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Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Bandung


Chapter 2
Giving Instruction and Procedure

Conversation Form for The Instruction:
Jerry : Excuse me. Could you show me how this vacuum cleaner works?
Clerk : Yes, of course.
Jerry : Whats this thing for?
Clerk : Oh, thats for picking up heavy dirt.
Jerry : Why is it bent?
Clerk : Thats so you can clean under furniture more easily. Let me show you.
Jerry : Oh, I see. And does it have a dust bag?
Clerk : Yes, of course.
Jerry : How do you change this?
Clerk : Its very easy. First, you can make sure the power has been turned off. Then this
clip is pressed down. The back is lifted off, and then dust bag is taken out like this.
Jerry : Let me try it. Oh, that is easy. And its also very light. Whats it made of?
Clerk : Its made of plastic. But its very strong.
Jerry : Ok, fine. I think I will take this one. Can it be delivered?
Clerk : Sure. We can deliver it to your home tomorrow morning.
Jerry : Fine.

Useful Expression:
Whats this thing (used) for? Thats for ..
Thats to

Whats this button for? its for fast forwarding the tape
its to
Why is bent? Thats so you can clean under furniture more easily.
What is it made of? Its made of plastic.
Where was it made? It was made in Italy.

1. Do you have any remote control at home? What devices can remote controls operate (for
example, videos, garage doors?) What devices can you operate with this remote? How can
you operate your remote control? Explain the operation!
2. How to use the computer?
3. How to operate the cellular phone?
4. How to cook noodles?
5. How to iron your uniform?
6. How to use motorcycle?
Explain the each numbers step by step.

Expression of request:

1. Untuk meminta izin melakukan sesuatu:
- Can I . ? - Is it alright if I ?
- May I .. ? - I wonder if I can/could may ?
- Could I . ? - Would you mind if I ?
- Do you mind if I ?

2. Untuk mengabulkan/mengiyakan permohonan izin:
- Sure. - Go head.
- yes, please. - By all means.
- Certainly -

3. Untuk menolak permohonan:
- Sorry but .
- Id rather you didnt
- I am afraid you cant/couldnt/may not

Chapter 3
The Comparison of Adjective

1. Equal degree
To say that people, thing, or actions are equal in a particular way, we often use the
As + Adjective + as
I work as hard as you.
My brother cant run as fast as me.
The Grand Hotel is as expensive as the Hyatt Hotel.

The same + as
A telephone number is the same as a phone number.
7 X 12 is the same as 3 x 28.

the same + noun + as

I arrived the same time as Tim.
She lives in the same street as me.
Andrew is the same age as Caroline.

2. Comparative degree
To say that people, things, or actions are unequal in a particular way. We use the
comparative to compare one person, things, or action with another person, thing, or
Adjectives that have one or two syllables, the comparative is ended with er.

Adjective + er + (than)
It is easier to phone than to write a letter.
I am better than yesterday.
I can run faster than him.

Adjectives that have three syllables or longer, the comparative is ended with more.

More + adjective + (than)

Is it more expensive to go by car or by train?
You must be more careful.
I dont like my job. I want to do something more interesting.

A bit .. /much
Tom is a bit older than Ted.
Indonesia is much bigger than Singapore.
3. Superlative degree
We use the superlative to compare somebody or something with the whole group that
he/she belongs to. Adjectives that have one or two syllable, the superlative is ended with
The + adjective + est

She is the one of the richest people in town.
Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?
Ken is a good player, but he isnt the best in the team.

Adjectives that have three syllables or longer, the superlative is ended with the most.
The most + adjective

Money is important but it isnt the most important thing in life.
What is the most unusual thing you have ever done?
Exercise 1: Write the comparative forms for the following adjectives.
ex: Old = older than
1. small
2. big
3. important
4. easy
5. difficult
6. long
7. heavy
8. sweet
9. expensive
10. hot
11. cheap
12. good
13. bad
14. far
15. lazy
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the words in italics.
1. comfortable This chair is more comfortable than that chair.
2. large Your apartment is _______________ mine.
3. warm Its ___________ today _______ yesterday.
4. dark Toms mustache is ____________________ Dons.
5. important Love is ______________________ money.
6. lazy Im __________ my roommate.
7. tall My brother is ______________ I am.
8. heavy Iron is ____________________ wood.
9. difficult My physics course is _______________________ my math course.
10. good Nadias English is _____________________ her husband.
11. long The Nile River is ___________________ the Mississippi.
12. intelligent A dog is ___________________ a chicken.
13. good My wifes cooking is ________________ mine.
14. bad My cooking is ___________________ my wifes
15. short My little finger is _________________ my middle finger.
16. pretty This dress is ______________ that one.
17. far Your apartment is ________ from school ________ mine.
18. strong A horse is ___________ a person.
19. curly Kens hair is _____________ mine.
20. beautiful A rose is ________________ a weed.
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the adjectives in italics.
1. large The largest city in Canada I Toronto.
2. long The Nile is ________________ river in the world.
3. interesting Im taking four classes. My history class is _________________ of all.
4. high Mt. McKinley in Alaska is ________________ mountain in North America.
5. tall The Sears Tower is _____________ building in Chicago.
6. big Lake Superior is _________ lake in North America.
7. short February is ________________ month of the year.
8. far Pluto is ______________ planet from the sun.
9. bad In my opinion, Harrys Steak House is ___________ restaurant in the city.
10. good In my opinion, the Doghouse Caf has ________ food in the city.
11. beautiful In my opinion, Seattle is _________________ city in the United States.
12. comfortable Ken is sitting in _________________ chair in the room.
13. fast ___________ way to travel is by airplane.
14. good When you feel depressed, laughter is ___________ medicine.
15. large Asia is __________ continent in the world.
16. small Australia is ________________ continent in the world.
17. expensive Sally ordered _________________food on the menu for dinner last night.
18. easy taking a taxi is ______________ way to get to the airport.
19. important I think good health is ____________________ thing in life.
20. famous The Gateway Arch is _________________landmark in St. Louis, Missouri.

Chapter 4
Telephoning and Making an Appointment

The Conversation 1:

Operator : Good afternoon. Pacific Computer System. May I help you?
Caller : Hello. Is it possible to speak to Mr. Bradley, extension 321, please?
Operator : Just a moment, please. I will connect you.
(pause, clicks)
Im trying to connect you.
(Engaged tone)
Im sorry, the number is engaged. Would you like to hold?
Caller : No, its all right. Ill call back.

The Conversation 2:

Operator : Good morning. Pacific Computer Systems. may I help you?
Susan : Hello, could I speak to John Brown, please?
Operator : Hold the line a moment please.
Ill put you through to his secretary.
Its ringing for you now.
Mary : Hello. John Browns office. Marys speaking.
Susan : Hello. Im Susan Miller of Jakarta Banking.
Im phoning to fix an appointment with Mr. Brown. Would ten tomorrow be all
Mary : Im afraid not. Shes got rather full day tomorrow.
Susan : Could you make it at eleven oclock?
Mary : Sorry, but thats taken too.

The Conversation 3:

Susan : Will you able to see me tomorrow?
Mr. Brown : What time is it?
Susan : At two oclock.
Mr. Brown : No, Im afraid I cant.
Susan : How about three oclock?
Mr. Brown : Yes, thats fine.
Susan : Ok. Ill see you then.

Useful Expressions:
Answering a call
Good morning/afternoon/evening, ABC Company. Can I help you?
Hello. Production Department. Claras speaking. May I help you?

Making a call
Could I speak to Mr/Ms ?
Is it possible to speak to Mr/Ms .?
Could you put me through to Mr/Ms ..?
Could I have extension 123, please?

Possible situations
Whos calling?
Im sorry, Mr/Ms .. is out. May I know whos speaking?
Im afraid, Mr/Ms . is having a meeting. Is there something I can do?
Mr/Ms . is taking on another telephone. Will you wait a moment?

Transferring a call
Just a moment, please. Ill put you through.
Hold on, please. Ill connect you immediately.
You are through now.

If you didnt hear, you can say
Im sorry. I didnt catch what you said.
Sorry, I cant hear. Its a bad line.
Could speak up, please?
Could you repeat what you said, please?
Could you say that again?

Making an appointment
Id like to fix an appointment with Mr. X. Would ten tomorrow be all right?
Do you think Mr. X could see me tomorrow before ten?
Could I have an appointment with Mr. X at ten tomorrow?
Could you manage my appointment with Mr. X at ten tomorrow?

Possible situations
Yes, hes free then. Ill make a note of it.
Im afraid not. Hes got a rather full day tomorrow.
Sorry, but hes fully booked till twelve unless theres a cancellation.
He wont be in till 12, so the earliest would be 12.30.

Suggesting another time when the time doesnt fix
How about 12.30?
Would 12.30 be convenient?
Could you make it at 12.30?

Invitation digunakan untuk mengajak melakukan sesuatu:
Lets + V1
Why dont we . ?
How about ..?
Would you care for ..?
Id like to invite you to ..?
Would you like to .?
I wonder if youd like to . ?

Put these sentences in the correct order to make a short conversation.

_______ Yes, please. Would Tuesday the 26
be convenient?
_______ Good morning, Mr. Mane. This is Peter Brien.
_______ Its quite all right. Ill look forward to seeing you on Thursday the 28
, then.
_______ Im calling about our appointment on the 25
. Im afraid I cant make it.
_______ Fine. Thank you. Goodbye.
_______ Good morning, Mr. Brien. How can I help you?
_______ Yes, I can manage the 28
. Im sorry to be a nuisance.
_______ Shifali Mane.
_______ its not a problem. Would you like to fix another time, then?
_______ Im afraid Im tied up on the 26
. How about the 28


Chapter 5
The Passive Voice

In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. Only transitive verbs
(verbs that are followed by an object) are used in the passive.
For example:
Active: Marry helped the boy.
Passive: The boy was helped by Mary.

Active Passive
Present Tense Mary helps John. John is helped by Mary.
Present Continuous is helping is being helped
Present Perfect has helped has been helped
Simple Past helped was helped
Past Continuous was helping was being helped
Past Perfect had helped had been helped
Simple Future will help will be helped
Be going to is going to he is going to be helped
Future perfect will have help will have been helped
Terdapat beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengubah pola aktif ke dalam pola pasif, antara
a. Subjek pada kalimat pasif berasal dari objek pada kalimat aktif.
b. dalam kalimat aktif menjadi being dalam bentuk pasif.
c. Tense pada kalimat pasif mengikuti bentuk kalimat aktifnya.
d. Verb 3 pada kalimat pasif dibentuk oleh verb pada kalimat aktifnya.
e. Hanya kalimat transitif kalimat yang mengandung objek yang biasa dirubah kedalam bentuk
pasif dan atau kalimat pasif hanya berlaku bagi kata kerja transitif.
f. Kalimat pasif digunakan tatkala ingin menpnjolkan hasil tindakan daripada pelaku tindakan

Active : My mother cooks the meal everyday.
Passive : The meal is cooked by mother everyday.

Active : My mother is cooking the meal at the moment.
Passive : The meal is being cooked by mother at the moment.

Active : My mother will have cooked the meal when the children come from
school this afternoon.
Passive : The meal will have been cooked by mother when the children come from
school this afternoon.

Active : My mother will have been cooking the meal for an hour when father
comes from school this afternoon.
Passive : The meal will have been being cooked by mother for an hour when father
comes from school this afternoon.

Active : We can solve the problem.
Passive : The problem can be solved.

Exercise: Change into passive
1. It is said that many people are homeless after floods.
2. It is known that the Prime Minister is in favor of the new law.
3. It is expected that the government will lose the election.
4. It is thought the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
5. It is believe that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.
6. People say that Arthur is very rich.
7. People say that he has 22 children.
8. The bill includes the service.
9. People dont use this road very often.
10. They cancelled all flights because of the fog.
11. Somebody accused me of stealing the money.
12. They are building a new ring-road round the city.
13. I didnt realize that someone was recording our conversation.
14. They have changed the date of the meeting.
15. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street.
16. People should send their complaints to the head office.
17. Somebody might have stolen your car if you had left they key in it.
18. An electrical fault could have caused the fire.
19. They are going to hold next years congress in San Francisco.
20. They should not have played the football match in such bad weather.


Chapter 6
Inquiry and Reply

Business Letter Writing: Inquiries - Asking for Information
We write an inquiry when we want to ask for more information concerning a product, service or other
information about a product or service that interests us. These letters are often written in response to
an advertisement that we have seen in the paper, a magazine, a commercial on television when we are
interested in purchasing a product, but would like more information before making a decision.
Most letter inquiry are short and simple, so much so that many firms have adopted the practice of
sending printed inquiry forms. As a prospective buyer, the writer of an inquiry states briefly and clearly
what he is interested in, and this is receiver of the letter needs to know. An inquiry is sent when a
businessman wants some information (an act of asking for information), especially about:

- the supply of goods - delivery times and deadlines
- leaflets or catalogues - method of transport
- quotation or prices - insurance
- samples - terms and discounts
Remember to place your or your company's address at the top of the letter (or use your company's
letterhead) followed by the address of the company you are writing to. The date can either be placed
double spaced down or to the right.

The Start: Dear Sir or Madam
To Whom It May Concern - (very formal as you do not know the person to whom you are writing)
Giving Reference: With reference to your advertisement (ad) in...
Regarding your advertisement (ad) in ...
Requesting a Catalogue, Brochure, Etc.: After the reference, add a comma and continue - ...
, would (Could) you please send me ...
Requesting Further Information: I would also like to know ...
Could you tell me whether ...
Signature: Yours faithfully - (very formal as you do not know the person to whom you are
Terms of Payment
Cash in advance tunai di muka
Cash with order (c.w.o) tunai beserta pesanan (t.b.p)
Cash on delivery (c.o.d) tunai waktu terima (t.w.t)
Payment quarterly/monthly/at sight pembayaran suku tahunan/bulanan
Our usual terms are cash against documents (c.a.d) syarat berdasarkan dokumen/faktur
We can allow you three months credit pemberian kredit 3 bulan
c.i.f (cost, insurance, freight) harga, asuransi, angkutan
c & f (cost and freight) harga dan angkutan
f.o.b (free on board) penyerahan diatas kapal
f.a.s (free alongside ship) penyerahan disisi kapal
f.o.r (free on rail) penyerahan di gerbong
These prices are ex warehouse harga gudang
Freight and insurance to be paid by buyer/by you angkutan dan asuransi dibayar oleh
Delivery will be made within two months of receipt of your order
pengiriman akan dilakukan dalam masa dua bulan sesudah diterima pesanan anda

An Example Letter
Kenneth Beare
2520 Visita Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501
Jackson Brothers
3487 23rd Street
New York, NY 12009
September 12, 2000
To Whom It May Concern:
With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's New York Times, could you please send me a
copy of your latest catalogue. I would also like to know if it is possible to make purchases online.
Yours faithfully
Kenneth Beare
Administrative Director
English Learners & Company

Business Letter Writing: Responding to Inquiries and Requests for Information
It is very important to make a good impression when responding to inquiries from potential customers.
Of course, the best impression will be made by providing the materials or information that the
perspective client has asked for, this positive impression will be improved by a well written response.
Remember to place your or your company's address at the top of the letter (or use your company's
letterhead) followed by the address of the company you are writing to. The date can either be placed
double spaced down or to the right. You can also include a reference number for correspondence.
Important Language to Remember
The Start:
Dear Mr, Ms (Mrs, Miss VERY IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss)
Thanking the Potential Customer for His / Her Interest:
Thank you for your letter of ... inquiring (asking for information) about ...
We would like to thank you for your letter of ... inquiring (asking for information) about ...
Providing Requested Materials:
We are pleased to enclose ...
Enclosed you will find ...
We enclose ...
Providing Additional Information:
We would also like to inform you ...
Regarding your question about ...
In answer to your question (inquiry) about ...
Closing a Letter Hoping for Future Business:
We look forward to ... hearing from you / receiving your order / welcoming you as our client
Signature: Yours sincerely (remember use 'Yours faithfully' when you don't know the name of the
person you are writing and 'Yours sincerely' when you do.

Example Letter
Jackson Brothers
3487 23rd Street
New York, NY 12009
Kenneth Beare
Administrative Director
English Learners Company
2520 Visita Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501
September 12, 2000
Dear Mr Beare,
Thank you for your inquiry of 12 September asking for the latest edition of our catalogue.
We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure. We would also like to inform you that it is possible to
make purchases online at http:\\
We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.
Yours sincerely
Dennis Jackson
Marketing Director
Jackson Brothers

Worldwide Dealers Ltd.
4 Mugadishu St. Hadda Road
PO BOX: 340 Sanaa
Republic of Yemen

The Victoria Cycle Works
PO BOX: 9271

June 14, 1999
Dear Sirs,
Our business agent in India has asked us for quotation for 10.000 brand new computers to be
exported to Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Nepal.
Please let us to know what quantities you are able to deliver at regular intervals, quoting your best
terms f.o.b Brisbane.
We shall handle export formalities, but would ask you to calculate container transport to Brisbane
for onward shipment.

Yours faithfully,

P. King
Ass. Marketing Manager

Who is the addresser?
Who is the addresse?
Who is P. King?
Why do the Worldwide Dealers approach the Victoria Cycle Works?
What do they ask for apart from prices?
How should the brand new computers be transported?
13 Garstone Road
Bournemouth, Hants

April, 2005

Mr. S. Hampshire
Hampshires Hardware Store
312 High Street
Bournemouth, Hants.

Dear Mr. Hampshire,

When I was in your shop this morning I looked in vain for a STIRTIP electric driver, similar to the
one I bought from you two years ago. I am so delighted with my own that I would have liked to
buy another one for my nephew. However, your assistant told me that you do not stock this
make anymore.
Would you please inquiry if the STIRTIP driver is still obtainable from the manufactures. I should
be obliged to you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. H. Marks

Who is the addresser?
Who is the addresse?
Who is Mrs. H. Marks?
Why is Mrs. Marks writing to Mr. Hampshire?
What was Mrs. Marks told by Mr. Hampshire assistant?
Who may be able to supply the driver?
What is the different between letter number 1 and 2?
Chapter 7
Complaining and Apologizing

X : I am sorry.
Y : Thats all right.
X : I am very sorry.
Selain ungkapan I am sorry, dapat dipergunakan juga I apologize, forgive me, pardon me.
Jawaban untuk permintaan maaf yang berarti mau memaafkan adalah:
- Not at all
- Thats all right
- It doesnt matter
- No problem
Complaining by phone:
Receptionist : Good morning. Montana Texindo Corporation. May I help you?
Roger : Good morning. Could you put me through to your sales department?
Receptionist : Yes, Sir. May I ask who you want to speak to or what it is in connection with?
Roger : Its about the wrong quantity you have delivered.
Receptionist : Just a moment, please. Ill connect you with Ms. Clara Jones.
Clara : Yes, Clara Joness speaking. May I help you?
Roger : Hello, Clara. Its Roger Martin of Daitona Enterprise.
Clara : Hello, Roger. How are you?
Roger : Im fine, thanks. And you?
Clara : Fine. What can I do for you, Roger?
Roger : Im afraid theres a problem with our order. You delivered the wrong quantity.
Clara : Oh dear. How many did we deliver?
Roger : 60. We asked for 80.
Clara : Im sorry about that. Ill send the rest immediately.
Roger : Thanks a lot. Can you send them today?
Clara : Yes, of course. Is there anything else?
Roger : No, thats all thanks.


1. Youre late. Ive been waiting for an hour.
2. The library book was due back yesterday.
3. Excuse me, but your car is blocking my
4. I think youve given me the wrong change.
5. Dont forget. You still owe me $25.
6. I was waiting for you at the coffee shop
last night, but you didnt turn up. How
7. Hey, I need my cassette player back. Have
you finished with it?
8. By the way, I ask you to return my book to
the library.
9. Excuse me, waiter! I ordered my food
about fifteen minutes ago and its still not
10. Linda! Where are all those cookies that I
baked yesterday?


a. Sorry. Let me check the bill again.
b. oh, yeah. Its in my locker. Ill go and take
c. Gee, Im sorry. I Missed the bus.
d. Oh, Gee. Im sorry. Let me write you check
right now.
e. Oh, sorry. I didnt realize it was over due .
f. Gosh, Im sorry. I completely forgot about
it. Ill check it back today,
g. Im sorry. Ill move it right away.
h. Oh, I know, Bob. But you know when I
taste the first cookies, it was so good. I
couldnt help eating all of them.
i. Oh, I got there late and you were already
gone. Im really sorry.
j. I must apologize, Sir. Im afraid the other
two waiters off sick, and I

Chapter 8
The Conditional

1. Future Conditional (type 1)
Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu mungkin terjadi pada waktu mendatang ataupun
sekarang jika syarat atau kondisi terpenuhi. Type 1 dibentuk oleh rangkaian simple present
sebagai sub clause dan simple future sebagai main clause.

If + Subject + Present + Subject 2 + will/can/may/must + Verb 1

If you come with me for a joyride tonight, you will have a great fun.
If you dont have any money, you may borrow from me.
You must study hard if you want to enter a favorite university.
If we finish the assignment today, we can have a free time next week.

Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan pola yang digunakan:
If + Subject + Simple present tense .. + Simple present tense
If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits his patients in this hospital in the afternoon.
John usually walks to school if he has enough time.

Untuk membuat kalimat perintah pola yang digunakan:
If + Subject + Simple present tense .. + command form
If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me.
Dont tell this problem to father if you care of me.


2. Present Conditional (Type2)
Pengandaian yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa
yang ada atau terjadi sekarang atau baru-baru ini.
If + Subject 1 + Simple Past + Subject 2 + would/could/might + V1/be
If I had time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend.
He would tell you about it if he were here.
If I were you, I would start packing now.

3. Past Conditional (type 3)
Pengandaian untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang telah terjadi
yang sudah berlalu.
IF + Subject 1 + Past Perfect + Subject 2 + would/could/might + have V3/been
If I had known you were there, I would have written you a letter.
If you had asked me I would have told you the whole story.

Exercise 1:
1. If I were offered the job, I _____________ (take) it.
2. Im sure Tom will lend you some money. I would be surprised if he _________ (refuse)
3. Many people would be out of work if that factory _________ (close) down.
4. They are expecting us. They will be disappointed if we ____________ (not come).
5. Will Prabu be angry if I _________ (take) his bicycle without asking.
6. If I sell the car, she __________ (not get) much money for it.
7. Ann gave me this ring. She __________ (be) terribly upset if I lost it.
8. If someone ________ (walk) in here with a gun. Id have been very frightened.
9. What would have happened if you _________ (not go) to work yesterday.
10. Im sure she ________ (understand) if you had explained the situation to her.

Exercise 2:
1. If all the students pass their examination, the teacher will give a party for them at his
house. This means that _______ at the teachers house.
a. there will possibly a party
b. there has been a party
c. there is no party
d. there was a party
e. there has to be a party
2. Will you come to the meeting?
if you come, I _____
a. come c. do e. too
b. will d. am
3. If you use a city map, you ______ your way.
a. are not losing d. have not lost
b. will not lose e. would not lose
c. did not lose
4. If you took the clothes to the laundry now, they __________
a. had washed d. will wash
b. has been washed e. had passed
c. will be washed
5. If he prepared his lessons, he _______ his examinations.
a. passed d. would pass
b. would have passed e. had passed
c. would be passed
6. Your drawing was very good.
I could have done better if I _____ more time.
a. have had d. will have had
b. had e. would have
c. had had
7. He ___ if I had not reminded him.
a. may forget d. may forget
b. should forget c. might have forgotten e. must forget

8. If I _____
a. make a mistake, Ill apologize
b. made mistake, Id apologize
c. had made a mistake, Id have apologized
d. have made a mistake, Id apologize
9. If you _____ I shall be very happy.
a. werent going c. hadnt gone e. didnt go
b. dont go d. hadnt been going
10. Im sure he will be successful in his job.
Yes, _____
a. if he should work hard enough
b. if he works hard enough
c. if he worked hard enough
d. if he work hard enough
e. if he had worked hard enough
11. He _______ if I had not invited him
a. may not come d. may not came
b. should not come e. must not come
c. might not have come
12. Did you buy the computer?
No, but I would have if my father _____
a. had given me the money d. would have given the money
b. would give me the money e. was giving me the money
c. would have given the money
13. We would have lost our bag, if we _____ it in the hotel.
a. left c. had left e. would have left
b. have left d. would leave
14. Ive finished cleaning the houses, but if Ratu had not helped me, I ______ it so quickly.
a. could never have done d. can never do
b. could never do e. can never have done
c. have never done
Chapter 9
Giving Advice and Suggestion

Advice/Suggestion Respon
Menerima Menolak
Why dont you see the doctor?
Have you thought of seeing the doctor?
It would be a good idea you see the doctor.
Perhaps you should lie down.
Perhaps you had better lie down.
Perhaps you ought to lie down.
Perhaps you had better not go to work today.
Perhaps you shouldnt go to work today
You need to/ought to/should
Make sure you
Its best to ..
Yes, I will. oh, I dont think its necessary
Yes. may be I should.
Yes, I suppose I should.
Yes, I guess I should I guess not.
Yes, I will.
May be.
I guess not. I dont think so.

Ok Oh no.
All right. Oh no.

These people here have got problems. In pairs, have short conversations giving them suggestions.
1. I havent got any money.
2. My job is boring.
3. Im not feeling very well. I think Ive got a cold.
4. My friend hasnt returned my jacket.
5. Im tired but there is a lot of work to do.
6. My English is bad.
7. Im bored at home nothing to do.
8. Im hungry, there isnt any food to eat at home.
9. I want to be a secretary but my English is bad and I cant type.
10. My computer doesnt work well.

Chapter 10
Business Letter

1. Sales Letter
The following letters introduce products for sales.
Useful Key Phrases
Are you having trouble ...
This is why it is important to have ...
At X, we have the skills and experience to ...
May we stop by and offer you a FREE estimate of how much it would cost to ...
If so, give us a call at X and set up and appointment with one of your friendly operators.
Example Letter
Document Makers
2398 Red Street
Salem, MA 34588
March 10, 2001
Thomas R. Smith
Drivers Co.
3489 Greene Ave.
Olympia, WA 98502
Dear Mr. Smith,
Are you having trouble getting your important documents formatted correctly? If you are like most
business owners, you have trouble finding the time to economically produce good-looking documents.
This is why it is important to have a specialist take care of your most important documents.
At Documents Makers, we have the skills and experience to come in and help you make the best
possible impression. May we stop by and offer you a FREE estimate of how much it would cost to get
your documents looking great? If so, give us a call at and set up and appointment with one of your
friendly operators.
(signature here)
Richard Brown

2. Order Letter
Letters dealing with orders and payments for merchandise form a bulk of business activity. As a
result, serious thinking and care should be exercised in drafting these letters. A little
carelessness may result in loss of the customers or good will. Therefore order letters should be
exact cordial and tactful. They should be definite and complete that the reader may fell it
exactly as the writer wishes. Any error or incompleteness may mean further corresponding
shipping delays complicated billing repacking and loss of business.

An order letter need not be preceded by an inquiry or offer. Information received from
catalogue and advertisement also helps people and parties in placing and sale. It has great
importance. Proper care should be taken in drafting of the order to ensure efficient handling
and to eliminate all doubts resulting in loss of time and possibly of the market.

The desired facts are as under:
1. Details about what you are ordering or reserving.
2. Directions for shipment.
3. Manner of payments.

In both order and reservation messages, the main idea in the first paragraph we are reserving or
ordering something. Our explanatory paragraphs give whatever details the order requires about
quantity, color, style, size, price, payment, location, shipment data, place plus any specific
instructions our reader might need. The last paragraph invites prompt shipment and dated
action, if desired.

Example Letters

May 23, 1999
Mr. Jack Brown,
Used Books Online
Seattle, WA 98795
Dear Mr. Brown:,
Would you please send me the following used computer books via COD? According to your
Web site, orders need to include the title, author, and publisher.
Title: "Using Computer"
Author: Peter Lawford
Publisher: Jackson and Co.
Title: "Landscaping for Fun Computer Game"
Author: Janet Patterson
Publisher: Nature Ltd.
Title: "Linux Myth"
Author: Margaret Smith
Publisher: Smoothers
Thank you very much,
(Signature here)
Fred Finkleham,
Professor, OUS

1. Prepare a sales letter for this following situation:
Geoffreys a fine mens clothing store located at 10 Arlington Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02116, is having its annul fall clearance sale. All summer and selected fall
merchandise will be on sale with discounts up to 60% on some items. The sale will begin
on September 10. Write a letter to be sent to all charge customers, inviting them to
attend three presale days, September 7-9, during which they will find a full selection of
sale merchandise before it is advertised to the public.

Chapter 11
The Subjunctive

Angan-angan, kenyataan yg bertentangan dengan apa yang sesungguhnya ada atau terjadi.
1. Wish
a. Future
Subject 1 + wish (that) + Subject 2 + could + V1
Would + V 1
Were + V ing
I wish you would stop saying that.
We wish that you could come to the party tonight.

b. Present
Subject 1 + wish (that) + Subject 2 + V2/were
We wish that you were old enough to come with us.
They wish they did not have to go to class today.

Subject 1 + wish (that) + subject 2 + could have + V3
Had + V3
I wish that you had come here yesterday.
c. Past
Subject 1 + wished (that) + subject 2 + had + V3
Could have + V3
She wished that she had had more time last night.

2. As if/as though
a. Present
Subject 1 + Verb 1 + as if/as though + Subject 2 + Verb 2/were
The old lady dresses as if it were winter now even in summer.
Bill has been working in this bookstore for years and now he acts as if he were the owner.

b. Past
Subject 1 + verb 2 + as if/as though + Subject 2 + had V3/been
Jeff looked as if he had seen a ghost.

3. Would rather
a. Present
Subject 1 + would rather + subject 2 +V2/were+ adverb of time
Ratu would rather it were winter now.

b. Past
Subject 1 + would rather + Subject 2 + had V3/been + adverb of time
Jim would rather that Jill had gone to class yesterday.
Exercise 1:
1. We would rather _____________ (stay) home tonight.
2. Mr. John would rather ___________ (stay) home last night.
3. The police would rather __________ (work) on Saturday than on Sunday.
4. Maria would rather ___________ (work) more than we do.
5. The photographer would rather that we _________ (stand) closer together than we are
6. She would rather you ________ (not arrive) last night.
7. The old lady dresses as if it __________ (be) winter even in her summer.
8. She walks as though she _________ (study) modeling.
9. He looked as though he _________ (run) ten miles.
10. I wish they _______ (stop) making so much noise that I could concentrate.
11. Prabu wished that the editors __________ (permit) him to copy some of their material.
12. Joe wishes that he _________ (spend) his vacation on the Coast next year.
13. Because Rose did so poorly on the exam, she wishes that she __________ (study) harder last
14. Mrs. Wood always talks to her tenth-grade students as though they _______ (be) adult.
15. We wish that we _________ (have) time last night.

Exercise 2:
1. He orders people around as if he were the owner of the restaurant. From the above statement
we may conclude that _____
a. He has worked hard to own the restaurant.
b. He has been the owner for years.
c. He is very proud of his restaurant.
d. He is just an ordinary employee.
e. He is a successful businessman.
2. You look tired. Why dont you take a rest?
I wish ________ I still have to finish this report.
a. I would be able
b. I can
c. I will be able
d. I could
e. I had been able
3. Tita, are you going to see the dentist this afternoon?
I wish I didnt have to.
We may conclude that ______ to the dentist.
a. She doesnt have to go
b. She needs to go
c. She is not going this afternoon
d. She is willing to go
e. She has gone
4. Is Ratu still in New York?
Yes, I wish she ________ here now to help me type the report.
a. Is
b. Will be
c. Were
d. Had been
e. Would be
5. The music next door is very loud. I wish someone turned it down. the underlined sentence
mean ________
a. I will turn the music down
b. Someone turns the music down
c. I ask someone to turn the music down
d. I feel annoyed with the music next door
e. Someone asks me to turn the music down

6. I am planning to go to the party tonight, but its raining very hard now. I wish _____
a. It stops
b. It will stop
c. It would stop
d. It stopped
e. It had stopped
7. I wish ______ now to watch our play.
a. He is here
b. He has been here
c. He were here
d. He be here
e. He will be here
8. I wish you _______ tomorrow.
a. Have gone
b. Are going to go
c. Will go
d. Shall go
e. Would go
9. Lets go swimming!
I wish I ______. We have a test tomorrow and still have to study.
a. Am able
b. Could be
c. Could
d. Will be able
e. Be able to
10. I am sure he is not the man in charge of the sales department. But now, he ________
a. Acts as if he is the sales manager.
b. Is acting as if he would be the sales manager.
c. Would have acted as if he had been the sales manager.
d. Would act as if he was the sales manager.
e. Acts as if he were the sales manager.
11. I am sorry I can not go to the airport to see your mother off. I wish I _______ to work overtime
a. Wouldnt have
b. Havent had
c. Wont have
d. Hadnt had
e. Dont have

12. She wishes she had not forgotten her promises. This means that _____
a. She tried not to forget her promise.
b. She did not forget her promise.
c. She forgot her promise.
d. She would forget her promise.
e. She could not forget her promise.

13. He orders people around as if he were the owner of the restaurant.
From the above statement we may conclude that ________
a. He has worked hard to own the restaurant.
b. He has been the owner for years.
c. He is very proud of his restaurant.
d. He is just an ordinary employee.
e. He is a successful businessman.
14. I am sorry, I dont know the answer, but I really wish I _______
a. Know
b. Will know
c. Knew
d. Had known
e. Have known
15. I wish you ________ to stay at home because Im sure you would have enjoyed the concert very
a. Didnt have
b. Hadnt have
c. Hadnt
d. Dont have
e. Havent had
16. If only his son had studied harder, means_______
a. His son did not study hard.
b. His son has studied hard.
c. His son has studied hard.
d. His son will not study hard.
e. His son never studies hard.
17. I wish I knew about electricity. The sentence means __________
a. Knew
b. Knows
c. Didnt know
d. Doesnt know
e. Has known

18. Mother said to our guest, I wish you _____ leave now.
a. Didnt have to
b. Werent having to
c. Havent got to
d. Arent having to
e. Wont have to

19. She went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem. The underlined words
a. She actually couldnt solve the problem.
b. She ought to know how to solve the problem.
c. She definitely knew how to solve the problem.
d. She should know how to solve the problem.
e. She succeeded in solving the problem.


Chapter 12
Agreeing and Disagreeing

Untuk menyatakan kesependapatan dan tidak sependapat.
- I agree with
- I think so.
- It is certainly.
- Exactly.
- Thats what I want to say.
- I am with you.
- I am on your/his side.
- I buy that idea.
- I disagree with .
- I wouldnt say that.
- I dont think so
- Exactly not.
- I cant say so.
- On contrary.
- I dont buy that idea.

Expression: Like Dislike
Do you like travelling? yes, I love it. No, I dont like it very much.
yes, very much. No, I hate it.
Its all right.
Im keen on it.
What do you think of the food? Its very good. I dont like it. Its too hot.
How do you like the food? I like it. its delicious. Its not very good.
its all right. Its awful.
Its excellent. I think it is terrible.

Practice this description with conversation or paragraph.
1. Imagine you are an accounting staff who faces the PHK because of the economics
crisis. Are you agree or disagree with this condition? Why?
2. Do you think that corruption is our culture? Why?
3. Is it ok that the celebrity to join the politic environment? Why?

Chapter 13
Business Letter

1. Complaining
The following letters make claims against unsatisfactory work.
Useful Phrases
As someone who has worked with ...
we were very disappointed to find / see / have discovered ...
As our written agreement stipulated, we expected ...
I think you will agree that a communication problem exists.
We would like you to ..., or provide us with a refund.

Example Letter

Drivers Co.
3489 Greene Ave.
Olympia, WA 98502

August 17, 2001

Richard Brown, President
Document Makers
Salem, MA 34588
Dear Mr. Brown,
As someone who has worked with your company for over 3 years, we were very disappointed
to see the accounting software you produced for our latest Drivers Co. publicity campaign.
As our written agreement stipulated, we expected full efficient time with fancy explanatory
instructions, but instead, we found that the software has problem with our company computers.
I think you will agree that a communication problem exists.
We would like you to send out a programmer or technician to provide us.
Yours truly,
(Signature here)
Thomas R. Smith,

2. Adjustment

Useful Key Phrases
I was very disappointed to read your letter of ... dealing with ...
As someone who values your business, I have already ...
Also, we will deduct another X percent of the bill for the misunderstanding.
Thank you for your patience.

Example Letter
Document Makers
2398 Red Street
Salem, MA 34588

March 10, 2001
Thomas R. Smith
Drivers Co.
3489 Greene Ave.
Olympia, WA 98502

Dear Mr. Smith,
I was very disappointed to read your letter of August 17 dealing with the issue of incorrectly produced
publicity leaflets. As someone who values your business, I have already begun to find a solution to
resolve this problem.
My top photographer will call you to arrange an appointment at your earliest possible convenience to
re-take photos in full color. Also, we will deduct another 15 percent of the bill for the misunderstanding.
Thank you for your patience.
(signature here)
1. On October 7, the Kitchen Kormer, 47-03 Parkway Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104, placed an
order for two dozen poultry shears from the Northridge Cutlery Company, 2006 Yellow Circle,
Minnentonka, Minnesota 55343. By November 30, the shears have still not arrived and there has
been no letter from Northridge Cultery explaining the delay. Write the complain letter from
Kitchen Kormer inquiring about the order. Emphasize these concerns: Did the order arrive? Why
was neither an acknowledgment nor a stopgap letter sent? Will the shears arrive in time for pre-
Christmas shopping?
2. Refer to the exercise no.1 write the letter from Northridge answering Kitchen Kormers complain.
Explain the delay as caused by a strike of local truckers. Apologize to failing to notify the customer.


Reading Comprehension A.
RE: Check Cashing / Deposit Policies
TO: All Staff
Please follow these instructions when cashing or depositing checks from our students.
Check cashing by customers is limited to $500.
Two pieces of identification are required, one of which must be a valid driver's license.
All checks must be signed on the reverse side at the moment of presentation.
Out-of-state checks are only accepted from residents.
International checks may not be cashed. They must first be deposited and can be drawn on after
a minimum of 14 days.
Direct bank deposits and formal reporting procedures are available.
Payments received must always be deposited intact. Never make disbursements from payments
Never send coin or currency through the mail. Bring it to Accounting Services and obtain a
receipt from the cashier. Come before 2 o'clock, so that we can include it with that day's bank
Checks and money orders should be restrictively endorsed with these words as soon as you
receive them:
Smither Brothers Language School
15 Whitehead Street
Olympia, WA 98501
Check Your Understanding
What is the limit on cashed checks?
How many piece of identification are required?
When must the checks be signed?
In order to cash an out-of-state check what must you be?
How long do students have to wait for international checks?
What mustn't be sent through the mail?

Reading Comprehension B.

Business Jargon Dialogue
Tim: Hey, can I get a little facetime?
Randall: Sure, let's dialogue.
Tim: Great. I tried to ping you earlier, but you weren't in.
Randall: Yeah, I had to handle some pushback on my proposal.
Tim: Really, why was that?
Randall: Well, I've come up with a number of synergies in the value chain. My value proposition
was to seamlessly integrate our customer service reps.
Tim: Sounds like a win-win. How long is the ramp-up?
Randall: That's the problem. I projected a roll-out in two months. C-level people want to dial-in
the project in two weeks.
Tim: ...but you're proposing an end-to-end solution!
Randall: Yeah, I know. I had the time-frame mapped out for all the deliverables, too.
Tim: Sometimes you have to wonder about high-level management's capabilities to leverage
people like you!
Randall: You're much too kind! Anyway, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?
Tim: Nothing much, I just wanted to give you a heads-up on some performance management
issues I've been having with Pete.
Randall: No room to breathe?
Tim: You've got it ....
Translation into easy (well, easier) English:
Tim: Hey, do you have some time for me?
Randall: Sure, let's talk.
Tim: Great. I tried to contact you earlier, but you weren't in.
Randall: Yeah, I had to manage some complaints about my idea for the company.
Tim: Really, why was that?
Randall: Well, I thought of a number of tasks that can complement each other in how we
provide our service. My improvement idea was to include our customer service representatives
our processes.
Tim: That sounds like a good idea for everybody. How long will it take to put your plan into
Randall: That's the problem. I think it will take two months to put into place. The directors want
to put the project into action in two weeks.
Tim: ...but you've suggested a complete solution to the problem!
Randall: Yes, I know. I had developed a schedule for all of the improvements, too.
Tim: Sometimes it's difficult to understand why upper management can't take advantage of
people like you!
Randall: You're much too kind! Anyway, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?
Tim: Nothing much. I just wanted to tell you ahead of time about some problems I'm having
with Pete trying to control everything I do.
Randall: No room for your own efforts?
Tim: That's right.

Key Vocabulary
Face time (noun)- time together
to dialogue (verb) - to speak
to ping (verb) - to contact someone
pushback (noun) - to object to, complain about
synergies (noun) - combinations in efforts that improve something
value chain (noun) - the group of processes that provide something positive
value proposition (noun) - the improvement idea
seamlessly (adverb) - flowing smoothly
to integrate (verb) - to include in a process
win-win (noun, also used as an adjective) - successful outcome for everyone involved
ramp-up (noun, also used as a verb) - time it takes to do something
roll-out (noun, also used as a verb) - time it takes to do something
C-level (adjective) - upper management, directors
to dial-in (verb) - time it takes to do something
end-to-end (adjective) - complete
time-frame (noun) - amount of time needed
to map out (verb) - to plan
deliverables (noun) - specific improvements or products to be made
to leverage (verb) - to take advantage of something
heads-up (noun) - notice of something
performance management (noun) - way of managing someone


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