ER Modelling, Weak Entities, Class Hierarchies, Aggregation: CS344 Database Management Systems

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Database Management Systems

ER modelling, Weak Entities, Class
Hierarchies, Aggregation

Aug 2
- Lecture Notes (Summary)

Submitted by -
N. Vishnu Teja Saurabh Saxena
09010125 09010145

(Most the information has been taken from Class Notes, Silberschatz and Ramakrishnan)
ER Modelling


Entity: A thing or an object that is distinguishable from all the
other objects. Each entity has a set of properties. For example, each
person in an enterprise is an entity with properties person-id, name,
age etc.
Entity Set: Set of entities of the same type that share the same
properties or attributes. For example, employees of a store.
Attributes maybe single or multivalued, simple or composite,
Relationship: Is an association among several entities. For example,
a car is owned by a person. Relationships can be recursive. For
example, a student helps a student. Both belong to the same entity
set of students. Relationships can have descriptive attributes. For
example, the relationship car owned by a person can have attribute
Relationship Set: Set of relationships of the same type. For
example, a relationship set of owns between two entities, owners
and cars. Relationships can have mapping cardinality i.e. they can be
one to one, many to one, one to many and many to many.
Entity sets can have full participation or partial participation in
a relationship. The participation of an entity set E in a relationship
set R is said to be full if every entity in E participates in at least one
relationship in R. If only some entities in E participate in relationships
in R, the participation of entity set E in relationship R is said to be

Keys: A key is a set of attributes whose values allow us to uniquely
distinguish entities from each other.

SuperKey: K is a superkey of R if values for K are sufficient to
identify a unique tuple of each possible relation r(R)

Candidate Key: Superkey K is a candidate key if K is minimal i.e. it
has the least number of attributes possible.

Primary Key: One of the candidate keys is selected to be the
primary key.

Relationships can involve multiple entities. For example, a
professor guides a student for multiple projects.

Design of ER Diagrams
(Notations are followed from Silberschatz)


Rectangles Represent entity sets

Ellipses Represent attributes

Diamonds Represent relationship sets

Lines Link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to
relationship sets

Double ellipses Represent multivalued attributes

Dashed ellipses Denote derived attributes

Double lines Indicate total participation of an entity in a
relationship set

Double rectangles Represent weak entity sets (Discussed later)

A Simple ER Diagram Construction
(Taken from Silberschatz for better understanding)

Consider an Entity relationship diagram that consists of two
entities called customer and loan related through a binary
relationship called borrower. The attributes associated with the
customer are customer-id, customer-name, customer-street and
customer-city. The attributes associated with loan are loan-number
and amount. Attributes of an entity set that are members of primary
key must be underlined.
A directed line () from a relationship set towards an entity set
also indicates a key constraint i.e. it specifies that the relationship is
either a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship set from the first
entity to the entity directed by the arrow.

An undirected line () from the relationship set to the entity
set specifies that the relationship is either a many-to-many or one-
to-many relationship set from the first entity to the directed entity.

ER Diagram corresponding to customers and loans

Here, the relationship borrower may be a many to many or a
one-to-many relationship from customer to loan as it is connected
without an arrow. The Customer-id is the primary key that uniquely
identifies the entities of the set customer and the Loan-number is
the primary key that uniquely identifies the entities of the set loan.

ER diagram indicating a one to one relationship between customer and loan entities.

ER modeling of an online book shop

The Problem:

I would like my customers to be able to browse my catalog of
books and place orders over the internet. Currently, I take orders
over the phone. I have mostly corporate customers who call me and
give me the ISBN number of a book and quantity; they often pay by
credit card. I then prepare a shipment that contains the books they
ordered. If I dont have enough copies in stock, I order additional
copies from the publisher and delay the shipment until the new
copies arrive; I want to ship a customers entire order together. My
catalog includes all the books I sell. For each book, the catalog
contains its ISBN number, title, author, purchase price, sales price,
and the year the book was published. Most of my customers are
regulars, and I have records with their names and addresses. New
customers have to call me first and establish an account before they
can use my website.
On my new website, customers should first identify themselves by
their unique customer identification number. Then they should be
able to browse and to place orders online.

Possible Solution:

The ISBN code identifies each book uniquely and is hence the
primary key of the book entity set. Same is the case with the C-id
attribute of the customers entity set. Card_num has been placed as
an attribute of the order because a customer may have more than
one card number. There are no directed lines as one customer can
order any number of books and one book may be ordered by any
number of customers. Since qty, order_date, ship_date are specific
to the order, they are listed as attributes of the relationship.

N-ary Vs Binary relationships

N-ary relationships are usually converted to binary
relationships for the sake of implementation ease. This can usually
be done by the addition of new entity sets.

N-ary Relationship Binary Relationship (New entity E)

N-ary relationships can have only one outgoing arrow.

Consider an n-ary relationship among entities student,
department and course. The most plausible way is to have the arrow
directed toward the student. This is because both the department
and the course can have multiple students. A department can have
multiple courses etc. A student can only belong to one particular

Weak Entities

Weak entities depend on other strong entity sets to generate
its Primary Key.
A very good example of this is the entity set of dependants of an
employee of a bank. The bank may want to store the dependants
information for various reasons such as policies etc. In this case the
dependants are not uniquely identified by their attributes (name,
age, gender (most likely)); But together with the employee-id of the
employee they can be distinguished. In this case the dependants are
the weak entity set, the employees are the Identifying Owner and
the policy relationship is called the Identifying relationship. Note
that the weak entity must always have full participation and also
each entity in this set can have only one owner (Key constraint)
otherwise, they are not uniquely determined by the strong entity set.
Another Example is the Course and Section entity sets.

In this case, the weak entity is the section which is dependent on the
strong entity course. Together with the course-id and sec-id, year
and semester the section can be uniquely determined. As stated
before, a double line is used to indicate a weak entity and an
identifying relationship.
Why not convert each weak entity to a strong entity?
For this we require multiple copies of the primary key, which leads to
storage redundancy. (Wastage of a large amount of storage)
Class Hierarchies
(Specialization and Generalization)

Class hierarchies can be viewed in one of two ways:

-Part time
-Full time

1. People can be specialized into Students and Employees
(Specialization-Top Down Approach).
Specialization is the process of identifying the subsets of a
superclass (entity set) that share some special attributes.

2. Student and Employees can be generalized into People.
(Generalization-Bottom Up Approach).
Generalization is the process of identifying common
characteristics from a collection of entity sets and creating a new
set that possesses these characteristics.

Overlapping vs. Disjoint:

Disjoint - There is no entity common to the subclasses
Overlapping There is at least one entity common to the

Full vs. Partial:
Full All the entities of the super class belong to at least one of
the subclasses. Also known as covering.
Partial At least one of the entities of the super class doesnt
belong to either of the subclasses.

The two main reasons for identifying subclasses:
1. To add descriptive attributes that makes sense only for the
entities in the subclasses.
2. To identify the set of entities that participates in some


Aggregation is an abstraction that treats relationships as
entities. Sometimes we have to model relationship between a
collection of entities and relationships.
Consider the case where we have to carry out evaluation for a
project for which Professor X is guiding students Y and Z.

We have a relationship called proj_guide which maps project,
student, instructor entity sets. The evaluation is done for all i.e. the
student, the instructor and the project. So basically the relationship
eval_for maps the relationship proj_guide to the entity set
evaluation. Using aggregation we can treat the proj_guide relation
along with the instructor, student, project entity sets as a single
entity set on which we can define a relationship called eval_for.

This is shown by enclosing the relationship and the
corresponding entity sets in a box and then treating it as a single
entity. In the first case, eval_for has been defined on the instructor,
student and the project entities separately though it is really a
characteristic of the three put together. Aggregation rectifies this.

Design Issues during ER modeling

Entity vs. Attribute:

While identifying the attributes of an entity set, it is sometimes
not clear whether a property should be modelled as an attribute or
as an entity set. For example, the phone number of an employee.
One option is to use the attribute phone_no. This is suitable is we
only have to store one phone number per employee.
Another option is to create an entity set called phone_nos and have a
relationship with employees. This is useful in two cases
1. We have to record more than one phone number.
2. We have to capture the structure of the phone number like
country code, city code, number etc. This can be useful to
conduct searches like all the phone numbers of a particular city.

Entity vs. Relationship:
Consider a relationship manages between two entity sets,
employees and departments.(Some of the employees manage some
departments). Suppose that each manager is given some budget to
manage a department. In this case , given a department we know the
manager (Assuming a key constraint) and also the budget given. But
what if the budget is the sum that covers all the departments of the
manager? In this case budget is the attribute of a specific manager
and hence we must create a new entity set called managers which is
a subclass of the employees entity and then associate the budget
with the new entity set.

Practice Problem

What if this online shop wanted to sell e-books?

Hints for solving the problem:
1. Remove the warehouse entity and the stocks relation. (E-books
do not require warehouse storage)
2. The book entity must have full participation (double-line) with
the written_by relationship (every book must have an author or a
group of authors)
3. The number attribute may remain on the contains relationship
but it now indicates the number of digital copies.

End of Lecture

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