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Trick Title: Third Eye

Credited To: Karl Fulves

Submitted By: UltimateMagic on 2003-07-31 15:32:42

Difficulty: Beginner
Rating: 0.00

Trick Effect & Routine:

If you are looking for a great stage or stand-up routine that will play big, Third
Eye is the one for you! Talk about how a person and their name are inseparable.
Distribute 5 large white cards to five different spectators, asking them to examine
the cards carefully and make sure there are no distinguishing marks.
At this point, you can be honestly blindfolded or just stand with your back turned.
Ask each of the volunteers to write their name on their card.
The five spectators then place their cards inside the identical envelopes and put
their card inside. Ask one of the spectators to collect the envelopes, shuffle them
and spread them on the table in random order. Now, you return, still blindfolded,
go to the table, lift the envelopes, and give them back, one by one, to the
spectators. When the envelopes are opened, each of the spectators finds their
names on the cards they hold! Unbelievable!
Third Eye resets in seconds, works with 100% reliability, can even use drawings,
numbers, or any other information you wish!



Yes, the white cards are totally normal index cards - it's the envelopes that are
gaffed. Have the spectators sit and then silently number them 1,2,3,4,5.
The envelopes are also numbered secretly. You can do it with a small pin. J ust
make pin pricks in the paper down by the bottom of each and run them along the
bottom spaced apart. When you feel the envelopes - you can secretly count the
raised bumps. Then you just place the envelopes in order 1-5 and then you
remove your blindfold and pass out the envelopes


This seems to be a new exciting trick that includes special markers and boards
and other untrustworthy crap and sells for a hefty price tag of $95.00. How'd you
like to be able to do this for under $5.00 - this is an old - old trick, printed in
numerous books - Mental Magic by Karl Fulves for one.

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