Week3 Notes Civil Procedure

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Topic: Instituting Proceedings/ Summary and Default Judgment

Required reading for this seminar: Colbran textbook pp 53!! and chapter "# pages 5535$%&
'C(R (art "3 on summar) *udgment+ (art "! on default *udgment+ part "$ on amendment
Civil Procedure Act 2005 ,-.W/ ss 5!50+ s !% and s $$&
1ook up Ashby v Commonwealth of Australia ,no %/ 2#3"#4 5C6 "%"" 2"0#42#3#4 7see question
,5/ belo8&
1) Under what circumstances could you obtain a default *udgement under UCP Pt 1!" #n what
grounds could a default $udgment be set aside" %ow would you go about doing this" National
Australia Bank Ltd v Singh, Mearns v Willoughby Community Preschool Inc &hat are the
'roblems inhibiting defendants with the o'eration of the default system! (Colbran p 55: ff/
)) In an a''lication for summar) *udgement what is the 'rocess" See "lover v #oche *)++,-
.C/SC 10 (Colbran ' 121ff)3 Consider the situation where summary $udgement is sought on the
basis of limitation issues" UCP Pt 1, Cubillo v Common$ealth (1000) 1!, .4 ,01 (Colbran
Ch 1+ ' 125 ff)
,) In what manner and at what stage of 'roceedings could you see6 to ha7e pleadings amended"
&hat general 'rinci'les go7ern the e8ercise of the courts discretion to 'ermit an amendment or
an ad$ournment" %ueensland v &L 'oldings Pty Ltd (1002) 191 .4 ,1, &hat is the effect of
the decision in Aon #isk Services Australia Limited v Australian National (niversity *)++0-
%C. )2 and Cement Australia Pty Ltd v ACCC ()+1+) )2, .4 1923 Com'are these cases to the
decision in Sali v SPC Ltd3 (Colbran p 53 ff/
/he general 'rinci'le which go7erns 'leading amendments is that of o7erriding 'ur'ose
(/:;/<##= 'g 1+)3 /he o7erriding 'ur
9) &hat are the re>uirements for establishing the procedure of an abuse of process" Williams v
S)aut* (Colbran ' 159 ff)3 %ow can dela) constitute an abuse of 'rocess" Batistatos v #oads
and +ra,,ic Authority o, NSW (Colbran ' 150 ff)
1) ead the summary of the $udgment of ares J in Ashby v Common$ealth o, Australia (no 9)
*)+1)- ?C. 1911(1) December )+1)) and 'aragra'hs *15)-@ *)+)-3 Can a legal representati;e
be in;ol;ed in an abuse of process< &as Williams v S)aut* a''lied in this case" (see
'aragra'hs *1),-@*1)9-)

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