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Year One Lesson Plan

Class Year One

Time 10.30-12.00
Day Friday
Enrolment 35/35
Subject English
Focus Day four: Language Ars !Ani"al #oo$"ar$s%
Theme &orld of 'ories
Topic Dilly Du($)s Doughnu
Introduction *his lesson fo(usses on language a++re(iaion fo(using on
en,oy"en and (reai-iy. *he "ain fo(us of his lesson .ill /e
geing on +u+ils o +rodu(e (reai-e .or$s /ased on he sory
Content Standard 0.3. #y he end of he 1-year +ri"ary s(hooling2 +u+ils .ill /e a/le
o +lan2 organi3e and +rodu(e (reai-e .or$s for en,oy"en.

Learning Standard 0.3.1 A/le o +rodu(e si"+le (reai-e .or$s .ih guidan(e /ased
on: d% sories
Objectie #y he end of he lesson2 he +u+ils should /e a/le o4
a% 5rodu(e si"+le ani"al /oo$"ar$s
/% A( ou he sory
!oral "alue Lo-e for ani"als and (o-o+eraion
Teaching #ids Ani"als) +u++es2 +oin !slides% 2"anila (ard and "ar$er
'e+ 1
!5 "inues%
'e 6ndu(ion 1. *ea(her /rings in ani"al "as$s.
2. *ea(her hen +u on ea(h of he "as$.
3. *ea(her as$s sudens o na"e he ani"als "as$
0. 'udens raise heir hand o
5. *ea(her a++re(iaes .ih +osii-e -i/es for heir
1. *ea(her hen .ra+ u+ and e7+osed he o+i( for
oday .ill /e on ani"als.
o (a+i-ae he
sudens ineres
for he lesson
for he sudens o
as$ and res+ond
o he 8uesions.
'e+ 2
!15 "inues%
5resenaion 1. *ea(her ells he sudens a/ou he sory eniled
Dilly)s Du($ Doughnu using slides
2. *ea(her uses "ind "a++ing o des(ri/e and loo$
ou for (onen of he sory.
3. *he slides +resenaion is used so ha he
sudens .ill learn he (onen "ore effe(i-ely.
0. *hen ea(her ea(hes he sudens o read ou
he sory.
5. *ea(her hen +ro"+s 8uesions o e-aluae heir
undersanding !as$ and session%.
*o "a$e
(onne(ions .ih
he +re-ious
o ha-e he" learn
he (onen "ore
6denify he $ey
.ords and
undersand ho. o
a++ly i .hen
'e+ 3
!20 "inues%
1. *he sudens are di-ided ino grou+s.
2. <e7 ea(her +ro-ides ea(h grou+ .ih an
3. *hey .ill /egin /y fi7ing u+ he ,igsa. +u33le and
+ase i on he "anila (ard.
0. *hen hey .ill ha-e o guess he ani"al and .rie
in a/o-e he +i(ure ha hey ha-e for"ed.
5. 'udens .rie ou he senen(es fro" he sory 2
e7a"+le: = 6 a" Dilly Du($>2 =?i2 @ood "orningA 6
a" Doy Dog>. =?ello2 6 a" 6ggy 6guana.>
1. *ea(her fa(iliaed he a(i-iy.
B. *ea(her +raises and gi-es +osii-e -i/es o her
sudens during he a(i-iy.
o ena/le sudens
o adhere o he
insru(ions gi-en
o ena/le he" o
.or$ on heir self
and as a ea"
*o des(ri/e and
'e+ 0
!15 "inues%
5rodu(ion 1. 'udens .ill .or$ in +air.
2. *hey .ill /e +ro-ided .ih a +ie(e of "anila (ard
and "ar$er +ens.
3. *ea(her +ro-ides +i(ure of ani"als. *ea(her
as$s he +u+ils o (olour he +i(ures.
4. *hen2 he sudens .ill (reae and "a$e a si($
+u++e !ani"als%.
5. *he +u+ils use he /oo$"ar$s o a( ou he sory
on +ages. E7a"+le: = 6 a" Dilly Du($>2 =?i2 @ood
"orningA 6 a" Doy Dog>. =?ello2 6 a" 6ggy
o ha-e he" hin$
and a( freely
o /oos u+ heir
i"aginai-e s$ills
'e+ 5
!5 "inues%
1. *ea(her su"s u+ her lesson .ih a rhy"e
2. *ea(her re(ies and sudens follo.
3. 'udens .ill re(ie in grou+s ogeher.
*o ha-e fun in
Farmer )ohn has one big dog
Far"er :ohn has one /ig dog
#o.2 .o.2 .o.2 .o.2 .o.2
One /ig dog and .o s"all +u++ies
#o.2 .o.2 .o.2 .o.2 .o.2 .o
Far"er :ohn has hree /ig (as
Eeo.2 "eo.2 "eo.2 "eo.2 "eo.
*hree /ig (as and four s"all $iens
Eeo.2 "eo.2 "eo.2 "eo.2 "eo.

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