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Maybe It Doesnt Really Get Better Than This

September 3, 2014LifebloodRoosh
There are two paths you naturally gravitate towards if you want to have sex with
a girl more than once. The first path is to pursue a casual relationship where
you see her between 1-3 times a week to hang out at the bar, restaurant, park, s
easide, cinema, theater, cupcake shop, or so on before having sex. The relations
hip doesnt increase in emotional weight as time goes on, and you both are satisfi
ed with the sexual arrangement for the short term until either of you finds some
thing better or more novel. The second path is one of increasing deepening and c
ommitment. You take trips together, she spends more nights over at your place, y
ou become boyfriend/girlfriend, she moves in with you, you get married, have kid
s, and then get divorced.
Im not sure if most men learn game for its purely sexual rewards as described in
the first case or for long-term relationships like in the second, but chances ar
e that if youre reading me, youre more after sex than commitment. Most of my game
efforts for the past 13 years have been the same, and only lately have I pursued
longer term relationshipsbut only slightlyas I find less value in one-night stand
s or sex with girls less than a couple times. But since emotion and love are not
important to me, I find even mini-relationships to be somewhat pointless, mere
sexual distractions, since my investment into her is small. She remains only a t
rivial addition to my life.
I still greatly enjoy sex with women, but if Im going to maintain a steady state
relationship with a girl where the pattern is a 1-3 hour hangout followed by sex
and no more, it will become boring. Maybe I could try getting more creative wit
h date ideas, but having sex alone with a girl without deepening it in some way
makes the relationship nothing more than basic entertainment that adds no lastin
g value. Were using each other for sexual and social benefits and it will likely
not last longer than a couple months and that will be all.
Without some investment in terms of love or commitment, how much meaning can the
mini-relationship possibly have? This is why its been so easy for me to walk awa
y from these girls without regret or second-guessing my decision, and its not lik
e girls are begging me either to come back to their city and resume our twice a
week sex dates. Shes an easily replaceable sex toy and Im her easily replaceable c
ock and there you have itthe pinnacle of modern relationships where both parties
remain free and unburdened.
Recently I was on date ten or so with a girl and things were going well, but I w
asnt doing anything to advance the relationship. I started feeling like I was jus
t wasting her time, and finding a replacement would at least give me a novelty b
oost of happiness. Maintaining a superficial relationship with one girl doesnt se
em to give much more happiness than one-night stands besides being able to raw d
og more regularly, and if I wasnt getting tired of clubs maybe Id still prowl them
four times a week since doing so simulates hunting and provides me with masculi
ne pleasure. Or I could accept the biological destiny of procreating with hopefu
lly the right woman. I did the former enough times that it adds little to my lif
e and I dont think the latter, of giving away my freedom, is the answer either.
In spite of being in the game as long as I have, I sometimes feel weird urges to
turn the mini-relationship into a serious one, especially if I like the girl. I
want to contact her more, see her more, and with the girl I mentioned above, I
imagined how it would be like to actually live with hernot for having sex on dema
nd but just pair bonding and growing old with someone. These beta commitment fan
tasies of mine always turn negative as I consider the loss of freedom and privac
y with no strong advantage that makes the deal profitable for me. Mini-relations
hips and harem maintenance are nothing more than entertainment and serious relat
ionships are drudgery, one step away from slavery. Both are unsatisfactory.
So whats the answer? Is it eternal bachelorhood, of banging a handful of new girl
s each season, hopping from one new mini-relationship to the next, but achieving
no depth or novelty in what you havent achieved before, or is it making what cou
ld be the biggest mistake of your life by knocking a girl up and riding the fath
erhood roller coaster for the next 20 years? I could go out this weekend and hit
it hard, maybe getting laid, but my intensive pursuit of sex in the past decade
has sated me where I wouldnt be upset if I failed. Or maybe the answer is that t
he happiness I have sought in women cant be achieved at all, and whether I ride t
he slut carousel or settle down with one girl, Ill still end up asking myself, Is
this it?
Read Next: The Rise Of The Mini Relationship
The Pitiful Story Of The Italian Man
September 1, 2014Girl BehaviorRoosh
I was on my third date with a Russian girl in Moscow. She was quite pretty, femi
nine, and affectionate. We had passed the kissing and hand-holding stage by the
end of the first date, but now I was hitting a wall: I couldnt get her back to my
apartment. She would just refuse and insinuate that she preferred to move slowl
y. This was most disconcerting, so I tried to gain additional information that c
ould explain the problem and provide a possible opening for me to take advantage
When was the last time you had sex? I asked.
Six weeks ago, she replied. Her answer didnt quite explain the slowness.
It was my first time, she added.
First time doing what? Anal, perhaps?
Sex. I was a virgin.
My mind was now racing, but not for the reason you think. Previously she told me
she dated an Italian man for four years. It was mostly a long-distance relation
ship, but they spent a considerable amount of time together.
Wait, you told me you were in a long relationship with an Italian guy, I said. You
didnt have sex with him?
No I didnt. I wanted my first man to be with someone I loved. When I realized I di
dnt love him, I decided not to have sex with him, and then we broke up.
But how about this guy you had sex with six weeks ago? I asked. Why arent you seeing
Oh that. I was on a trip to Rome when I met him. He was Italian too.
Wow. I feel really bad for the first Italian guy. He waited for years and you did
nt have sex with him?
Honestly I wouldnt be mad if you leave me right now, go to Italy, and have sex wit
h him.
Hes actually here in Moscow. He moved here.
My eyes opened wide. To lose her virginity she bypassed a man who was with her f
or years and lived in her city, perhaps even moving to it just to be with her, a
ll for a one-time fling with another man from his country while on vacation. She
had been sweet and kind to me in every possible manner, but she did one of the
more heartless things I had ever heard of, and to her it was completely fine. Sh
e broke up with a guy and later wanted to lose her virginity so she found anothe
r random man to do the job, and she felt not a drop of guilt for doing so. I hav
e more remorse for flaking on a girl before a date than she did for giving her c
herished virginity to a random man she met on vacation instead of her first seri
ous boyfriend.
Any man who hears this story would instinctively put themselves in the shoes of
the first Italian chump who got no pussy for all of his effort. Wed feel the pain
and anguish of having been shafted in such a way, but tell this story to any gi
rl and we already know what her reaction would be: So what? She didnt owe him anyt
hing. And this, my friends, is the difference between men and women. Men believe
in reciprocation, honor, and loyalty, while women only follow their feelings to
rationalize a complete lack of obligation or burden to kindly repay someones prio
r investment and commitment to them. The lesson from this is to never underestim
ate any woman you meet, no matter how low her notch count is. If you are not dil
igent with your game and constantly aggressive with your escalation in the expec
tation of sexual payment for the good times you provide, you may wind up like th
e pathetic Italian boyfriend.
As for me and the girl, I invited her to my apartment for a fourth date and she
provided me with not even a hand job, with no hint that sexual release would com
e before the next full moon cycle. I decided not to contact her again.
The Dark Side Of Day Game
August 27, 2014GameRoosh
Its important to state that day game is an effective and inexpensive means to mee
t attractive young women. It allows you to take everyday environments like the t
own square, mall, or coffee shop and make it a place where you can meet women fo
r sex. In conjunction with night game, Ive successfully used it for over five yea
rs to supplement my pussy roster and have the type of sex life that I dreamed of
in my early 20's. All that said, Im experiencing a bit of day game fatigue. Here
are the reasons why:
1. Its not fun
The only guy who says day game is fun are ones doing it with a wingman, often du
ring vacation. Sustainable day game in your city will consist of you alone searc
hing for a girl in a public space and approaching her without already being in a
social mood. While some interactions you have with women during the day can be
fun, the actual solo hunt of women during the day is not. I look forward to a 2-
hour day game session as much as going to the gym to lift heavy weights. Its poss
ible to have fun after a night out in a club without being successful, but its im
possible to have fun from a day game session that doesnt result in gaining at lea
st one solid prospect.
2. It requires dating and is slower than night game
Youve no doubt come across same-day bang stories, but those happen less than 1% o
f the time among even competent day gamers. Youll definitely have to date and usu
ally youll require at least two of them. Theres nothing wrong with dating, but youl
l have to put in more dating work than night game for the same sex result. Day g
ame is cheap to run in terms of money but expensive in terms of time. If you are
a man with at least average looks who enjoys the occasional drink, night game w
ill get you results faster and more reliably (unless you live in a horrible West
ern city, of course).
3. It feels like spamming
Professional day gamers average between 20-40 approaches per day bang. A recent
up-and-coming day gamer profiled on Krausers blog took about 60 approaches per ba
ng. These may seem like high numbers to a game denialist, but theyre actually rea
sonable considering that day game is the purest form of cold calling. Youre appro
aching a girl you know nothing aboutnot her personality, relationship status, sex
ual orientation, herpes outbreak status, etcand have to create something out of n
othing that leads to sex with you, a man who randomly popped into her life. This
is damn hard, and so should rightfully require many approaches.
Night game, on the other hand, has built-in filters that aid you. If shes drinkin
g in a night club and making eye contact with men, chances are she is much more
into fast sex. Cold approaches in clubs are warmer in that youre more likely to e
ncounter girl who is ready to get banged that very night. During the day, the on
ly time that really happens is if you approach a lonely girl who is bored. We al
ready know that game is a numbers game, but day game really feels like a numbers
game, and the only way to rack up a serious notch count is if you do it semi-fu
ll time. If you dont mind 5-10 new notches a year, a one approach a day diet for
day game can get you there, but if you want to get more than that, youll have to
dedicate serious time doing approaches every week, or youll have to at least supp
lement your efforts with internet or night work.
4. It kills your night game
Day game gives you prospects, but prospects reduce urgency. If I get a handful o
f day game numbers from Monday through Wednesday, and then go out on Thursday ni
ght, I will put in a half-assed performance without consciously realizing it. Fa
ilure on the night out is acceptable because I already got many prospects, even
though those prospects may result in nothing. When I analyze my past city bang c
ampaigns of a week or less in length, the ones that failed were due to doing a l
ot of day game instead of going full retard at night only. To do well in the clu
b, you should enter it with zero options, forcing your hunger into wolf-like lev
els. If you already got many prospects in your pocket, you wont put in the same a
mount of effort.
5. Its better for finding relationships than fast sex
The nicest, sweetest girls Ive met were from day game. These are girls who had lo
w notch counts and didnt frequent clubs often. While these attributes are great i
f I want a serious girlfriend, its less so if I just want casual sex without feel
ing any guilt about moving on quickly. It doesnt make much sense to go on several
dates with a girl, genuinely getting to know her after several hours, and then
pumping and dumping her, because chances are thats not what she wanted. At night,
however, the girl probably wants to pump and dump you as much as you do her. Its
a more frictionless environment for no one getting their feelings hurt.
One important thing I should mention is that day game has been developed more as
a reaction to declining night game than as a wholly superior alternative. When
Western night clubs were at their peak, the only guys running day game were the
ones who hated alcohol. This is why you can judge the decline of any city by how
many guys say the following: Day game is way better here than night game. If you
hear this, that means a previously viable way for men to meet women, nightclubs,
is being eliminated, and any man who enters that city now has less choice for m
eeting women than before. I would not consider living in any city where clubs ar
e used by women as a way to seek attention or show off than to meet men.
Im at a crossroads with game. I started in night game and eased into day game, bu
t find the latter to be less fun, exciting, and variable. Instead, the girls I m
eet from day game are more likely to drive me into relationships than the ones I
meet at night, something that my itinerant lifestyle conflicts with. At the sam
e time, I get less satisfaction from one-night stands and am not able to put up
the required energy to be as consistently successful at night like I was three y
ears ago. Whats happening is that Im half-assing both types of game which is reduc
ing my results than if I went full time with either one. Im not sure which path t
o take from here.
What Is The Real Purpose Of Women?
January 18, 2012Feminism, Girl BehaviorRoosh
I thought of this question after reading Schopenhauers essay On Women. Is their m
ain purpose in life to push papers in an office? To become fans of pop music? Ad
dicts of smartphones? Mindless consumers of corporate brands?
No, its simply to reproduce.
Quickname a female scientist besides Marie Curie. Name a female artist during the
Renaissance. Name a famous female architect or Nobel Prize winner. Women have b
een quiet in the history of the world not because of male privilege, but because
theyre not designed to achieve. The advantage that nature has given them concern
s solely their appearance.
[Nature] has provided her with superabundant beauty and charm for a few years at
the expense of the whole remainder of her life, so that during these years she
may so capture the imagination of a man that he is carried away into undertaking
to support her honorably in some form or another for the rest of her life, a st
ep he would seem hardly likely to take for purely rational considerations.
A woman loses her beauty during motherhood because its superfluous to her existen
ce. For every MILF you encounter there are 100 mothers whose drab appearance wou
ld not even breach your consciousness. Western women, through their stupidity an
d lack of self-control, have rebuked natures call of taking advantage of those fe
w years of beauty by staying fat and masculine for their entire lives. Its too li
ttle, too late when shes unable to attract decent men in her mid 30s or silence t
he call of her genes telling her to become a mother. She will remain barren, a f
ailure in life.
Ive always said that even shy and young girls have a competence of game that woul
d rival that of experienced men who are much older. Female game, in the form of
cunning, manipulation, lying, and charm, is hard-wired into their genetics. Whil
e some men are also born with such skills, most have to learn it through trial a
nd error. Men of the past have found it much easier at becoming skilled at a spe
cific trade and earning money in order to land a wife than to compete with women
in the game arena. But when having a good job is no longer sufficient, like it
is today, the arduous process of becoming competent at game must be undertaken.
The demand for game advice has become so great that it has spawned its own indus
try in several countries, the first time that has happened in world history.
[Women] are sexus sequior, the inferior second sex in everything respect: one sh
ould be indulgent towards their weaknesses, but to pay them honour is ridiculous
beyond measure and demeans us even in their eyes.
This is a fact that white knights will never understand. As any game practitione
r knows, a woman does not respect you if you respect her. Call this sad or unfor
tunate but thats the reality of human nature. Women do not like you if you attrib
ute value to them that is not actually there. Complimenting a woman beyond her a
ppearance, such as on her personality, courage, intelligence, or what have you,
is a sure-fire way to not sleep with her. Even complimenting her beauty has beco
me dangerous. Do so at your own peril and be hated by your penis for all eternit
That the property which has cost men long years of toil and effort, and been won
with so much difficulty, should afterwards come into the hands of women, who th
en, in their lack of reason, squander it in a short time, or otherwise fool it a
way, is a grievance and a wrong as serious as it common, which should be prevent
ed by limiting the right of women to inherit.
There is a reason why a womans vagina was locked up and guarded in ancient times
until marriage: she could not be trusted with her sexual choices. Look at a mode
rn womans sexual behavior and ask yourself who is gaining from her promiscuity. A
lpha men are gaining. Shes wasting the few years of beauty she has to fuck them w
ith absolutely no commitment or strings, and soon will be left alone, without a
provider, and nothing to show for her prime years of beauty besides HPV and a bi
tter attitude. Ancient practices were followed to specifically avoid this outcom
e, no matter how misogynist they are to the modern feminist cunt.
There is no point in wasting any more energy worrying about their plight. They m
ade their bed and will now lie in it while sucking off the alpha she just met in
the bar. Having game, being alpha, and understanding the true nature of women a
llow todays man to be harem masters of the past. Im enjoying this party to no end,
but one day the music will stop. And then Ill adapt again.
"Day Game For Actual Humans"
Day game wasn't on my radar some ten years ago when I first started appr
oaching women. It was a foregone conclusion that any guy learning game at that t
ime (around the year 2000) would first start at night in the bars and clubs. Tha
t's what most of the material available back then was for.
I did the whole going-out-five-nights-a-week thing. I approached a milli
on and one women in bars and clubs. I learned how to talk to them, tease them, a
nd dance. Even if I didn't bang them the same night, I had a strategy to do so w
ithin a couple of dates. All the skill and knowledge I attained to meet and date
women at night went into my first book Bang. That was my bread and butter for s
everal years.
The problem with doing the same thing over and over again is that it bec
omes easier to see its weaknesses. For example, I remember when I stayed in my f
irst ever hostel in Barcelona. I thought it was amazing how people from all over
the world could meet each other so easily. I thought it was great how I could s
leep in the same room with 15 other people who were similar to myself.
Fast forward five years and those benefits no longer matter to me. Now I
'd rather stay in a cheap hotel than deal with dirty Australian backpackers or g
irls wearing cargo pants.
That same process happened to me with night game. When I went out, I no
longer saw crowds of beautiful women or the potential to meet someone special. I
saw a lot of downsides that made me wish there was a better way.
With night game I got tired of...
Sausage fests
Bitchy attitudes
Big groups of girls who were difficult to approach
Loud music that made my ears ring the next day
Spending a lot of money on alcohol and cover charges
Competing for mediocre women
Meeting club rats that I couldn't take seriously for more than a couple bangs
If you're gaming in a large American city, I'll be willing to bet that a
t least four of these factors will be present on any night you go out. I'm sure
you've had nights when ALL of them were present.
I'm in no way saying you can't get laid with decent women by going out a
t night (I still do), but the downside of doing so after so many years gradually
sucked the joy out of it for me. I felt like I was going out not because I want
ed to or because it was fun, but because I just wanted to get laid. It had lost
its magic.
After Tiring Of Night Game, The Most Logical Move Was To Start Approaching Durin
g The Day
What I first did was simply copy-and-paste my night game for day game us
e. Needless to say, that didn't work. I didn't get good responses to my typical
cocky game and I didn't have meaningful conversations that led to girls showing
an interest in me. I only got a handful of numbers that went nowhere.
I concluded that women didn't want to meet men during the day, so I went
back into the night trenches, getting cockblocked left and right while dealing
with average women in flip-flops who thought they were better looking than they
actually were.
The problem with my initial day game experiment wasn't that women don't
want to meet men during the day, it was that I was approaching them with the wro
ng game. I was using the wrong key for their daytime locks. I didn't realize tha
t I had to start from scratch and develop an entirely different game. In other w
ords, I had to create a brand new key.
I Put Day Game Aside For a While Until I Started Going To a Coffee Shop Next To
a Senior Citizen's Home
In Day Bang, I humorously describe how elderly people constantly approac
hed me in a way that was casual, indirect, and fun. By successfully "gaming" me
time and time again, they completely changed how I thought day game should be ru
With my new outlook from these innocent experiences, I came up with a ne
w strategy that I slowly optimized after restarting my day approach efforts. The
numbers started coming in, then the dates, and finally, after a ton of experime
ntation, the bangs. Looking back at my initial failures with day game when I was
more cocky, I laugh at how I thought duplicating my night game would lead to su
Through laborious trial and error,
I learned that the best day game...
Is indirect and non-cocky
Requires high levels of seemingly "boring" chatter
Uses absurdly simple openers
Does not involve asking personal questions early on
Delays flirting until the end
Uses the "yes ladder" to reduce flakiness
After constructing a rudimentary model, I started frequenting the six mo
st accessible day venues where guys can meet women in order to further optimize
my material. I developed reliable conversation threads to use in each venue, alo
ng with logistical hacks to make the approaches as indirect as possible so it wa
s low-stress for both myself and the girls.
From The Very Beginning,
I Constructed My Openers To Be Easy
I'm not the type of guy that wants to pound two cans of Red Bull or do a
couple lines of cocaine just to do one approach. Believe me when I say I have a
bsolutely no willingness to approach a girl and say, "Your style is so amazing"
or "You look fucking phenomenal." If there's one thing I've learned from my read
ers, it's that they don't want a game so "out there" that they have to psych the
mselves up to use it. They want something simple but powerful for even when they
're not feeling particularly social.
Once I was confident that the model I had developed was the real deal, I
put the word out on my blog and started teaching it to guys in Washington DC fr
om all backgrounds (white, black, Indian, Asian, Latino, and Middle Eastern). At
first I was a little nervous
"Will The Game That Works For Me Actually Work For Them?"
The answer is a resounding yes. You can imagine the huge smile on my fac
e when again and again I watched guys use my exact words to get numbers from att
ractive women, and it was no surprise that several of my students got actual ban
gs from approaching during the workshop. Even in the early stages of development
, the game I taught was deadly, unlike anything that has been taught before.
With every approach my students did, I tweaked my model to work even bet
ter for them, the "average" guy. It helped that I got to hear exactly what was h
appening during their approaches, since I equipped them with a hidden microphone
. I watched and heard my students do 677 approaches and took my time to painstak
ingly analyze each one.
Like a scientist, which I actually was for six years in my twenties,, I
identified patterns that led to both success and failure in order to ruthlessles
sly hone my day game model. I was unafraid to eliminate any feature that didn't
help the majority of my students, even if it had helped me.
After I got my system as tight as it could get, my goal was to create th
e best and cheapest day game resource the world has ever seen. At risk of soundi
ng arrogant, I believe I have succeeded.
Day Bang is a 201-page book that teaches you how to pick up women during
the day, primarily in a coffee shop, clothing store, bookstore, grocery store,
subway, or on the street. It contains 51 openers, 23 long dialogue examples with
commentary, and dozens of additional lines that I teach by example. It's an equ
al opportunity game resource that is effective regardless of your age or backgro
und. The only requirement is that you speak fluent English.
Here's what Day Bang contains:
10 major differences between day and night game that prevent you from bringing i
n bad night game habits
The one and only concept you need to learn for being successful during the day
Why being cocky or approaching with a direct opener will lower your success rate
The optimal day game mindset that leads to the most amount of bangs
An easy mental trick to prevent your brain from going into a flight-or-fight res
ponse when it's time to approach a woman you're attracted to
6 simple beliefs that reframe your thinking so you see approaching as an ordinar
y, calm behavior
A detailed breakdown of how to use the "elderly opener," an easy style of approa
ch that reliably starts conversations with women
2 ways to tell if a girl will be receptive to your approach
What to do if the girl you want to approach is surrounded by a lot of people
3 important rules you must follow when it's time to open a girl
Why not being a smooth talker actually helps you during the day
Several pages on exactly how to have a conversation, with tons of tips and examp
How to use my bait system to get the girl engaged and interested in you
How to segue out of the initial opening topic into a more personal chat where yo
u'll get to know the girl on a deeper level
How to take the interesting things you've done (your accomplishments, hobbies, a
nd experiences) and morph them into bait hooks that gets the girl intrigued enou
gh to want to go out with you
The one sign a girl will put out that will let you know you can get at least a n
How to become a more interesting man that women will be attracted to
The proper way to answer a girl's question about what you do for a living that's
probably much different that the aloof answers you might give at night
How to run day game while you're traveling
How to avoid the dreaded "interview vibe"
My Galnuc method to seamlessly get a girl's number
The optimal length of a daytime conversation that will have a good shot of leadi
ng to a date
An easy hack at the end of your interactions that will reduce the chance of a fl
ake and prime the girl for going out with you
How to do a venue change
How to get same-day dates using a line that forces the girl to give an honest an
swer on whether she's available or not
Ways to open up a conversation on a girl who isn't giving you much to work with
The adjustments you'll have to make if the girl you want to talk to is with a fr
What to do when the girl is wearing headphones
How to open a girl in coffee shops when she has a book, laptop, mp3 player, cell
phone, research paper, crossword or Sudoku puzzle, or nothing at all
Two methods for approaching a girl on the street, depending on if she's moving o
r not, with a diagram to explain all the approach variations
The biggest indicator of whether your street approach will be successful or not
How to approach in a retail store or mall environment, with openers to use on cu
stomers or sales clerks
How to approach in bookstores, with specific tips on how to customize your appro
aches in the cafe, magazine section, or general book aisles
How to meet women in public transportation, on both the bus and subway
How to meet women on airplanes or long distance buses
How to meet women in grocery stores
How to approach girls in secondary venues like a beach, casino, concert, gym, ha
ir salon, handicraft fair, museum, art show, park, public square, or wine festiv
How to come up with spontaneous openers instead of scripted ones
10 common mistakes guys make that hurt their chances of getting a number
Final motivating thoughts that will have you out the door and approaching women
as soon as you put the book down
I'd describe both of my game books as common sense, temporarily lost. Af
ter my readers put the concepts of Bang to use, I got emails from them saying, "
Looking back, it's all common sense. I can't believe I didn't see it at the time
." I anticipate the same reaction with Day Bang. You'll be laughing at how basic
and simple it is to use my system, and at how you didn't come up with it yourse
I Put My Day Bang Model Through One Final Test
I completed Day Bang while I was living in Poznan, Poland, where I arriv
ed in the spring of 2011. In the beginning I had no use for day game because eve
ry night of the week the clubs were filled with beautiful (and easy) college stu
dents. I was getting one-night stands even on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Then summer arrived and all the students left. Clubs were full of guys a
nd local girls who weren't as pretty or easy. This meant it was time to put nigh
t game aside and approach during the day. At the same time I was putting the fin
ishing touches on Day Bang, so with the book fresh in my mind, I visited the loc
al mall.
Every teacher has moments of doubt. They ask themselves, "Is what I'm te
aching the real deal? Does it really work?" I decided to make my approaches in t
he mall as close to the letter of the book as possible. I wanted a final piece o
f proof to go with the past successes of both me and my students before I hit th
e "Publish" button on my computer screen.
My very first approach was on a petite Polish girl who had a cute face w
ith large green eyes. Her hair was black with a slight red tint. I approached he
r using my "pet store" opener (page 124). She was shy at first, but I followed m
y own advice and kept going, dropping the same lines I had just proofread a few
days earlier. The conversation clicked and she began asking me the all-important
personal questions. I ran Galnuc (page 71) and got her number in such an identi
cal way to what Day Bang had prescribed that she would've probably felt "tricked
" if she knew of its existence.
Getting a number is all nice and good, but in Day Bang I stress how you'
re in the business of getting dates, not just a pile of useless numbers. I const
ructed my model with that end in mind, inserting little traps for flakey girls t
o fall into. You don't want to waste your time on girls who aren't serious about
meeting a new man.
Using the standard game I previously had described in Bang, I got the Po
lish girl out on a first date, which ended in a kiss. It took two additional dat
es to seal the deal in my little apartment. I'm sure she thought it was all very
natural, that god himself had placed me in front of her in a random way instead
of it being a premeditated act resulting from an optimized game model. Consider
that a few years earlier, this bang would simply not have happened. I would've
had to tell my dick to take a walk and wait until the summer was over.
Even though I use day game as a backup, especially in cities with great
nightlife, many of my students use it as their primary means to meet women and g
et laid. Day game is nothing more than an additional tool to help you get the wo
men you want, creating opportunities that weren't available to you before. Thank
s to being proficient with day approaching, I'm no longer nervous about getting
too old to visit bars or clubs. I'm confident that my pussy supply will keep flo
wing into my forties and beyond.
I'm Not a Game God Or a Revolutionary;
All I've Done Is Identify And Perfect The Best
Strategies That Many People are Already Using
I observe, analyze, and rigorously test social behaviors to form game mo
dels that specifically fit our goal of getting laid as quickly as possible. In o
ther words, there will be nothing in Day Bang that is weird or cringeworthy. The
re's nothing in it that's hard to do after a bit of practice. You'll be able to
take my game "out of the box" and immediately get mileage out of it.
My ultimate goal with Day Bang is for you to be able to approach any gir
l in any setting while the sun is still out to at least get her number. It's low
in theory and high in actionable strategies that you can immediately implement,
with material that has already worked for dozens of guys. With the addition of
my book Bang, which contains a detailed dating strategy to use after getting a g
irl's number, you'll have all the knowledge you need to meet, date, and

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