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Writing an Editorial

Another Tutorial by:

Alan Weintraut
Annandale High School
Annandale, VA 22312

An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper's opinion on an issue. It reflects the
majority vote of the editorial board, the governing body of the newspaper made up of
editors and business managers. It is usually unsigned. Much in the same manner of a
lawyer, editorial writers build on an argument and try to persuade readers to think the
same way they do. Editorials are meant to influence public opinion, promote critical
thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial
is an opinionated news story.
Editorials have:
. Introduction, body and conclusion like other news stories
!. An objective e"planation of the issue, especially comple" issues
#. A timely news angle
$. %pinions from the opposing viewpoint that refute directly the same issues the writer
&. 'he opinions of the writer delivered in a professional manner. (ood editorials engage
issues, not personalities and refrain from name)calling or other petty tactics of
*. Alternative solutions to the problem or issue being critici+ed. Anyone can gripe about a
problem, but a good editorial should take a pro)active approach to making the situation
better by using constructive criticism and giving solutions.
,. A solid and concise conclusion that powerfully summari+es the writer's opinion. (ive it
some punch.
Four Types of Editorials Will:
. Explain or interpret- Editors often use these editorials to e"plain the way the
newspaper covered a sensitive or controversial subject. .chool newspapers may e"plain
new school rules or a particular student)body effort like a food drive.
!. Criticize: 'hese editorials constructively critici+e actions, decisions or situations while
providing solutions to the problem identified. Immediate purpose is to get readers to see
the problem, not the solution.
#. Persuade: Editorials of persuasion aim to immediately see the solution, not the
problem. /rom the first paragraph, readers will be encouraged to take a specific, positive
action. 0olitical endorsements are good e"amples of editorials of persuasion.
$. Praise: 'hese editorials commend people and organi+ations for something done well.
'hey are not as common as the other three.
Writing an Editorial
. 0ick a significant topic that has a current news angle and would interest readers.
!. 1ollect information and facts2 include objective reporting2 do research
#. .tate your opinion briefly in the fashion of a thesis statement
$. E"plain the issue objectively as a reporter would and tell why this situation is
&. (ive opposing viewpoint first with its 3uotations and facts
*. 4efute 5reject6 the other side and develop your case using facts, details, figures,
3uotations. 0ick apart the other side's logic.
,. 1oncede a point of the opposition 7 they must have some good points you can
acknowledge that would make you look rational.
8. 4epeat key phrases to reinforce an idea into the reader's minds.
9. (ive a realistic solution5s6 to the problem that goes beyond common knowledge.
Encourage critical thinking and pro)active reaction.
:. ;rap it up in a concluding punch that restates your opening remark 5thesis statement6.
. <eep it to &:: words2 make every work count2 never use =I=
A Sa!le Stru"ture
I. Lead with an Objective Explanation of the Issue!ontroversy.
Include the five ;'s and the >. 5Members of 1ongress, in effort to reduce the budget, are
looking to cut funding from public television. >earings were held ?6
0ull in facts and 3uotations from the sources which are relevant.
Additional research may be necessary.
II. "resent #our Opposition First.
As the writer you disagree with these viewpoints. Identify the people 5specifically who
oppose you. 54epublicans feel that these cuts are necessary2 other cable stations can pick
them2 only the rich watch public television.6
@se facts and 3uotations to state objectively their opinions.
(ive a strong position of the opposition. Aou gain nothing in refuting a weak
III. $irectly %efute The Opposition&s 'eliefs.
Aou can begin your article with transition. 54epublicans believe public televison is a
=sandbo" for the rich.= >owever, statistics show most people who watch public television
make less than B$:,::: per year.6
0ull in other facts and 3uotations from people who support your position.
1oncede a valid point of the opposition which will make you appear rational, one
who has considered all the options 5fiscal times are tough, and we can cut some of
the funding for the arts2 however, ?6.
I(. )ive Other* Ori+inal %easons,nalo+ies
In defense of your position, give reasons from strong to strongest order. 5'aking money
away from public television is robbing children of their education ?6
@se a literary or cultural allusion that lends to your credibility and perceived
intelligence 5;e should render unto 1aesar that which belongs to him ?6
(. !onclude With -o.e "unch.
(ive solutions to the problem or challenge the reader to be informed. 51ongress should
look to where real wastes e"ist 7 perhaps in defense and entitlements 7 to find ways to
save money. Cigging into public television's pocket hurts us all.6
A 3uotation can be effective, especially if from a respected source
A rhetorical 3uestion can be an effective concluder as well 5If the government
doesn't defend the interests of children, who willD6
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