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Critical Thinking and Writing Check-In; 1102


Strongly Disagree Neither
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I am improving my capacity to figure out how to use
evidence and ideas to address or solve practical AND
conceptual problems [what should we do about (x)
AND what does (x) mean and to whom?].
I am increasingly seeing written texts as examples of
writing and argumentation. They appear to me as
created by someone for a particular reason, now,
rather than just as objects existing in the world
waiting to be found and read.
I have increased my ability to concisely summarize
the arguments and sub-arguments of others before
offering my analysis or interpretation.
I have increased my ability to identify and comment
on the choices made by authors I read (rhetorical,
ideas, reflection-based).
I have increased my ability to see connections
between different texts and synthetically comment
about those connections (synthesis! Yeah!)
When I think of a subject, problem, situation, or
causal chain, it is becoming increasingly automatic to
think of and value other points of view.
The practice of identifying and exploring my
assumptions is becoming less difficult over time.
When I try to come to a conclusion about
something, it is sometimes more difficult work-wise
because I now consider more factors and points of
view. However, I feel my conclusions are more
precise as a result.
I am increasingly seeing complex relationships and
patterns in the world, or when I think through a
social, political, economic, or moral question.
I am increasingly seeing organization as a rhetorical
devicethe way something is organized reflects a lot
about the authors intention. I am applying this to my
own organizing/revision process more than I used to.
I have identified key areas in my writing that I need
to keep in mind during the revision process
(organization, quote integration, underlying
assumptions, clarity/concision, etc.)
I am increasingly comfortable with texts that are
challenging and raise questions rather than provide
rough and ready solutions. I am comfortable not
being able to say I understand everything in this
text, but rather to sometimes use texts as tools for
thinking or asking questions about the world.

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