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BTEC Level 2 Diploma in

Creative Media Production

Students Name
Project Title Creative Media Production Project
Unit(s) Creative Media
Production Project
21 Tutor(s)
D Bakes
J o!erts
Project Dates Start Date 18/04/2012 Deadline Date 1/06/2012
T#e $ur$ose o% t#is $roject is to allo& 'ou to use 'our tec#nical and creative skills on
a $roject o% 'our c#oosin() *ou can &ork alone or in a small (rou$) *ou s#ould create
a $ro$osal+ carr' out researc#+ de%ine 'our audience and t#en $roduce a %inal $roduct
!e%ore evaluatin( 'our $roject)
Sta(e 1- Pro$osal
"ou shou#d prepare a proposa# $or %our project! &t shou#d contain' the $ormat that %ou are
(oin( to wor) in *Print+ ,-+ .i#m etc/+ a wor)in( tit#e+ what the (enre o$ %our product is+ what
the content o$ %our product wi## 0e+ what st%#e or approach %ou wi## use+ who the audience wi##
0e and what #en(th it wi## 0e *time+ pa(es etc/!
Sta(e 2- Pre.$roduction
"ou need to research products which are simi#ar to the one*s/ %ou want to ma)e! "ou need to
#oo) at the content o$ the products+ how via0#e it is $or %ou to produce somethin( simi#ar and
the audience $or the product! "ou need to carr% out a## the appropriate pre1production tas)s
that %ou product re2uires! "ou shou#d 0rea) the project down in to sma##er jo0s! &$ %ou are
wor)in( as a (roup %ou shou#d then divide this wor) up and 0e c#ear a0out who is doin(
what! "ou shou#d p#an %our product! ,his mi(ht mean producin( stor%0oards or $#at p#ans+
(oin( to potentia# #ocations+ or(anisin( actors and transport+ (ettin( permissions and
c#earances+ thin)in( a0out hea#th and sa$et% and producin( a ris) assessment!
Sta(e /- Production
3nce %ou have p#anned %our product it is time to start creatin( it! ,his wi## inc#ude di$$erent
tas)s dependin( on the product %ou are ma)in( wi## mi(ht inc#ude $i#min(+ photo(raphin(+
writin( or producin( #a%outs! "our p#annin( sta(e shou#d have made it c#ear what is re2uired!
"ou shou#d produce a product which matches %our p#ans!
Sta(e 0- evie&in( 'our &ork
3nce %ou have comp#eted %our $ina# piece %ou must eva#uate the project %ou have produced!
"ou wi## compare %our $inished product to %our p#ans! "ou wi## assess how appropriate it is $or
%our audience4 eva#uate the technica# and aesthetic 2ua#ities+ the content and st%#e! "ou wi##
eva#uate a## sta(es o$ the production process $rom research and p#annin( to post1production!
"ou wi## se#$ eva#uate and a#so ta)e in to consideration the comments and $eed0ac) $rom
1 "SS2SS3 D"T2
45 "SS2SS3 45 D"T2
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Creative Media Production
Students Name
Project Title Creative Media Production Project
Unit(s) Creative Media
Production Project
21 Tutor(s)
D Bakes
J o!erts
&n order to 0e assessed $or this assi(nment %ou must comp#ete the $o##owin( wor) and
su0mit it 0% the re2uired time! 5e#ow are the sta(es with the correspondin( assessment
criteria as out#ined in the unit speci$ications!
,he schedu#e is as $o##ows'
"our research+ p#annin( and production shou#d 0e comp#ete 0% the
"our project+ inc#udin( %our eva#uation shou#d 0e handed in 0% the
Task 6radin( Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
61 prepare an ima(inative
and we##1detai#ed written
proposa# $or a media
Sta(e 1- esearc#
P1 prepare a written
proposa# $or a media
M1 prepare a deve#oped
written proposa# $or a
media product
Sta(e 2- Plannin( P2 comp#ete pre1
production $or a
proposed media product
M2 comp#ete pre1
production $or a
proposed media product
62 comp#ete pre1
production $or a proposed
media product thorou(h#%
Sta(e /-
Production o%
dou!le $a(e
P3 app#% appropriate
techno#o(% and
techni2ues to create a
proposed media product
that partia##% rea#ises
M3 app#% appropriate
techno#o(% and
techni2ues competent#%
to create a proposed
media product that
main#% rea#ises intentions
63 app#% appropriate
techno#o(% and techni2ues
s)i#$u##% to create a
proposed media product
that c#ear#% rea#ises
Sta(e 0- evie&
'our &ork
P4 review stren(ths and
wea)nesses o$ own
production project wor)!
M4 descri0e stren(ths
and wea)nesses o$ own
production project wor)
with some detai# and with
re$erence to appropriate
i##ustrative e7amp#es!
64 eva#uate stren(ths and
wea)nesses o$ own
production project wor)
with re$erence to precise
and detai#ed i##ustrative

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