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September 7, 2014

Prentice announces transition team
Premier designate gets to work on forming his new government

(Edmonton) Premier designate Jim Prentice announced his transition team today.

This is a group of talented, principled, and well respected Albertans who will assist in the
transition to a new Progressive Conservative government, and I am honoured to have them
on my team said Jim Prentice. Under my leadership we will restore the bond of trust be-
tween Albertans and their elected officials, and return to sound conservative fiscal princi-

The team is made up of qualified individuals from across the province who possess the
wide range of experience and the skill set required to recommend the changes needed to
return good government to Alberta.

This swift transition into leading a new era for Alberta is the first step in implementing the
five priorities he campaigned on. It sets a direction for government that marks the beginning
of a commitment to integrity and the acceptance of responsibility.

Prentice Transition Team:

Tim Hearn (Chair)

Honourable Robin Campbell

Stephen Mandel

Sarah Raiss

Robert Seidel

Prentice will lead a new Progressive Conservative government that is focused on the issues
that matter to Albertans. Working together, Alberta can achieve great things.


Bill Anderson
Press Secretary
Jim Prentice for PC Leader

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