : PT;
Therefore, by equality, CH : PTriCP : CH.
But by Theor. VII., CP x CT= CA^
Therefore, since ( r=CP+ PT, CP^+ CP.PT=CA,

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