We Are One Songg

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We Are One - Pitbull

1. Listen to the frst part of the song and complete it with the correct
Mr. Worldwide
It's only right we did something for the World Cup
_ _ _ _ _ continents, _ _ _ _ _ countries
Give it take _ _ _ _ _, ut _ _ _ _ _ world
2. Now, listen and choose the correct word to complete.
I've een around the war / world
!ever seen / see so many things
"ven though we may e different
We're really all the same / fame
3. Order the Chorus
____ #how the world where you're from $show them where you're from%
____ &ut your flags up in the sky $put them in the sky%
____ #how the world we are one $one love, life%
____ 'nd wave them side to side $side to side%
____ #how the world where you're from $show them where you're from%
____ #how the world we are one $one love, life%
____ &ut your flags up in the sky $put them in the sky%
____ 'nd wave them side to side $side to side%
(e oe oe oh la
(e oe oe oh la
(e oe oe oh la
4. Complete the following stanas into the !resent "imple tense.
When the moment )))))))))$get% tough
*ou've got keep going
(ne love, one life, one world
(ne fight, whole world, one night, one place
+ra,il, everyody ))))))))))).$put% your flags in the sky and do what
you feel
It's your world, my world, our world today
'nd we )))))))))))))). $invite% the whole world, whole world to
It's your world, my world, our world today
'nd we )))))))))))))).$invite% the whole world, whole world to
"s mi mundo, tu mundo, el mundo de nosotros
Invitamos a todo el mundo a -ugar con nosotros
Chorus $. /%
#. Now, read about the $orld Cup%s
mascot. !ut the &erbs in
brac'ets into the !resent "imple.
Fuleco the Armadillo ___________ (BE)
the official mascot of the 2014 FIFA
World Cup in Brail! It ____________
(BE) a Brailian three"#anded armadillo$ a
species of armadillo %hich is nati&e to
Brail and it ____________ (BE) an animal in dan'er of e(tinction! It
______________ ()E*)E+E,-) the %ords$ .Brail.$ .,ature.$ .Friendl/. and
.*assion for Foot#all.!
In the %ord Fuleco$ the part Ful ___________ (C01E)
from Futebol (Foot#all) and eco from Ecologia (Ecolo'/)! 0&er 203 of
Brailians _____________ (BE4IE5E) Brail 2014 should #e en&ironmentall/

$rite ()*+ or ,-L"+. .ustif/ the false
-rmadillo is the name of the
o0cial mascot of the $orld Cup
3t comes from 4rail 1111111111
,uleco means football and 4rail
,ind in the te5t a s/non/m for these words or defnitions
an animal that represents a team $0%1
something that will proaly disappear $2%1

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