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Figure 1

A Research proposal on
A study on impact of behavioral skill training on managerial

Submitted to DRC
In faculty of Management of
Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya (DAVV),Indore

Supervisor Research Scholar

Dr. Avinash Desai Jitesh Manwani
Associate Prof.
Govindram Seksaria Institute
of Management & Research Indore



Introduction ................................................................................ 4
Literature Review ..................................................................... 4
Research Objectives ................................................................. 6
Research Methodology ........................................................... 6
Need for the study .................................................................... 7
Citations & Biblography ........................................................................................................... 8
List of tables

Table 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

List of Figures
Figure 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Organizational performance comprises the actual output or results of an organization as
measured against its intended outputs (or goals and objectives).
According to Richard et al. (2009) organizational performance encompasses three specific areas
of firm outcomes: (a) financial performance (b) product market performance and (c) shareholder
return. Few other parameters of organizational performance are innovation, quality of
product/service, attendance, productivity, customer satisfaction, profits.

Behaviour is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others

Behavioral Skills Training (behavioral skill training)
is a training package that utilizes
instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback in order to teach a new skill. Typically training is
implemented not for some fixed time, but rather to some predetermined criterion.

List of behavioral skills
Taking personal responsibility
Striving for personal development
Developing positive relationships
Keeping focus
Managing stress
Managing conflict
Literature Review
Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D
says the easiest, most practical and effective way to do this is 360-degree
feedback, which was designed to provide a reasonably objective assessment of skills that are
otherwise hard to observe, quantify and measure.

Page R et al (2006)
in their study on measurement of organizational performance says most
organisations do not measure the impact of training beyond Kirkpatrick level one and two i.e.,
reactions to the event, and learning attributed to the event.
Evidencing the impact of HR activities on the bottom line is problematic. Organisations do not
operate within an economic model where the impact of variables on measures of performance can
be assessed one by one.
Many internal and external factors are continually competing against each other and in practice
are likely to be impossible to disentangle.
The more aligned an intervention is to business objectives, and the better its quality, the greater
the impact is likely to be. The impact is also likely to be affected by market conditions, changes in
employment and the business cycle (HM Treasury, 2004).
When using productivity as a measure it is important to note that the government has identified
five main drivers of productivity: investment, innovation, skills, competition, enterprise (Lindsay,

Khan. R et al (2011)
their study on Impact of Training and Development on organizational
Performance concludes that Training and Development has positive effect on organizational
Performance. Discussion of all the results proves the hypotheses; H1 :Training design has
significant effect on the organizational performance, H2 :On the job training has significant effect
on the organizational performance, H3 :Delivery style has significant effect on the organizational
performance and H4 :Training & development has significant effect on the organizational
performance. All these have positive effects on the Organizational Performance.
improves the Organizational Performance. On the Job Training is very effective and
it also saves time and cost. Training and Development, On the Job Training,
Training Design and Delivery style have significant effect on organizational
performance and all these have positively affect the Organizational Performance. It
means it increases the overall organizational performance.

Donald L. Kirkpatrick
in his research says there are 4 levels of training
evaluation level 1 reaction of participants , level 2 learning from the training , level
3 change in behavior of participant because of training & 4th impact of training on
organisations performance.

Research Objectives
The following are the objectives of the study:
1) To study the impact of team-work training on managerial effectiveness.
2) To study the impact of stress management training on managerial effectiveness.
3) To study the impact of sales training on managerial effectiveness.
4) To study the process which helps finding the impact of behavioral skill training on
managerial effectiveness.
Table 1

Research Methodology

Data collection: Primary data
Sample size: 500
Tools of data analysis: Statistical tools as required.
Table 2

Need for the study
1) Many organizations are unsure of the positive impact created by behavioral
skill training.
2) Due to the nature of behavioral skill training i.e. very subjective
organization finds it very difficult to find a relation between training and
overall organization performance.
3) To promote organization to engage their employees in behavioral skill
4) To position behavioral skill training at equal levels to technical training in
the mind of organization.
5) To improve the quality of behavioral skill training hence increasing its
impact on organization performance.
6) To enhance the productivity of employees of an organization with the help
of behavioral skill training.
Table 3


Citations & Biblography

1. Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D. is CEO of Performance Support Systems in book 20/20 Insight GOLD

2. Page R, Jagger N, Tamkin P, Henwood N Research Report, Sector Skills Development Agency,
October 2006

3. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume 11 Issue 7 Version 1.0 July
2011 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Print ISSN: 0975-5853 By Raja Abdul Ghafoor Khan,
Furqan Ahmed Khan, Dr. Muhammad Aslam Khan

4. Evaluating Training Programs (2nd Edition), Donald L. Kirkpatrick, Berrett-Koehler
Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 1998.

5. Definition of behavioral skill training;jsessionid=7FC332

6. List of behavioral skills

Figure 2

Word Index
Behavioral Skills Training, 3
Organizational performance, 3

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