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Book Review

Balangkas is a resource book on the care of built heritage in the Philippines. The
author of the book is Fernando Zialcita. The introduction of the book clearly states the
intention of the author to make the reader realize the significance of heritage and its
universal value in the Philippines. Therefore it is necessary to protect heritage at all
The important subjects that the author covered are the steps in conservation a
building, to how fully document a structure and whether to reconstruct or not, and why
the authenticity of the structure should be maintained at all time. It discusses possible
solutions to problems existed especially in the conservation of heritage.
In heritage does matter, Zialcita explained well the importance of cultural heritage
and its benefits to us. For example, citizens will help take care their own town or city if
they feel proud of it. Hence, people need appreciation in the localitys history to help
promote the city or town.
In the next topic, Threats and Opportunities, he discussed about the threats to
the preservation of heritage. The main reason he stated is the poor maintenance in the
public and private owned structures. It may be caused by several factors like: there are
insufficient economic incentives to owners, misconception about the building that it must
look old and the mistrust of the government to the private owners.
He elaborated thee opportunities for the cause of heritage preservation in the
Philippines. For example the spread of nationalism that forms culture, The growth of
domestic tourism, the emergence of pride to preserve and promote heritage and
branding- business owners now prefer traditional products over international ones. It
reflects the reasons why we should truly preserve our pamana because of its
When it comes to the conservation of the structures there are several limitations
that a person should take note before considering reconstruction and other methods in
preserving buildings. First is to consult specialist because it will provide better decisions
to have a holistic point of view.
The book gives an overview about the documentation process of a structure. It
calls for the photography ad it complemented by drawing and necessary plans of the
building. A good documentation will greatly help the people in understanding a building.
In the topic entitled Defending the Structures Integrity, shwos the different ways
to treat a structure like proctection, preservation, conservation, restoration,
reconstruction, and anastylosis.
In protection, the author discusses about it on legal terms and conditions for a
monument, site or historic area against vandalism, theft and visual intrusions.
Meanwhile in preservation, it has measures to be taken to ensure the sustainability of
the heritage structure. While the conservation, it keeps the existing state of a heritage
resource from destruction. The consolidation is continued for the structures durability.
Restoration tackles about the aim to preserve historic value based on the original
material used. Additionally, the reconstruction means building anew. While anastylosis
is a type of restoration of a ruined structure to reinstate its loss of original form.
Overall this book provides comprehensive information about heritage. This book
is for the readers who have utmost interest when it comes to heritage and for those who
are finding a good read about their culture and civilization. The data presented in the
book are factual and accurate. I do recommend this book for those people who want to
broaden their knowledge and understanding what heritage is all about and its
importance in the society.

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