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Creating Crystals

Year 4 Science Investigation Chemical Sciences

Lesson Focus:
To provide students with an experience of investigating crystals and growing their own crystals.
- investigate if crystals are only natural substances or can they be man made.
- will investigate the properties of crystals.
- investigate does the environment or weather affect crystal growth either natural or man made.
- investigate the different types of natural crystals and their environments.
- Students will take measurements and observations and record and present their findings and compare these with their
- This investigation could be conducted as a unit of work with a number of lessons over a period of - ! weeks.
This investigation is designed to challenge the student misconception that crystals are natural and made by nature.
The context will be in the primary school classroom where students will work in pairs to investigate how crystals can
be formed. Students will be given instructions for how to grow their own crystals using the #rowing "rystals
$ssessment Focus:
Formative assessment is an ongoing aspect of the %xplore phase and involves monitoring students& developing
understanding and giving feedback that extends their learning.
'uring this investigation( the teacher will monitor the student&s developing understanding of
- the effects of mixing materials together.
- investigating a particular property across a range of materials.
- selecting materials for uses based on their properties in order to create crystals.
- exploring the local environment to observe a variety of materials( and describing ways in which materials are used.
- how crystals are formed in natural and man made environments.
- their own science in)uiry( observation and recording skills.
*ey Lesson +utcomes:
,ear $chievement Standards: -y the end of ,ear ( students apply the observable properties of materials to explain
how ob.ects and materials can be used. They use contact and non-contact forces to describe interactions between
ob.ects. They discuss how natural and human processes cause changes to the %arth/s surface.They identify when
science is used to ask )uestions and make predictions. Students follow instructions to identify investigable )uestions
about familiar contexts and predict likely outcomes from investigations. They discuss ways to conduct investigations
and safely use e)uipment to make and record observations. They use provided tables and simple column graphs to
organise their data and identify patterns in data. Students suggest explanations for observations and compare their
findings with their predictions. They suggest reasons why their methods were fair or not. They complete simple
reports to communicate their methods and findings.
$ustralian "urriculum "ontent 'escriptions:
0atural and processed materials have a range of physical properties1 These properties can influence their use
Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships 2$"S7%4!86
9ith guidance( identify )uestions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what
might happen based on prior knowledge2$"S:S4!6
3se a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns
and trends 2$"S:S4!;6
"ompare results with predictions( suggesting possible reasons for findings 2$"S:S<8!6
9orking Scientifically Framework:
Engage: Teacher will collect and display a wide range of crystals both natural and man made and introduce the
students to the different types of crystals and pose the )uestion =$re crystals a natural substance or can they be man
made>? :ntroduce the students to the properties that make up crystals by having them investigate this using their i@ads.
Explore: Students will be placed into pairs and complete the first < experiments.
The explore phase is designed for students to see how crystals can be grown by humans in a variety of ways.
Students will be asked to follow procedures as set out in the experiment worksheets and document and present their
findings using basic tables that organise their findings and show any patterns they have observed.
Explain Phase: 'uring this lesson( students will further expand their ability to explain what they know about crystals
and how they are formed through further research using :"T and classroom resources to explain how crystals are
formed both naturally and in a man made environment. 9hat are the similarities> 9hat are the differences> 9hat are
the constants that are needed> 9hat are the variables>
Elaborate Phase: :n this phase( students will expand further on their knowledge by attempting to grow a crystal
garden 2experiment A6 Students will investigate( can they change colours> Think about how this could be done and
discuss. "an shapes or directions be changed to create a garden.
Evaluation Phase:
Students will complete activities at each station and these will be attached into their investigation book. They will be
able to photograph their crystal experiments and upload these to the class blog with explanations of what they were
creating and how. Teacher will draw out ideas presented through open ended )uestioning and compare these with
earlier conceptions discussed at the beginning of the investigation.
SafetyBStudent Canagement :ssues:
Students will work in small groups as they rotate through the investigation stations.Teacher will work with the daily
focus group spending time discussing( and drawing out ideas as learning is scaffolded. Teacher will deal with any
behaviour issues that may arise. Students will be instructed to stay within predetermined boundaries and always with
the group.

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