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Believe in Yourself

and make it Happen!!

This had been the site Slogan
since day one when Breeze thought
of the site and we have held true to
that idea every since. Empowering
people to come above all that came
at them in Life. To help guide them
to a more peaceful resolution in
dealing with the daily life chaos it
can present on us. There are ways
to help manifest a healthier more
positive direction and happiness
with following a few steps in
doing so and on Enchanted Forest
is what we do along with its
members which many have been
with us since the beginning. Takes
time and little patience and
dedication to truly want it and
thats when the Real magic comes
Thanks to all who have supported
us through time and all these years
with their help we couldnt had
done it.
Breeze and Shadow

Mobile pages for those who use Mobile to visit Enchanted
Ning Mobile Upgrade
Redesigned mobile version goes live this week

This banner will appear on your phone and will update
you on latest activities on site, blogs and latest activities in

Have also added "My Page"

This is in Beta stage so if you have any questions or
problems let us know so we can report it..

Thank you

Shadow and Breeze

Enchanted Forest Magazines

These are magazines we put together from articles posted on site by all members. These magazines
are Free!!
We have done these since almost the beginning and have over 70 in our Scribd Library.
On the right side of the Forest pages you will see current magazine covers shown.. Just click on
those and they will take you to the magazine.. no sign up required and Free download.
If you would like to submit an article please check out our magazine group tab on site menu.
There will have the instructions on how to send in your article and want to Thank all those who
have supported our magazine through the years.. great read with allot of helpful information.
Thank you
Shadow and Breeze

Posted by x)o( ~FAUN~)o(x

What does any of this have to do with what many of us are about? PLENTY. Have
you ever heard the term Conscious? Of course you have. How about "Collective
conscious" or "Collective Subconscious"

If I haven't lost you completely with the last couple of post, GREAT! This is
heavy stuff no doubt. Magic, like prayer or any other group empowerment thought
patterns create either a "Collective conscious" , "Collective Subconscious" or BOTH.
You've no doubt heart the term
"There's power in numbers". There is a proven fact behind that. The more people
believing in a single ideal the more power it has and can become real. Even as single
individual can have an effect on an object or anything else with the power of
thought. Witches talk about intent. This is a common term used in spell casting.
One's intent has control over what one wants to accomplish. Think about people
who have telekinetic abilities or people who can bend spoons with their mind. I
have seen this in person. Actually examined the spoon and it was just a regular
everyday stainless steel spoon.. No tricks, this guy actually bent the spoon without
touching it. From that point on I have bee hooked on this kind of thing, Recently
Quantum unified field theory opened the flood gates of how these things are done
and can be done. The craft in of itself exists in a quantum state.

The power of belief is a powerful thing. One can worry themselves sick.. Well if they
can do that then they can tickle themselves pink as well. In alternative health care
they use the term DIS-ease rather than disease. One becomes sick more easily under
duress and stress. We are just now on the threshold of understanding just how
powerful the human mind is. As a long time Witch, all of my 47 years I have been
exposed to this and or practicing this I can tell you that it really is "All in your
mind".. SO USE IT!...

Posted by Whispr

You Might be Pagan If...

1. When you're sworn in in court, you bring your own grimoire. . .
2. You've been seen talking to cats. They talk back. You understand what they're
saying. . .
3. When asked if you believe in God, you ask, "Which one?" . . .
4. You know what "widdershins" means. You apply it. . .
5. You have an entire spice cabinet. . . and you don't cook. . .
6. You know that laurel and bay leaves are the same thing. . .
7. You have a frequent buyer card at the local antique bookstore. The proprietor of said
bookstore picks out anything to do with the Celts and saves it for you. . .
8. You think Mercedes Lackey should be a cultural icon. . .
9. You know that there are exceptions to the laws of physics. You've caused them. . .
10. The first thing your guests say is, "My, that's a nice. . . altar. . . you have there. . ."
11. On Halloween, you yell "Happy New Year!" at passers-by. . .
12. You know that Christmas trees were originally pagan symbols. That's why you
one. . .
13. You have friends who say they are elves. You believe them. . .
14. You commit blasphemy in the plural. . .
15. Upon dying, your first thought is, "Darn it, not AGAIN. . ."
16. When you say "Mother Nature," you don't mean it in an anthropomorphic way. . .
17. Gaia is NOT the lady on "Captain Planet". . .
18. You think The Mists of Avalon should be a religious text. You use it as such. . .
19. In Religion 101, you're disappointed because they didn't cover YOUR gods. . .
20. You know that there is a right way and a wrong way to draw a pentagram. . .
21. You can explain the difference. . .
22. You've spent the last year and a half looking for a familiar. . .
23. You talk to trees. They talk back. . .
24. You know dragons and fae exist. You've seen them. . .

25. Painting yourself blue, spiking your hair, and dancing naked around a bonfire
sounds like
large amounts of fun. . .
26. You've seen "The Craft". You know where they were making stuff up. You have
explained this to other people. You can do it better than they did it in "The Craft". You
know the rest was a load of crap. . .
27. You understand the symbolism behind a maypole. . .
28. You've ever ended a phone call with "so mote it be. . ."
29. You think that "Scott Cunningham" is a household name. . .
30. You feel that there is no such thing as having too many cats. . .
31. The emergency calls you get at work are your teenagers wanting to know the
of the extra candles, incense or other miscellaneous ritual items. . .
32. Someone asks you what you are doing wandering around in the woods wearing a
robe, and
you answer cheerfully: "Going to church!" . . .
33. Your children go around telling people that "the Goddess loves you. . ."
34. You're reading this list. . .
35. You understand what it's talking about. . .
Well then you might just be Pagan!
Author unknown

Posted by Gaia Windwalker

The web is a wonderful place to come to for info about Witchcraft, Wicca or most any other
Pagan belief and it is also a great place to find services rendered in these fields, FOR A HEFTY
PRICE! I know there are people out there who are not sure about thier powers and would rather
have someone else cast for them or Maybe this person does not really want to be a Wiccan or Witch
but just wants the benefits. Well either way these things have serious repercussions. The most
serious of all these repercussions is YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for the outcome. Whether you cast
yourself or lay down your thirty pieces of silver to have it done, IT IS YOUR BABY!
When you lay out $300 to $1000 for some stranger to cast a spell for you (that you could do yourself
for just a few dollars) you are buying responsibility for anothers actions. What if something goes
wrong or even if it goes right (a little too right) and you need this spell reversed. Some spells can
only be reversed by the actual caster and that is another $300 to $1000 or more. No better way to
make a killing than to have an emergency that needs to be fixed, FAST! There are a few WITCHES
FOR HIRE that will rip you a new one at every opportunity (why do you think they charge
rediculous prices). Many of these paid for spells have many parts, you do a little and the Hired
Hand does a little. So when the BOOBOO has to be fixed; who slipped up! Many times you have to
wait for written results (for WEEKS). Although, if you did the spell yourself, YOU WOULD KNOW
THE RESULTS, ALREADY! When they arrive and or if you find out they are wrong or you have
Remember "WHAT YE SENDS OUT RETURN TO YE THREE FOLD" (this not an exact quote) and
that applies to anything you hire done, If your are the initiator and you reap the benefits, then it is
all yours.
SOOO! Here's the thing! Why not do it yourself? You can save enough money to stock you
cupboard for Life and if something goes wrong you can fix it yourself. The info and advice is only a
click away and there are many wonderful witches that would advise yo in a spell, FOR FREE! When
you have to suffer the results, it should be for your own actions and not those of a HIRED
Learn your craft. and do your own spells. Be responsible for your own actions. This is a lesson in
foolishment for all the newbies stopping by.
For those who do not wish to associate themselve with the title of witchery but wish to benefit from
the talents of others. GET A LIFE!.
Well, Remember the famouse words of the aunt from Practical Magic. "You can't practice witchcraft
while you look down your nose at it!"
Be Blessed,
Love, Peace & Hope

Posted by Kate
Set Yourself Free
It is good to remember that one of our goals in life is to not be perfect. We
often lose track of this aspiration. When we make mistakes, we think that we
are failing or not measuring up. But if life is about experimenting,
experiencing, and learning, then to be imperfect is a prerequisite. Life
becomes much more interesting once we let go of our quest for perfection and
aspire for imperfection instead. This doesn't mean that we don't strive to be
our best. We simply accept that there is no such thing as perfection-especially
in life. All living things are in a ceaseless state of movement. Even as you read
this, your hair is growing, your cells are dying and being reborn, and your
blood is moving through your veins. Your life changes more than it stays the
same. Perfection may happen in a moment, but it will not last because it is an
impermanent state. Trying to hold on to perfection or forcing it to happen
causes frustration and unhappiness.

In spite of this, many of us are in the habit of trying to be perfect. One way to
nudge ourselves out of this tendency is to look at our lives and notice that no
one is judging us to see whether or not we are perfect. Sometimes,
perfectionism is a holdover from our childhood-an ideal we inherited from a
demanding parent. We are adults now, and we can choose to let go of the need
to perform for someone else's approval. Similarly, we can choose to
experience the universe as a loving place where we are free to be imperfect.
Once we realize this, we can begin to take ourselves less seriously and have
more fun. Imperfection is inherent to being human. By embracing your
imperfections, you embrace yourself

Posted by Vonnie

Elder's Meditation

"Listen to all the teachers in the woods.
Watch the trees, the animals, and all living
things - you'll learn more from them than
from books."


Nature is a living example of how
communities live in harmony. If you go
into the forest or mountain and sit still and
watch, ask yourself, what lessons are being
Then watch how the animals conduct
themselves. The trees could represent
diversity. The flowers could represent
people. Notice how everything in nature
assists one another. See how balance works.
See how conflict is handled.

Can you see acts of forgiveness? Can you
spot respect? Nature is full of wisdom if we
will only consider her to be our teacher.

My Creator, today let me learn from nature.

Posted by BZ


A Positive Outlook On Life
Understanding the Bad things First
This understanding will give you the
Value of the good
Within your Life
Then and only than can you
Understand yourself
This is your key to
Unlock yourself
So you can begin to understand
Your life
Share yourself with the rest of the World

Copyright 2008 John N LeMire

Don't Know How to Get What You Want? Just Engage!
Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

Don't Know How to Get What You Want? Just Engage!


One of our favorite lines from the sci-fi show "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is
Captain Jean-Luc Picard saying, "Engage!" While Captain Picard uses the term to
send his ship into to explore new dimensions, we spiritual travelers can use the term
to explore new dimensions of consciousness and life.

Here's a simple way you can borrow Captain Picard's command to make your own
life easier: the next time you don't know how to do something, just tell yourself,
"Engage!" In other words, just start engaging with the process in any way you can.
Don't worry about whether you know what you're doing. Just do something!

Most of have been taught by society to decide what we want, figure out to achieve it,
and then start the process. But according to most ancient creation sequences this
three step process is somewhat backward.

To create anything, from a cake to a business, the process really looks like this:

1. We want something.
2. We engage with the process and find out more about it.
3. We decide whether we really want it.
4. We figure out how to create it.

In other words, figuring out how to "make it happen" comes after we decide that we
really want it. The key to creation sequence is to do just enough poking around (or
engaging) to decide whether you really want it, then making a conscious decision
that you want it. The "how" never enters the picture until you have made the
conscious decision to pursue it.

So the next time you want to achieve or create something, don't worry about how
you will do it. First engage with the process and do some research. Figure out if you
really want to pursue the project. If so, the answers will come to you. Your desire
must and always will bring you exactly what you need to achieve what you desire.

Your job in the creation sequence is to engage with the process, stay open to what
comes to you, and most of all to enjoy the engagement with the Universe. We're all
on this planet for a certain period of time-it's more fun if we enjoy it!

Posted by Ha-nu

Trust is something that walk the sharp edge of a knife, it always get you cut. Once
you understand that, the blood you shed is not even worth crying over. Treat
everyone with respect, trust is not worth bleeding over. It is just a word we use to
believe that those we hold in our trust will not betray us. We may never place that
expectation onto those around us. They make their own path and do what feel best
for them, it does not mean it is best for you.

Once you understand this, we also understand that our own path is all that matter,
whether others come or go from our life, you love them and give them what they
need from you, without holding back in suspicion. When they leave, or do
something that you feel betray you and your values, or what you need from your
perspective to me wrong, its not your place to be angered over the break in trust.

Trust is a label to attachment, one we all can do without. Be in yourself, and allow
others to love you and be with you till they change their minds.

Posted by BZ

Naturally as humans our view of the
environment is completely anthropocentric. We
think of it as resources to fuel and fill our needs and
wants. We assume that it is our divine right to
decide upon the fate of a piece of land and all the
myriad species which that piece of land might
support, most of which we are never even
consciously aware of. And thus it is not surprising
that the quality of life for all species is deteriorating
in direct correlation to the degree with which we
exploit 'our natural resources'.

The web of life exists not as a co-existing haphazard
assembly of competing species but as an
interwoven and interdependent mutually
supporting tapestry of life. Thus, to pull one string
affects the whole; to pull at dozens of strings
simultaneously upsets the overall ecological

Plants are not just there to fill our needs or to
decorate the landscape; they are the organisms that
make life in our biosphere possible: they make an
otherwise lifeless environment habitable, arable
and teaming with myriad of life forms that all
ultimately depend on the green life force of plants
and their magnificent ability to transform sunlight
into digestible energy, make the air breathable and
regulating the water cycles of the planet.

Let us not forget that our lives depend on the
integrity of the entire web, even down to the
humble and most lowly species such as the ocean
algae, which produce most of the oxygen, without
which we could not breath, or the myriad of single
celled organism that help to maintain an ecological
balance by detoxifying polluted lands and water.
They cover and stabilize loose soil thus protecting
the surface of the earth from drying out, or from
letting wind and rain carry its nutrients off, to the
sea to be lost forever.

Their existence supports millions of other forms of
life, including our own. So why do we so
haphazardly destroy the integrity of this web of life,
exhaust its resources to the last leaf, for the sake of
greedy self-interest and a free market economy.

If there is to be a future, and life on this planet to
continue as we know it, we must urgently recognize
our position in this web of life and seriously
address the imbalances in our ecosystem for which
we are responsible and change our relationship
with mother earth from an exploitive approach to a
sustainable one.

If you liked the article, please consider making a
donation to support Sacred Earth and keep the site
free of advertising and accessible to all.

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)


Many cultures that maintain a direct link with the land, and rely on the production of
food crops, have a rich mythology surrounding the cycle of the seasons. When we look at
thetraditions of the communities who still practice the old seasonal festivals, we begin to
be aware that, as we have moved away from this personal link with the land, we have
lost something quite precious in personal and community terms. One of the main things
we have lost is stories - those myths and tales which speak gently and with wisdom to
the deeper part of our being, beyond logical thinking They inspire us to create pageants,
celebrations, feasts, ceremonies, and dancing, activity that fills the place of TV, with its
sterile stories of 'real' life feeding us with false adrenaline and sense of companionship.

In the celebrations of the earth cycles each individual within the community could find a
place for their particular gifts, whether that be cooking, dancing, making costume, or
teaching words to the young people -the traditional parts would often be passed down in

All ages, also had their part to play; the young people could spectate, have fun and learn
through the stories the deeper levels of meaning within the myths, the underlying
parallels with their own life-cycle, of conception, growing, maturing and death. In this
simple way these major events are accepted as being as natural, and inevitable as the
seasons themselves and a part of the larger Creation.


European traditions were greatly influenced by the culture of the Ancient Greeks, whose
earth-mother, or corn-mother goddess was called Demeter. Legend tells how Demeter's
daughter Kore, the Maiden, (sometimes called Persephone) was outside playing one day,
picking flowers, when Pluto, the God of the Underworld found her and carried her off to
his realm to be his queen.

Her mother, Demeter, wandered desolately searching for her, disguised as an old
woman. During this time the crops shriveled and men and animals died. Zeus
intervened and ordered Pluto to release Kore, and Demeter was united joyfully with her
daughter. But in the underworld Kore had eaten of the sacred pomegranate, which
bound her to return to the underworld for a third of each year.

Now, like the seed corn, she spends part of each year underground, and part above
the surface.

Within this myth we see marking of the seasons, and the promise of life after death,
spring after winter.


In the creation mythology of ancient Egypt, the Goddess Isis represented the land,
waiting for the fertilizating overflow of the Nile, personified by her consort, Osiris.
Seth, Osiris' brother, (representing the power of drought), murdered and
dismembered Osiris. Isis, sorrowing, found and re-assembled all the body parts of
her beloved Osiris, except for the phallus, substituting one of gold. Osiris found
new life as Lord of the D Dead, and was resurrected in the birth of his new son,
Horus. Osiris was also the corn. Effigies of corn were buried in tombs, and in tomb
paintings, we see corn springing from Osiris' corpse.

One inscription at Philae says:

"This is the form of him whom one may not name, Osiris of the Mysteries, who
springs from the returning waters." So here is a myth that is linked to the specific
patterns of drought and fertility in the land, and promises that life will follow
death, as fertility follows drought.

Osiris 'beds' were also put into tombs using the cycle of germination as a symbol of
resurrection. These consisted of a wooden tray, made in the form of Osiris, filled
with earth and sown with corn. They were fitted with a perforated cover through
which the seed could sprout.So important was the association with the harvest, that
part of the Pharoah's regalia of office was the flail, the jointed rods that were used to
separate the corn at threshing.

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)
Multiple Lives, One Existence

The harmony of the soul often eludes those in the linear. Interaction with other
energies can incite a battle of whits that can preclude the necessary alignment with
one's own vibration.

When a soul incarnates within its soul group there are often continuing dramas that
thread themselves through many lives. A particular imbalance between two
energies may take several lifetimes to emerge into a more tranquil interaction.

If you find yourself in a web of discomfort it is important to remember that it is but
a chapter in the evolvement that is being created between you. The dance will
continue until it is resolved. The despair of this participation interaction may be
alleviated in the next life.

In the case of the current interaction the snares from past moments can lay in one's
path as the life proceeds in the now. Often two souls of great connection participate
at this level.

If one is able to look at it from this perspective it is possible to understand where
the difficulty originated and where it is going.

Know that you participate on many levels and that not all of them are difficult.

Stay the course for in the eternal crescendo all will be resolved. You will find the
place and tranquility you seek. Be strong.

Posted by Skye

The moon is, in terms of distance, the closest heavenly body to earth. We can see it in
the sky for three weeks out of four, and people have, for thousands of years, used its
light to guide them in the dark. In addition to the personification of the moon as deity,
there are all kinds of fascinating legends and myths associated with the moon and its

The word lunatic comes from the Latin luna, because it was believed that people were
more likely to exhibit aberrant behavior during a full moon. Although studies have
been done showing that emergency room visits and accidents are increased during the
full moon period, there has yet to be conclusive evidence for causation.

The moon seems to have an effect on animals as well as people. A Florida expert on
animal behavior reports that hamsters spin in their wheels far more aggressively
during the moon's full phase. Deer and other herbivores in the wild tend to ovulate at
the full moon, and in Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the full moon is mating time for

The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson, was
inspired by the strange -- and yet very true -- case of Charles Hyde, a London man who
committed a series of crimes at the time of the full moon.

There is a British legend that if Christmas fell on the day of a dark Moon, the
following year's harvest would be a bountiful one. Some parts of the British Isles
believed that a waxing moon on Christmas meant a good crop the next fall, but a
waning moon indicated a bad one would come.

In some countries, a halo around the moon means bad weather is coming.

The first time you see a crescent moon for the month, take all your spare coins out of
your pocket, and put them in the other pocket. This will ensure good luck for the next

Some people believe that the fifth day after a full moon is the perfect time to try to
conceive a child.

In some Chinese religions, offerings are made to the ancestors on the night of a full

In some Native American legends, the moon is held captive by a hostile tribe. A pair of
antelope hope to rescue the moon and take it the village of a good tribe, but Coyote,
the trickster, interferes. The antelope chase Coyote, who tosses the moon into a river
each night, just out of reach of the antelope.

The night of the full moon is believed to be a good time for divination and scrying.


Posted by Ha-nu

In order to know if youre in a spiritual
partnership and how to cultivate it to bring
more unity and union to the connection you
have with your partner, we first must
understand what a Spiritual Partnership is.

Very simply, it is a partnership that is
condusive to the growth of both individuals.
It is a partnership where honesty and growth
are priority over just making each other feel
nice. Everyone it doesnt matter who you are
will eventually get frustrated with each
other when they are in a contained
environment for a long period of time. Its
almost impossible not to, and thats okay! The
magic comes in when those individuals will
stick around to clean up the mess, to listen to
each other, and to create their connection even
deeper than it was before.

The connection that goes deeper and deeper
and deeper, and grows and the individuals
grow both individually and together.. THAT
is a creationship!

But beyond that Spiritual Partnerships are
about the feeling. The way that you feel when
youre in their presence, and the connection
that you have simply radiates between each
other with awareness.

You begin to know what each other are
thinking and feeling, and so theres more
deeper communication happening between
the two of you because youre communicating
on a frequency that is beyond words. It is
mental, it is emotional, and it is full of

I invite you to watch this video. It is simply
beautiful, and stands as a testament to what
someone can create when they are full of
passion about what they love doing, and who
they love doing it with

Now, before I end this post I just have 1 quick
thing I want to share with you And this is
the light at the end of the tunnel for all of you
who might be feeling right now like the
relationship you have isnt the one youre
meant to have.

What you have right now in this moment is
perfect, beautiful, and can become everything
that you want it to be. It simply takes some
effort, some communication, and a whole
lotta love!

With love,

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

To me the Equinoxes Ostara and Mabon are particularly Pagan in their
symbolism even though they have long been the least commonly celebrated of our
contemporary sacred days. Solstices were far easier to calculate and symbolized the
great dualities of embodiment: life and death, light and dark. Their history is
ancient and world wide, at least out of the tropics. Our four Cross Quarter Sabbats
are geared to harvest cycles, and so also quite venerable. The Equinoxes are relative

But very appropriate ones. Along with Ostara, the Spring Equinox, Mabon
exemplifies balance, a balance that is always dynamic. After Mabon the balance will
tip from the predominance of light to the growing presence of darkness, from
warmth to cold, from growth to dormancy. Throughout much of the US signs of this
shift are evident to the careful observer, from the declining vitality of our gardens,
flowers that have ceased their bloom, and become seeds, the touches of color just
beginning to appear on some impatient leaves, and the advent of colder mornings.
But there are still some weeks of growth and harvest ahead of us here in Sonoma
County, as well as in many other parts of the country.

And so when we meet in ritual tonight our altar will be covered with the fruits of the
season. We will ask the Gods to come and bless them. Afterwards we will eat some
of this bounty while taking the rest home. But we will also focus on balance.

For the Equinox balance between the eternally dancing dualities of life reigns and is
honored. Neither predominates. And so, for our ritual tonight we will focus on what
needs greater balance in our lives, as well as gratitude for the fruits of this summer.
For me at least one balance, returning after too long an absence, is to work with the
energies and spirits of the land along with all this head tripping.

What needs more balance in your life? If you can, work that need into your ritual,
either as a group or as a solitary.

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

Many have spoken of going internally to the soul. It is indeed a good exercise that
we have spoken of many times. However, the return to the soul is appropriate in
many ways, but once reuniting, there is another important step.

Having a physical experience is important for the soul's evolution. The
participation leads to greater understanding for the complete energy to grow. Often
while participating in the linear, the focus becomes so intense that the soulful
energy becomes cut off from its core. Thus the advice of many linear practices to
return to the soul. Once returned, what does one accomplish? Does it alleviate all
the turmoil that the dramatics of physical involvement brings?

Most likely not in the early moments. However, once reconnected, the soul having
the linear experience may be able to bring the soulful energy into their physical
more abundantly, thus alleviating any suffering that may be occurring. Practice
feeling what the souls says. You have already silence much of the linear drama to
get to the core of your soul. Now join with that energy while making choices in
your physical linear life. List to the voice of your soul rather than the chatter of
those who occupy space in your current physical environment.

Most of those energies are processing their own abilities to evolve and may be of no
assistance in your development. Attempt to listen only to the sounds of your own
energy. That way you are acting instead of reacting, while on your path of
evolution. Much better to be in charge than a follower. Eventually all followers will
be leaders if they allow this process to occur. God, Yahweh, Buddha, Christ, Source
Energy, all favor the empowered moment rather than the follower moment.

All of source wishes to become mobile in whatever level of environment it
currently resides. This is a natural process of energy. There is nothing to fear, only
the self constructed facades that linger in your own mind. Connect, blend,
reestablish yourself as a soul while still being physical. Let your energy in.

It is the next step.

Posted by BZ

It is the time of the autumn equinox, and the harvest is winding
down. The fields are nearly empty, because the crops have been
plucked and stored for the coming winter. Mabon is the mid-
harvest festival, and it
is when we take a few moments to honor the changing seasons,
celebrate the second harvest. On or around September 22, for
many Pagan
and Wiccan traditions it is a time of giving thanks for the things
have, whether it is abundant crops or other blessings.


The site yearly fees are $600, this is at the moment paid for by
the kind donations of all our members - please help out if you


Many Thanks
Breeze and Shadow
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the message about the site..
Where your friends can come to a friendly environment from all
the drama on the net that distracts so many from concentrating
on information that can help them improve their daily Life..

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