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Week 3 Individual Questions July 15, 2013

Determining Databases and Data Communications

Dr. Kathryn J. Moland
Week 3 Individual Assignment
Frederick R. Paige III

Week 3 Individual Questions July 15, 2013

Determining Databases and Data Communications

Understanding databases and data communications is an essential part of
todays business concepts. In having an understanding of these functions of computers
is vital to the success and marketing of oneself. Kroenke (2012) states. The purpose
of a database is to keep track of things. When most students learn that, they wonder
why we need a special technology for such a simple task. Databases can be simple
enough to use where data is stored and retrieved by one user or many. It can also
consist of many interconnecting parts or elements to use relationship data to filter
information. Finding the right combination of data and elements depends on the users
needs and also the databases capabilities.
Relationship Data
As a marketing assistant for a consumer electronics company it is important to
know and understand the functions of databases. The electronic assets and
components that I would be responsible for are expensive to lose and costly to replace
therefore; a tracking system is imperative to know where those items are located.
Keeping track of booth components, equipment, shippers, and shipments is a
complicated task not to have a tracking system. The relationships of the shipper and
shipment are important because it gives me knowledge of where the components are
going, as well as the location received and location delivered.
The relationships mentioned above might need to be on different tables because
of the complexity of the data fields. Some field examples would be; component,
equipment, company name that owns the equipment, where the component currently is,
Week 3 Individual Questions July 15, 2013

Determining Databases and Data Communications

where the component is currently going. Field name, data type, and description are
properties fields that could be used to sort the data.
Excel vs. Database
In this type situation I would use a database to store this data. The complexity of
the fields could work in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet but a database would be more
practical. Microsoft Excel has a limited capability because it can only contain a single
table on a spreadsheet and common data has to be copied on each row. Excel cannot
perform relationship queries about different data fields therefore some data could be
duplicated for different fields.
A relational database can have many tables and many rows. A row in one table
can reference a row in a different table, which can eliminate duplicated data. As
mentioned before with the relationships, shippers and shipment can be sorted in one
table, and components and equipment can be on another table. Referencing these
relationships in Excel is nearly impossible because it is a spreadsheet, but a database
can easily manage multiple tables referencing rows and columns.
Some advantages of databases are multiple ways to view the same data sets,
elimination of redundant data, easier to update data, defined schema, typed data fields,
multiple user access with permissions and easier to access programmatically.
Microsoft Excel allows the user to create, format, expand and filer tables. Another
advantage of excel is the function to create formulas that can be referenced to different
rows and columns.

Week 3 Individual Questions July 15, 2013

Determining Databases and Data Communications

Personal or Enterprise Database
It does not seem that anyone else would be using this data except the Marketing
Assistant therefore; I would choose to use a Personal database like Microsoft Access.
Enterprise DBMS products are mainly reserved for large corporations or organizations
and large workgroups. Workgroups have access and are able to change information in
the DBMS depending on their user permissions. Kroenke (2012) states. Personal
DBMS products are designed for smaller, simpler database applications. Such products
are used for personal or small workgroup applications that involve fewer than 100 users,
and normally fewer than 15. The limited user access in reference to this database
would allow for the Marketing Assistant to use a personal DBMS like Access.
According to Huryk (2012). DSSs interact with the people who are entering and
evaluating the data prior to producing output. Wit he assistance of a DSS, a nurse or
another health care provider can analyze and speculate about potential patient
outcomes by altering variables. The DSS then returns projected outcomes, thereby
serving as a tool for making informed decisions. This concept can be used with the
shipping and receiving of the electronic components with the marketing manager. The
manager can use DSS to input data such as shipping costs between carriers such as
UPS, FedEx and the Postal service to figure out which method could save money.
Using the DSS could be a valuable asset in cost reduction to the company.
Wan vs. Lan
Having a business in different physical locations is a common practice.
Companies can be in different physical locations and still communicate over a secure
Week 3 Individual Questions July 15, 2013

Determining Databases and Data Communications

Internet connection through the use of Wide Area Network (WAN). If I were a manager
over employees that were in different physical locations, a WAN network would be a
necessity. Kroeneke (2012) states A local area network (LAN) connects computers
that reside in a single geographic location on the premises of the company that
operates the LAN. The number of connected computers can range from two to several
hundred. Since a LAN requires computes connected at a single site, a WAN network
would be feasible. The WAN allows computers in different geographical locations
through wires and wireless connections.
WAN Wireless
Consulting is usually something that is done while being mobile, and
communication while consulting is important. The business can connect electronic
devices through WAN wireless network, which allows users to connect through a
network provider, wireless WAN model and an ISP. Usually a LAN network is faster
and more reliable, but having a WAN wireless can be useful if the user is traveling or a
LAN is not available.
Consulting deals with people and sometimes their personal assets or finances.
Those things need to be confidential and security is a must for most businesses to
guard personal information that can be used in a variety of ways. There are
applications and protocols in line through network providers that allow for secure usage
through the Internet. A virtual private network (VPN) uses the Internet to securely login
remotely to the LAN or WAN connection. A VPN works by creating an appearance that
Week 3 Individual Questions July 15, 2013

Determining Databases and Data Communications

the user is logged into the LAN over the Internet. The user can securely login to the
LAN site from a Internet connected not near the physical address of the LAN.
According to Kroenke (2012). VPN communications are secure, even though
they are transmitted over the public Internet. To ensure security, VPN client software
encrypts, or codes the original message so that its contents are protected from
snooping. VPNs offer the user and the company secure lines from remote locations.
Company users and vendors who have registered can use the VPN server and have
security of browsing over that specific network.

Week 3 Individual Questions July 15, 2013

Determining Databases and Data Communications

Kroenke, D.M. (2012). MIS essentials (2
ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Manzo, J.M., Pizak, D. R., & Rhoads, C.J. (2010). Microsoft Office 2007 in business
core (2
ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Huryk, L.A. (2012, January). Information Systems and Decision Support Systems.
American Journal of Nursing, 112(1), 62-65.

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