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English ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 1

Anglais ab initio: Programme spcifique

Ingls ab initio: Programa de Estudios Especfico
nternational Baccalaureate Organization 2011
Organisation du Baccalaurat nternational 2011
Organizacin del Bachillerato nternacional, 2011

Mandarin ab initio
Language-specific syIIabus
Mandarin !" $%$&$'
Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio
Programa de estudios especfico


First examinations 2013
Premiers examens en 2013
Primeros exmenes en 2013

Diploma Programme
Programme du Diplme
Programa del Diploma

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 1
Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
))[{,,[2011 +3 ),[[!"#$%"$& "( )#)*)+ $%),&
,2011 +5 ),[[|),,||{|j




[1Theme: ndividual and
;) daiIy routines)
at home)

qichung to get up

xizo to take a shower/bath
shu y to brush teeth

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 2
Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
xi lin to wash face
chfn to eat (meal)

h ch to drink tea
shng csu to go to toilet
shujio to go to bed
yushhou sometimes
jngchng / chngchng often
jdin what time
din o'clock

fn minute

k a quarter of an hour
xioshi hour
wn to play
xi wn to clean dishes
xi y to wash clothes
zhogu to look after

bng to help

shngw morning

zhngw noon

xiw afternoon
wngshang evening

| at school)
tngxu classmate

shngxu to go to school
fngxu school finishes
shngk class starts
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 3
Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
xik class finishes
chdo late
zhnsh on time; punctual
qingji to ask for leave
yndng to do sport
dunlin to train; to exercise
xixi to take a break

in the workplace)

gngzu dnwi workplace
tngsh colleague

shngbn to go to work

xibn work finishes

1.]].,[| social interaction: greetings, table manners)
niho hello
zijin goodbye

dubuqi sorry
migunxi t's ok

xixie thanks
bkq/ bxi You are welcome
qingwn Excuse me (prior to a
guxng What is your surname
jio to be called

shnme what
mngzi name
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 4
Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
dud How old
zujn recently
nn shnti ho ma How is your health
ni ho ma How are you
znmeyng What's up
mng ma Are you busy
hn ho Very well
b cu Not bad
ybn So so; not bad
hi kyi Not too bad
hunyng Welcome
dro nn Sorry for bothering you
jisho to introduce

zhh to congratulate
gngxi to congratulate;
qingk to invite someone
zuk to be a guest
kren guest

li to come
q to go
kn pngyou to visit a friend
xn letter

tiozi note
chq to go out
yu kng being free
yu sh busy; occupied
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Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
wnhu evening party; ball

jhu gathering

jinmin to meet
sngxng to see off
ji to collect (someone)
qing mn yng Enjoy your meal
qing zu Please take a seat

) week)
nin year
yu month
r /ho date
mitin everyday

jntin today
zutin yesterday
mngtin tomorrow
hutin the day after tomorrow
qintin the day before yesterday
xngqy Monday
xngqr Tuesday
xngqsn Wednesday
xngqs Thursday
xngqw Friday

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 6
Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
) weekend)
xngqli Saturday
xngqr / tin Sunday
zhum weekend

{ education)
(( clothes)
xiof school uniform
zhf uniform
dy coat
moy sweater
yy raincoat
chngk trousers/pants
dunk shorts
qnzi skirt

xizi shoes

pxi leather shoes
yndng xi sneakers
yndng f sport suit
wito blazer
chnshn shirt
T L|
T xshn T shirt

lingdi tie

wzi socks

shuto gloves
wijn scarf
mozi hat
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 7
Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
{j educational systems)
yuryun kindergarten; nursery

xioxu primary school

zhngxu high school; secondary
chzhng junior high school
gozhng senior high school
dxu university
xuyun college
sl private
gngl public; state
ninj grade

bn class

xioz group

,| equipment)
kbn textbook

bi pen

mobi brush
qinbi pencil
qinbi h pencil box
zhi paper
bnzi notebook
chizi ruler
xingp eraser
zuy bn workbook
lynj tape recorder
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Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
zdin / cdin dictionary
fyn j photocopier
dt map
dinno / jsunj computer
ki (gun) j to turn on (off) computer
dyn to print

shngwng to surf the net
xizi to download
hlinwng internet

wngy webpage
wngzhi website

wnjin document

cn to save
dinziyujin email
lj yujin junk mail

bngd virus
huf to reply
chunzhn fax

_, examinations)
kosh examination
jg to pass exam

fx to revise
linx to practise

jnb to make progress
qd to obtain
chngj grade
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Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
yl pressure
dng to understand
zhdao to know
zhy to pay attention
wnchng to complete

,(,]||, extra curricular activities: creativity, action, service)
shq fw community service

shx work placement
fw service
zuy / gngk homework
kwi hudng extra curricular
cnji to participate
yndnghu Sport's day

xilngyng summer camp

lyu to travel; to visit
cngun to visit

| facilities
xioyun campus
jiosh classroom
zhuzi desk
yizi chair
hi / bi bn writing board
shynsh laboratory
tshgun library
jioxu lu teaching block
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
shtng dinning hall
litng assembly hall
cochng /
sports ground
tiy gun gym hall

yuyng ch swimming hall
lnqi chng basketball court
zqi chng football pitch
bgo ln notice board

ssh dormitory

|jschool calendar
fngji to start a holiday
hnji winter holiday
shji summer holiday
jiq holiday
kixu to start term
xuq term, semester
qzhng midterm
qm end of term


xio xushng primary school student

zhng xushng middle school student
d xusheng university student
nn (n) xusheng male (female) student
jizhng parents

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Mandarin ab initio : Programme spcifique
Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
|+|.'| subjects: theory of knowledge, extended essay
xu k subject
yyn language

shxu Maths
wiy foreign language

Zhngwn Chinese
Hny ptnghu Mandarin
Wli Physics

Huxu Chemistry
Shngw Biology
Kxu Science
Ynyu Music

Mish Fine art
Lshi History
Dli Geography
Zhngzh Politics

Jngj Economics
Xnx jsh .T.
Fl Law
Gngchng Engineering
Xnlixu Psychology
Yxu Medicine
yuyng useful
yuysi interesting
yuq interesting
wlio boring
rngy easy
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico

nn difficult

rnwi to think; to believe
tngy to agree

fndu to object

dy , dr firstly, secondly
qc secondly
zuhu the last

y fngmin on one hand
lng y fngmin on the other hand

zngzh in conclusion

[ teachers
xiozhng headmaster
losh teacher
bnzhrn class teacher

,|( timetable
kchng bio timetable
dinmng to have roll call
shngk class starts
xik class finishes
xixi to take a break

w xi lunch break

shngxu to go to school
fngxu school finishes
ktng hudng class activity
xioz hudng group activity
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kihu to hold a meeting
wn to ask
hud to answer; answer
toln to discuss; discussion

jish to explain; explanation
tng to listen

shu to speak
d to read

xi to write

z word; character
jzi sentence

j|uniform See 'cIothes' in 'education'

,,|| university: course, career
dsun to plan
xwng to hope
wnk Arts subjects
lik Science subjects
gngk Engineering subjects
yk Medicine
x department

xuwi degree

xush Bachelor degree
shush Master degree
bsh PhD
ynji to research; research
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 14
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico

by to graduate

,|food and drink
||cooking instructions
zu to make
qi to cut; to slice
cho to fry
ko to bake
zh to deep fry

zh to boil
zhki to reach to the boil point

jin to shallow fry

xin firstly
rnhu then
fngjn to put in

dng to wait
dhu high heat
xiohu low heat
fnzhng minute

||,|j|/,culinary traditions: ingredients, special
dishes, special events
yu oil

yn salt
tng sugar

c vinegar
jingyu soy sauce
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cng spring onion

jing ginger

sun garlic
hjio fn pepper powder
ljio chilli
xhngsh jing /
fnqi jing
tomato sauce
xin salty
dn bland
tin sweet

sun sour
l spicy

k bitter
hng sho braised in soy sauce
tngc sweet and sour

|,_ groceries
mi rice (raw)

mintio noodles
ru meat
zhru pork
niru beef
yngru lamb
jru chicken
yru duck
y fish

xi shrimp
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
hixin seafood
shci / qngci vegetable
lingci cold vegetable dish
dufu tofu
bici Chinese cabbage
dinxn light refreshment
yinlio drinks
kungqun shui mineral water
guzh juice
nini milk
kl cola
qshui lemonade

ch tea
kfi coffee

shuigu fruit

pnggu apple
xingjio banana
chngzi / jzi orange

l pear
comi strawberry
lngsh snack

dngo cake
bing gn biscuit; cookies
tnggu sweetie
qiokl chocolate

hushng peanut
bngqln ice cream
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]j[;,|| health and diet: vegetarianism)
ssh vegetarian diet
ssh cntng vegetarian restaurant
chs de vegetarian
jish on diet

[[,[j)kitchen appliances and utensils
chfng kitchen
bngxing fridge
xiwn j dish washer
wib l microwave
xchn q vacuum cleaner
lzi cooker
guzi pot
choci gu wok
dizi / pnzi plate
wn bowl
kuizi chopsticks
dozi knife

chzi fork
shozi / tiogng spoon

)| market
shchng market
choj shchng supermarket
ci shchng traditional food groceries
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 18
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ysh night market
xioch ji snack street
tnfn stall seller


tng soup
(mi)fn (cooked) rice

mintio noodles
jiozi dumpling
bozi bun
lingci cold vegetable dish
snmngzh sandwich
hnbobo hamburger
,],/ ]}
ydlbing / bisbing pizza

zhngcn Chinese food

xcn Western food
zocn /zofn breakfast
wcn/ wfn lunch
wncn/wnfn dinner
qing please
hoch delicious

gnbi to drink a toast

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g most general measure

png bottle

h box

pn plate
wn bowl

bi glass; cup
bo pack

di bag
jn pound

) restaurants
zhngcn gun Chinese food restaurant
xcn gun Western food restaurant
fngwi cngun local cuisine restaurant
Kuicngun /
Fast food restaurant
fngun restaurant
wimi din takeaway
mindin noodle bar

cidn menu
dng (zhu) to reserve
jio ci / din ci to order food
fwyun waiter/waitress
fqin / jizhng /
to pay the bill
gk customer

xiofi tip
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 20
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]j[ types of shops
shngdin shop
shngchng shopping mall
zhu din grocery store
choj shchng supermarket
shuigu din fruit store
bng din ice store

personaI detaiIs .(appearance .,|
xngmng name
xngbi gender

zhzhi address
gu country
shng province
sh city
q district
ji street
l road
ho number
cn village
yubin post code
dinhu hom telephone number
chngsh city; urban
jioq suburb
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xingcn / nngcn countryside
chshng ddin place of birth

+[ age
ninlng age

su years old
dud How old

y one

r two

sn three
s four

w five

li six

q seven
b eight

ji nine

sh ten

shy eleven

shq seventeen

rsh twenty
ssh w forty-five

jish ji ninety-nine
bi hundred

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 22
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)date of birth
chshng rq date of birth
nin year
yu month
r /ho day
ji yu which month
ji ho which day

y ji ji w 1995

r lng y r 2012
yyu January
ryu February
snyu March
syu April
wyu May
liyu June
qyu July
byu August
jiyu September
shyu October
shyyu November
shryu December
yho 1
rho 2
b r / ho 8
shsn r / ho 13
rshli r / ho 26
snsh r / ho 30
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 23
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[[[)house: rooms, furniture
fngzi house

ji home
zh zi to live in.
d big

xio small
fngdng landlord
fngk tenant
z fngzi to rent a house
fngz rent
bnji to move house
fngjin room
ktng living room
fn tng / cn tng dining room
chfng kitchen
shfng study
shufng / wfng /
ysh / xizo jin bathroom
)]/ [/
csu / wishng jin /
xishu jin
snfng lingtng three bedrooms and two
public rooms
chk/chfng garage

huyun garden

hu flower
co grass
sh tree
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 24
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
yngti balcony
lut stairs
lushng upstairs
luxi downstairs
ylu first floor
snlu third floor

qing wall
chunghu window
mn door
jij furniture

chung bed
zhuzi table
yizi chair
shf sofa
cnzhu / fnzhu dinning table
shzhu desk
ygu wardrobe

dinsh TV
bngxing fridge
lngq / kngtio air-conditioner

), languages
yyn language
zhngwn/hny Chinese
hny ptnghu Mandarin
yngy / yngwn English
ry / rwn Japanese
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 25
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
hn y / hn wn Korean
fy / fwn French
dy / dwn German
xbnyy / xbnywn Spanish
wiy foreign language

hu to know how to

b hu not know how to

shu to speak
ji zhng How many (languages)

] nationality
guj nationality
zhnggu rn Chinese
tiwn rn Taiwanese
xnjip rn Singaporean
migu rn American
jind rn Canadian
odly rn Australian
xnxln rn New Zealander
rbn rn Japanese
hngu rn Korean
ynggu rn British
fgu rn French
dgu rn German
xbny rn Spanish
wigu rn foreigner
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 26
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dngfng rn Oriental

xfng rn Westerner


tu head

tufa hair
lin face
ynjng eye
bzi nose
zui mouth
rduo ear
pf skin

shu hand
jio foot
tui leg
gbo arm
yo waist

gzi height

tizhng weight

yfu clothes
dy coat
moy sweater
yy raincoat
kzi trousers/pants
qnzi skirt
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xizi shoes

pxi leather shoes
yndng xi sneakers
yndng f sport suit

xzhung suit
chnshn shirt
T L|
T xshn T shirt

ling di tie

wzi socks

shuto gloves
wijn scarf
mozi hat

chun to wear (clothing and
di to wear (accessories)
hng red
l green
hi black
bi white
ln blue
hung yellow
zng brown
chng orange

physical appearance
go tall
i short (height)
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png fat

shu thin; slender
chng long
dun short (length)
d big

xio small
c thick
x thin
yun round
pioliang pretty; beautiful
hokn nice looking

ki cute
gngjn kilogram
mi / gngchi meter
gngfn centimeter
chi Chinese foot (length or

cn Chinese inch

yuho friendly
rqng enthusiastic; warm
yu nixng patient
ho pq good tempered
hui pq bad tempered
qnqi warm; friendly

xioq stingy
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wixing outgoing
nixing introverted
yu limo polite
rnzhn diligent; earnest
dl independent

goxng happy
kuil Joyful
kixn pleased
ykui merry
xngfn excited
shngxn sad

nngu sad; feeling unwell

shngq angry
dnxn worried
jinzhng nervous
fngxn relieved

mny satisfied

xio to laugh
k to cry
li tired
bo full
k thirsty
fn annoyed

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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
jjphysicaI heaIth
({}[jaccidents: first-aid, emergencies
yyun hospital
jzhn emergency
jiotng shg traffic accident
shushng injured
lixu to bleed
Jih ch ambulance
Jihu ch fire engine
huzi fire
mihu to put out fire
dzhn earthquake

body See 'body' in ' apprearence'

[j[|( doctor: check-ups, appointments
knbng to see a doctor
yshng doctor
yy dentist
hshi nurse
dzhn to give an injection
chyo to take medication
jinch to check up
yu to make an
zhlio to treat (an illness)

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jj,],|j health: lifestyle, diet, fitness
hn jinkng very healthy
shnghu fngsh lifestyle
yinsh xgun diet
jish on diet
j(/ j

jinshn zhngxn /
jinshn sh
fitness center
zu yndng to take exercise
|) / |)
xyn to smoke

[|[)],|hospital and clinic: personnel, buildings
yyun hospital
zhnsu / ywsh clinic
zhngy Chinese doctor
xy Western doctor
yshng doctor
hshi nurse

bngrn patient
bngfng ward
guho to register
pidu to queue


shngbng to fall ill
gnmo to have a cold
b shfu not feeling well
ksou to cough
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fsho to have fever

tutng to have headache
tng ache, pain


yo medicine

zhngyo Chinese medicine

xyo Western medicine
yopin tablet, pill

yoshui liquid medicine
chyo to take medicine

yofng / yodin pharmacy/drug store
yr snc three times a day
fnqin ch to take medicine before
fnhu ch to take medicine after

_ reIationships
dngw animal
gu dog
mo cat
y fish

tzi rabbit

ni cow; bull

yng goat; sheep
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zh pig
j rooster; hen
y duck
nio bird
m horse
xiom pony
xio losh mouse

lng dragon

h tiger
sh lion

hu monkey
sh snake
xingmo panda

1l community
shq community
lnj neighbour
dji everyone
dren / chngrn adult
loninrn elderly
zhngninrn middle-aged
qngnin / ninqngrn young people
qngshonin teenager
xiohi / rtng child

nnrn man
nrn woman

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jitng family

jirn family member
qnqi relative
bba / fqn dad/father
mma / mqn mum/mother

gge older brother
jijie older sister

ddi younger brother
mimi/mimei younger sister
zf / yye paternal grandfather
zm / ninai paternal grandmother
wizf / wigng maternal grandfather
wizm / wip maternal grandmother
bbo / bf uncle (father's older
shshu uncle (father's younger
ggu aunt (father's sister)

y aunt (mother's sister)

jijiu uncle (mother's brother)
hizi child

rzi son
nr daughter
zhngfu / xinsheng husband
qzi / titai wife

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[family celebrations

qngzh to celebrate

shngr birthday
hnli wedding

jhu gathering
liw present

| friends)
pngyou friend
ho pngyou close friend
nnde pngyou male friend
nde pngyou female friend
nn pngyou boyfriend
n pngyou girlfriend

fq husband and wife
nn pngyou boyfriend
n pngyou girlfriend
jihn to get married
tngj to live together

| pets
chngw pet
gu dog
mo cat
y fish
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tzi rabbit
nio bird
xiom pony
xio losh mouse

]| credit
xnyng k credit card

shuk to use a credit card

]||,,)| customs and traditions: bargaining, sales
toji hunji bargaining
pimi sale
dzh on discount
jinji to reduce price
miy sngy buy one get one free
pinyi ydin to reduce the price a little

ti gu le too expensive

'_j)environmental concerns: packaging, sources
hunjng environment
bozhung package

dizi bag
sjio di plastic bag
zhidi paper bag

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qin money
lngqin change
zhoqin to get change
yun / kui dollar (RMB)
jio / mo ten cents

fn cent
pinyi cheap

gu expensive
xinjn cash

zhpio cheque/check
xnyng k credit card
yu to have
miyu not have

)| shopping on the internet
wngshng guw shopping on internet

mi to buy

mi to sell

nqun safe
fngbin convenient

shngdin shop
bihu shngdin /
department store
guw zhngxn /
shopping mall
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b (mn) department
y lu first floor
dint lift; escalators
dxicng basement
fsh / fzhung clothing
wnj toy
yinsh / cnyin food
fwti reception; information
shy sh / jin fitting room
shchun to try on
shdin bookstore
rudin meat store
ydin fish store
choj shchng supermarket
fsh din boutique
yngy shjin opening times

shuyn ch cashier
guti counter

shuhuyun sale assistant

dizi bag
gk customer
pidu to queue

mi to buy

mi to sell
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tu (hu) to return
hun to exchange
fpio /shuj receipt

[[ Theme: Leisure and work
/ career
jhu / dsun to plan
xwng to hope
zhnbi to prepare
rgu if

jingli in the future
nng to be able to
dng / zu to
jinl resume/CV

gunggo advertisement
shnqing to apply

gngzu to work; work
minsh interview
yu xnxn confident
zhunqin to make money
chnggng to succeed; success

shu to speak

shxi to write
lil fluent

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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
) job training
xnlin to train; training
jhu opportunity

( professions
zhy profession; occupation

gngrn worker
gngchngsh engineer
chsh chef
lsh lawyer
losh / jiosh teacher
jioshu professor
kuij accountant
gngwyun civil servant
kxuji scientist

huji painter (art)

yshji artist

zuji writer
jzh journalist; reporter
jngli manager
yshng / difu doctor
hshi nurse
nngmn peasant
shngrn / shngyi rn business person
sj driver

ynyun actor/actress
zhyun clerk
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fwyun waiter/waitress
msh secretary

fny translator; interpreter
zyu zhy self-employed
jitng zhf house wife
tuxi retired; to retire

j qualifications
yk medical course
wnk arts and humanity course
lik science course
gngk engineering course

xuwi degree

xush Bachelor degree
shush Master degree
bsh PhD degree
gngzu jngyn work experience


xux to study, to learn
x department
ynji to research

by to graduate


shy unemployed
zho gngzu to look for work
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}[| work conditions: salary, schedule
qunzh full-time work
jinzh part-time work
dgng part-time work (during
zhunqin to make money
lngyngqin /
pocket money
shur income
gngz / xnshui salary

shngbn to go to work

xibn to finish work
jiq holiday
xixi to take a break

wxi lunch break

nl diligent

_; entertainment
[|/, cultural and special events: festivals
zhnggu xnnin /
Chinese New Year/spring
chx New Year Eve

guji to celebrate festival
shngdnji Christmas
fhuji Easter
wlng dragon dance
wsh lion dance
lngzhu bisi dragon boat race
hu lngzhu to row dragon boat
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico

dunwji Dragon boat Festival
yubing mooncake
ynyuhu concert

yshji art festival
chuntng traditional
xindi modern


lyu to tour
cngun to visit (sightseeing)
lyu tun / lxng tun tour group
lyu ch/ lxng ch tour bus

pio ji ticket price
mnpio entrance ticket

dng to book

mi to buy

[, leisure activities
du . yuxngq to be interested in.
xihuan to like
b xihuan to dislike
gng xihuan to like.more
jude to feel
rnwi / xing to think
cnji to join; to participate
yndng sport
dqi to play ball games
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wngqi tennis
pngpngqi table tennis

lnqi basketball

ymoqi badminton

zqi football

yuyng to swim
hubng to ice skate

huxu to ski
pob to jog
lxng to travel
yuq / yuysi interesting
hokn good looking
wlio boring

[| leisure facilities
ynyu tng music hall
dinyingyun cinema
tshgun library

yuyngch swimming pool
tiygun gym hall
jinshn zhngxn fitness center
jchng thearter
mishgun art gallery
bwgun museum
gngyun park
yulchng amusement park
wchng dance hall
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zqichng football pitch
hubngchng skating rink

the arts
knsh to read
kn dinsh to watch TV
kn dinying to watch films

xizu to write
chngg to sing

ysh art
tng to listen
ynyu music
lixng ynyu pop music
gdin ynyu classical music
mng folk music
yuq musical instrument
tiow to dance
shying / zhoxing to take photos
xj drama

huhu to paint
bioyn to perform

j) hoIidays
| accommodation
zh to live
dngfng to book a room
jidin / fndin hotel
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bngun / lgun hotel
lyng / yyng to camp
shungrn jin double room
dnrn jin single room
kng fngjin vacant room
rzh dngj to check in
tufng to check out
nqun mn exit

shungrn chung double bed

dnrn chung single bed

, activities

mi to buy
guw shopping
jninpin souvenir
liw present
cngun to visit
wnhu zhngxn cultural center
bwgun museum
chngchng Great Wall
zhoxingj camera
lxng sh travel agent
dt map
xngchng schedule

chf to set off
mdd destination

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`j]||, local customs and traditions

hnz Han people
shosh mnz minority nationality
xs customs
chuntng traditions

j|[|j|,regional and national foods

bifng ci northern dish

nnfng ci southern dish
dfang ci local food
ts ci speciality
hugu hot pot

|)( tourist office and information
zxn zhngxn information center
sh zhngxn city center
lyu jingdin scenic spot
huchzhn train station
fijchng airport
zuch to take the car/bus
kich to drive
zch to rent a car
cng . do
hibo poster
xioczi brochure
jnzhi tngch No parking
jnzhi rni No entering
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qingw zhoxing /
qingw pizho
No photo
boch njng Quiet
wixin Danger

chku Exit

rku Entrance
zhy nqun Caution

j transport
fij airplane
huch train
db bus

zu to take
kich to drive

mipio to buy ticket

dngpio to book ticket
dnchng single trip
lihu round trip
qpio to collect ticket
lk passenger

shupio ch ticket office
huch sh waiting room (bus/train)
huj sh waiting room (flight)
zhunch to change bus/train
zhunj to transfer (flight)
shk bio timetable
hzho passport
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qinzhng visa
higun custom
jinch to check
xngli luggage

di to carry

nqun safe
hngkng gngs airline company

hngbn flight

qifi to take off
jinglu to land
zhngdin to be on schedule
wndin to be behind the schedule

j,).;/. types of holiday: city, beach, family
qunbo lyu all included tour package

snr yu three-day trip
chngt lyu long-distance tour
dunt lyu excursion
cngun to visit

yuln to go sightseeing

| weather and seasons
qng sunny
yn / duyn cloudy
xiy to rain

xixu to snow
dli thunder
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gufng windy

lng cold
r hot
nunhu warm
lingkuai cool

qwn temperature
d degree
sj four season
chntin / chnj Spring
xitin / xij Summer
qitin / qij

dngtin /dngt j winter

] media

gunggo advertisements

dng to publish (advert)

dinsh gunggo TV advert

dinying gunggo movie advert

wngshng gunggo internet advert

(,] celebrities: lifestyle
mngrn celebrities
yumng famous
mngxng star
gxng singer
chshngd place of birth
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[1, internet and social network sites

wnglu internet
shjio wngzhn social network sites
dinzi yujin email
lj yujin junk mail
huf to reply
liotin sh chatting room

wngyu internet friend

][].| press: news, reporting
xnwn news
dinsh xnwn TV news
tinq ybo weather forecast
bozhi newspaper
zzh magazine

wnglu internet

wnzhng article

dng to subscribe

.( radio: types of programme, schedule

gungb dinti radio station
jim bio schedule

.( television: types of programme, schedule

dinsh jim TV program
linxj / dinshj TV soap

gunggo advertisement
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 52
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kishi to start
jish to finish

];;[j[ clubs and teams
jlb club
Jlb chngyun club member
cnji to join; to participate
qidu (ball) team
duyun team member

|/,].[|jspecial events: regatta, Olympic games
olnpik yndnghu Olympic games
guj international
qungu national

j,| sport equipment

qi ball
qipi racket
yndng f sport clothing
yndng xi sport shoes
yngy swimming suit
yngk swimming trunk

1 sport on TV: social interaction
bisi game; contest
guj international
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 53
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
qungu national
yndngyun athlete; sports person
du team

sh to lose

yng to win

pngfn to draw

qim fan (ball games)
gunzhng audience

j|)|sport venues: stadium
tiychng stadium
tiygun gymnasium
tinjng chng athletic track

j| sportswear
yndng f sportswear
qiy clothes (ball games)

qixi shoes (ball games)
qimo hat (ball games)

|,[[j traditions: national sport
t jinzi to play shuttlecock
d ymoqi to play badminton
d pngpngqi to play table tennis
fng fngzhng to fly a kite
hu lngzhu to row dragonboat

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,,.|jtraining: activities, places
xnlin to train
kui fast
mn slow; slowly
tiychng stadium
tiygun gymnasium
tinjng chng athletic track

j types of sport
d to play

ymoqi badminton

wngqi tennis
pngpngqi table tennis

lnqi basketball
bngqi baseball
gnlnqi rugby
bnqi cricket

yuyng to swim

huxu to ski
hubng to ice skate
pob to jog
qch to ride a bike
piqi volleyball

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|| technoIogy
[][_cyber relationships
dinno computer

wnglu internet

||| filming and photography
pi dinying to make films
kn dinying to watch films
dnghu pin animation film
iqng pin romance film
dngzu pin action film
bij tragedy
xij comedy
zhoxing / shying to take photos
zhoxingj camera
xi zhopin to develop photos

[,; internet and music
xizi to download
ynyu music
ffi to pay fees

minfi free of charge

)|[||, internet shopping and banking
wnglu guw internet shopping
wnglu ynhng yw internet banking

shngwng to go online

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 56
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[]] leisure: interactive games
wnglu yux internet games
dinzi yux electronical games
dinno yux computer games
d to play
yufi monthly fee

1||. social networking: mobile telephone, internet
shuj mobile
d dinhu to make a call
ji dinhu to receive a call

minfi dinhu toll free call
qho district code
liyn to leave a message

zhungo to pass on a message
f dunxn to send text message
liotin to chat
yufi monthly fee

dinhu k phone card

|j|||. use of technology: school, work
dinno computer
CD gungpn CD
ch dinzi yujin to check email
wngshng jioxu internet teaching

{| break-downs

hui le breakdown
xili to fix

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 57
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] directions

dng east

x west

nn south

bi north
xing / wng . zu to go towards.
zu gui / zu zhun to turn left
yu right
xingqin zu to go straight
yzh zu to go straight forward
hu behind
l . jn very near from.
yun far
cng . do
zhngjin middle
pngbin next to

dumin on the opposite side
zi . fjn nearby
shz lku crossroads
hngldng traffic light
bxng ji pedestrian's area
rnxngdo pavement
tngch chng parking lot
(fi) jchng airport
chzhn station
huchzhn train station
gos gngl highway
qio bridge

}]; driving: speed, alcohol
hji to drink
kich to drive
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hji b kich No driving after drinking
kich b hji No drinking before driving
jiotng jingch traffic police
kui fast

]j emergencies
yyun hospital
jzhn emergency
chhu traffic accident
shushng injured
d dinhu to make a call

'] environmental issues

kngq air
xnxin fresh

wrn polluted
gijn to improve
zul to walk

zu to take
gnggng jiotng
public transport
q (zxng) ch to ride a bicycle

}[j hazards
xil to repair roads
wixin dangerous, danger

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 59
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j|[| highway code: road signs
gos gngl highway
Jnzhi choch No overtaking

j) means of transport
(jio ) ch car
gnggng qch /
huch train
dinch tram
chzch / jchngch taxi
zxngch / jiotch /
mtuch motorbike
dti underground/subway

chun boat
fij airplane

bn measure word for trains,
buses, boats and flights

|j}j^travelling: fares, return tickets, commuting,
chfi bus/train fare
chpio bus/train ticket
jpiofi flight fare
jpio flight ticket
dnchng pio single ticket
lihu pio return ticket
ydng to reserve
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,)'[|' Theme: Urban and
rural environment
'[[environmentaI concerns
][climate change
qhu climate
gibin change, to change

qunqi global
nunhu warming
bngshn iceburgh
qng sunny
yn / duyn cloudy
xiy to rain

xixu to snow
dli thunder
gufng windy

lng cold
r hot
nunhu warm

qwn temperature
d degree
sj four season
chntin /chnj Spring
xitin /xij Summer
qitin /qij Autumn
dngtin /dngj winter

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(| endangered species
bnwi wzhng endangered species
boh to protect

| global warming
qhu climate
gibin change, to change

qunqi global
nunhu warming
binnun to become warmer

']]}|]j.|||| green issues: recycling, organic foods
boh to protect
lhu to plant trees and grass
lj rubbish
hushu lyng to recycle
fishui waste water
fiq waste gas
jiw hushu lyng waste material recycling
jishng to save
shiyng to use
nngyun energy

|., natural resources: water, oil

shui water

fng wind
shyu oil
qyu patrol
zrn zyun natural resources

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['..ltypes of pollution: environmental, visual, sound
hunjng environment

wrn pollution

kngq air
suny acid rain

shuizi flood
hnzi draught
phui to destroy
zoyn noise

] gIobaI issues
}j aid organizations
jiyun aid; to rescue

zzh organization
linhgu United Nations

(]] NGOs non-governmental organizations)
zhngf governmental, official
fi zhngf non-governmental,

cshn charity

zzh organization

hpng peace


pnqing poverty

p war
zhnzhng war
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 63
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,);l city: suburb
chngsh city
jioq suburb
sh zhngxn city center

][directionsSee 'transport`

`j,,1l, local or community events
xnnin wnhu New Year party
binin to pay a New Year call
cshn hudng charity event

)|`j1l neighbours and local community
shq community
lnj neighbour
yuho friendly

njng peace and quiet
chono noisy

kngq air
xnxin fresh

,)]|()];.+,(public buildings and
monuments: town hall, youth centre
shzhng tng town hall
jingchj / gngnj police station

[ types of housing
fngzi house
gngy flat

bish villa
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ydng lu one building
ycng lu one floor
y lu first floor

| village
xingcn / nngcn village (area)
cnzi (a) village

|j| physicaI geography
][j countries and regions
zhnggu China
tiwn Taiwan
xnjip Singapore
rbn Japan
hngu South Korea
odly Australia
xnxln New Zealand
migu USA
jind Canada
ynggu UK
fgu France
dgu German
xbny Spain
yzhu Asia
uzhu Europe
fizhu Africa

xingcn / nngcn village (area)
cnzi (a) village

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j. maps: north, south
dt map
bifng / bib north part of the country
nnfng / nnb south part of the country
dngb east part of the country
xb west part of the country
hiyng ocean
ld land
pngyun plain
shm desert
coyun grasslands
jing /h river

h lake

] mountains

shn mountains
hushn volcano
goyun plateau

] nationalities See 'nationaIity' in 'personaI DetaiIs'

hibin seaside
shtn beach
wnsh to play sand
wnshui to play water
rgungy sunbathing

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,,,)| town and services
|||.]].}|]jfacilities: banking, postal, recycling
ynhng bank
cnqin to deposit
qqin to withdraw
(t) qkunj ATM
duhun wib to exchange foreign
hunqin to change money

shux fi service charge
lxng zhpio travel check
yuj post office
jxn to send a letter
yupio stamp
xnfng envelop

hngkng by air
mngxnpin post card
jjin rn sender
shujin rn addressee
yubin post code
zhzhi address
bogu package
guho registered
jiotng church
mio temple
hushu to recycle
jingchj / gngnj police station
qinbo wallet/purse

dish to lose
bojing to report to police
tngzh to inform
dxio size
xiotu / pshu thief
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zho to look for
zhodo to find
dshigun embassy

]|/)|(malls See 'food and drinks'

)|markets See 'food and drinks'

,)j)public transport See 'transport' in 'hoIidays'

)|||.j,purchases: food, goods See 'food and drinks' in 'shopping'

[|.)recreational facilities: swimming pool, library

yuyngch swimming pool
tshgun library
bwgun museum
mishgun art gallery
tiygun gym hall
yndngchng sports filed
gngyun park

]j shopsSee 'shopping'

] climate See 'weather and seasons'

,[3.=|events and celebrations: thanksgiving, harvest

gnnji Thanksgiving

Chnji Spring festival; Chinese
New Year
Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 68
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Mandarn ab initio: Programa de estudios especfico
]].|,.;,[impact of weather on customs, traditions,
daily life

=natural catastrophes: flooding, drought

shuizi flooding
hnzi drought

seasons See 'Weather and Seasons'

][j[|| weather conditions and forecasts See 'Weather and

Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 69
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[1 Theme: IndividuaI and society
,| Topic: Food and drink
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Mandarin ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 75
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14. )), X[,|]j][||
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Section A
Section B

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