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LEB 01 Nervous System
LEB 01.01 Derivation of nerve and muscle potentials by mechanical
simuIation at the rear end of an earthworm 10
LEB 01.02 Derivation of nerve and muscIe potentials by
mechanicaI stimulation at the front end of an earthworm 11
LEB 01.03 Derivation of nerve potentials after
eIectrical stimulation of an anaesthetized earthworm 12
LEB 01.04 Model experiment illustrating the deveIopment
of resting potential 13
LEB 01.05 Neurosimulator: Membrane time constant
and low-pass filtering 14
LEB 01.06 Neurosimulator: How an exciting synapse functions 15
LEB 02 Heart and Circulatory System
LEB 02.01 Human electrocardiography (ECG) 18
LEB 02.02 Phonocardiography:
Cardiac and vascular sonic measurement (PCG) 19
LEB 02.03 Blood pressure measurement 20
LEB 02.04 Changes in the blood flow during smoking 21
LEB 03 Musculature
LEB 03.01 EIectromyography (EMG) on the upper arm 24
LEB 03.02 Muscle stretch reflex and determination
of conducting veIocity 25
LEB 04 Auditory Sense
LEB 04.01 Human merging frequency and upper hearing threshold 28
LEB 04.02 Hearing threshold and frequency differentiating
threshold in humans 29
LEB 04.03 Acoustic orientation in space 30
LEB 05 Gravitational Sense
LEB 05.01 Phototropism and geotropism 32
LEB 05.02 The effect of gravity and centrifugal force on plants 33
LEB 06 Temperature Sense
LEB 06.01 Effect of soil temperature on the germination
and growth of higher plants 36
LEB 06.02 Preferential temperature in insects 37
LEB 06.03 Regulation of human body temperature 38
LEB 07 Visual Sense
LEB 07.01 Optomotor response in insects 40
LEB 07.02 Determination of the human visual field 41
LEB 07.03 Time resolving capability of the human eye 42
LEB 07.04 Test of human reaction capacitiy 43
LEB 07.05 Human electrooculography (EOG) 44
LEB 07.06 Additive colour mixing and colour maskings 45
LEB 08 Behaviour
LEB 08.01 Wall contact searching in mice 48
LEB 08.02 Learning and marking behaviour of mice 49
LEB 08.03 Learning performance of humans 50
LEB 09 Respiration
LEB 09.01 Volumetric measurement of breathing in small animals 52
LEB 09.02 Measurement of the human respiratory rate 53
LEB 10 Ecology and environment
LEB 10.01 Comparison of the heat capacities of water and land 56
LEB 10.02 The Bergmann rule: Heat loss in dependence
on body surface area and volume 57
LEB 10.03 The insulating effect of body coverage 58
LEB 10.04 The daily course of luminosity 59
LEB 10.05 The conductivity of various water samples 60
LEB 10.06 The pH of various water samples 61
LEB 10.07 The origin of acid rain 62
LEB 10.08 The twenty-four hour rhythm of an aquatic plant 63
LEB 11 Plant physiology
LEB 11.01 Photosynthesis (bubble counting method) 66
LEB 11.02 Photosynthesis (measurement of O
pressure) 67
LEB 11.03 Transpiration of leaves 68
LEB 11.04 Glycolysis (measurement of pressure) 69
LEB 11.05 Glycolysis (measurement of temperature) 70
LEB 12 Biochemistry
LEB 12.01 Determination of the isoelectric point
of an amino acid (glycine) 72
LEB 12.02 The ionic permeability of the cell membrane 73
LEB 12.03 Determination of the Michaelis constant 74
LEB 12.04 Substrate inhibition of enzymes 75
LEB 12.05 Enzyme inhibition (poisoning of enzymes) 76
LEB 12.06 The enzymatic activity of catalase 77
Nervous System
LEB 01.01 Derivation of nerve and muscle potentials by mechanical
simuIation at the rear end of an earthworm
LEB 01.02 Derivation of nerve and muscIe potentials by
mechanicaI stimulation at the front end of an earthworm
LEB 01.03 Derivation of nerve potentials after
eIectrical stimulation of an anaesthetized earthworm
LEB 01.04 Model experiment illustrating the deveIopment
of resting potential
LEB 01.05 Neurosimulator: Membrane time constant
and low-pass filtering
LEB 01.06 Neurosimulator: How an exciting synapse functions
Heart and
LEB 02.01 Human electrocardiography (ECG)
LEB 02.02 Phonocardiography:
Cardiac and vascular sonic measurement (PCG)
LEB 02.03 Blood pressure measurement
LEB 02.04 Changes in the blood flow during smoking
LEB 03.01 EIectromyography (EMG) on the upper arm
LEB 03.02 Muscle stretch reflex and determination
of conducting veIocity
Auditory Sense
LEB 04.01 Human merging frequency and upper hearing threshold
LEB 04.02 Hearing threshold and frequency differentiating
threshold in humans
LEB 04.03 Acoustic orientation in space
LEB 05.01 Phototropism and geotropism
LEB 05.02 The effect of gravity and centrifugal force on plants
LEB 06.01 Effect of soil temperature on the germination
and growth of higher plants
LEB 06.02 Prefential temperature in insects
LEB 06.03 Regulation of human body temperature
LEB 07.01 Optomotor response in insects
LEB 07.02 Determination of the human visual field
LEB 07.03 Time resolving capability of the human eye
LEB 07.04 Test of human reaction capacitiy
LEB 07.05 Human electrooculography (EOG)
LEB 07.06 Additive colour mixing and colour maskings
Visual Sense
LEB 08.01 Wall contact searching in mice
LEB 08.02 Learning and marking behaviour of mice
LEB 08.03 Learning performance of humans
LEB 09.01 Volumetric measurement of breathing in small animals
LEB 09.02 Measurement of the human respiratory rate
LEB 10.01 Comparison of the heat capacities of water and land
LEB 10.02 The Bergmann rule: Heat loss in dependence
on body surface area and volume
LEB 10.03 The insulating effect of body coverage
LEB 10.04 The daily course of luminosity
LEB 10.05 The conductivity of various water samples
LEB 10.06 The pH of various water samples
LEB 10.07 The origin of acid rain
LEB 10.08 The twenty-four hour rhythm of an aquatic plant
Ecology and
LEB 11.01 Photosynthesis (bubble counting method)
LEB 11.02 Photosynthesis (measurement of O
LEB 11.03 Transpiration of leaves
LEB 11.04 Glycolysis (measurement of pressure)
LEB 11.05 Glycolysis (measurement of temperature)
Plant physiology
LEB 12.01 Determination of the isoelectric point
of an amino acid (glycine)
LEB 12.02 The ionic permeability of the cell membrane
LEB 12.03 Determination of the Michaelis constant
LEB 12.04 Substrate inhibition of enzymes
LEB 12.05 Enzyme inhibition (poisoning of enzymes)
LEB 12.06 The enzymatic activity of catalase
77 PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen Laboratory Experiments, Biology
Achilles tendon reflex 23
Acidic anions 70
Acid rain 60
Acoustic hearing thresholds 26
Acoustic orientation 28
Action potential 8, 9, 10, 13
Additive colour mixing 43
Air pollution 60
Aquarium water 58, 59
Artificial cell membrane 71
Atria 16
AV nodes 16
Basic cations 70
Behaviour of mice 46
Bergman rule 55
Bio-amplifier 8, 9, 10
16, 22, 23, 42
Black masking 43
Blind spot 39
Blood flow 19
Blood pressure measurement 18
Blood pulse waves 18
Bodenstein principle 72
Body temperature 36
Breathing 50
Bubble counting method 64
Buffering effect 59
Capacities 54
Catalase 75
Cell membrane 71
Centrifugal force 31
Clinostat 30
pressure measurement 67
Colour masking 43
Colour mixing 43
Colour saturation 43
Complementary colour 43
Conducting veIocity 23
Conductivity 58
Conductivity of water
samples 58
Daily course 57
Daily course of luminosity 57
Dark reaction 61
Daylight reaction 61
Dead time 41
Dialysis tube 71
Diaphragmatic respiration 51
Diastole 17, 18
Diffusion potential 11
Diurnal rhythm 61
Drinking water 58, 59
Earthworm experiment 8
chamber 9, 10
ECG 16
ECG segments 16
Electrical stimulation 10
Electrocardiogram 16
Electrolytes 58
Electromyogram 22, 23
EIectromyography 22
Electrooculography 42
EMG 22
Enzyme 73
Enzyme inhibition 74
Enzyme reaction 72, 73
74, 75
EOG 42
Eupnea 51
Evaporation 36
Excitatory postsynaptic potential
(EPSP) 13
Exciting synapse 13
Eye movements 42
Facilitation 23
Feedback reaction 41
Field of view 39
Finger labyrinth 48
Fixation period 42
Flapping sound 17
Flicker fusion frequency 40
Frequency differentiation 27
Frequency modulation 8
Geographical separation 35
Geotaxis 30
Geotropism 30, 31
Germination 34
Glycolysis 67, 68
Gravity 31
Growth 34
ions 71
Hearing range 26, 27
Hearing threshold 26, 27
Heart rate 16
Heat capacity 54
Heat loss 55
Heat radiation 54
High labyrinth 47
Human body temperature 36
Human electrocardiography
(ECG) 16
Human electrooculography
(EOG) 42
Human eye 40
Human merging frequency 26
Human reaction capacity 41
Human respiratory rate 51
Human visual field 39
Humidity 66
Insulating effect 56
Intracellular potential 12, 13
Ionic permeability 71
Isoelectric point 70
Jendrassik effect 23
Lake water 59
Learning 47, 48
Learning behaviour 48
Learning curve 48
Learning performance 48
Low pass filtering 12
Luminosity 57
Lux measurement 64
Marking behaviour 47
Membrane 11, 71
Membrane time constant 12
Merging frequency 26
Michaelis constant 72
Mineral water 58, 59
Motor piston burette 70
Muscle 8
Muscle contractions 22
Muscle potential 8, 9, 10, 22
Muscle stretch reflex 23
Nerve 8
Neurosimulator 12, 13, 16
Nocturnal rhythm 61
78 PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen Laboratory Experiments, Biology
pressure 65
ions 71
Operative conditioning 47
Optomotor response 38
Orientation 28
Osmotic processes 71
Oxygene bubble counting 64
PCG 17
Perimeter 39, 40
Permeability 71
pH 59, 61
pH measurement 61
pH of water samples 59
Phonocardiography (PCG) 17
Photoperiodism 30
Photosynthesis 61, 64, 65
Phototaxis 30, 35
Phototropism 30
pKs value 70
Plant germination 34
Platform for behaviour
observation 46
Prefential temperature 35
Pressure 67
Pressure measurement 65
Pulse 17
value 50
Rainwater 58, 59
Rapid reading techniques 42
Reaction capacity 41
Reflex 23
Reflex latency 23
Refractory period 10
Respiration energy 68
Respiratory frequency 51
Respiratory rate 50, 51
Respirometer 50
Resting potential 11
Rhythm 61
River water 58, 59
Sacchades 42
Scotoma 39
Selective permeability 11, 71
Sine wave generator 26, 27, 40
Skin temperature 19, 36
Smoking 19
Soil temperature 34
Spatial orientation 28
Statoliths 30, 31
Stimuli generator 10
Strobe drum 31, 38, 41
Substrate inhibition 73
Subtractive colour mixing 43
Synaptic depression 9
Synaptic facilitation 9
Systole 17, 18
Temperature 68
Temperature organ 34, 35
Temperature preferendum 34, 35
Temperature regulation 36
Thermotaxis 35
Thigmotaxis 35
Thoracic respiration 51
Threshold 26, 27
Threshold frequency 41
Time resolving capability 38, 40
Titration 70
Torpor 35
Transpiration 66
Transpiration of leaves 66
Twenty-four hour rhythm 61
Urease 72, 73, 74
Ussing chamber 11
Ventricles 16
Visual field 39
Wall contact searching 46
Waste water 58
Water 58, 59
White masking 43
Y-Labyrinth 47
Zwitterions 70

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