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KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838

ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

DIRIGIDO A: Fisioterapeutas DURACIN: 12 horas
c/Aribau 230-240 5 planta 08006 Barcelona
Sbado y Domingo 29 y 30 noviembre 2014
Sbado de 9:00 a 13:00 y de 14:00 a 17:00h
Domingo: de 9:00 a 13:30 y de 14:30 a 16:30h

Evidence Based Therapeutic Exercise for
Cervical Spine Disorders
Referente mundial en el control motor de la columna cervical
Atencin!! Consigue el curso
desde 315 con puntos KZ
El curso se imparte en Ingls con un
Traductor en espaol
Received her PhD in Physiotherapy from The University of Queensland, Australia in 2003. In 2005 she was
awarded Fellowships from the International Association for the Study of Pain and the National Health and
Medical Research Council of Australia to undertake postdoctoral research at the Center for Sensory-Motor
Interaction, Aalborg University, Denmark. From 2007 to 2010 she was an Associate Professor at the Faculty
of Medicine, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark. Since 2012 she is
a Professor at the Center for Anesthesiology, Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine and Department of
Neurorehabilitation Engineering, University Hospital Gttingen, Germany. Her research focus involves the
integration of neurophysiological and clinical research to evaluate neuromuscular control of the spine in
people with chronic pain. Her research interests also include motor skill learning and training for
musculoskeletal pain disorders. In this field she has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed Journals,
more than 100 conference papers/abstracts and received the Delsys Prize for Electromyography Innovation in 2004. She has given
over 60 invited lectures and has provided professional continuing education courses on the management of neck pain to health
practitioners in over 20 countries. She is co-author of the book entitled Whiplash, Headache and Neck Pain: Research Based
Directions for Physical Therapies published by Elsevier and translated into 4 languages and is Associate Editor of the journal Manual
Therapy. Since 2010 she is a Council member of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK).

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

Description of the Course:
In recent years studies have documented various
impairments in neuromuscular function of the cervical
spine in people with neck pain. These changes in muscle
behaviour are known to appear early after the onset of
neck pain and do not automatically reverse over time in
the absence of specific training interventions. Such
knowledge highlights the need for rehabilitation
programs to incorporate training to address
neuromuscular control as part of the overall
management of a patient with neck pain. Contemporary
exercise programs include a progressive range of specific
exercises for the cervical muscles which are based on
careful and precise movement analysis and muscle
testing. Relevant to clinical practice, such specific
exercise programs to retrain muscle function in patients
with neck pain have shown favourable responses in
terms of improvements in pain, disability, and function.
This approach to therapeutic exercise for the
management of cervical disorders will be presented
within this clinical workshop.
En los ltimos aos los estudios han documentado
diversas alteraciones de la musculatura cervical y axio-
escapular en personas con dolor con dolor de cuello.
Adems, en las personas con dolor de cuello tambin se
puede presentar propiocepcin alterada, trastornos
oculo-motores y alteraciones del control postural.
Colectivamente, este conocimiento ha dirigido los
actuales abordajes de rehabilitacin incluyendo un
programa de ejercicios especficos basado en el anlisis
cuidadoso y preciso del movimiento y en los tests
musculares. Este abordaje de ejercicios teraputicos
especficos para el manejo de los desrdenes cervicales
ha demostrado que reduce los sntomas del dolor de
cuello y las cefaleas y mejora varios parmetros de la
funcin muscular que se sabe que estn alterados en
pacientes con dolor de cuello.
Dentro de este taller clnico se presentar este abordaje
de ejercicio teraputico para el manejo de los desrdenes

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

Day 1
09.00 - 10.30 Neuromuscular impairment in neck
pain disorders - A specific exercise
approach for cervical disorders
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee / Tea break
11.00 - 12.00 A specific exercise approach for
cervical disorders
12.00 - 13.00 Clinical practical session: Recognition
and management of motor control
problems in the cervicobrachial
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Clinical practical session continued:
Recognition and management of
motor control problems in the
cervicobrachial region
15.30 - 16:00 Coffee / Tea break
16.00 - 17.00 Clinical practical session continued:
Recognition and management of
motor control problems in the
cervicobrachial region

Day 2
09.00 - 10.00 Axio-scapular muscle impairment in
neck pain disorders
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee / Tea break
10.30 - 12.30 Clinical practical session continued:
Recognition and management of
motor control problems in the
cervicobrachial region
12.30 - 13.30 Assessment and management of
postural control disturbances
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
14.30 - 15.30 Clinical practical session: Assessment
and management of postural control
15.30 - 16.30 Key principles of therapeutic exercise
for cervical spine disorders

Da 1:
09:00 11:00 Cambios en la funcin de la
musculatura cervical: La base fisiolgica
para la intervencin de fisioterapia.
11:00 - 11:30 Descanso
11:30 - 13:00 Sesin prctica clnica - Reconocimiento
y manejo de los deficits de control
motor en la regin cervico-braquial
13:00 14:00 Comida
14:00 15.45 Sesin prctica clnica (continuacin)
15.45 16:00 Descanso
16:00 17:00 Cambios en la funcin escapular /
Evaluacin y tratamiento del control

Da 2:
09:00 - 10:00 Sesin prctica clnica (continuacin)
10:00 - 10:30 Descanso
10:30 - 11:30 Sesin prctica clnica (continuacin)
11:30 - 13.00 Evaluacin y manejo de los trastornos
del control postural
13:00 14:30 Comida
14:30 15:30 Sesin prctica clnica - Trastornos del
control postural
15:30 - 16.00 Evidencia para la eficacia de los
programas de ejercicio terapeutico.

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

Escrito por un grupo de especialistas e investigadores lderes en este campo, que proporcionan
acercamiento sistemtico a las estrategias especficas para la prevencin, a los mtodos de evaluacin
clnica y los protocolos de rehabilitacin para el tratamiento de personas con dolor cervical.
La obra, profusamente ilustrada con diagramas y fotografas, se centra en tres enfermedades concretas:
los trastornos vinculados a la lesin de latigazo cervical, el dolor cervicognico y el dolor crvico-braquial.
El texto explora los aspectos fisiopatolgicos del sistema sensorial, motor y sensomotor y los aspectos
psicosociales asociados con el dolor en el cuello. Se describen tambin las pautas clnicas para el examen
clnico y el tratamiento de este tipo de trastornos.
Se trata de un libro de texto esencial para los profesionales as como para los estudiantes de ltimo curso
de Fisioterapia, Quiroprctica y Osteopata as como para estudiantes de posgrado de Fisioterapia
Manipulativa, Musculoesqueltica y Deportiva, y los especialistas en Medicina Musculoesqueltica.
Captulo 1. Introduccin.
Captulo 2. Manifestaciones sensoriales del dolor cervical.
Captulo 3. Estructura y funcin de la regin cervical.
Captulo 4. Alteraciones de la funcin de los msculos del cuello en el dolor cervical.
Captulo 5. Columna cervical y control sensitivomotor.
Captulo 6. Anomalas de la estabilidad postural y control de movimiento de la cabeza y
los ojos en los trastornos cervicales.
Captulo 7. Factores psicolgicos y psicosociales en el dolor del cuello.
Captulo 8. Trastornos asociados con el latigazo cervical.
Captulo 9. Cefalea cervicognica: diagnstico diferencial.
Captulo 10. Diagnstico diferencial del dolor cervicobraquial.
Captulo 11. Evaluacin clnica: entrevista e historia del paciente.
Captulo 12. Evaluacin clnica: exploracin fsica de la regin cervical.
Captulo 13. Principios del tratamiento de los trastornos cervicales.
Captulo 14. Ejercicio teraputico para los trastornos cervicales: consejos prcticos.
Captulo 15. Orientaciones futuras.

- Association between intensity of pain and impairment in onset and activation of the deep cervical flexors in patients with persistent
neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; O'Leary, Shaun ; Farina, Dario ; Jull, Gwendolen. Clinical Journal of Pain, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2011, p. 309-
- The relative timing of trunk muscle activation is retained in response to unanticipated postural-perturbations during acute low back
pain. Boudreau, S; Farina, D; Kongstad, L; Buus, D; Redder, J; Sverrisdttir, E; Falla, D. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle
Hirnforschung. Exprimentation crbrale 2011;210(2):259-67.
- Association between neck muscle coactivation, pain, and strength in women with neck pain. / Lindstrm, Ren ; Schomacher, Jochen ;
Farina, Dario ; Rechter, Lotte ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine . Manual Therapy, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2011, p. 80-86.
- Delayed-onset muscle soreness alters the response to postural perturbations. / Hedayatpour, Nosratollah ; Hassanlouei, Hamidollah ;
Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Kersting, Uwe G. ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2011, p.
- Editorial for the special issue of manual therapy based on the third international conference on movement dysfunction. / Fall a, Deborah
Lorraine ; Moore, A. P.. Manual Therapy, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2011, p. 1-2.
- Effect of unaccustomed eccentric exercise on proprioception of the knee in weight and non-weight bearing tasks. / Vila -Cha, Carolina ;
Riis, Simone Elkjr ; Lund, Ditte Helene ; Mller, Anders Holmen ; Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Journal of Electromyography &
Kinesiology, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2011, p. 141-147.

Precio: 63,46
Pginas: 256
Medidas: 191 x 235
Editorial: ELSEVIER
ISBN: 9788480864336
Fecha de publicacin:07/04/2009

Manual de carcter prctico y clnico
dirigido a todos los estudiantes y
profesionales interesados en la
evaluacin, diagnstico y
tratamiento de pacientes con dolor
en el cuello, especialmente con dolor
cervical vinculado a la lesin de
latigazo cervical.

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

- Reduced force steadiness in women with neck pain and the effect of short term vibration. / Muceli, Silvia ; Farina, Dario ; Kirkesola, Gitle
; Katch, Frank ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Vol. 21, No. 2, 2011, p. 283-290.
- Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16- 19 June 2010, Aalborg,
Denmark [CD-ROM]. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine (Editor) ; Farina, Dario (Editor). Aalborg : Department of Health Science and Technology.
Aalborg University. , 2010.
- Adaptations of upper trapezius muscle activity during sustained contractions in women with fibromyalgia. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ;
Andersen, Helle ; Danneskiold-Samse, Bente ; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, Vol. 20,
No. 3, 2010, p. 457-464.
- Association between neck muscle co-activation, pain, and strength in women with neck pain. / Lindstrm, Ren ; Schomacher, Jochen ;
Farina, Dario ; Rechter, L. ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine.Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and
Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD- ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina. Aalborg : Department of Health
Science and Technology. Aalborg University. , 2010.
- Effect of delayed-onset muscle soreness on muscle recovery after a fatiguing isometric contraction. / Hedayatpour, Nosratollah ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, Vol. 20, No. 1, 02.2010, p.
- Effect of pain on the modulation in discharge rate of sternocleidomastoid motor units with force direction. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ;
Lindstrm, Ren ; Rechter, Lotte ; Farina, Dario. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 121, No. 5, 2010, p. 744-753.
- Effects of eccentric exercise on force steadiness and voluntary activation of the knee extensors. / Vila -Cha, Carolina ; Farina, Dario ;
Falla, Deborah Lorraine.
- Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg,
Denmark ed./ Deborah Falla; Dario Farina. Aalborg : Department of Health Science and Technology. Aalborg University., 2010.
- Linear vs. non-linear mapping of peak power using surface EMG features during dynamic fatiguing contractions. / Gonzalez-Izal, M. ;
Malanda, A. ; Rodrguez-Carreo, I. ; Navarro-Amzqueta, I. ; Gorostiaga, E. M. ; Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Izquierdo, M.
Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 43, No. 13, 09.2010, p. 2589-2594. - Linear vs non-linear muscle power mapping using surface EMG
variables during dynamic fatiguing contractions. / Gonzalez-Izal, M. ; Izquierdo, M. ; Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Rodriguez-
Carreo, I. ; Malanda, A.. Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16-
19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD-ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina. Aalborg : Department of Health Science and Technology.
Aalborg University. , 2010.
- Low frequency oscillations of motor unit spike trains determine decreased force steadiness with experimental muscle pain. / Negro,
Francesco ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and
Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD- ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina. Aalborg : Department of Health
Science and Technology. Aalborg University. , 2010.
- Motor control impairment in cervicogenic headache. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Tension-Type and Cervicogenic Headache :
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. ed. / Csar Fernndes- de-las-Peas ; Lars Arendt-Nielsen ; Robert D. Gerwin. Jones &
Bartlett Publishers, Incorporated, 2010. p. 123- 130 (Contemporary Issues in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine).
- Motor unit behavior during submaximal contractions following six weeks of either endurance or strength training. / Vila-Cha, Carolina ;
Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 109, No. 5, 2010, p. 1455-1466.
- Myoelectric control in neurorehabilitation. / Jiang, Ning ; Falla, Deborah ; d'Avella, Andrea ; Graimann, Bernhard ; Farina, Dario. Critical
Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2010, p. 381-391.
- Pain-induced changes in trunk muscle activation during unanticipated postural perturbations. / Sverrisdttir, Eva ; Redder, Jacob ; Buus,
Ditte ; Kongstad, Line ; Boudreau, Shellie ; Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International
Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD-ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina.
Aalborg : Department of Health Science and Technology. Aalborg University. , 2010.
- Predicting force loss during dynamic fatiguing exercises from non-linear mapping of features from the surface electromyogram. /
Gonzalez-Izal, M. ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Izquierdo, M. ; Farina, Dario. Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of
Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD-ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina. Aalborg :
Department of Health Science and Technology. Aalborg University. , 2010. - Predicting force loss during dynamic fatiguing exercises from
non-linear mapping of features of the surface electromyogram. / Gonzalez-Izal, Miriam ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Izquierdo, Mikel ;
Farina, Dario . Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 190, No. 2, 2010, p. 271-278.

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

- Rapid changes in cortical excitability associated with novel motor learning of a hand task. / Boudreau, Shellie ; Farina, Dario ;
Oppenhagen, Nanna Guldmann ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology
and Kinesiology, ISEK 2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD- ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina. Aalborg : Department of
Health Science and Technology. Aalborg University. , 2010.
- Reduced force steadiness in women with neck pain and the effect of short term vibration. / Kirkesola, G. ; Muceli, Silvia ; Farina, Dario ;
Katch, F. ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK
2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD-ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina. Aalborg : Department of Health Science and
Technology. Aalborg University. , 2010.
- The effect of short-term endurance and strength training on motor unit conduction velocity. / Vila-Cha, Carolina ; Falla, Deborah
Lorraine ; Correia, M. V. ; Farina, Dario. Abstracts of the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology,
ISEK 2010, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg, Denmark [CD-ROM]. ed. / Deborah Falla ; Dario Farina. Aalborg : Department of Health Science and
Technology. Aalborg University. , 2010.
-The role of motor learning and neuroplasticity in designing rehabilitation approaches for musculoskeletal pain disorders. / Boudreau,
Shellie ; Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Manual Therapy, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2010, p. 410-414.
- Comparison between the degree of motor unit short-term synchronization and recurrence quantification analysis of the surface EMG in
two human muscles. / Dideriksen, Jacob Lund ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Bkgaard, M. ; Mogensen, Mads L. ; Steimle, Kristoffer
Lindegaard ; Farina, Dario. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 120, No. 12, 2009, p. 2086-2092.
- Differences in motor unit behavior following endurance and strength training. / Vila-Cha, Carolina ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Correia, M.
V. ; Farina, Dario. 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2009, 17-21 October 2009, Chicago, USA. 2009. p.
No. 179.17/BB38.
- Discharge rate of sternohyoid motor units activated with surface EMG feedback. / Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Journal of
Neurophysiology, Vol. 101, No. 2, 2009, p. 624-632.
- Electromyographic activities of the vastus medialis oblique and medialis longus muscles during sustained fatiguing isometric
contractions. / Hedayatpour, Nosratollah ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Book of Abstracts, the 14th
Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 24-27 June 2009, Oslo, Norway. ed. / S. Loland ; K. B ; K. Fasting ; J. Halln ; Y.
Ommundsen ; G. Roberts ; E. Tsolakidis. European College of 5port Science, Germany, 2009. p. 594.
- Electromyographic mapping of the erector spinae muscle with varying load and during sustained contraction. / Tucker, K. ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine; Graven -Nielsen, Thomas; Farina, Dario. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2009, p. 373-379.
- Immediate and delayed effects of eccentric exercise on proprioception of the knee. / Laursen, Jens Christian ; Revsbech, Anne Birthe ;
Kristensen, Anne Flou ; Vila-Cha, Carolina ; Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Vol. 8, No.
Suppl. 11, 2009, p. 181-182, No. P-092.
- Influence of the sympathetic nervous system on cervical motor function. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. 10th Nordic Congress on Orthopaedic
Manipulative Therapy & Medicine, 29-31 May 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2009.
- Motor control adjustments in musculoskeletal pain and the implications for pain recurrence. / Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Falla, Deborah
Lorraine. Pain, Vol. 142, No. 3, 04.2009, p. 171-172.
- Motor unit conduction velocity during sustained contraction after eccentric exercise. / Hedayatpour, Nosratollah ; Falla, Deborah
Lorraine; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars; Vila-Cha, Carolina; Farina, Dario. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 41, No. 10, 2009, p.
- Muscle dysfunction in cervical spine pain : implications for assessment and management. / O'Leary, Shaun ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ;
Elliott, James M. ; Jull, Gwendolen. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, Vol. 39, No. 5, 2009, p. 324-333.
- Neural control of superficial neck muscles during multidirectional force in women with whiplash-induced neck pain. / Lindstrm, Ren;
Farina, Dario ; Rechter, L. ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. European Journal of Pain, Vol. 13, No. Suppl. 1, 2009, p. S234, No. 817.
- Neural control of the neck in neck pain disorders. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. 10th Nordic Congress on Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy
& Medicine, 29-31 May 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2009.
- Pain-induced changes in motor control revealed by muscle imaging. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Manual Therapy, Vol. 14, No. Suppl. 1,
2009, p. S5, No. GL1.
- Prise en charge des insuffisances motrices en rapport avec des douleurs cervicales. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Kinesitherapie. La Revue,
Vol. 9, No. 85-86, 2009, p. 50-51.

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

- Restoring neuromuscular control of the cervical spine in patients with neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Abstracts Fagfestival 09,
Danske Fysioterapeuter. 2009. p. 45.
- Restoring neuromuscular control of the cervical spine in patients with neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Spinal Management, NVMT
Congress 2009, 13-14 March 2009, Veldhoven, The Netherlands. 2009.
- The effect of therapeutic exercise on activation of the deep cervical flexor muscles in people with chronic neck pain. / Jull, G. A. ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Vicenzino, B. ; Hodges, P. W. Manual Therapy, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2009, p. 696-701.
- The pain-induced change in relative activation of upper trapezius muscle regions is independent of the site of noxious stimulation. /
Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 120, No. 1, 2009, p. 150-157.
- The velocity recovery function in sternocleidomastoid muscle fibers and its dependence on fatigue. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina,
Dario. 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2009, 17-21 October 2009, Chicago, USA. 2009. p. No.
- Trning af muskelfunktioner er central i behandlingen af nakkesmerter. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine . Fysioterapeuten, Vol. 91, No. 6,
2009, p. 8-11.
- Cervical muscle co-activation in isometric contractions is enhanced in chronic tension-type headache patients. / Fernandez-de-las-Penas,
Cesar ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Cephalalgia, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2008, p. 744-751.
- Clinical assessment of the deep cervical flexor muscles : the craniocervical flexion test. / Jull, Gwendolen A. ; O'Leary, Shaun P. ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 31, No. 7, 2008, p. 525-533.
- Dficit musculares en desrdenes dolorosos de la columna cervical : implicaciones en la rehabilitacin de sujetos con dolor cervical. /
Falla, Deborah Lorraine. La Columna Cervical : Evaluacin Clinica y Aproximaciones Teraputicas Tomo 1 : Principios anatmicos y
funcionales, exploracin clinica y tcnicas de tratamiento. Buenos Aires : Mdica Panamericana, 2008. p. 385-393 (Coleccin
Panamericana de fisioterapia).
- Effect of muscle-fiber velocity recovery function on motor unit action potential properties in voluntary contractions. / Farina, Dario ;
Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Muscle & Nerve, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2008, p. 650-658.
- Estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity from two-dimensional surface EMG recordings in dynamic tasks. / Farina, Dario ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008, p. 138-144.
- Experimental muscle pain changes the spatial distribution of trapezius muscle activity during dynamic tasks. / Cescon, Corrado ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Lindstrm, Ren ; Farina, Dario.Proceedings, XVIIth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and
Kinesiology (ISEK), 18-21 June 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada [CD- ROM]. ISEK, 2008.
- Gender-specific adaptations of upper trapezius muscle activity to acute nociceptive stimulation. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt-
Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Pain, Vol. 138, No. 1, 2008, p. 217-225.
- Gender-specific adaptations of upper trapezius muscle activity to acute nociceptive stimulation. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt -
Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Proceedings, XVIIth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), 18-21
June 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada [CD-ROM]. ISEK, 2008.
- Il ruolo della riabilitazione fisica nei disturbi associate a colpo di frusta : quail pazienti trarranno i maggiori benefici?. / Falla, Deborah
Lorraine. Whiplash Updates II, Congresso Annuale GTM [Gruppo de Terapia Manuale], 15 November 2008, Parma, Italy. 2008.
- Motor units in cranial and caudal regions of the upper trapezius muscle have different discharge rates during brief static contractions. /
Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. Acta Physiologica (Print Edition), Vol. 192, No. 4, 2008, p. 551-558.
- Myoelectric manifestations of fatigue in vastus lateralis, medialis obliquus and medialis longus muscles. / Rainoldi, A. ; Falla, Deborah
Lorraine ; Mellor, R. ; Bennell, K. ; Hodges, P. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2008, p. 1032-1037.
- Neuromuscular adaptation in experimental and clinical neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. Journal of Electromyography
& Kinesiology, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2008, p. 255-261.
- Neuromuscular control of the cervical spine in neck pain disorders. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Pain. ed.
/ Thomas Graven-Nielsen ; Lars Arendt-Nielsen ; Siegfried Mense. Seattle : IASP Press, 2008. p. 417-430.
- Nociceptive and sympathetic effects on cervical motor control. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Abstracts, [9th International Federation of
Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists' Conference], IFOMT 2008, 8 -13 June 2008, Rotterdam, Netherlands [CD-ROM]. 2008. p. No. K08.
- Non-uniform adaptation of motor unit discharge rates during sustained static contraction of the upper trapezius muscle. / Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 191, No. 3, 2008, p. 363-370.

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

- Pain-induced changes muscle fatigability in cervical muscle activation do not affect during sustained isometric contraction. / Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Dahl, Marlene Kanstrup ; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, Vol. 18,
No. 6, 2008, p. 938-946.
- Redistribution of upper trapezius muscle activity during sustained contraction is absent in women with fibromyalgia. / Falla, Deborah
Lorraine ; Andersen, H. ; Danneskiold-Samse, B. ; Farina, Dario. Abstracts of the 12th World Congress on Pain, International Association
for the Study of Pain (IASP), 17-22 August 2008, Glasgow, Scotland [CD-ROM]. IASP Press, 2008. p. No. PW 180.
- Sensory and electromyographic mapping during delayed-onset muscle soreness. / Hedayatpour, Nosratollah ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ;
Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2008, p. 326-334.
- Simulation of pain-induced alterations in cervical motor control. / Zee, Mark De ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Rasmussen,
John. Program Book with Abstracts, World Congress on Neck Pain, 20-22 January 2008, Los Angeles, USA. 2008. p. 141.
- Specificity in tests of cervical flexor muscle performance. / O'Leary, S.P. ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Jull, G.A. ; Vicenzino, B.. Abstracts,
[9th International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists' Conference], IFOMT 2008, 8-13 June 2008, Rotterdam, Netherlands
[CD-ROM]. 2008. p. No. O031.
- Sympathetic effects on cervical motor control : implications for whiplash associated disorders. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Whiplash
Updates II, Congresso Annuale GTM [Gruppo de Terapia Manuale], 15 November 2008, Parma, Italy. 2008.
- The influence of chronic pain on motor control of the cervical spine. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. 2008. Abstract from La Fisioterapia En El
Abordaje Del Dolor Crnico, Barcelona, Spain.
- Training the cervical muscles with prescribed motor tasks does not change muscle activation during a functional activity. / Falla, Deborah
Lorraine ; Jull, Gwendolen ; Hodges, Paul. Manual Therapy, Vol. 13, No. 6, 2008, p. 507- 512.
- Whiplash, headache, and neck pain : research-based directions for physical therapies. / Jull, Gwendolen ; Sterling, Michele ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Treleaven, Julia ; O'Leary, Shaun. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 2008. 243 p.
- Women with chronic neck pain do not show direction-specific modulation of sternocleidomastoid motor unit discharge rate. / Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Lindstrm, Ren ; Rechter, L. ; Farina, Dario. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2008,
15-19 November 2008, Washington, DC, USA. 2008. p. No. 174.10/NN10.
- A detailed rigid-body cervical spine model based on inverse dynamics. / Zee, Mark De ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ;
Rasmussen, John. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 40, No. S2, 2007, p. S284.
- Acute changes in muscle coordination induced by experimental pain do not affect cervical muscle fatigability during sustained isometric
contraction. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Dahl, M. Kanstrup ; Graven- Nielsen, Thomas. Physiotherapy, Vol. 93, No. S1, 2007,
p. S117-S118, No. 1368.
- Comparisons between whiplash-induced and idiopathic neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine.Nakkesleng og cervicobrachialgi -
underskelse og behandling, 16.-18. mars 2007, Trondheim, Norge. 2007.
- Eccentric task decreases recovery of myoelectrical activity after fatiguing contraction. / Hedayatpour, Nosratollah ; Farina, Dario ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars. Abstracts, 18th Iranian Congress of Physiology & Pharmacology, 26-30 August 2007, Mashhad,
Iran [CD-ROM]. 2007. p. No. O 891.
- Effect of neck exercise on sitting posture in patients with chronic neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Jull, Gwendolen ; Russell, Trevor ;
Vicenzino, Bill ; Hodges, Paul. Physical Therapy, Vol. 87, No. 4, 2007, p. 408-417.
-Estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity from two-dimensional surface EMG recordings in dynamic tasks. / Farina, Dario ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine.Congress Proceedings, 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS 2007, 11-14 July 2007,
Jyvskyl, Finland [CD-ROM]. 2007.
- Experimental muscle pain results in reorganization of coordination among trapezius muscle subdivisions during repetitive shoulder
flexion. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas. Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 178, No. 3, 2007, p. 385-393.
- Motor control of the cervical spine : changes when pain is present. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Nakkesleng og cervicobrachialgi -
underskelse og behandling, 16.-18. mars 2007, Trondheim, Norge. 2007.
- Motor units of the infrahyoid muscles reach instaneous discharge rates higher than 100 Hz and sustain stable rates higher than 60 Hz in
voluntary contractions. / Farina, Dario ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience
2007, 3-7 November 2007, San Diego, CA, USA. 2007. p. No. 727.4/NN16.
- Muscle pain induces task-dependent changes in cervical agonist/antagonist activity. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Dahl, M.
Kanstrup ; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas. Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 102, No. 2, 2007, p. 601-609.

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

- Neural and muscular factors associated with motor impairment in neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. Current
Rheumatology Reports, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2007, p. 497-502.
- Periodic increases in force during sustained contraction reduce fatigue and facilitate spatial redistribution of trapezius muscle activity. /
Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 182, No. 1, 2007, p. 99-107.
- Prediction of neuromuscular adaptation of experimentally induced neck pain using a musculoskeletal model. / Zee, Mark De ; Falla,
Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Rasmussen, John. Symposium Proceedings XIth International Symposium on Computer Simulation in
Biomechanics, 28-30 June 2007, Tainan, Taiwan. ed. / Fong- Chin Su ; Ming-Shaung Ju ; Kuangyou Bruce Cheng. 2007. p. 55-56.
- Recruitment of the deep cervical flexor muscles during a postural-correction exercise performed in sitting. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ;
O'Leary, Shaun ; Fagan, Amy ; Jull, Gwendolen. Manual Therapy, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2007, p. 139- 143. - Rehabilitation of motor control
changes in neck pain. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Nakkesleng og cervicobrachialgi - underskelse og behandling, 16.-18. mars 2007,
Trondheim, Norge. 2007.
- Sensory and electromyographic mapping of the quadriceps with delayed onset muscle soreness. / Hedayatpour, Nosratollah ; Fall a,
Deborah Lorraine ; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars ; Farina, Dario. Congress Proceedings, 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport
Science, ECSS 2007, 11-14 July 2007, Jyvskyl, Finland [CD-ROM]. 2007.
- Smerter frer til dysfunktion i de dybe cervikale nakkefleksorer / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Fysioterapeuten, Vol. 89, No. 16, 2007, p. 8-12.
- Spatial dependency of trapezius muscle activity during repetitive shoulder flexion. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Graven-
Nielsen, Thomas. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2007, p. 299- 306.
- Specific therapeutic exercise of the neck induces immediate local hypoalgesia. / O'Leary, Shaun ; Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Hodges, Paul
W. ; Jull, Gwendolen ; Vicenzino, Bill. Journal of Pain, Vol. 8, No. 11, 2007, p. 832-839.
- The decrease in discharge rate and additional recruitment of motor units during sustained static contraction depends on location in the
upper trapezius muscle. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience
2007, 3-7 November 2007, San Diego, CA, USA. 2007. p. No. 511.14/RR4. 2006
- An endurance-strength training regime is effective in reducing myoelectric manifestations of cervical flexor muscle fatigue in females
with chronic neck pain / Falla, Deborah Lorraine; Jull, G; Hodges, P; Vicenzino, B. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol.117, No.4, 2006, p.828-837.
- Evidenz muskulrer Beeintrchtigungen bei Patienten mit chronischen Nackenschmerzen. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine. Manuelle Therapie,
Vol. 10, 2006, p. 77-81.
- Further evaluation of an EMG technique for assessment of the deep cervical flexor muscles. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Jull, G. ; O'Leary,
S. ; Dall'Alba, P. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2006, p. 621-628.
- Muscle pain induces task -dependent changes in cervical agonist/antagonist coordination. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Dahl,
M. Kanstrup ; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas. 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 14-18 October 2006, Atlanta, GA, USA.
2006. p. No. 347.10/U7.
- Spatial and temporal changes of upper trapezius muscle fiber conduction velocity are not predicted by surface EMG spectral analysis
during a dynamic upper limb task. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas ; Farina, Dario. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,
Vol. 156, No. 1-2, 2006, p. 236-241.
- Upper trapezius muscle pain results in reorganization of coordination among trapezius muscle subdivisions during dynamic movement
of the upper limb. / Falla, Deborah Lorraine ; Farina, Dario ; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas. From Research to Practice : Proceedings XVIth
Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK 2006, 28 June-1 July 2006, Torino, Italy. 2006. p. 66. -
Muscle fiber conduction velocity of the upper trapezius muscle during dynamic contraction of the upper limb in patients with chronic
neck pain.Falla D, Farina D. Pain. 2005 Jul;116(1-2):138-45.
- Patients with neck pain demonstrate reduced electromyographic activity of the deep cervical flexor muscles during performance of the
craniocervical flexion test. Falla DL, Jull GA, Hodges PW. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2004 Oct 1;29(19):2108-14.
-Patients with chronic neck pain demonstrate altered patterns of muscle activation during performance of a functional upper li mb task.
Falla D, Bilenkij G, Jull G. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2004 Jul 1;29(13):1436-40.
- Neck flexor muscle fatigue is side specific in patients with unilateral neck pain. Falla D, Jull G, Rainoldi A, Merletti R. Eur J Pain. 2004
- An electromyographic analysis of the deep cervical flexor muscles in performance of craniocervical flexion. Falla D, Jull G, Dall'Alba P,
Rainoldi A, Merletti R. Phys Ther. 2003 Oct;83(10):899-906.
- Relationship between cranio -cervical flexion range of motion and pressure change during the cranio-cervical flexion test. Falla DL,
Campbell CD, Fagan AE, Thompson DC, Jull GA. Man Ther. 2003 May;8(2):92-6.
- Repeatability of surface EMG variables in the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles. Falla D, Dall'Alba P, Rainoldi A, Merletti
R, Jull G. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002 Oct;87(6):542-9


KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona


Descuentos: Los descuentos SI son acumulables
GRUPO: 325 - descuento si sois un grupo de 4 alumnos o ms juntos
REFERIDO: desde 0 - Acumula un 5% de descuento por cada alumno que se matricule referido por ti.
En caso de grupo se acumula el descuento al organizador del grupo
EXALUMNO: Desde 225 - hasta el 40% descuento usando tus puntos KZ que tengas acumulados
FTP: Desde 0 Formacin Bonificada GRATUITA para el trabajador
Recupera el importe del
curso bonificndolo por la
Fundacin Tripartita


Qu es el programa de puntos KZ?
Es un sistema de recompensa que el centro de formacin KenZen pone a vuestra
disposicin para que el precio de los cursos os salga ms econmicos. A travs de
este programa podis conseguir hasta un 10 % de descuento del precio del curso.

Cmo me puedo adherir al programa de puntos KZ?
No tienes que hacer nada, la adhesin es automtica, y no representa ninguna
cuota ni coste para ti estar en el programa.

Cmo sumo puntos KZ?
Cuando hayas pagado todo el importe del curso en el que te hayas matriculado
obtendrs tantos puntos como el importe satisfecho. Por ejemplo, si un curso te
cuesta 200 acumulars 200 puntos.
Sumars puntos en todos aquellos cursos en los que se indique expresamente.

Qu valor monetario tienen los puntos KZ?
Cada 20 puntos KZ equivalen a 1 , por lo tanto si tienes 200 puntos puedes conseguir un descuento de 10 .

Cmo saber cuntos puntos KZ tengo?
Calculando tu mismo el importe satisfecho a KenZen desde enero de 2013. Otra opcin es consultndolo a nuestro
departamento de administracin.

Cmo canjeo los puntos KZ?
Una vez hayas escogido el curso que deseas realizar debes indicarlo en el formulario de inscripcin, en el apartado que indica
Quiero canjear mis puntos. Automticamente restaremos del importe del curso tu saldo de puntos y te comunicaremos va e-
mail el importe final a abonar.
Nota importante: Se podrn canjear puntos hasta un valor mximo del 50 % del importe total del curso.

Caducan los puntos KZ?
Si. Tienen una validez de 2 aos naturales. Todos aquellos puntos adquiridos en un tiempo superior a 2 aos sern borrados
automticamente y perder toda opcin a utilizarlos.

Somos un grupo de 4 alumnos y tenemos un descuento, podemos tambin utilizar los puntos KZ para obtener mayor
Si. Te pondr un ejemplo, si un curso vale 100 y tiene un descuento por grupo del 10 % el precio del curso te queda en 90;
por lo tanto puedes aadir un descuento de un mximo de 45 (hasta un 50 % de descuento por puntos KZ en algunos cursos)

Puedo trasferir mis puntos o utilizar los puntos KZ de otro compaero?
No. Los puntos son exclusivamente de uso personal para realizar cursos de formacin.

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona


Bonifcate el curso de la Seguridad Social y
recupera todo o casi todo el importe del curso

Para gozar de la bonificacin del curso deber cumplir con los requisitos y seguir los pasos siguientes:

- Requisito: Ser trabajador asalariado y que cotices a la seguridad social en concepto de formacin
Profesional (excluidos Autnomos y Parados). Puedes verlo en tu nmina.
- Requisito: Disponer de crdito formativo.
- Requisito: Debe haber, como mnimo, dos empresas que soliciten la bonificacin.

- Paso 1: Rellena la ficha de bonificacin por la Fundacin Tripartita, a parte de la ficha de inscripcin,
que encontrars directamente en la web del curso en formulario de inscripcin fundacin tripartita
- Paso 2: Firmar convenio. En cuanto dispongamos de dos empresas interesadas, te remitiremos a ti y al
administrador de tu empresa el convenio. Debis retornarlo firmado para darnos permiso para realizar
la consulta de vuestro crdito formativo disponible.
- Paso 3: Consulta Crdito. Filosofia KenZen S.L. realizar una consulta de su crdito formativo. Para un
empresa de menos de 10 trabajadores el crdito es de 420/ao por empresa. A partir de 10
trabajadores s un crdito superior. En cuanto sepamos el crdito formativo te informaremos de y
esperaremos vuestra confirmacin escrita de que deseis seguir adelante.
- Paso 4: Formalizacin plaza y pago factura. Os enviaremos la factura del curso que debis abonar,
como mnimo, 15 das antes de iniciar el curso para que la matrcula quede formalizada.
La factura tendr dos conceptos. Importe del curso + 60 + IVA de gestin administrativa en la factura. El
IVA no podr bonificarse por la fundacin tripartita.
Ejemplo 1: Si el precio del curso es de 350 , sois menos de 10 trabajadores y disponis de los 420
de crdito formativo, el curso te lo puedes bonificar al 100% ya que la factura emitida sera de
Ejemplo 2: Si el precio del curso es de 350, la plantilla de la empresa es de entre 10 y 49
trabajadores, y disponis de crdito formativo, el importe mximo bonificable, segn baremos de
la Fundacin Tripartita, es de 228,80. Por lo tanto la empresa deber cofinanciar 181,20.
En otros casos le sera calculado e informado del importe bonificable.
- Paso 5: Descontar de la SS. Una vez finalizado el curso le ser enviado el ttulo, que deber devolver
firmado, la hoja de costes y el informe empresa para que se lo pueda descontar de la Seguridad Social.
IMPORTANTE: Debe descontarlo como mximo en la SS de diciembre del ao en que realice el curso ya
que de otro modo perder la opcin de bonificacin

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona


1.- Cumplimentar Ficha inscripcin que encontrars en curso de Cervicales Deborah Falla (CSD)
2.- Ingresar el importe del curso al n de cuenta de:
BBVA ES94 0182-3247-28-0201672369 indicado la referencia: CSD + NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS.
3.- Enviar email a indicando datos de contacto
(nombre + resguardo del ingreso + fotocopia ttulo o del carnet de colegiado).

En el caso de ser un grupo de 4 alumnos enviar en el mismo email los datos de todos los alumnos per
a poder tener descuento


- En caso de no poder asistir al curso, se devolver el 80% de la matrcula siempre que se avise con
una antelacin de 15 das antes del inicio del curso. De cualquier otra forma no se reembolsar
ningn importe.
- Las plazas se otorgarn por riguroso orden de inscripcin (plazas limitadas)
- No se considerar confirmada la plaza hasta que no se realice el pago del 50% de la matrcula.
- Los cursos no se confirman hasta llegar a un mnimo de alumnos. Declinamos cualquier
responsabilidad sobre la compra de billetes, reservas de hotel...
- KENZEN se reserva el derecho de anular un curso, hasta 5 das antes del inicio, si no se llega a un
mnimo de estudiantes. En este caso KENZEN devolver ntegramente el importe abonado en
concepto de Inscripcin / Matrcula.
- KENZEN se reserva el derecho a modificar el programa y los requisitos de admisin.
- Durante los cursos se realizarn fotos y vdeos para su posterior uso corporativo en las redes
sociales y la web de la empresa. En caso de no desear que tu imagen se utilizada por la empresa
debern enviar un correo electrnico a y especificarlo.


Accede al enlace web del
curso a travs del cdigo QR

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ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

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KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

Tratamiento del dolor de Rodilla (MCCR)
Jenny McConnell
Titulo otorgado por McConnel Institute

Maitland (MAIT) Nivel 1, 2, 2B, 3 y hombro
Renate Wiesner y Pieter Westerhuis
Titulo otorgado por IMTA

Kinetic Control. Movement Solution. (KNTC) 120
Micha Hadaa Titulo oficial de Kintetic Control

Mtodo Hipopresivo. Tcnicas de Gimnasia
Abdominal Hipopresiva (GAH1)
Dr. Marcel Caufriez
Certificado en Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva de base

Ejercicio teraputico en los trastornos de la columna
Deborah Falla

Ecografia en Rehabilitacin (ECO) 40h
Samuel Fernandez Carnero
Introduccin al Mtodo RUSI Incluye ecografa

Drenaje Linftico Manual. Mtodo Leduc (DLM) 60h
Curso Bsico y Avanzado
Albert Leduc y Carlos Manero

Posgrado Universitario en Acupuntura para
Fisioterapeutas. (ACU) 30 ECTS
Dr. Pedro marco

Curso de Mesoterapia para fisioterapeutas (MST)
Daniel de la Vega. Mesoterapia Homeoptica y puncin
seca en el tratamiento del dolor

Dry Needling for Hypertonie and Spasticity (DNHS)
36h. Nivel I y II
Pablo Herrero Gallego

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

Fisioterapia Vestibular (VES) 20h
Tratamiento fisioterapeutico de los problemas de
equilibrio, vrtigo, sndrome postural, sndrome
oculomotor y sndrome perceptivo Acreditado con
1,98 crditos por CFC

Bobath Bsico / Introduccin al concepto Bobath
Mnica Junquero

Tcnica de los Ganchos en fisioterapia (GXO) 40h
Patrick Pons Fibrolisis Instrumental miofascial

Neurodinamica en la Prctica Clnica (NDN)
Carlos Lpez Cubas

Posturologa Integrativa (POS)
Xevi Verdaguer (fisioterapeuta), Rodrigo Castillejos
Jose Ignacio Calle Montes (Odontlogo), Johann Herrera
Asencio (Podologo), Montserrat Rif (Optometrista)

Tcnicas teraputicas de la Terapia Tradicional
China aplicadas a los trastornos msculo
esquelticos (MTC)
Alex Contijoch y Artur Jacomet
Incluye Acupuntura, Electroacupuntura, reflexologa Podal,
Ventosas, Auriculoterapia

Dynamic Tape (DTP). Curso Oficial 7h
Vctor Salinas Palacios y Francisco Javier Jimeno Serrano
Novedosa tcnica de vendaje neuromuscular desarrollado por
Ryan Kendrick

Posgrado Universitario en Psico-Neuro-Inmuno-
Endocrinologa y Nutricin Ortomolecular (PNIE)
Codirectores: Xevi Verdaguer y Esther Peranau
50 crditos ECTS.
Titulo otorgado por la Universidad de Barcelona

Vendajes Neuromusculares Kinesiotape (NTP)
Esther Perarnau - Un Precio Increble. Damos ms
de 300 artculos, estudios, tesis y pruebas piloto de
evidencia cientfica y otros 5 vendajes en soporte
multimedia HD.

Valoracin del dao corporal en peritaje
Fisioterpico (VDC)
32h Jose Andrs Fernandez Baos
Obtn la titulacin para realizar informes para las
aseguradoras, juzgado y empresas- 3,2 Crditos

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

Mtodo Hipopresivo. Mster Experto en Tcnicas de
Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva (GAH2)
Dr. Marcel Caufriez Especializacin Obstetrica y
Titulo de Mster Experto en Gimnasia Abdominal

Mtodo Hipopresivo. Tcnicas de Aspiracin
Diafragmtica. (AD1) - Se requiere GAH1 y GAH2
Dr. Marcel Caufriez Especializacin Postural
Titulo Certificado en Aspiracin Diafragmtica de Base

Iniciacin a la reeducin Urogenital. Kinestesis
Perineal Manual (KPM) - Se requiere GAH1
Dr. Marcel Caufriez Especializacin Sexologa
Titulo Certificado en Kinestesis Perineal Manual

Periparto Nivel 1 (PER1) - Se requiere GAH1
Dr. Marcel Caufriez Especializacin Obstetrica
Recomendable realizar tambin GAH2 antes
Titulo Certificado en Periparto 1

Mdical Expert: Hipopresivos Dinmicos (MED) -
Requiere GAH1
Dr. Marcel Caufriez Especializacin Deporte Alto

Kinesiologia Holstica para fisioterapeutas (KNE).
Dr. Joan Guixens y Dra Rosa Junyent


Tcnica de Masaje con Ventosas "Cupping therapy"
(VTS) 8h Alex Contijoch - Incluye 1 kit de 6 ventosas -
Diploma KenZen

Auriculopuntura y Auriculoterapia China para
fisioterapeutas (ARC) 40h Alex Contijoch - Diploma

Reflexologa Podal para fisioterapeutas (POD) 25h
Artur Jacoment

Dolor de cuello, latigazo cervical y cefalea
cervicognica (CEF) 30h
Gustavo Plaza Manzano - Fisioterapia Manual

KENZEN Passeig Vapor Gran, 22 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel: 937833838
ESINFIS. C/Aribau 230-240 5 Planta 08006 Barcelona

Posgrado en Fisioterapia Manual Avanzada (FMA)
Gustavo Plaza Manzano, Daniel Pecos Martn, Rodrigo
Castillejos Carrasco-Muoz, Alejandro Ferragut Garcas,
Alexander Achalandabaso Ochoa, Mara Catalina Osuna Prez,
Eduardo Zamorano Zrate

Posgrado de Mtodo Pilates Suelo, Accesorios y
Adaptacin a la Fisioterapia (PIL) 65h
Marta Carral y M Judith Sanchez Garrido
Acreditacin por AEFEP (Associacin Espaola Fisioterapeutas Expertos

Thyl Snoeck Ph. D.

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