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MATH 527 Advanced Mathematics For Engineers And Physicists I Fall 2014

Ying Zhang, MATH 440, (765) 494-0846,
Oce Hours: M W, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM or by appointment
Course Website:
Textbook: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, by E. Kreyszig (2011) Wiley
Grades: Your course grade will be determined as follows.
Homework 140 pts
Midterm 1 (Sep. 29th) 100 pts
Midterm 2 (Nov. 10th) 100 pts
Final Exam (TBA) 200 pts
Homework: There will be fourteen homework assignments, due at the beginning of the rst class
of the following week. As a courtesy to the grader, please do the homework problems in order and
STAPLE all pages together. You are encouraged to work together, but the solutions you turn in
must be in your own words, it cant be identical or nearly identical to others. For assignments and
due dates, please see the course website.
Late homework is not accepted unless you have a valid documented excuse.
Exams: There will be two in-class midterm exams and a comprehensive nal exam (covering all
the materials for the course). The exact time will be announced in class. Calculators, books and
notes are not allowed during the exams.
No makeup exams will be given unless you have a valid documented excuse and notify
me in advance of your absence.
Academic Adjustment for Students with Disabilities: Students who have been certied by
the Oce of the Dean of StudentsDisabilities Resource Center as eligible for academic adjustments
should go to MATH 242 with a copy of their certication letter and request an Information Sheet
for this semester, that explains how to proceed this semester to get these adjustments made in
Mathematics courses. It is not the same as an year ago. This should be done during the rst week
of classes or as soon as the student receives their letter. Only students who have been certied by
the ODOS-Disability Resource Center and who have requested ODOS to send their certication
letter to their instructor are eligible for academic adjustments.
Students who are currently undergoing an evaluation process to determine whether they are eligible
for academic adjustments, are encouraged to nd out now what procedures they will have to follow
when they are certied, by requesting the above mentioned Information Sheet from MATH 242.
Large print copies of the Information Sheet are available from MATH 242 upon request.
Important Dates:
Last day to withdraw a course without it appearing on record: Monday, September 8, 2014,
Last day to withdraw a course without a grade: Monday, September 22, 2014, 5:00pm.
Last day to withdraw a course with a W or WF grade: Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 5:00pm.

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