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And, by transposition,
Hence, by equality,
Or, by transposition.
But by Cor. 2. Tlieor. I.,
And substituting CP- for its equal
CA'i-CIl'2, weliave
CA : CP:
But again, by Theor. VII., CA : CP:
Bv equality, therefore, CE : HI;
Blit by the' similar triangles IIIC, KCT, HI : CI::
Therefore CE : CI:
X III-i=
:CE : HI.
:CT : CA:
:CT : CA.
CK : CT;
CK : CA:
Fig. VZO. FiB.4'il.
Consequently CE x CA= CI x CK.
The ellipsis is of so frequent occurrence in architectural works, that an acquaintance with
all the properties of the curve, and the modes of describing it, is of great importance to the
architect. Excepting the circle, which may be called an ellipsis in which the two foci
coincide, it is the most generally employed curve in architecture.
1075. Problem I. To describe mi ellipsis.
Let two pins at E and F (Jic;. 420.) be fixed in a ])!ane within a string whose ends are
made fast at C. If the point C be drawn
p ,,
equally tight while it is moved forward
in the plane till it returns to the place
from which it commenced, it will describe
an ellipsis.
1076. Prob. II. Tlie two diameters
AB and ED
<in ellipse being given in
position and niagnitude, to describe the curve
through points.
Let the two diaineters cut each other at
421.). Draw AF and BG parallel to ED. Divide AC and AF each into the
same number of equal parts, and draw lines, as in the figure, through the points of division
viz. those from the line AF to the point D, and the lines through AC to the point E;
then through the points of intersection of tlie corresponding lines draw the curve AD, and
in the same manner find the curve BD; then ADB will be the semi-ellipsis.
It is evident that the same method also extends to a circle by making CD equal to CA;
422.) ; and it appears that the two lines forming any
point of the curve to be drawn will make a right angle \ \ TN,- .*
/ Z
with each other. For these lines terminate at the ex-
tremities of the diameter ED, and the point of concourse
being in the curve, the angle made by them must be a
right angle
that is, the angle EAD, or E/(D, or EjD. or
EAD. is a right angle: and from this property we have
the following method of drawing the segment of a circle
through points found in the curve. .
Fin- I'^ia.
Thus, let AB be the chord, and CD be the versed sine of
an arc of a circle, to describe the
arc. Through D draw HI
parallel to AB; join AD and DB
draw AH per-
pendicular to AD, and BI perpendicular to BD; divide
AC and HD each into the same number of equal parts,
if i 3
d g i
and join the corresponding points
divide A F into the
same number of equal parts, and through the points of di-
vision draw lines to D, and through the corresponding
points where these lines meet the former draw a curve
AD. In the same manner the other half BD may be drawn
1077. Prc3. III. A diameter KH
an ellipsis being given, ayid an ordinate DL, to
the limits
the other conjugate diameter.
Bisect KH in 1
424.), through I draw EA parallel to DL, and draw DC and KB
perpendicular to E A ;
from the ])oint L with the distance K describe
an arc cutting EA at F; join LF, and produce LF' to C; make IE
and I A each e(]ual to L C ;
then will EA be a diameter conjugate
to KH.
1078. Prob. IV. A diameter KH and an ordinate DL
ellipsis being given, to describe the. curce.
F'ind the limits E and A of the otlier conjugate diameter by the
pi eceding construction. Produce KB to
and make Kg ecjual to
lA or IE, and through the centre 1 of the curve and the point
draw the straight line
?rIN. Then, suppose the straight line KB
to be an inflexible rod, having the point B
marked upon it. ftlove the rod round, so that the i)oint
on the rod may be in the line
MN, while tlie point B is in tiie line EA :
then, at any instant of the motion, the jilacf
Fix. v-a.
Fig. 421.

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