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Paul Berka
Flotilla Commander
Commanders Corner
On 18, 20 and 21 August, Flotilla 12-08 Auxiliary facility Honey Girl was used
at a tow platform to search for the Revenue Cutter Hamilton that sank off of Folly
Beach, South Carolina in 1853. Richard Daniel has an article and photographs that
are featured on pages six and seven. The following organizations took part in the
USCG Regional Dive Locker West
South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology
US Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 12-08

Vidal Rodriguez and Alexandra LaRiviere are in the process of transferring out
of 12-8. We thank them for their service to the Auxiliary, and wish them all the
best. Also, we would like to welcome Nathaniel J. Little to our Flotilla. Nathaniel is
still in the process of transferring into 12-8. Welcome Aboard Nathaniel!!
Richard R.Clarke has decided to retire from the Auxiliary. He has given 22
years of service to the organization, and we would like to thank him for his service
to the Auxiliary and to Flotilla 12-8.
Also, we would like to congratulate Joseph H. Bokern on his Membership
Service Award. Joseph has been with the Auxiliary for 25 years.
Our next Flotilla meeting
will be held Wednesday,
10 September at 1900 in
the Second Deck training
Continued on Following Page
Aids-to-Navigation (A/TON) patrols have been one of the most rewarding missions
I have had the pleasure to participate in with the Auxiliary. It is hard work, and it
provides a valuable service to the recreational boating community.
As Auxiliarists, we are not competing with the Department of Natural Resources
(DNR), the US Power Squadron, Tow BoatUS, or any other organization. We are a
force multiplier for the United States Coast Guard. ATON patrols will help inform the
Coast Guard about navigation hazards, discrepancies, and updates on the status of
markers. Ensuring that navigation markers are in proper working order is a tool which
is indispensable in the promotion of boating safety. This is work that saves lives.
The only requirement to participate in an ATON patrol is that you come in proper
ODU, bring a life jacket, whistle, signal mirror and light. Please feel free to contact me
if youre interested in participating in the ATON program.
Dwaine Harris
VFC, Flotilla 12-8
Dwaine Harris
Vice Flotilla
Up-coming Charleston area events:
A night ATON Patrol is scheduled for 6
September 2014.
We will have a safety patrol for the Charleston
Harbor Swim on 21 September.
The next Flotilla meeting is scheduled for
September 10, 2014 at 1900 hours (7:00 PM) at the
Station Charleston second deck in the Rice Building.
Also, make sure to remember that we have Flotilla
elections approaching. In this issue of the Scuttlebutt
are the resumes of candidates running for Flotilla
Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander.
With the boating season winding down, members
should have more time with which they can check to
make sure theyve submitted their 7029 and 7030
forms. Please contact our FSO-IS William Carter if
you have any questions on submitting paperwork. In
addition to your paperwork, youll want to make
sure that youve met the requirements to maintain
Lets have a productive and effective year!
Paul Berka
FC, Flotilla 12-8
Commanders Corner
(Continued from Previous Page)
In This Issue
Commanders Corner Page 2 - 3
Finance Page 9
Flotilla Calendar Page 5
Flotilla Elections Page 10 - 11
Flotilla Staff Officer Info Page 14
Flotilla Vice Commander Page 3
High/Low Tide Information Page 13
Information Systems Page 9
In Search of History Page 6 - 7
Meeting Attendance Roster Page 12
Member Training Page 8
Navigational Services Page 9
Operations Page 8
Program Visitation Page 8
Secretary Records Page 12
Vessel Examinations Page 9
Upcoming Flotilla Elections
Its hard to believe that 2014 has gone by so fast,
but its almost time for Flotilla elections, which will be
held this November. In this issue of The Scuttlebutt, we
will have resumes of the candidates running for Flotilla
Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander. In the issue
for October, each candidate will have an article with an
outline of what they would like to accomplish for 2015.
Below are the candidates:
Richard Daniel, Flotilla Commander.
Chuck Chirila, Vice Flotilla Commander.
William Carter, Vice Flotilla Commander.
Coast Guard
Did you know that
world-famous golfer
Arnold Palmer was
once a Coast Guard
Born in Youngstown, Pennsylvania, Arnold Palmer
started playing golf at the age of 3. In 1947 he entered
Wake Forest University. Three years later, he enlisted in
the Coast Guard as a Yeoman and continued to serve
until 1953.
Though a Yeoman, Palmer continued to play golf
during his time of service. He returned to Wake Forest
and in 1954 he won the U.S. Amateur Championship.
His professional playing garnered him four Masters
Championships, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1964, the 1960 U.S.
Open and the 1961 and 62 British Open. He also won
the 1981 and 1982 U.S. Senior Open.
In total he had over 92 victories and was the PGA
Player of the year in 1960 and 1962. Arnold Palmer was
also the first golfer to earn over one million dollars in
prize tournament money. Today, he is respected by
many not only as a world-famous golfer and sportsman,
but also a highly successful business executive, skilled
aviator, talented golf course designer and devoted
family man.
Labor Day
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
Flotilla Meeting
1900, Brass
Patriot Day
12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Harbor Swim
22 23 24 25
26 27
28 29 30
Historical September Events
2001: Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial U.S. aircraft, crashing two into the World Trade Center in New
York and one into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The fourth aircraft crashed around Shanksville, Pennsylvania,
when passengers on board tried to regain control of the aircraft from the terrorists. The attacks killed over 3,000
innocent civilians. Coast Guard units, including Reservists and Auxiliarists, were among the first military units to
respond in order to provide communications, security, evacuation by water and render assistance to those in need.
Coast Guardsmen assisted in the search and rescue efforts as well as the cleanup operations after the attacks.
Last month, Flotilla 12-8 was given a wonderful
opportunity of putting into practice what we have
learned. The week of 18 August was devoted to
hosting a highly skilled team from the South
Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology
(SCIAA) and USCG Regional Dive Locker West in
search of the sunken US Revenue Cutter Hamilton
(forerunner of the USCG). The wood hull sailing
ship was lost in a gale offshore from Folly Island in
the 1800s. Our Auxiliary provided a Facility and
experienced crew to aid in this search. USCG Station
Charleston hosted one offshore search day while
Flotilla 12-8 hosted three offshore search days.
This exercise put to use all the training we have had
in the past, and applied it to this search mission.
Seldom do we get to search for anything other that a
practice MOB or factious boat. Normally a sector
search pattern or an expending square is used in our
local waters. This offshore search used a parallel
search using sophisticated electronic devices and
equipment. The equipment demanded a search
pattern with very tight legs and spacing. Our facility
provided everything the team needed.
Station was kind enough to let us moor at the
small boat dock to cut travel time. This gave the
entire team wonderful exposure. This showcased the
capability and skills that we as Auxiliarists can offer
to Station Charleston. The active duty divers and
SCIAA scientist were very knowledgeable,
professional, skilled and friendly.
On this page, and the following, are a few
pictures of the equipment, search area, the actual
search pattern, the ocean bottom and a possible
target. But Just as important, our TEAM ONE
picture (shown on the following page). All aspects of
the mission went very well, enjoyed by all and
hopefully active duty will put our learning and skills
to good use in future missions.
Never Stop Learning ~ Never Stop Applying
Richard Daniel, FSO-MT
Calculating Search Patterns
Sonar Image
Continued on Following Page
Left Photo: Object of Interest Right Photo: The Fish
Search Team One: ET1 Michael Garst, ET2 William Glen, Ashley Deming SCIAA, Nate Fulmer
SCIAA, Jim Spirek SCIAA, Joe Beatty SCIAA, Paul Berka Coxswain, Joe Fleming Coxswain, Tom
Jerussi Coxswain, Richard Daniel Coxswain, Tom Beauchemin Crew, Robert Blodgett Crew.
Member Training
Never Stop Learning
Richard Daniel, FSO-MT
August was a busy month
for member training. We
shifted our focus toward
the New Crew candidates
that did not get their QE yet. We had a training patrol
for those folks able to attend with anchoring, search
patterns and helm time along with line handling.
The candidates must get their ICS courses completed
and books completely signed off.
We never stop learning. Never was this more
evident than the week of 18 Aug, 20 AUG and 21
AUG. Our experienced Coxswain and Crew put to
use all our training when we conducted an off shore
search for the sunken Revenue Cutter Hamilton off
shore. We worked with the west coast Coast Guard
divers and the South Carolina Marine Reach Institute
in the search. Electronic equipment was fully utilized
as we ran a parallel search pattern. All seamanship
and GPS skills were put to work. Learning never
stops was clearly demonstrated as applied in this
We continue to train and apply our skills in SEP
as we conduct an ATON Patrol up the Cooper River.
We encourage all Aid Verifiers and members that
want to be an Aid Verifier to contact Dwaine Harris
to take part.
Congratulations to Chuck Chirila for passing
another AUXOP course, AUXCOM. Chuck
is clicking off the required courses to become join
our AUXOP Corps of 12-8. Please join Chuck in
taking these worthwhile courses. Don't let Chuck be
alone on this. Let me know if you would like to
expand your learning opportunity and I will help you
Joe Fleming, FSO-OP
Operations are going good. Training new boat
crew has all of us working together as a team. We
have four more trainees working on getting ready for
QE in September, so boat crew needing time on the
water for the year need to get on board. OPSFACS re
certifications are running slow as normal. OTO has
all the paper work waiting for a signature.
Program Visitation
Peter Axiotis, FSO-PV
As labor day fast approaches we must be
constantly aware of our surroundings. Now I will
admit I have a total two visit this year which is
below the required number to keep my quails up but
I will get those other two visit in soon and send this
challenge out to the rest of the visitors. Let's see if as
a whole we can meet the goal that I set awhile ago of
at least 100 visits or your four monthly visits to
maintain your quals.
Also, as Labor Day is often considered the
unofficial end to the boating season, we must
continue our mission of promoting recreational
boating safety by passing out educational material to
marinas and dealerships
Frank Leister, FSO-FN
Its that time of the year, time to pay annual dues.
In August, the membership received an e-mail
invoicing each with the 2015 dues. A few have paid
the $45 already. The remaining members have yet to
send in their checks. Please do so promptly. Send a
check for $45, made out to USCGAUX Flotilla 12-8
and mail it to:
Frank Leister, FSO-FN
PO Box 122
Jonas Ridge, NC 28641.
It is always good to remember, that paying dues
is one of the few conditions of membership. Should
you have questions, call me at 843-991-1118 or
email at I look forward to getting
your dues.
Vessel Examinations
Alan Miles, FSO-VE
This month we will continue to
inspect vessels at local boat
landings. If any new members
desire to become qualified as a
Vessel Examiner, the process is very simple and fast.
You must complete five vessel safety inspections
under the instruction of a qualified examiner, as well
as complete an online course and test.
Both of these can be accomplished in just one
weekend. If your interested, please contact me so I
can arrange for you to train with an examiner. You
will find the process quick and easy, and the job to
be very rewarding.
Information Systems
William Carter, FSO-IS
As we approach the end of the
boating season, as well as the
end of 2014, I would like to
remind everyone to double-check
their paperwork to make sure everything has been
turned in. You want to make sure that you receive
credit for the hours youve put in for the year. Our
Flotilla has done a spectacular job this year as we
have exceeded 6,000 hours.
Also, we have members who have not yet
completed their required workshops. In particular,
this would include the One-Hour TCT and the
Sexual Harassment Workshop. Later this month, you
will receive an email regarding your status on the
required workshops and whether you are still in need
of vessel safety checks, program visits, and other
requirements to maintain qualifications. I want to
make sure that as we transition from 2014 to 2015
that we dont have members go into REYR status.
Please see the link below which contains the
most up-to-date information from AUXDATA.
Member Info Spreadsheet
Navigational Services
Dwaine Harris, FSO-NS
For a variety of reasons, I have had to cancel
the last two ATON patrols. At this time, Saturday 6
September looks promising. Weather has been an
ongoing issue. If you would like to participate in an
ATON patrol, please feel free to contact me.
Richard Daniel
Running for Flotilla Commander
As an experienced Auxiliarist with many years
serving Flotilla 12-8, I respectfully ask the 12-8
membership to support my seeking the Flotilla
Commander position for 2015. As a candidate, I
offer the following background to support my
12-8 Auxiliary member in good standing for
about 15 years.
Served as FSO-PE (Public Education) for three
Served as FSO-NS (Navigational Services) for
about ten years.
Served as FSO-OP (Operations) for two years.
Served as FSO-MT (Member Training) for two
Served as Division SO-MT for one year.
Served as Qualification Examiner for 2.5 years.
Served as North Region District 7 AQEC for
two years.
Served as Flotilla 12-8 VFC one year.
Held Captain's Master 50 ton license, now
Served as Proctor for two years.
Qualified PE Instructor.
Qualified Aids-to-Navigation (ATON) verifier.
Qualified Coxswain for at least ten years.
Thousands of boating miles both inshore and
If elected FC, my goals are to provide a positive
setting in Flotilla 12-8 for each member to learn,
practice and share talents. I would also strongly
encourage each member to attend the membership
meetings in uniform, and promote every member as
a totally important ingredient in the Flotilla 12-8
Above all else, I would like to help create a Team
One family approach as we serve the Coast Guard
and serve each other. It is important that we all
remember that every member is critical to a well
functioning 12-8 Flotilla.
Given these highlights, I humbly ask for your
support and vote as your 12-8 Flotilla Commander.
Thank You
Richard Daniel
Flotilla Elections
In the October issue of the Scuttlebutt, each
candidate will have an article outlining what they
would like to accomplish in 2015. Make sure to have
your article submitted to William Carter by the end
of September.
Those whove decided to run for office in the
upcoming election need to make sure they have
taken the Administration/Procedures Course, which
can be done online.
The Flotilla elections will be held at the
November membership meeting. Make sure to mark
your calendars to attend.
Continued on Following Page
Chuck Chirila
Running for Vice Flotilla Commander
My name is Chuck Chirila, and I am running for
the office of Vice Flotilla Commander of Flotilla
12-8. I have been married to Dolly Marie Chester for
32 years. We have two married daughters and two
grand-children. We relocated to Summerville, SC in
2004 from Indiana.
I served in the US Army as a Recon / Intelligence
Sgt. for six years. Ive also studied at Purdue
University, where I graduated with Honors with an
Associate Degree in Computer Technology.
I retired from I/N Tek after 34 years as a Process
Electrical Systems Technician. Since then, Ive been
employed at Daimler Van Manufacturing (Mercedes-
Benz) in Ladson, as a PLC (Programmable Logic
Computer) Technician for eight years.
As a member of the USCG Aux for five years, I
have served as FSO-PE (Public Education) and
presently as FSO-MA (Materials) for three years.
Ive also served as D7 ADSO-PE for two years. My
qualifications in the Auxiliary include: Boat Crew,
Telecommunications Operator, Vessel Examiner,
Instructor, Fingerprint Technician and MSTR trainee
(Pollution Investigator). I am presently pursuing the
AUXOP qualification. I would consider it a privilege
and honor to serve the USCG Auxiliary as 12-8 Vice
Flotilla Commander.
Thank You
Chuck Chirila
William Carter
Running for Vice Flotilla Commander
My name is William Carter, and I would like to
serve as your next Vice Flotilla Commander.
Originally from the Tampa Bay area, Ive lived in
the Charleston area since 1993. I have also lived in
Turkey and was able to travel overseas.
I attended the University of South Carolina
where I majored in geography, computer science and
later in economics. In 2001, I graduated from
Charleston Southern University with a Degree in
Economics. Since then, Ive worked in the fields of
retailing, marketing, advertising, and inventory
control. Im currently employed with Jones Ford Inc.
where Ive worked since 2003.
Ive been a member of the Auxiliary since the
Spring of 2011. Currently, I serve the Flotilla as a
Staff Officer for Information Systems, Publications
and Communications Systems. Im also a Division
Staff Officer in Publications, as well as a Branch
Chief with the Recreational Boating Safety (B)
Directorate. My qualifications include Marine Dealer
Visitor, Vessel Examiner and Information Systems,
where I completed IS-School in 2012.
Joining the US Coast Guard Auxiliary has been,
and continues to be, an outstanding experience for
me, and I look forward to working with the Flotilla
in 2015.
Thank You
William Carter
Call to order at 1900 by FC Paul Berka. Pledge
of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
Introduction of Guests
We have Michael Harvey, Rebecca Murphy and
Don Rose as guests. Also present from the Active
Duty side are BM1 Torres and Chief Palmer.
Flotilla Staff Officer Reports
(Additions to reports in The Scuttlebutt)
None at this time. Please see the newsletter for
Staff Officer Reports.
Old Business
Thanks to everyone who helped with recent
Public Affairs events. Make sure to check the
calendar for upcoming events.
New Business
Intel on Safety Patrols: BM1 Torres gives a
presentation and discussion on Auxiliary safety
Searching for the Hamilton: Chief Palmer gave
a brief presentation on the search for the Hamilton.
Auxiliary Forms: FC Paul Berka gives a
presentation on how to fill out 7029 and 7030 forms,
how to find the links using the Flotilla website, and
how to submit them so they can be entered into
Vessel Safety Checks: Alan Miles gave a brief
presentation on how to perform a vessel safety
check, and encouraged members to become involved
in the program.
Dues Increase: We had a discussion on the
proposed dues increase. When brought to a vote, we
had a tie, so the motion to increase dues is defeated.
Meeting adjourned at 2030.
Respectfully Submitted
Joe Woodbury, FSO-SR
Joe Woodbury, FSO-SR
Berka, Paul
Beauchemin, Tom
Bradham, Gilbert
Carter, William
Chirila, Chuck
Cowley, Robert
Cox, Russell
Creed, Dean
Daniel, Richard
DeVillier, Leon
Duncan, Kelly
Fleming, Joseph
Gallo, Tanya
Giardina, Vito
Graham, Anne (12-6)
Harris, Dwaine
Harvey, Michael (guest)
Hutchinson, Duncan
Jerussi, Tom
Miles, Alan
Murphy, Rebecca (guest)
Palmer, John (USCG)
Rose, Don (guest)
Sanyer, Wolfgang
Thibodeaux, Barbara
Tomlin, Rick
Torres, Daniel (USCG)
Woodbury, Joseph
Meeting Attendance
1 Sun. 00:24 / 5.17 ft 06:50 / 0.67 ft 13:15 / 5.64 ft 19:41 / 1.19 ft 06:55 19:45
2 Mon. 01:21 / 5.06 ft 07:47 / 0.71 ft 14:18 / 5.70 ft 20:45 / 1.20 ft 06:55 19:43
3 Tue. 02:28 / 5.02 ft 08:53 / 0.67 ft 15:26 / 5.85 ft 21:53 / 1.05 ft 06:56 19:42
4 Wed. 03:39 / 5.13 ft 10:03 / 0.52 ft 16:33 / 6.09 ft 22:57 / 0.76 ft 06:56 19:41
5 Thurs. 04:49 / 5.38 ft 11:10 / 0.26 ft 17:36 / 6.38 ft 23:57 / 0.37 ft 06:57 19:39
6 Fri. 05:54 / 5.75 ft 12:12 / -0.04 ft 18:35 / 6.65 ft 06:58 19:38
7 Sat. 00:52 / -0.04 ft 06:55 / 6.15 ft 13:09 / -0.31 ft 19:31 / 6.85 ft 06:58 19:37
8 Sun. 01:43 / -0.37 ft 07:51 / 6.51 ft 14:03 / -0.48 ft 20:23 / 6.93 ft 06:59 19:35
9 Mon. 02:33 / -0.59 ft 08:45 / 6.76 ft 14:55 / -0.51 ft 21:14 / 6.86 ft 07:00 19:34
10 Tue. 03:21 / -0.66 ft 09:37 / 6.87 ft 15:46 / -0.39 ft 22:03 / 6.67 ft 07:00 19:33
11 Wed. 04:08 / -0.57 ft 10:28 / 6.84 ft 16:36 / -0.14 ft 22:53 / 6.35 ft 07:01 19:31
12 Thurs. 04:55 / -0.35 ft 11:18 / 6.67 ft 17:27 / 0.22 ft 23:43 / 5.98 ft 07:02 19:30
13 Fri. 05:44 / -0.04 ft 12:10 / 6.42 ft 18:18 / 0.61 ft 07:02 19:29
14 Sat. 00:34 / 5.60 ft 06:33 / 0.30 ft 13:03 / 6.13 ft 19:12 / 0.98 ft 07:03 19:27
15 Sun. 01:27 / 5.27 ft 07:26 / 0.63 ft 13:57 / 5.88 ft 20:09 / 1.26 ft 07:04 19:26
16 Mon. 02:23 / 5.03 ft 08:21 / 0.88 ft 14:54 / 5.70 ft 21:07 / 1.42 ft 07:04 19:25
17 Tue. 03:20 / 4.92 ft 09:19 / 1.01 ft 15:50 / 5.62 ft 22:05 / 1.43 ft 07:05 19:23
18 Wed. 04:17 / 4.94 ft 10:16 / 1.03 ft 16:44 / 5.63 ft 22:59 / 1.32 ft 07:05 19:22
19 Thurs. 05:11 / 5.06 ft 11:10 / 0.94 ft 17:34 / 5.71 ft 23:49 / 1.14 ft 07:06 19:21
20 Fri. 06:00 / 5.25 ft 12:00 / 0.80 ft 18:20 / 5.82 ft 07:07 19:19
21 Sat. 00:33 / 0.93 ft 06:46 / 5.46 ft 12:47 / 0.65 ft 19:02 / 5.91 ft 07:07 19:18
22 Sun. 01:15 / 0.75 ft 07:28 / 5.66 ft 13:30 / 0.53 ft 19:41 / 5.95 ft 07:08 19:17
23 Mon. 01:54 / 0.61 ft 08:07 / 5.82 ft 14:11 / 0.47 ft 20:18 / 5.94 ft 07:09 19:15
24 Tue. 02:31 / 0.53 ft 08:43 / 5.94 ft 14:52 / 0.46 ft 20:53 / 5.88 ft 07:09 19:14
25 Wed. 03:06 / 0.50 ft 09:19 / 6.02 ft 15:31 / 0.52 ft 21:26 / 5.78 ft 07:10 19:12
26 Thurs. 03:41 / 0.51 ft 09:54 / 6.06 ft 16:10 / 0.62 ft 22:00 / 5.66 ft 07:11 19:11
27 Fri. 04:17 / 0.54 ft 10:30 / 6.08 ft 16:51 / 0.76 ft 22:36 / 5.54 ft 07:11 19:10
28 Sat. 04:55 / 0.59 ft 11:11 / 6.07 ft 17:36 / 0.91 ft 23:18 / 5.41 ft 07:12 19:08
29 Sun 05:38 / 0.66 ft 11:59 / 6.03 ft 18:26 / 1.05 ft 07:13 19:07
30 Mon. 00:08 / 5.29 ft 06:28 / 0.75 ft 12:55 / 5.98 ft 19:22 / 1.15 ft 07:13 19:06
Condentiality Notice
Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of
policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general
public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled.
The publications of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service
including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974.
Flotilla Commander Paul Berka
Vice Flotilla Commander Dwaine Harris
Immediate Past FC (IPFC) Paul Thomas
Citadel Detachment Commander Connor Rosenbaum
Citadel Detachment Leader Alan Miles
Communications Services Vacant
Communications Systems William Carter
Diversity & Inclusion Gil Bradham
Finance Frank Leister
Human Resources Duncan Hutchinson
Information Services William Carter
Materials Chuck Chirila
Marine Safety Vacant
Member Training Richard Daniel
Navigational Services Dwaine Harris
Operations Joe Fleming
Public Affairs Joe Woodbury
Public Education Crystal Smith
Publications William Carter
RBS Visitor Peter Axiotis
Secretary Records Joe Woodbury
Vessel Examinations Alan Miles

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