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Firman Hadi
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Mata Kuliah
Metodologi Penelitian
Research is an examination of the
relationship between one or more
independent variables and one or more
dependent variables.
Research is an examination of the effects of
one or more independent variables on one or
more dependent variables
Scientic method
1. Empirical / theoretical
2. Observations
3. Questions
4. Hypotheses
5. Experiments
6. Analyses
7. Conclusions
8. Replications
Firstly develop by Roger Bacon, a philosopher and
scientist from England in the 13th century. Another
scientists who further develop the concept are Galileo
Galilei, Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes
Characteristics of scientic method :
Empirical approach
The empirical approach is an evidence-based
approach that relies on direct observation and
experimentation in the acquisition of new knowledge
(see Kazdin, 2003a).
Scientic decisions are made based on the data
derived from direct observation and experimentation
Guiding principle behind all research conducted in
accordance with the scientic method
Theoretical approach
The weakness using empirical approach: It is virtually
impossible to design an experiment which accounts for
all possible variables, and allows the resulting
conclusions to hold for everyone, everywhere, at any
time. For example, the classical theories of motion, mass
conservation. All experiments appeared to show they
were correct; but eventually we found out that they
were correct only in situations involving velocities
substantially less than that of light.
Not all types of knowledge can be subjected to the
rigors of the scientic method. Mathematical theory
(particularly geometry), a foundation of science, relies
largely on cogitation, not observation, to prove truth. In
fact, basing a geometrical law on observation or
measurement is anathema!
Sir Isaac Newton Gravitation Theory
Observation refers to two distinct concepts :
being aware of the world around us, and
making careful measurements
Observation also refers to the process of making
careful and accurate measurements, which is a
distinguishing feature of well-conducted scientic
Important aspect of measurement -> operational
denitions -> researchers ensure that everyone is
talking about the same phenomenon
Research process involves translating
research idea into an answerable
Can be answered through available
scientic methods and procedures.
For example: whether exercising will
reduce someones cholesterol content
Hypotheses is simply an educatedand testable
guess about the answer to your research question.
A key feature of all hypotheses is that each must
make a prediction
Hypotheses are the researchers attempt to explain
the phenomenon being studied, and that explanation
should involve a prediction about the variables being
For example, a researcher may hypothesize that if
people exercise for 30 minutes per day at least
three days per week, then their cholesterol level
will be reduced
a key aspect of conducting a research
study is measuring the phenomenon of
interest in an accurate and reliable
Generally calls for the use of statistical
The type of statistical techniques used by a
researcher depends on the design of the
study, the type of data being gathered, and
the questions being asked
A key decision that researchers must make
with the assistance of statistics is whether
the null hypothesis should be rejected
the researcher can conclude that the
phenomenon being studied had an effecta
statistically signicant effect, to be more
It is important that researchers make only
those conclusions that can be supported by
the data analyses
One of the most important elements of
the scientic method is replication
Replication essentially means conducting
the same research study a second time
with another group of participants to see
whether the same results are obtained
Goal Of
Scientic Research
Understanding / explanation
description refers to the process of dening,
classifying, or categorizing phenomena of
Descriptive research is useful because it can
provide important information regarding the
average member of a group
One example of descriptive research is
correlational research
Prediction-based research often stems from
previously conducted descriptive research
Many important questions in both science
and the so-called real world involve
predicting one thing based on knowledge of
something else
True understanding of a phenomenon is
achieved only when researchers successfully
identify the cause or causes of the
The most important limitation is that a
relationship between two things does not
permit an inference of causality
Major considerations
in research
1. Follow the scientic
2. Keep the goals in
3. Choose a research
topic carefully
4. Us e o p e rat i o nal
5. Articulate hypotheses
that are falsiable
and predictive
6. Choose var i ables
b a s e d o n t h e
research questions
and hypotheses
7. Use random selection
whenever possible
Major considerations
in research (continued)
8. U s e r a n d o m
assignment whenever
9. B e a w a r e o f
m u l t i c u l t u r a l
10.Eliminate sources of
artifact and bias
11.Choose reliable and
valid measurement
12.U s e r i g o r o u s
experimental designs
13.Attempt to increase
the validity of a
Major considerations
in research (continued)
14.Use care in analyzing and interpreting the data
15.Become familiar with commonly encountered
ethical considerations
16.Disseminate the results of research studies
Principles of
Research Design and Methodology
Keep your eyes open
Be an empiricist
Be creative
Research begets research
Adhere to ethical principles
Have fun
Marczyk, G., D. Dematteo and D. Festinger.
2005. Essentials of Research Design and
Methodology. New Jersey : John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.

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