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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) is reputed public sector institute providing higher
education in the country having 07 functional campuses and housing about 18,000 students, 1,700 faculty
members and more than ,000 non!faculty staff"
Faculty Positions
Position Eligibility Criteria

(#or appointment of
faculty members in
all disciplines e$cluding
Computing &ciences)
'h( degree from an )%C recogni*ed institution in the relevant field"
+t least eight years post ! 'h"(" level e$perience in an )%C recogni*ed university or
post!graduate institution or professional e$perience in the relevant field in a national
or international organi*ation"
Ten years post!'h"(" teaching,research e$perience in a recogni*ed university or a
post!graduate institution or professional e$perience in a relevant field in a national or
international organi*ation"
#ifteen research publications (-ith at least five publications in the last five years), in
)%C recogni*ed .ournals

(#or appointment of
faculty members in
Computing &ciences)
'h( degree in the relevant field, recogni*ed by )%C in consultation -ith '%C"
#ifteen years teaching,research e$perience -ith at least eight years e$perience at the
post!'h"( level in )%C recogni*ed /niversity or a post!graduate institution or
professional e$perience in the relevant field in a national or international organi*ation"
Ten years post 0 'h( teaching , research e$perience in )%C recogni*ed /niversity or
a post 0 graduate institution or professional e$perience in the relevant field in national
or international organi*ation
#ifteen research publications in )%C,'%C recogni*ed 1ournals"
(Tenure Trac% System
(#or appointment of
faculty members in all

'h(, %2uivalent terminal 2ualification from a recogni*ed Institution in the
relevant field"
%ither 11 years of post 'h(, %2uivalent terminal degree e$perience
3inimum of 7 years of post 0'h(,%2uivalent
terminal degree e$perience, -ith at least 1 years of e$perience
prior to the 'h(, %2uivalent terminal degree"
The e$perience to be counted is of teaching, research in a recogni*ed /niversity
or post 0 graduate institution or professional e$perience in relevant field in a
national or international organi*ation"
14 research publications (-ith at least 4 publications in the past 4 years) in
internationally abstracted .ournals recogni*ed for the purpose of appointment on
Tenure Trac5 by the Commission"
Associate Professor
(#or appointment of
faculty members in all
disciplines e$cluding
Computing &ciences)
'h( in the relevant field from )%C recogni*ed institution"
+t least four years post!'h"(" level e$perience in )%C recogni*ed university or post!
graduate institution or professional e$perience in the relevant field in a national or
international organi*ation"
#ive years post 0 'h( teaching , research e$perience in )%C recogni*ed /niversity or
a 'ost 0 graduate institution or professional e$perience in the relevant field in a
national or international organi*ation
Ten publications (-ith at least four publications in the last five years), in )%C
recogni*ed .ournals"
Associate Professor
(#or appointment of
faculty members in
Computing &ciences)
'h( in the relevant field, from an institution recogni*ed by the
)%C in consultation -ith '%C"
Ten years teaching e$perience -ith at least four years e$perience at the post!'h"("
level in an )%C recogni*ed university or a post!graduate institution or professional
e$perience in the relevant field in a national or international organi*ation"
#ive years post 0 'h( teaching , research e$perience in an )%C recogni*ed /niversity
or a post!graduate institution or professional e$perience in the relevant field in a
national or international organi*ation
Ten research publications in )%C,'%C recogni*ed 1ournals"
Associate Professor
(Tenure Trac% System)
(#or appointment of
faculty members in all
+ 'h(, %2uivalent terminal 2ualification from a recogni*ed Institution in the
relevant field"
6 years of post!'h(, %2uivalent terminal degree e$perience
3inimum of 7 years of post 'h(, %2uivalent terminal degree e$perience -ith at least
6 years of e$perience prior to the 'h(, %2uivalent terminal degree"
The e$perience to be counted is of teaching, research in a recogni*ed /niversity or
post0graduate institution or professional e$perience in relevant field in a national or
international organi*ation"

10 research publications (-ith at least 7 publications in the past 4 years) in
internationally abstracted .ournals recogni*ed for the purpose of appointment on
Tenure Trac5 by the )igher %ducation Commission"
Assistant Professor
(#or appointment of
faculty members in
all disciplines e$cluding
Computing &ciences)
'h( in the relevant field from )%C recogni*ed institution"
!ualification & E"#erience
#irst Class 18!8ear degree or e2uivalent degree in the relevant field from an )%C
recogni*ed institution, -ith not more than one nd division in the academic career or
four years teaching , research e$perience in a recogni*ed /niversity or a post 0
graduate institution or professional e$perience in the relevant field in a national or
international organi*ation"
Assistant Professor
(#or appointment of
faculty members in
Computing &ciences)
'h( in the relevant field from )%C recogni*ed university , institution"
!ualification & E"#erience
#irst Class 18!8ear degree or e2uivalent degree in the relevant field from an )%C
recogni*ed institution, -ith four years teaching, research e$perience in a
recogni*ed institution , university, college or professional e$perience in the
relevant field in a national or international organi*ation"
Assistant Professor
(Tenure Trac% System
(#or appointment of
faculty members in all
+ 'h(, %2uivalent terminal 2ualification, from a recogni*ed Institution in the relevant
%$cellent -ritten communication s5ills as -ell as e$cellent presentation s5ills
(OG - I
(#or appointment of
faculty members in all
#irst Class 18 8ears degree or foreign 3& or e2uivalent degree in the relevant field
-ith not more than one nd division in the academic career from )%C recogni*ed

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