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Virus Inhibitor Field

Purpose: To restrict virus replication and thus reduce the possible damage
within a physical body.
Re-activate the Virus Inhibitor Field every 36 hours or ma!imum beneit.
This is an energy ield gited to us by "ource to reduce the harmul eects
viruses can wrea# within physical bodies.
$ess replication gives our own immune system a better opportunity to ight
the virus and either eliminate it or #eep its eects minimi%ed.
The Virus Inhibitor Field is especially useul or health care wor#ers who
are routinely e!posed to viruses through various orms o accident and
airborne contact.
There are many instances where people come into contact with viruses that
lodge in their bloodstream. &ten' they are not aware o this until their
body(s deenses are compromised by stress' bacterial inection' other illness
or environmental inluences.
Then the virus' which has been there' yet unable to ma#e enough copies o
itsel to cause a person illness or damage the s#in tissues or other
membranes within the body' would ma#es proliic evidence.
It is important to assist your body(s immune system to easily reduce the
virus cell population by activating the Virus Inhibitor Field every 36 hours.
This ield ma#es your body and energy ields a less hospitable place or
viruses to live.
)ach physical body is such a gala!y o variables that there is no way to tell
how eective the Virus Inhibitor Field will be or a particular person.
*e do #now that it will do something beneicial or everyone who see#s
Viruses contain only a limited genetic blueprint and they don+t have the
necessary building tools to reproduce themselves. They have to invade other
cells and hi,ac# their cellular machinery to reproduce. Viruses invade by
attaching to a cell and in,ecting their genes or by being swallowed up by the
B and T cells e!ist within the blood and lymphatic system o the body in
what is called a resting state--that is' they are not doing anything detectable.
-owever' when a B or T cell encounters an invader that can bind to its
receptor' the cell divides many times and so creates lots o daughter cells.
)ach bears receptors that are the same as' or very similar to' those o the
parent. -ence' contact with the invader creates rom a ew B and T cells
many more that can react with the invader.
.uring this division the T and B cells also create so-called eector and
memory cells. )ector cells act to get rid o the invader. For e!ample'
eector B cells' called plasma cells' secrete antibody molecules that bind to
invading bacteria and viruses and help eliminate them rom the body. &ne
type o eector T cell' called a cytoto!ic T cell' #ills virus inected cells and
thus prevents its spread. The memory cells survive to protect their host
against urther inections by the same invader. From:
Fabien 2aman' one o the world+s leading e!perts on vibrational sound
healing' conducted a biology e!periment in the early 34s at the 5niversity o
6ussieu in 7aris' showing the impacts o acoustic sound on human cells and
their energy ields. -e ound that through a series o acoustic sounds'
healthy cells would become energi%ed and empowered. 5sing a 8irlian
camera' Fabien 2aman was able to document what happens to the energy
ields o healthy human cells when e!posed to a chromatic scale o sound
re9uencies. -e discovered that the color and shape o each cell and its
subtle energy ield :;ura< changed according to the pitch and timbre o each
musical note.
-ealthy cells responding to chromatic scale played on an !ylophone.
Accept your attunement in the manner directed by your teacher. Intend or
the ield to be active.
Working with the energy field: Jou may activate the Virus Inhibitor Field
or other people. It will only be as eective as their desire to be well
combined with what is allowed by their -igher "el. Jou may notice'
however' that continual reactivations may not be as eective or people who
are old enough to understand this type o wor# i taught. This is because
there is a necessity or people to be responsible or their own health. This
ield is not programmable to reactivate by itsel. Konscious choice and will
are re9uired.
Passing attunements to others: ;nyone who is a Rei#i or "eichim 2aster
and accustomed to passing attunements is 9ualiied' ater this one
attunement' to pass attunement or the Virus Inhibitor Field. Jou may use
any attunement method o your choice.
Disclaimer: ;ll inormation in this document and the Virus Inhibitor Field
are or sel ediication purposes only and not meant to treat any disease or
illness. I you are not well' please see# the attention o a properly licensed
proessional immediately.
.o not sell this manual. The Virus Inhibitor Field is a glad' ree git rom
"pirit and meant to remain so. Jou may pass this manual onward to your
students ully intact with no changes made.
L2ariah *indsong ?apierals#i
;pril @G
' @4F4 L;ll Rights Reserved

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