Important of Curiculum Activities

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The importance of co-curriculum activities.

Students are encouraged to become involved in co-

curriculum activities. Co-curriculum activities contribute to the
broader cultural, educational and social developments of
students. It is compulsory now for all students in Malaysia to be
involved in co-curricular activities. Co-curricular activities have
a lot of benefts. Society, uniform club and games are the
examples of co-curriculum activities that is involved by
Malaysian school students.
Students involvement in sports, games can help
them to build up their stamina, release their tention during
class time. Students who did well in this sports activities given a
chance to represent their house, school, district and even
country. It is well informed that many sportsman and
sportswomen are emerged from schools. Moreover, games can
help !eep a person ft and healthy. "hey also can have a
healthy mind and body. "hese can help students to perform well
in their studies.
#n the other hand, students also can choose to be
involved in uniformed societies such as $oy Scouts Movement,
the %irl %uides Movement, &olice Cadet, 'ed Crescent Society
and the St.(ohn )mbulance. Many of the uniformed socities are
international organisations with fxed rules and regulations. "his
will give a chance to all students to meet members from other
schools and countries as well. It is a oppurtunity to share their
opinions, experience and exchange their views with their new
)mong the popular language societies are the *nglish
language Society, the +iterary and ,ebating Society, Science
Society and the Social Studies Society. "hese societies help to
develop the interest in sub-ects li!e *nglish, Mathematics,
.istory and %eography. Clubs such as &hotography Club, the
Chess Club, the )dventure Club and the Coo!ery Club will build
up students creativity.
Co-curricular activities also help to instill good /ualities
in students. 0or example they learn to cooperate, leadership,
patience and etc. )ll clubs and societies sure wil be having
elections to choose a president, a vice-president, a secretary
and a treasurer. In my opinion, clubs are the training ground for
future leaders, where the students learn how to manage their
clubs, organise activities and competitions manage their funds
and many more. Students learn many s!ills in this co-curicullar
Co-curricular activities help to build the students
character, stamina and also help to reinforce discipline among
students. It also improves the students communication s!ills
through group activities. #ther than that, students are able to
understand their capabilities.
Co-curricular activities are benefcial and their e1ects are
ever lasting. Co-curricular activities are important and all
students should be involved in themselves.

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