Cultural Characterization of Bacteria Amon

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Colony Characteristics on Agar Plates

Fig. 2. Surface Growth Patterns In Broth Medium
Fig. . Agar Slant Growth Patterns
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Cultural Characteri,ation of Bacteria
Agar Plate - refer to .g. 1/
1. Amount# = 0, slight = +, moderate = ++, abundant = +++
2. Si,e# Pinpoint, small, moderate or large.
. Surface#
a. concentric (ring-like pattern)
0. rugose (wrinkled)
c. contoured (smooth fold-like pattern)
d. radiate (spoke-like pattern)
e. smooth
+. Pigmentation# Color of colon
1. Form#
a. Circular ! "nbroken, peripheral edge
0. Irregular ! #ndented, peripheral edge
c. 'hi,oid 2 $oot-like spreading growth
d. Punctiform - %er minute, pin-point
e. Filamentous 3 &hreadlike
4. Margin# &he appearance of the outer edge of the colon .
a. curled - concentric e%en or irregular rings
0. "ntire ! 'mooth 'harpl de(ned, e%en
c. 5o0ate 2 )arked indentations, lobes with deeper indentations than
d. )ndulate ! regular wa%e-like pattern , wa% indentations
e. Serrate 2 &ooth-like appearance
f. Filamentous 2 &hreadlike, hair, spreading edge
6. "le7ation# &he degree to which the colon growth is raised on the agar
a. Flat 2 *le%ation not discernable
0. 'aised 2 'lightl ele%ated
c. Con7e8 ! +ome-shaped ele%ation
d. )m0onate ! $aised with ele%ated con%e, central region
e. Pul7inate - higher dome than con%e,
f. Su0surface (pour plates onl)- these are spindle-shaped colonies
&u0e Culture -Broth/ - refer to .g. 2/
&hese are e%aluated as to the distribution and appearance of the growth
1. )niform .ne tur0idity 2 (nel dispersed growth throughout
2. Flocculent ! -lak aggregates dispersed throughout
. Pellicle 2 &hick pad-like growth on the surface
+. Sediment 2 Conc. of growth at the bottom of broth (ma be granular,
.ak/ .occulent. )
&u0e Culture -Slant/
&hese ha%e single straight line of inoculation on the surface.
1. Amount of growth# none= 0, slight = +, moderate = ++, abundant = +
2. Pigmentation# color
. (9tical characteristics#
a. o9a:ue (no light transmission)
0. translucent (partial transmission)
c. trans9arent (full transmission).
+. Form# (refer to (g. 0)
a. Filiform 2 Continuous, threadlike growth with smooth edges.
0. "chinulate 2 Continuous, threadlike growth with irregular edges.
c. Beaded 2 1onco.uent to semico.uent colonies
d. ";use 2 &his, spreading growth
e. Ar0orescent 2 &ree-like growth
f. 'hi,oid 2 $ootlike growth
&u0e culture -Butt3Slant/
1. Amount- none= 0, slight = +, moderate = ++, abundant = +++
2. Form- (refer to -ig.0.)
. Consistency
+. Color
1. Growth along the Sta00ed 5ine- e,tend outside the line (motile), stas
in the line (unmotile)
&u0e Culture -Butt/
&his solid medium ma be li2ue(ed b the en3matic action of gelatinase. &his
li2uefaction occurs in a %ariet of patterns4
1. Crateriform 2 li2ue(ed surface is saucer-shaped.
2. !a9iform 2 5ulbous-shaped li2uefaction
. Infundi0uliform ! funnel-shaped
+. Saccate 2 *longated, tubular
1. Stratiform 2 Complete li2uefaction of the upper half of the medium
4. Motify
6. Gas39roduction

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