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HIS145 The American Experience since 1945

University of Phoenix Material

ifties an! Sixties "#lt#re$ "ons#merism$ an! the Economy Matrix
Student Name: Frederick Paige
Section 1Economic Miracle. Create a matrix overview of the economic exan!ion following "orld "ar ##. Select five of
the following toic! to !hae a re!on!e$ and exlain their !ignificance to %merican hi!tor&:
'wight '. Ei!enhower$ %dlai Steven!on$ (he Fair 'eal$ Nuclear Power$ )overnment Sending$ Su*ur*!$ (he Modern
"e!t$ +e&ne!ian Economic!$ Cororate Con!olidation$ (he Po!twar Contract$ %F,-C#.$ %nti*iotic!$ (he Salk /accine$
''($ (elevi!ion$ 0N#/%C$ #nter!tate 1ighwa&!$ Paul Samuel!on
Topic Si%ni&cance for American History
'#clear Po(er (he 0.S. E!ta*li!hed a nuclear ower lant! and aid million! to !cienti!t! and re!earcher!.
S#)#r)s Exan!ion out!ide of ma2or 0.S. Citie!. Cheaer home!$ !ingle famil& home!$ !afe environment$ con!truction
Anti)iotics 'octor! were a*le to come u with antio*iotic! to fight off illne!!3di!ea!e and vaccinate children
Televison 4roadca!dt! new!$ televi!ion !how!$ famil& time
#dea came from 5u!!ia$ rimaril& u!ed for troo! and militar& to tran!ort troo!$ food$ !ulie!$ and material!
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Summar& 8ue!tion 1: 'e!cri*e the economic re!urgence following "orld "ar ## and economic growth of the 196:! and earl&
19;:!. 1ow do culture$ !ociet&$ and econom& com*ine for change< #ncororate &our five toic! from the matrix =1::-16: word!>.
(he economic growth rate of the 6:?! and ;:?! were a large art due to the man& rogram! that were e!ta*li!hed and o!t
"orld "ar ## idea!. Nuclear ower lant! and it?! develoment wa! a !ource of exan!ion for *uilding!$ !cienti!t! and other 2o*!.
Man& familie! relocated to the !u*ur*! *ecau!e of highwa& develoment which wa! e!ta*li!hed for moving militar&$ !ulie! and
troo!. (he televi!ion wa! a ma2or invention that would *roadca!t new!$ televi!ion !how! and *ecame a famil& tradition at night to
watch televi!ion together. %nti*iotic! were develoed *& doctor! which allowed man& illne!!e! and !ickne!! of earlier &ear! to *e
treated and revented.
HIS145 The American Experience since 1945
University of Phoenix Material
ifties an! Sixties "#lt#re$ "ons#merism$ an! the Economy Matrix
Section @Con!umer Culture. Create a matrix overview of the oular culture of the 196:!. Select five of the following
toic! to !hae a re!on!e$ and exlain their !ignificance to %merican hi!tor&:
(he 1ula 1oo$ 'i!ne&land$ (he Micke& Mou!e Clu*$ #nter!tate 1ighwa&!$ 'i!hwa!her!$ 1i-fi! and Stereo!$ Poodle
Skirt!$ Mc'onald?!$ 'rive-in (heater!$ ,evittown$ 'r. Sock$ .AAie and 1arriett$ ,eave it to 4eaver$ # ,ove ,uc&$ Father
+now! 4e!t$ (he 1one&mooner!$ %mo! Bn %nd&$ M& ,ittle Margie$ Echo Park$ Per!i!tent Povert&$ 4lack 0r*an Migration$
0r*an 5enewal$ Ma!!ive 5e!i!tance$ 4eat!
Topic Si%ni&cance for American History
*isneylan! Famil& vacation for eole ever&where. Not 2u!t 0.S. #t al!o generate! C7 *illion in @::;
#nter!tate highwa&! made traveling ea!ier for familie!$ !hiing *& truck! wa! more acce!!i*le. #dea came from ru!!ia.
*ish(ashers Su*ur*an hou!ewive! had one le!! thing to do. Made clean u ea!ier
+lac, Ur)an
4lack! were a*le to move to the !u*ur*!. 5ai!e a famil&$ *etter !chool di!trict!
Ur)an rene(al ,and redeveloment rogram where government *u&! roert& and or e!ta*li!he! *u!ine!!e!$ eole for the cit&
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Summar& 8ue!tion @: Evaluate the oular culture of the 196:!$ di!cu!!ing it! imact! and tho!e excluded from the con!umer
culture. #ncororate &our five toic! from the matrix =1::-16: word!>.
4lack %merican! were highl& di!couraged from moving to the !u*ur*! *ecau!e of racial ten!ion and di!crimination that !till exi!ted.
4lack %merican! !till heavil& migrated into the !u*ur*! via the #nter!tate highwa&! that made travel ea!ier for ever&one. Shiing
and tran!ortation *ecame more acce!!i*le to the !u*ur*!. 0r*an renewal rogram that wa! e!ta*li!hed *& the government wa! a
land redeveloment rogram where government *u&! roert& and or e!ta*li!he! *u!ine!!e! and can relocate *u!ine!!e! and
eole for their Dwell *eingE or intere!t!. 'i!hwa!her! were develoed in the 196:?! and created le!! hou!ework for the mother in
the home to do. 'i!ne&land *ecame a famil& vacation era. #t?! develoment increa!ed revenue *& *illion! and man& familie! from
all over the world came to !end mone& and hel the growth of the highwa& !&!tem.
HIS145 The American Experience since 1945
University of Phoenix Material
ifties an! Sixties "#lt#re$ "ons#merism$ an! the Economy Matrix
Section C+enned&?! New Frontier. Create a matrix overview of the +enned& admini!tration?! New Frontierit! goal!$
outcome!$ !ucce!!e!$ and failure!. Select five of the following toic! to !hae a re!on!e$ and exlain their !ignificance
to %merican hi!tor&:
'ome!tic 5eform!$ (ariff 5eduction!$ (ax Cut! to Sur )rowth$ (he %ge of Camelot$ (he Peace Cor!$ Sace
Exloration$ (he %lliance for Progre!!$ (he Fair ,a*or Standard! %ct$ (he EFual Pa& %ct$ Maril&n Monroe$ GacFueline
+enned&$ GF+?! %!!a!!ination
Topic Si%ni&cance for American History
#nvolved H *illion dollar! worth of good!. 5educed taxe! on imort! and exort!
The Peace
E!ta*li!hed to aid mainl& C world countrie! with hel$ food$ medicine and care
N%S% wa! e!ta*li!hed$ created 2o*! for !cienti!t$ re!earcher! to exlore outer !ace
air /a)or
Stan!ar!s Act
Could not di!criminate again!t$ race$ age$ religion or !ex
The E0#al Pay
Eliminated wage di!arit& *a!ed on age$ !ex$ religion al!o the gender a& ga
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Summar& 8ue!tion C: 'e!cri*e the re!idenc& of GF+$ including goal!$ !ucce!!e!$ and failure!. #ncororate &our five toic! from the
matrix =1::-16: word!>.
.ne of GF+?! goal! were hi! tariff reduction! which involved almo!t H *illion dollar! worth of good!. 1e tried to reduce taxe! on
imort! and exort!. (he eace cor! came a*out to mainl& hel third world countrie! that !truggled with food$ water$ !helter$
medicine and care. Peole that wanted to travel or make a difference could !ign u for the eace cor! which wa! funded *& the
government. (he& were comen!ated food and !ome mone&. (he !ace exloration and N%S% wa! in direct cometition with the
Soviet 0nion to exlore !ace. GF+ !ent million! i! the !ace rogram and wanted to out comete the !oviet union in the !ace
rogram. (he fair la*or !tandard! act e!ta*li!hed *& GF+ wa! de!igned !o emlo&er! couldn?t di!criminate again!t race$ age$ religion
or !ex and the eFual a& act *ridged the ga of gender a&. Female! were a*le to make 2u!t a! much a! a male for the !ame 2o*.
HIS145 The American Experience since 1945
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HIS145 The American Experience since 1945
University of Phoenix Material
ifties an! Sixties "#lt#re$ "ons#merism$ an! the Economy Matrix
Section 7Gohn!on?! )reat Societ&. Create a matrix overview of the o*2ective! and outcome! of ,4G?! admini!tration.
Select five of the following toic! to !hae a re!on!e$ and exlain their !ignificance to %merican hi!tor&:
Medicare$ Medicaid$ (he "ar on Povert&$ (he %ollo Program$ (he Communit& %ction Program$ (he .ffice of Economic
.ortunit&$ (he 'eartment of 1ou!ing and 0r*an 'eveloment$ (he Civil 5ight! %ct of 19;7$ (ax Cut! for Economic
)rowth$ 4arr& )oldwater$ (he /oting 5ight! %ct of 19;6$ (he #mmigration %ct of 19;6
Topic Si%ni&cance for American History
Me!icare #n!urance rogram for older adult! ;@ for male! and ;6 for women. Cover health co!t!
Me!icai! #n!urance rogram for tho!e who could not afford healthcare
HU* Funding rogram to hel individual *u& home!
"ivil ri%hts act ,egi!lation that outlawed di!crimination on minoritie!.
1otin% .i%hts
%l!o thi! outlawed di!criminator& voting act!$ no literac& te!t$ no tax for *lack! and an&thing el!e that i! di!criminator& in voting
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Summar& 8ue!tion 7: %nal&Ae the !ucce!!e! and failure! of ,4G?! re!idenc&. #ncororate &our five toic! from the matrix =1::-16:
,&ndon 4. Gohn!on?! great !ociet& wa! an exan!ion of what Gohn F. +enned& tried to incororate. Pre!ident Gohn!on e!ta*li!hed
Medicare which wa! an in!urance rogram for male! over ;@ and female! over ;6 that would cover all medical in!urance need!.
Medicaid wa! !hortl& followed in which wa! !imilar to Medicare. #t wa! al!o an in!urance rogram for tho!e who could not afford
healthcare for them!elve! or their familie!. (he 'eartment of 1ou!ing and 0r*an 'eveloment gave mone& to *ank! hel familie!
*u& home! in the !u*ur*! and citie!. (he civil right! act which i! con!idered one of the greate!t accomli!hment! of the 0nited
State! wa! !igned *& ,&ndon Gohn!on which outlawed di!crimination on minoritie!. %ll the right! and rivilege! which white! had$
*lack! had al!o. /oting *& *lack! *efore the voting right! act wa! a!!ed wa! made difficult *& white!. 4lack! were !ometime!
reFuired to take a literac& te!t or a& a fee or tax in order to vote. (he /oting 5ight! act ena*led *lack to vote without having to take
te!t$ a& or go through unnece!!ar& action! that white! did not have to endure in order to vote.

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